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Purushottam Tiwari, 1828469

Final Year Project Report

Food Prediction System with Restaurant Management


Purushottam Tiwari

A report submitted in partial fulfilment of the degree of

BSc (Hons) Computer Science

Supervisor: Mr. Jnaneshwar Bohara

School of Mathematics and Computer Science

Faculty of Science and Engineering
University of Wolverhampton
May 2019

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Student Name: Purushottam Tiwari

Student Number: 1828469

Location/Site: Herald College Kathmandu, Nepal

Module Code: 6CS020

Module Name: Project and Professionalism

Project Title: Food Prediction System with Restaurant Management System

Supervisor Name: Mr. Jnaneshwar Bohara

Reader Name: Mr. Rupak Koirala

Submission Date: 13th May 2019

Award Title: BSc (Hons.) Computer Science

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Declaration Sheet

Presented in partial fulfilment of the assessment requirements for the above award. This work
or any part thereof has not previously been presented in any form to the University or to any
other institutional body whether for assessment of for other purposes. Save for any express
acknowledgements, references and/or bibliographies cited in the work. I confirm that the
intellectual contents of the work are the result of my own efforts and of no other person. It is
acknowledged that the author of any project work shall own the copyright. However, by
submitting such copyright work for assessment, the author grants the University a perpetual
royalty-free license to do all or any of those things referred to in section 16(i) of the Copyright
Designs and Patents Act 1988. (viz: to copy work; to issue copies to the public; to perform or
show or play the work in public; to broadcast the work or to make an adaptation of the work).

Student Name: Purushottam Tiwari

Student Number: 1828469

Signature: ………………………… Date: 13th May, 2019

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Food Prediction System is simply predicting the sales in a restaurant/cafe for the
next day/week or even months by collecting the historical data from the restaurant or café. Food
Prediction System is therefore important to the sales predicting because of the large amount of
food are being wasted or even most of the restaurant food are being shortage due to the flow of
customer in restaurants. The report and project were accomplished with answering the academics
questions in mind. The whole motivation behind the project was to increase understanding on
Food Prediction and connect the dots between Food Prediction, data management, computing
and machine learning.

First, I admire my special thanks to my project supervisor Mr. Jnaneshwar Bohara for reviewing
my project draft time to time and giving me support and direction. Likewise, I would like to indicate
my reader Mr. Rupak Koirala as well for supporting me to write this report.

I would like to express my special thanks to my supervisor Mr. Jnaneshwor

Bohora and reader Mr. Rupak Koirala who help me to encourage to make my project. Well, I am
interested in foods and most of the time I hear about the wastage of food in most of the
restaurants. Going through the project proposal, I have gone to many researches. I came to know
about the sales management and the prediction of the food, inventory, production and so on.
Through the research paper I came to know about the Artificial Neural Network and Hybrid
Algorithms and its work. I would also like to express special thanks to my colleague Mr. Aabishkar
wagle and Mr. Rajeev Nepali who helped me to find the resources and other findings for the

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Abstract: 4
Acknowledgement: 4
1. Introduction 10
1.1. Historical Perceptive: 10
1.2. Current Scenario: 10
1.2.1. General Introduction: 10
1.2.2. Overall Introduction 11
1.3. Problem Statement: 11
1.4. Aims and Objective 12
1.4.1. Aims: 12
1.4.2. Objective: 12
1.5. Structure of the Report: 12
2. Literature Review (Background): 14
2.1. Emergence of AI: 14
2.2. Machine Learning (ML) and its emergence: 14
2.3. Artificial Neural Network: 15
2.4. Linear Regression: 17
2.5. Support Vector Machine: 18
2.6. Decision Tree: 19
2.7. Past Project: 20
2.8. Similar System and Function: 20
3. Development 22
3.1. Overview 22
3.2. Inception: 23
3.3. Requirement analysis: 23
3.4. Architecture and Design 23
3.5. Development: 23
3.6. Testing and Maintenance: 23
3.7. Why Agile? 24
3.8. Consideration of Frameworks for Web Application 25

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3.9. Tools and Technique: 26

4. System Requirement: 32
4.1. Hardware Requirement: 32
4.2. Software Requirement: 32
5. Implementation (Food Prediction): 33
5.1. Data Collection: 34
5.2. Data Processing: 34
5.3. Data Splitting: 38
6. Implementation (Restaurant Management System): 39
6.1. Overview: 39
6.2. Login Page: 40
6.3. Register: 41
6.4. Registering user: 43
6.5. Dashboard: 44
6.6. Table Management: 44
6.7. Category Management: 46
6.8. Item Management (Category Management): 48
6.9. Functional Requirement: 49
6.10. Non-Functional Requirement: 49
7. Answering Academic Questions 49
10. Critical Evaluation and Findings: 50
11. Testing: 50
11.1. Black Box Testing: 50
12. Conclusion: 57
12.1. Overall Conclusion 57
12.2. Future Escalation: 58
There are many restaurants build in Kathmandu and most of the restaurant has not even
know about the system that can be used to save their data. For scaling this project in future,
there is a problem of finding data and there is lack of awareness about the technology in
restaurant. This system can be used for many purposes like: data record, item use in
restaurant and soon. 58
References 59
Appendix 62
Appendix A: Gantt Chart 62

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Appendix B: Work Break down Structure: 63

Appendix C: Working flow diagram 64

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Figure 1: Artificial Neural Network 16

Figure 2: Sigmoid Function 17
Figure 3: Process diagram of Food Prediction 33
Figure 4: Data 34
Figure 5: Data Shape 35
Figure 6: Column of the data 36
Figure 7: Data types of data 36
Figure 8: sum of null value 37
Figure 9:Split date 38
Figure 10:correlation 38
Figure 11:Login 40
Figure 12: Register 41
Figure 13: database 42
Figure 14: Registering User 43
Figure 15:Dashboard 44
Figure 16: Table Management 44
Figure 17:Table Management 45
Figure 18: Category Management 46
Figure 19:Category name 47
Figure 20: add item 48

