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Write in the correct Verb to be

a.Mary _______ my best friend.

b.John and Cindy _______ classmates.
c. Peter _______ my brother.
d.You _______ a good student.
e.They _______ in the classroom.
f.It _______ an orange.
g.Felicia and Mary _______ sisters.
h.I _______ her teacher.
i.It _______ a book bag.
j.You _______ a doctor.

2. Re-arrange the sentence.

a.I / not / a teacher. / am


b.She / my mother. / is


c.The boys / playful. / are


d.The girl / in the room. / is

e.We / not / are / at home.


f.My dad / smart. / is


g.My mother / a housewife. / is


h.She / not / my sister. / is


i.The teacher / angry. / is


j.The dog / in the kennel. / is


3. Observe a imagem e complete as falas com o verbo adequado, consulte a caixa de

texto ao lado:
____ Mary.

_______ I am
They are
happy. My brother is Are
a student.
He is
_________ a
My favorite cool.
sport ____
udent .

4 Responda em inglês?
What is your name?
What is your name?
What is your name?
What is your name?
What is your name?

5 Faça a relação utilizando as letras de cada expressão:

a)Nice to meet you.
b)What is your name?
c)I am July.
d)My name is Jhon.

( ) Qual é o seu nome?

( )Meu nome é Jhon.
( )Prazer em conhecê-lo.
( ) Eu sou July.
3.Ordene as palavras e forme frases:
a)your name is What?
b)meet you Nice to.
c.classroom What your is?
_________________________ is My Peter.
6.Complete com am, is, are:
a) I a student.
b)You a teacher.
c)He a bad boy.
d)They dentists.
e)It a cat.
f.He a good boy.
g.She a good girl.
h.She my friend.

7.Complete com os pronome I,we, he, she , it:

a) are students.
b) is a tree.
c) am a teacher.
d) is a dog.
e) are a doctors.

8.Substitua os nomes pelos pronomes he, she , it, they:

a)Peter is a good student.
is a good student.
b)Neila is a good student.
is a good student.
c)The cat is an animal.
is an animal.
d)The girls are nice.
are nice.
Complete com have ou has. Observe a tabela acima.

a. She _______ a weak spot for him.

b. I _______ been to the school today

c. My brother _______ a new car.

d. _______ Mary written the letter yet?

e. How _______ you been?

f. Everybody _______ a right to speak.

g. They _______ been gone for six days now.

h. You _______ to be back at 3 pm.

i. The cow _______ a long black tail.

j. Dad and Mom _______ bought a new house.

k. The bus _______ four doors.

l. The team _______ lost eight games this season.

m. I _______ a bike.

n. I _______ never been to the Germany. Have you?

o. My bedroom _______ three small windows.

p. I only _______ a sister.

q. You _______ a nice house.
Desenhe os emoticons na frente de cada fruta abaixo em resposta as perguntas que


Não gosto

a. Do you like watermelon?

b. Do you like apples?

c.Do you like strawberries?

d.Do you like bananas?

e.Do you like grapes?

Faça a leitura da receita abaixo com a ajuda do seu professor, em seguida, escreva
em português os ingredientes.
“Fruit Salad”











Condensed milk


 How to prepare

 To peel fruit;

To chop fruit;
To mix fruit, condensed milk and soda in a bowl.
To serve the salad in plastic cups.

3.Siga as instruções da receita e faça a salada de frutas com auxílio do seu professor.
Bom apetite.

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