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Design the Content (KAT) Samples Here: sample

Install Grammarly extension - This is a shared account, remember to remove the content from
the grammarly site if you will use it form there. Or, if you will use the extension on google
chrome, then that’s better. The content has been pre-proofread.

password: maria187

Design the content so it looks really good!

Follow these guidelines:
● Make sure no paragraph is longer than 3-4 lines
● Make sure the bullet points etc. look nice
● Don’t forget to use headings and separators!
○ Heading 2 must be centered
○ The rest are left-aligned.
○ Add separators between each section

SOP: How To Create The SEO Title/Description

Key in the SEO Title and Meta Description here: Blogs To Optimise KC

SEO TITLE: 60 Characters maximum, 45 characters minimum! Write an alternative title for the
article - include the keyword at the front of the title:
● Enso Circle - The Ultimate Zen Guide: What Is An Ensō Circle?
● Mindfulness Symbol: The Symbol For Mindulness Explained
● Meditation Symbols: 9 Mystical Symbols For Love & Inner Peace

META DESCRIPTION: Describe the article, what it’s about etc. Make it 150 characters
maximum, 100 characters minimum. Include keyword at the start. Examples include:
● Meditation bracelets: how do you choose the best meditation bracelet for you? Here's
everything you need to know - including 10 reviews and our top pick.
● Merkaba Meditation: here's everything you need to know about merkaba activation, it's
symbol and energy - with step by step merkaba meditation instructions!
● Spiritual Meditation: Discover how to meditate for more inner peace and relaxation.
Includes some of the best spriitual meditations you can try at home!

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