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Table 1: Test Registration .........................................................................................................51

Table 2: Test Login ...................................................................................................................52
Table 3: Add Page ....................................................................................................................53
Table 4:Edit Item .......................................................................................................................54
Table 5: Predict using ANN .......................................................................................................55
Table 6: Predict using SVM .......................................................................................................56

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1. Introduction
1.1. Historical Perceptive:
In early 1970’s, Food security crisis broke out from the first time in the world, and
then the question about the food crisis is the question has become the object of the world
(School of Economics and Management, 2010). With the rapid growth of the population
the issue of the food security has become today’s problem. The rapid growth of economy
and society the food safety issue is increasingly becoming the focus of the attention in
the public. (Fu Ying, 2013). Nowadays the university’s cafeteria is not only the choice for
the student to have a lunch or dinner or breakfast. A lot of people will take online takeaway
into consideration when they are at the time of eating. So, most of the restaurants must
manage the food not to shortage of the food or the wastage of the food. (Xinliang Liu,

1.2. Current Scenario:

1.2.1. General Introduction:
Food are most essential things that every human being needs and most of the people
use cafe/restaurants/hotel for their breakfast, lunch, and dinner. A food provider
faces many problems meanwhile sometime food goes shortage and sometime food are
wastage due to flow of customers. Food Prediction System is a system that helps to
predict the food for daily wise or week or even for a month which helps to prevent and

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know the total sales of the day. The food volatile and affected by the many factors some
of them are difficult to measure and change in climate is also one of the major factors for
the food and some different from statistical coverage (School of Economics and
Management, 2010). With the help of Artificial Neural Network (ANN), food prediction
system going to predict the sales of food that are required for the food with the flow of
customer every day. An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a data processing paradigm
that is stimulated by the way biological nervous systems, such as the brain, procedure
information. The key factor of this paradigm is the novel structure of the data processing
system. It is composed of a large quantity of highly interconnected processing factors
(neurons) working in unison to solve specific problems. ANNs, like people, examine via
example. As a type of artificial intelligence (AI), neural network uses algorithms to make
computer systems learn besides being explicitly programmed.

1.2.2. Overall Introduction

Food Prediction System also helps to determine how food are consumed daily and the
flow of food according to the flow of customer. This system stops to waste of the food and
helps to shortage of food in a restaurant. In overall, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) are in
different fields is mainly due to their ability to build nonlinear relationship between input
variable and output variables directly from training data. Due to the help of Artificial Neural
Network Food Prediction System is using to predict another day/week food consumption.
With the help of the system restaurants sale will be managed if how output is accurate
and the wastage of food and the shortage of food in a restaurant will be managed.
Additionally, there is relation between food, mood and whether. What whether the mood
will be and what mood and the food will be. If whether is rainy then mood will be having
a coffee or a tea which means whether is the key factor for tea or a coffee. (Milos Bujisic,

1.3. Problem Statement:

i. Most of the time restaurant must waste their food due to the low flow of the
customer where they must bear loos and most of the time, they must
shortage the food due the high flow of customer.

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ii. There is need of large amount of data where there is less data where the
data were in bill and must collect them all and put that data in excel book
and convert it into Comma Separated Value (CSV) file.

1.4. Aims and Objective

The main objective of this project is to predict the total sales of food in the
restaurants and use Linear Regression, Random Forest, Decision Tree, Support
Vector Machine (SVM) and Artificial Neural Network to predict the sales of food
and the web application which helps to inform of the inventory of the items of food.

1.4.1. Aims:

a. To research the source of the data.

b. Understanding the relationship between historical data and predict the sales of
c. Predict the Food sales using Artificial Neural Network.
d. Research about the algorithms.
e. Except using Artificial Neural Network what kind of tools, technique and algorithms
can be used.

1.4.2. Objective:
a. Collecting historical data from the restaurants
b. Implementing Artificial Neural Network and hybrid algorithm.
c. Train the data using the algorithm.
d. Test the data after using algorithm is working or not.
e. Understanding how the output is accurate.
f. Use the output to determine the sales prediction in a restaurant.

1.5. Structure of the Report:

i. Introduction:

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This section includes the introduction of the report as well as history

preference, current scenario, problem statement and aims and objective of
the report.

ii. Literature Review (Background):

This section further elaborates about the problem domain and discuss on
alternative solution. This section also includes the theoretical part of this
project by elaborating different library used in the project and discussing
about the similar system build in.
iii. Development:
In this section, SDLC, tools and technique are considered used in the
project and flowchart, ER diagrams, and prototype of the project is
iv. Implementation (Food Prediction):
In this section, datasets are analyzed which are used for the Food
Prediction System and show the development of the prediction and shows
the result optimize by the prediction system.
v. Implementation (Web Application):
In this section, how the web application works is shown step by step.
vi. Testing:
Test the web development and test the prediction system for the result.
vii. Conclusion:
This section concludes overall project and shows the future escalation of
the project to drive to the future.

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2. Literature Review (Background):

Generally, in most of the restaurants the food is being wastage or
sometimes food is being shortage because the flow of customers. If we keep the record of
the past data of customer in a restaurant daily, then Artificial Neural Network help to predict
whether the flow of customers will be less or high accordingly then the food is saved. If an
appropriate prediction cannot have given, then a café will spoil food or shortage of food.
In a research paper, which discuss about the utilization of Artificial Neural Network to
prediction concerning the sales in electronic part in three months ahead.

2.1. Emergence of AI:

Artificial Intelligence could contribute 1.2 percent of an additional GDP
growth for at least next 10 years and 70 percent of companies will adopt at least one form of AI
by 2030. The countries that established themselves as Artificial Intelligence leaders will be the
mostly developed economies that could capture 20%- 25% more in economic benefits compared
to current level. The growth of Artificial Intelligence could be more benefits in term of business,
services and even for the government. Emergence of Artificial Intelligence has become a subject
of world and how to develop an Artificial Intelligence so that after a decade they can go further in
Artificial Intelligence. (Cheng, 2018). Machine learning is defined as the science of getting
computers to act without being explicitly programmed. Based on pattern recognition and
computational learning theories in artificial intelligence, machine learning uses the study and
building of algorithms to analyze from and make predictions on data. (Oommen, 2017). Machine
learning is an application, which is also sub-set of Artificial Intelligence where algorithms are used
to autonomously learn from data and information. In machine learning, explicitly programmed
don’t take place but can change and improve their algorithms by themselves. Nowadays, machine
learning has many features like: self-driving cars, chat bot, auto-recommendation, virtual
assistance, and soon. (Marr, 2016).

