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How to Make Your Product

Speak Directly to the

Hardwiring of Your Avatar
You must understand that your perfect buyer, & most people in general
(regardless of income level or place in society) are:

*addicted to something
*on the verge of giving up hope and resigning to life as merely an extension
of their past instead of an exciting journey

The best and most effective way to help your avatar move forward with
better products/services/information/community/relationships is to speak to
the hardwiring of their body (aka- their physical senses & feelings, which
are a chemical stew manufactured entirely inside their body).

Your marketing is to speak directly to the pain and pleasure of their

physical & social hardwiring. Marketing that speaks directly to the most
organic and primal nature helps them awake and move (aka- purchase)
What do people really want? (Adapted loosely from “The Life-Force
8” inside the excellent book CA$HVERTISING by Drew Eric Whitman).

1. Self-preservation, protection, and the increase of happiness to their

children, their friends, and family
2. Not only the consuming of food and drink, but the maximum
enjoyment of it
3. Freedom from fear, emotional or physical pain, and danger
4. Sexual satisfaction and/or deep companionship
5. Increasingly comfortable living conditions
6. To win, to improve, to keep up with the Joneses, to feel superior, to
keep a belief that their fantasy is achievable
7. To feel spiritually alive & in communion with God or Higher Power
8. To be socially respected and approved by people they respect and
approve of

Massive Deep-DIVE Engagement Exercise

Hint #1: for best results, watch video corresponding video for Mark’s
examples before you fill in the blanks.
Hint #2- using mini-stories allows you to weave in each sense much easier.

If a person purchases my product/service…and uses it PRECISELY &

FULLY to its maximum effect, here is how it can effect their:

Eyes (what they will see):




Ears (what they will hear)



Tongue (what they will taste)




Body (what they will physically feel or touch or do)




Smell (what they will smell)




Emotional (what they will feel)




Conclusion: reveal specific features of your product (like- size, where it’s
made, what it does, back-story, developers, guarantees, etc) and quickly
share how that feature translates into a keenly rewarding physical
sensation. Infuse all your marketing into the hardwiring of your Avatar and
conversion/influence will spike fast.

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