2.2. Machine Learning (ML) and its emergence:

Over the past decades Machine Learning has
become one of our main topic of Information technology (IT) and with that, a rather central, albeit
usually hidden, part of our life. The increasing amount of data becoming even more common as
necessary ingredient for technologies progress. Machine Learning (ML) can be used in many
fields and it has been growing day by day. Machine Learning can predict accordingly what the

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data is feed to the machine. (Alex Smola, 2008). For example: Long wait time for the tables in
restaurants can turn customers away or even can create hate towards the restaurants. Most of
the customers turn away due to no food or shortage of the food in a restaurant and turn to loss
by losing customer. Food Prediction System give a proper solution to the problem by predicting
tomorrow food or even next months food which make customer stable in restaurant. Prediction is
one part of machine learning and it has been in different fields like food, recommending doctors,
recommending products, table reservation, auto driving, auto booking and soon. (Rarh, et al.,

2.3. Artificial Neural Network:

Artificial Neural Network was evolved in 1980’s as the major
discipline with the copy of human brain and thereby offer mankind services of unlimited
scope. Artificial Neural Network has involved in many studies like: science, psychology,
biology, information science, computer science, cognitive science, biophysics, adaptive
systems, chemistry, mathematics, electronics, communications, control, information theory,
parallel architectures, digital and analog VLSI, digital and analog optical computing and
signal processing, holography, artificial intelligence and expert systems, signal/image
processing and understanding. Nowadays, Artificial Neural Network has evolved in many
sectors like banking, science and technology, biology and physics, psychology, information
science and soon. The questions what Artificial Neural Network does not do? Always
wonder because, from self-driving cars to pattern recognition, from face detection to fraud
detection, etc. Artificial Neural Network is everywhere that has been used day by day. (Marr,
2018).Artificial Neural Network is known to be imitation of the human brain. A natural human
brain can learn new things, adapt to new and changing environment and the most amazing
capability of human brain is to analyze incomplete and unclear, little information, and make
its own decision out of it. For example, a child can identify that the shape of a ball and orange
are both circles. Brain is made of cells called neurons and they are about 100 billion neurons
in human brain and about 10000 connected with each other. Artificial Neural Network is an
imitation of natural neural network where artificial neurons are connected in a similar way
as the brain network. An artificial neural network has processing units called neurons and
artificial neuron tries to duplicate the structure and behavior of the natural neuron. A neuron
consists of input which is called dendrites in natural brain, and one output called synapse
via axon.

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Figure 1: Artificial Neural Network

X1…xn are the given inputs to the neurons and a bias is also added to the neuron along with
inputs. W 1j…W nj are weight of the given inputs. The product of weight and input gives the strength
of the signal and a neuron receives multiple inputs from different sources and has a single output.

There is various activation function used and the most commonly used activation function is
sigmoid function:

Sigmoid Function:

F(x) = 1+𝑒 −𝑠𝑢𝑚

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Figure 2: Sigmoid Function

The other functions that are used are step function, Linear function, Ramp Function, Hyperbolic
tangent function, Relu Function, Leaky relu function. Hyperbolic tangent (tanh) is similar in shape
to sigmoid function but its limits are from -1 to +1 unlike sigmoid function is from 0 to 1.

The Artificial Neural Network architecture comprises of:

• Input layer: receive input values

• Hidden layers: A set of neurons between input and output layers.
• Output Layer: Gives out which is ranges between 0 and 1 which is greater than 0 and less
than 1 but multiple outputs can also be represented. (Shiruru, 2016).

2.4. Linear Regression:

Linear Regression is an analysis which is performed to determine the
correlations between two or more then two variables having cause-effect relations, and to
make predictions for the topic by using the relation. Are there any relations between
dependent and independent variable? And if there are any relations, what is the power of
the relation between dependent and independent variable? The regression using one single
independent variable is called univariate regression analysis while the analysis using more
than one independent variable. This kind of regression is known as multivariate regression
analysis. (Uyanik & Guler, 2013). Investigation between two variables may focus on (a) any
connotation between the variables, (b) the value of one variable in guessing the other and
(c) the quantity of arrangement. Regression analysis concentrations in the form of the
connection between variables where the objective of correlation analysis is to gain insight

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into the strength of the relationship. These two techniques are used to analyze relationship
between constant variables, whereas the x2 test is an example of a test suggestion between
definite variables. Constant variables, such as day, months and year have no gaps on the
measurement scale. In contrast, categorical variables, such as food sales, have gaps on
their possible values. These two types of variables and the hypothesis about their
measurement scale were studied and distinguished. (Zou, et al., 2003).

2.5. Support Vector Machine:

The development of Support Vector Machine is the reverse order to
the development of Neural Networks. The evolution of Support Vector Machines us the sound
theory to the implementation and experiments, while Neural Network followed more experimental
path, from the applications and wide investigation to the theory. Support Vector Machine is
interesting to note that the very strong theoretical background of Support Vector Machines did not
make them widely acknowledge at the beginning. Support Vector Machines belong to the
supervised learning techniques. This problem is alike to the classic statistical implication.
However, there are several very significant differences between the methods and assumptions in
training Support Vector Machines and the ones in classic statistics and/or Neural Networks
modeling. The inference of classic statistical is based on the following three fundamental

i. Data can be demonstrated by a set of linear in parameter functions; this is a basis of

a parametric pattern in learning from investigational data.
ii. In the most of real-life problems, a stochastic factor of data is the normal possibility
distribution law, that is, the fundamental joint possibility distribution is a Gaussian
iii. Because of the second assumption, the initiation example for parameter
approximation is the maximum likelihood technique, which is summarized to the
minimization of the sum if errors square cost function in most engineering applications.

All three expectations on which the classic statistical example relied turned out to be unsuitable
for many modern real-life problems because of the following facts:

a. The curse of dimensionality is the modern problems with high-dimensional, and if the
fundamental mapping is not very level the linear example needs an exponentially

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increasing number of terms with a growing dimensionality of the input space X number
of terms with an increasing dimensionality of the input space X.
b. The fundamental real-life data generation laws may classically be very far from the
usual distribution and a model builder must consider this change to construct an
effective learning algorithm.
c. From the first two points it follows that the maximum likelihood estimator should be
replaced by a new induction example that is uniformly better, to model non-Gaussian

2.6. Decision Tree:

Most decisions involve some degree of uncertainty. Restaurants is a
particularly risky business because if the flow of customer become less then the business
will not make any profit from it. In using decision tree classifier, it is important to understand
that the objective is not to make a prediction about the fate of an individual food. Decision
tree classifier uses probabilities and monetary values to provide a guide what should be
done. If the values assign to the tree accurately reflect the real world, which can use the
same generic decision tree in many identical situations which, regardless of the outcome
of any single decision, will guide you to recommend the more profitable options over the
long run. The first step in building a decision tree is to define the scope and the problem of
the data set. The next step in building a decision tree is to identify a mutually exclusive,
exhaustive list of all choices to address the problem. (Marsh, 1993). Decision tree is a
statistical type of technique performed by graphical illustration of decision-making process
under some specified conditions. It is usually used to determine whether the decision made
under given data is optimum or not? It is also used to scale the decision after it has been
made, as viewing its consequences under imagined conditions can give one a learning of
what to expect in similar condition in near future. According to history of decision tree
analysis cannot be predicted exactly due to its nature and application area. Humankind has
been making decision since its development but in this paper only conclude the prediction
about the Food sales in a restaurant. In restaurants data are always available in a bill format
so, must convert bill format to excel and excel to Comma Separated Value (CSV) file. Data
can be historical data, survey data or any other type of data. Decision making wants an
analysis of the state with the help existing data before giving a result. (Kapi, et al., 2018).

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2.7. Past Project:

There are lots of project related to the Food Prediction System. Most of the
project are related to the calories, health, sales prediction system, scarcity of food in
future. Whereas in a research paper (Utilization of Artificial Neural Networks & GAS for
Constructing an Intelligent Sales Prediction System), explain about the sales prediction
of the electronics parts in past three months. Food Prediction System is also related to
this research paper because, to finalize the problem system is going to predict the sales
according to the past data. (Norio Baba, 2000). In a research paper (The effect of
weather factors on restaurant sales), explain about the sales in a restaurant and the
factor causing sales in a restaurant. The main reason behind the sales in a restaurant is
weather which is explain in this research. . (Milos Bujisic, 2016). In a research paper (A
prediction and influence factor analysis of China's food production) explain about an
influence factor and prediction of food production in China where, China is the biggest
producer in the world and how the system is going to predict the production system in
China. (Honghong, 2010). In a research paper (Inventory Prediction in a Food-
Processing-and Distribution Company), explain about the inventory prediction in a
company and food processing and distribution. The system predicts whether the
inventory is needed for next day’s/weeks or even for next months or even if the inventory
is going to moreover for the following days or months. (Liang, 2013).

2.8. Similar System and Function:

i. eZee Optimus (Cloud Restaurant POS System):
An online restaurant POS system is a
comprehensive system designed especially for a restaurant for a better and
streamlined execution of all the operations. Encompassing features like order
management, menu management, integration with food delivery companies and
more, a restaurant POS system aids restaurant in improving their services, increase
revenue and serve more guests. For example: Uber Eat, Swiggy, Zomato,
FoodPanda are online service platform build by eZee optimus. It also manages
different categories of Restaurant like: menu management, order and table
management, inventory and stock management, restaurant shift management and
ii. Eat:

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Eat is another restaurant management system available for the users, which is
also online restaurant POS system where it is a comprehensive system designed
for a restaurant for a better execution of all the operations. One central place to
automatically store and manage all reservation.

iii. eZee Burrp (Restaurant POS System):

A restaurant management system helps a restaurant
manage all the different types of orders, menus, shifts, tables, billings, payments and
everything on all counts. Specially designed to serve and assist the F&B industry, a
restaurant management expedites every operation of the restaurant and thus making
restaurant management cakewalk for a restaurateur.
iv. Restaurant Management System (Nepal):
Nepal is going digital and so are the business.
The restaurants have to emphasis on effectiveness and cost-saving method to offer
users with the best facility and grow their business. Restaurant Management Software
is one stop restaurant management solution that allows transactions and contains the
active functionality that improves the guest experience and modernizes business
operations for Restaurants in Nepal. Nothing drives more business than a happy
customer is their slogan. With improved tracing and efficiently handling the procedure
and aids, it’s easier to keep the customers happy and grow the business in restaurant
management system. Today in the fierce struggle, as margins get tighter, however,
effective operators and need POS to do much more than just billing and payment
processing. The feature that include in this Restaurant Management System are listed
• Pastry vendor selling tour, receiving, costing and production, table reservation,
• Multi chain franchise management,
• Accounting management,
• Time management,
• Food Costing,
• Inventory Management,
• Kitchen management,
• Menu management,

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• Payroll management,
• Point of Sale (POS)
• Reservation Management and
• Soon.

3. Development
The methodology used for making the ecommerce website with machine learning
is agile method.

3.1. Overview
Agile model is a combination of iterative and incremental method models with a
focus on method adaptability and consumer satisfaction by rapid delivery of working
software product.

Figure 2: Agile Model Life Cycle

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3.2. Inception:
When the project is identified, work with stakeholder to determine the
requirement. User flow diagram, class diagram, UML diagram, etc. to demonstrate how the
feature of the system should function how it will fit in existing system. (Lucidchart, 2017)

3.3. Requirement analysis:

The agile methodology is used whereas requirement analysis is
the first step where all the requirement need for the project is plan. In this step, what kind of
hardware and software are required are planned. Tester test the requirement and plans that are
fulfilled or not. In this step, individual and interaction between the tools and technique. (Arzadon,

3.4. Architecture and Design

This is the second step of agile method. In this step, system architecture
and design take place. Here, customer got the actual design of the system and actual architecture
of the system. Project success, consumer satisfaction and system quality are also developed
when designing the system. (Rico, 2012)

3.5. Development:
When the requirement of the project is finish then development phase take
place when designing the prototype of the system is finish. Development phase is occurred and
system is developed according to the stakeholder feedback. UI is developed in designing and
architecture phase. (Lucidchart, 2017)

3.6. Testing and Maintenance:

Tester test the system after all phases are finished because the
combination of iterative and incremental methodology. To maintain the system testing is
necessary. After developing the system maintenance is necessary to bug or viruses free and also
make the system update/upgrade to the new system. (Vashishtha, 2008)

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3.7. Why Agile?

Some points describing the usage of agile methodology, they are:

● Stakeholder Engagement:
Agile presents more than one opportunity for stakeholder and team engagement – before,
during, and after each Sprint. By involving the customer in every step of the project, there
is a high degree of collaboration between the customer and project team, providing extra
opportunities for the group to truly understand the client’s vision. Bringing working software
early and regularly increases stakeholders’ trust in the team’s capability to deliver high
quality working software and inspires them to be more deeply engaged in the project.

● Transparency:
An Agile method provides a special opportunity for customers to be involved throughout
the project, from prioritizing features to iteration planning and review sessions to frequent
software build containing new features. However, this also needs customers to appreciate
that they are seeing a work in development in exchange for this added benefit of

● Predictable cost and schedule:

Because every Sprint is a constant duration, the price is predictable
and limited to the amount of work that can be carried out by the team in the fixed-schedule
time box. Combined with the estimates furnished to the consumer prior to every Sprint,
the patron can greater comfortably apprehend the approximate value of each feature,
which improves choice making about the precedence of elements and the want for
additional iterations.

• Early and Predictable Delivery:

By using time-boxed, fixed agenda runs of 1-4 weeks, new
structures are delivered rapidly and regularly, with high level of predictability. This also
delivers the chance to release or beta test the software earlier than planned if there is
enough business value.
• Allows for change:

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While the team needs to stay focused on delivering an agreed to

subset of the product’s features during each iteration, there is an opportunity to constantly
refine and reprioritize the overall product backlog. New or changed backlog items can be
planned for the next iteration, providing the opportunity to introduce changes within a few
• Focuses on Business Value:
By allowing the client to determine the priority of the features, the team
understands what’s most important to the client’s business and can deliver the features
that provide the most business value.
• Focuses on Users
Agile commonly uses user stories with business focused acceptance
criteria to define product features. By focusing features in the needs of real users, each
feature incrementally delivers value, not just an IT component. This also provides the
opportunity to beta test software after each run, gaining the valuable feedback early in the
project and providing the ability to make changes as needed/
• Improves Quality
By breaking down the project into manageable units, the project team
can focus on high quality development, testing, and collaboration. Also, by producing
frequent builds and conducting testing and reviews during each iteration, quality is
improved by finding and fixing defects quickly and identifying expectation mismatches
early. (Technologies, 2015).

3.8. Consideration of Frameworks for Web Application

Web has been one of the
most effective, easy and reliable way browsing through the Internet. The growth of web
has become explosive in the past 20 years’ time. (Shuler, 2002)The working mechanism
of web-platform can be clarified from the below diagram:

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In the above figure, there is a different type of client who is using a different PC and is browsing
through the browser. The user is using the web-based system through the browser. When he/she
request certain things on the system, then at first it hits the web server with the help of internet
and again with the help of internet web server hit the request of the client to the database server
then after database server looks the request of the client into the database. After getting the things
requested by the client in the database, database server send it to the web server through internet
and web server send to the system used by the user through internet. This way a user gets his
desired result set through web. (Newman, et al., 2018).

3.9. Tools and Technique:

There are lot of tools and technique used in this project. There are
12 tools and technique used in this both Food Prediction Engine
and Restaurant Management System. All have their own role in this
project and they are explained below:

▪ PHP:

PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a

widely used open source general purpose scripting language that
is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into

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HTML. Instead of lots of commands to output HTML (as seen in C

or Perl), PHP pages contain HTML with embedded code that does
“something” (in this case, output “Hi, I’m Purushottam”). The PHP
code is enclosed in special start and ending instructions <?php ?>
that allow to jump into and out of “PHP mode.” The purpose of using
php are:

o Making Restaurant Management System.

o Record of the data used in restaurant.
o Load Food Prediction engine.
▪ Python:
Python is an interpreted, object oriented, high level programming
language with dynamic semantics. Its high-level built-in data
structures, combined with dynamic typing and dynamic binding,
make it very attractive for Rapid Application Development, as well
as for use as a scripting or glue language to connect existing
components together. Python’s simple, easy to learn syntax
emphasizes readability and therefore reduces the cost of program
maintenance. Python supports modules and packages, which
encourages program modularity and code reuse. The Python
interpreter and the extensive standard library are available in
source or binary form without charge for all major platforms and can
be freely distributed. Python is used for the following features in this
project, that are:
o Data analysis and visualization
o Using Machine Learning to predict the data.

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▪ jQuery:
jQuery is a lightweight, “write less, do more”, JavaScript library. The
purpose of jQuery is to make it much easier to use JavaScript on a
website or web application. jQuery takes a lot of common tasks that
require many lines of JavaScript code to accomplish and wraps
them into methods that can call with a single line of code. jQuery
also simplifies a lot of the complicated thigs from JavaScript, like
AJAX calls and DOM manipulation. The jQuery library contains the
following features:

o HTML/DOM manipulation
o CSS manipulation
o HTML event methods
o Effects and animations
o Utilities
▪ Laravel:
Laravel is an open source PHP framework, which is robust and
easy to understand. It follows a model view controller design
pattern. Laravel reuses the existing components of different
frameworks which helps in creating a web application. The web
application thus designed is more structured and pragmatic.
Laravel offers a rich set of functionalities which incorporates the
basic features of PHP frameworks like CodeIgniter, Yii and other
programming languages like Ruby on Rails. Laravel has a very rich
set of features which will boost the speed of web development. The
advantages of using Laravel are:
o The web application becomes more scalable, owing to the
Laravel framework.
o Considerable time is saved in designing the web
application, since Laravel reuses the components from
another framework in developing web application.

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o It includes namespaces and interfaces, thus helps to

organize and manage resources.
▪ Composer:
Composer is a tool which includes all the dependencies and
libraries. It allows a user to create a project with respect to the
mentioned framework (for example, those used in Laravel
installation). Third party libraries can be installed easily with help of
composer. All the dependencies are noted in composer.json file
which is placed in the source folder.

▪ Flask:
Flask is a web framework. This means flask provides with tools,
libraries and technologies that allow to build a web application. This
web application can be some web pages, a blog, a wiki or go as big
as a web-based calendar application or a commercial website.
Flask is a part of the categories of the micro framework. Micro
framework is normally framework with little to no dependencies to
external libraries. This has pros and cons. Pros would be that the
framework is light, there are little dependency to update and watch
for security bugs, cons is that some time it will have to do more work
by self or increase the list of dependencies by adding plugins. In the
case of Flask, its dependencies are:
o Werkzeug a WSGI utility library
o Jinja2 which is its template engine.
▪ Pandas:
Pandas Data Frame is two-dimensional size mutable, potentially
heterogeneous tabular data structure with labeled axes (rows and
columns). A Data frame is a two-dimensional data structure, i.e.,
data is aligned in a tabular fashion in rows and columns. Pandas

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Data frame consists of three principal components, the data, rows

and columns. A brief insight on all these basic operations which can
be performed on Pandas Data frame:
o Creating a Data frame
o Dealing with rows and columns
o Indexing and selecting data
o Working with missing data
o Iterating over rows and columns

In the real world, Pandas Data frame will be created by loading the
datasets from existing storage, storage can be SQL database, CSV
file, and excel file. Pandas data frame can be created from the lists,
dictionary, and from a list of dictionary and soon.

▪ Sci-kit learn:
Sci-kit learn is a library in Python that provides many
unsupervised and supervised learning algorithms. It’s built
upon some of the technology that might already be familiar
with, like NumPy, pandas, and Matplotlib. The functionality
that sci-kit learn provides include:
o Regression, including Linear and Logistic
o Classification, including K-Nearest Neighbors
o Clustering, including K-means and K-Means++
o Model Selection
o Preprocessing, including Min-Max Normalization.

▪ Matplotlib:
Matplotlib is a python library used to create multi-dimensional
graphs and plots by using python scripts. It has a module named
pyplot which makes things easy for plotting by providing feature to
control line styles, font properties, formatting axes and soon. It
supports a very wide variety of graphs and plots namely –

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histogram, bar charts, power spectra, error charts and soon. It is

used along with NumPy to provide an environment that is an
effective open source alternative for MatLab. It can also be used
with graphics toolkits like PyQt and wxPython.
▪ NumPy:
NumPy is a general-purpose array processing package. It provides
a high-performance multidimensional array object, and tools for
working with these arrays. It is the fundamental package for
scientific computing with Python. It contains various features
including these important ones:
o A powerful N-dimensional array object
o Sophisticated (broadcasting) functions
o Tools for integrating C/C++ and Fortran code
o Useful linear algebra, Fourier transform, and random
number capabilities

Besides its obvious scientific uses, NumPy also be used as an

efficient multi-dimensional container of generic data. Arbitrary
data-types can be defined using NumPy which allows NumPy
to seamlessly and speedily integrate with a wide variety of

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4. System Requirement:
4.1. Hardware Requirement:

RAM = 4 GB Ram and Higher.

ROM = 40 GB or higher

Internet connectivity = Ethernet, LAN and Router.

4.2. Software Requirement:

Operating Systems: Windows and Linux
Integrated Development Environment (IDE): Jupyter Lab, Sublime Text or Visual
Studio Code.
Programming Language: Python, PHP, JavaScript
Framework: Laravel, Flask
Library: Pandas, Numpy, Sci-kit learn, jQuery
Design Tool: Photoshop

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5. Implementation (Food Prediction):

Figure 3: Process diagram of Food Prediction

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5.1. Data Collection:

Data was collected from the bill in the restaurant which was used
to predict the sales of the food. The data was in a bill format so, must break down
by day to day transaction and must break down by item and sub-item. It was tough
time to break down bill format to excel and convert excel to Comma Separated Value
(CSV) which dataframe of Pandas library can read. The figure of the data is shown

Figure 4: Data

The data was collected from near Restaurant who provide me only in bill format
and must convert it into excel shown above and convert into Comma Separated
Value (CSV).

5.2. Data Processing:

After collecting the data, data was cleaned and was ready to
process. Data was process by using various statistical technique so
that model will fit correctly. The main motive to process data is to
overcome underfit, overfit and soon where we can avoid that kind
of problem in future. The data contains main features like: Chicken
Sandwich, Veg. Sandwich Burger, Mo:Mo, Chowmin, Fried Rice,
Pizza and soon when it was selected. The screenshot of the first
five row of the data are:

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To make model fit, date column was removed as it contains date format which is not supported
by the train and test model. Date column was spilt into day, years and months which helps data
to predict the sales of the day. The data was rough and hard to understand whereas some of the
item was not clear enough to make it as the way it was. The data was taken from 2018 and the
rest of the data are just random number and the number was generated in excel by using excel
function. The date format MM/DD/YYYY which has to separate in three rows. The rows which
was separated was months, day and year which support the test and train model and helps to
predict the data.

Figure 5: Data Shape

The shape of the data is 1400 by 24 which means that it denotes 1400 row and 24 column in
whole data. We have total of 1400 data and a column of 24 and we have to separate date column
into 3 column and drop or remove the date column which means we have 26 columns in total to
predict the data.

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Figure 6: Column of the data

The column of the data are shown in the figure 6. This are the column which contains the data to

Figure 7: Data types of data

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The data types of the data are shown in the figure 7 where the data types of date is object which
is not supported in train and test model.

Figure 8: sum of null value

The sum of the null values in the data and there is no null values at all each and every row of the
data contains the data.

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Figure 9:Split date

Splitting the date into year, month and day which will support to train and test the model.

Figure 10:correlation

The correlation between the data. The correlation of the data is 26 by 26.

5.3. Data Splitting:

Data is split into two form training date set and testing data set to make the
data fit in the model. Training data set are those datasets which are ready
to train and update the weight of Machine Learning. Testing dataset are
those datasets which are used to test the accuracy of the model in Machine
Learning. Testing data is the last step in machine learning approach which
goes through after training phase This step is a crucial step to test the
generalizability of the model and get the working accuracy of our model.
Whereas the last and the most valued indicator on the accuracy of the

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model is a result of running the model on the testing set when training is

6. Implementation (Restaurant Management System):

6.1. Overview:
During the project, Restaurant Management System build to helps
restaurant to keep the record and helps to know the inventory in the
restaurant. The Restaurant Management System is responsible to handle
to keep the record of day to day sales of food in a restaurant. It also helps
to handle to keep the record of item and also manages the table in a
restaurant. Restaurant Management also keeps the record for future
calculation to help to know about profit and loss of a restaurant. Restaurant
Management System is like SaaS system which helps user to access
through internet. SaaS (System as a Service) is a system delivery model
which a third-party benefactor hosts application and make them accessible
to customer through internet. SaaS (System as a Service) is one of the
three categories in cloud architect. (TechTarget, 2019).

Restaurant Management gives the security like log in into the page and if
the user is new then user can register to the Restaurant Management.
Restaurant Management contain dashboard, table management, daily food
consumption, order management, item management and soon.

Restaurant Management System builds under PHP, MySQL, JavaScript for

backend and for frontend, beautiful open source admin panel core UI
template was used in this project.

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6.2. Login Page:

Figure 11:Login

First page of the Restaurant Management System where the user can login to the Restaurant
Management System if the user is assigned and can get the access to use the restaurant login.

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6.3. Register:

Figure 12: Register

In this section, if the user has not assigned then user can assign by themselves or admin can add
them and user can access through login to the page and access Restaurant Management

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Figure 13: database

The database of the Restaurant Management System where all the record of the management
system is recorded here for the future references. It helps to know about the how many users are
using and how many staffs are there and what kind of order are ordered by customer.

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6.4. Registering user:

Figure 14: Registering User

Registering user to assign in Restaurant Management System.

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6.5. Dashboard:

Figure 15:Dashboard

First user register if he/she has not register and login the figure 15 shows the first page after login.
Dashboard has a dummy chart and dummy value and can be replace by real time value.

6.6. Table Management:

Figure 16: Table Management

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Table Management is the management when order is ordered then which table contain the order
is managed. In this section, table number are added how many table are there in a restaurant and
how many table are available is known in a restaurant.

Figure 17:Table Management

Adding table where table number and number of customers will be added. How many customers
can be fitted in a table.

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6.7. Category Management:

Figure 18: Category Management

In this section, category like burger, Pizza, Sandwich and soon can be added in which each
category carries sub category like: veg., buff, chicken and soon. The system user has to add
category and only they can add sub category.

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Figure 19:Category name

Category has to add to know how much category there in restaurant management are. The index
shows that in what time it was add and also it contains date. It was timestamp which helps to
know about the which time it was added.

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6.8. Item Management (Category Management):

Figure 20: add item

In this section, sub category is added to know about what kind of item is contain is a restaurant.
The items like: veg., buff, chicken, special, and other can be added with the help of category.
Category must be added first to add item. Without category item cannot be added because it is
sub category of the category item.

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6.9. Functional Requirement:

In a software or system engineering, a functional
requirement I define as a declaration of the intended function of a system and its
components. An engineer determines the output that a device or software is expected
to exhibit in the case of a certain input which is based on functional requirements. A
system design is also known as an early form of a functional requirement.
(techopedia, 2019).Some functional requirement of this project are listed below:

▪ System must give access to login user,

▪ System must give access to register user,
▪ System must allow to update profile of the user,
▪ System must allow user to add or edit category, item order, table and soon.
▪ System must allow to know about the management of all the category to

6.10. Non-Functional Requirement:

Non-Functional requirements are defined as
system attributes such as security, reliability, performance, maintainability, scalability,
and usability. They serve as constraints or restrictions on the design of the system
across the different backlogs. Some non-functional requirement of this project is listed

o System should include user-friendly registration page and login page.

o System’s User Interface must be nice,
o System must be design with the concept of UI/UX,
o System must be responsible with fit under a small screen size,
o Data must be user should be protected.

7. Answering Academic Questions

The primary object of answering academic
questions for this project at the beginning was to know about the what kind of dataset will be used
for prediction in this project and what kind of algorithm should be used to predict the food
prediction system? To answer this question, dataset must be in csv format to read by Pandas
library in Python. Dataset should be gathered in a way to predict the system and must be in a
Comma Separated Format (CSV) to use Pandas library in Python. To answer another question,

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Artificial Neural Network should be used to predict the system and know about the prediction
accuracy. Not only using Artificial Neural Network, using other library like: Gaussian Bayes,
Random Forest classifier, Linear Regression and Support Vector Machine to know about the
prediction rate and which library is best to use to predict this kind of dataset in future. The
secondary question was what accuracy can Artificial Neural Network will give if it is used to predict
Food Prediction System? To answer secondary question, yes it has predicted Food Prediction
System with the accuracy was around 84 percent. However, the objective of this project is to
implement Artificial Neural Network and not only using Artificial Neural Network, using another
Machine Learning algorithm and compare the outcome with Artificial Neural Network.

10. Critical Evaluation and Findings:

Development of this project consist of two part: (1)
Restaurant Management System and (2) Food Prediction System using Machine Learning. Using
various type of Machine Learning models including Artificial Neural Network and other various
algorithm data were trained using various features such as day, months, year, item of food and
date in order to predict Food Prediction System. To predict, Food Prediction System was based
on comparing Artificial Neural Network to other machine learning models and developing
Restaurant Management System for the restaurant.

Based on study of findings about the machine learning approach that linear regression seems
more useful for Food Prediction System, but it is not efficient for future because it does not give
much accuracy. According to study, Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Machine are the
best algorithm to use for any other dataset and the accuracy of this project is quiet much higher
than other algorithm. For the future reference, Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector
Machine has the best accuracy and it also give the best predicted value.

11. Testing:
Testing is finding out how well software is working. Testing is also defined
as the activity to patterned whether the definite results match the predictable results and to confirm
that the software system is defect free. It includes implementation of a software module or system
module to assess one or more properties of interest.

11.1. Black Box Testing:

This project uses Laravel Framework in which includes in place testing for
all the components generated by Laravel and jupyter-lab. The testing is as follow:

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• Test Plan
Test case Objectives
1 User should login to the page
2 User should register to the page
3 User should add
4 User should edit
5 Using prediction ANN
6 Using SVM Prediction

• Test Result

Table 1: Test Registration

Test case 1 – User should register to the page

Step Required: • User click registration button
• Fill the detail
• Register the user
Expected Test Result Successful Register.
Actual Test Result Successful Register
Conclusion Test Successful

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Table 2: Test Login

Test case 2 – User should login to the page

Step Required: • User click login button
• Check their credential detail
• Match the user and database
Expected Test Result Successful Login.
Actual Test Result Successful Login
Conclusion Test Successful

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Table 3: Add Page

Test case 3 – User should add

Step Required: • User click add button
• Load to another page of add
Expected Test Result Successful add.
Actual Test Result Successful add
Conclusion Test Successful

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Table 4:Edit Item

Test case 4 – User should update

Step Required: • User click edit button
• Load to another page of update
Expected Test Result Successful update.
Actual Test Result Successful update
Conclusion Test Successful

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Table 5: Predict using ANN

Test case 5 – Using prediction ANN

Step Required: • Analyze data set
• Train dataset
• Test dataset
Expected Test Result Successful predict.
Actual Test Result Successful predict

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Conclusion Test Successful

Table 6: Predict using SVM

Test case 6 – Using prediction SVM

Step Required: • Analyze data set
• Train dataset
• Test dataset

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Expected Test Result Successful predict.

Actual Test Result Successful predict
Conclusion Test Successful

12. Conclusion:
12.1. Overall Conclusion
At last, this project was building to predict the sales of food in a restaurant
using different machine learning approaches. This project, Food Prediction System is built and
under many circumstances it also has to compare different machine learning approaches. This
project presented a food prediction system prediction accuracy comparison between different

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machine learning algorithms such as Artificial Neural Network, Linear Regression, Support Vector
Machine, Gaussian Bayes, Random Forest and Decision Tree. Overall, Support vector Machine
and Artificial Neural Network performed well than other classifier but when done the classification
prediction while Decision Tree preformed other while performing the regression analysis.

The Restaurant Management is another solution for a restaurant and which is suitable for
restaurant. Restaurant Management System helps to keep record of food item and help to
generate profit in future. However, there is normal prediction integrate into Restaurant
Management System where it can be extended and allow end user to write their own prediction
engine and execute it.

However, the software development life cycle has designated that the selected methodology has
been followed. Choosing methodology and the development life cycle was hard to follow.
Evaluating the project by clearly explaining functional and non-functional requirement and testing
of the project has been fulfilled.

12.2. Future Escalation:

There are many restaurants build in Kathmandu and most of the restaurant has not even
know about the system that can be used to save their data. For scaling this project in future,
there is a problem of finding data and there is lack of awareness about the technology in
restaurant. This system can be used for many purposes like: data record, item use in restaurant
and soon.
This system also helps to know how much food are going to sale, it means that it can be very
useful for the restaurant where most of the restaurant are wasting food due to low flow of customer
and some of the restaurant does not have enough food for their customer due to high amount of
customer. Customer are like god in restaurant and if they do not get food than they will change
another place to have food. So, this system has future to predict next day sales and helps
restaurant to stop wasting food and not to have less food for the next day.

Restaurant Management System helps to calculate profit or loss in the end of the day which
means that restaurant has not to bother about calculating profit or loss which saves restaurant
time. Restaurant Management System has different data record system like how many staff are
working and how many customers can fit in one table or how many customers are fitted in a whole
table. Even Restaurant Management System also helps to determine the lack of food in order to
maintain restaurant.

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Appendix A: Gantt Chart

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Appendix B: Work Break down Structure:

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

1 Food 1.1 Initiation 1.1.1 Define Project Phase

Prediction 1.1.2 Project Scope
System 1.1.3 Project Charter
1.1.4 Feasibility Study
1.1.5 Analyze Stakeholder

1.2 Planning 1.2.1 Project Organization chart

1.2.2 Work Break Structure
1.2.3 Project Management Plan
1.2.4 Develop Project Plan
1.2.5 Milestone: Project Plan Approval
1.2.6 Data Collection

1.3 Execution 1.3.1 Build Deliverable

1.3.2 Design System
1.3.3 Project Risk
1.3.4 Install Development System
1.3.5 Testing Phase
1.3.6 Production Transition
1.3.7 Status Report

1.4 Control 1.4.1 Update Project Management Plan

1.4.2 Project Management
1.4.3 Project Status Meetings
1.4.4 Risk Management

1.5 Closeout 1.5.1 Documentation

1.5.2 Project Closure Report

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Appendix C: Working flow diagram

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