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Classical Electrodynamics of Extended Bodies of Charge

P.D. Flammer1, ∗
Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, USA
(Dated: February 8, 2019)
We investigate the classical dynamics of extended charged bodies. This remains an unsolved
problem: in the literature, no causally correct, self-consistent dynamical theory of extended charged
bodies exists. Deterministic, causally correct equations can be produced only in the point charge
limit; this has the unfortunate effect of infinite self-energies, requiring some renormalization proce-
arXiv:1802.02141v3 [physics.class-ph] 7 Feb 2019

We review the history of the development of electrodynamics leading to this fact. We then inves-
tigate limitations on possible self-consistent, non-point-charge, electrodynamic theories. Assuming
general relativity, the standard electromagnetic stress-energy tensor and Maxwell’s equations, requir-
ing the evolution be well defined by momentum conservation produces a very restrictive constraint
on possible total stress-energy tensors. This leads to a simple, self-consistent theory.
The theory is then independently derived using a Lagrangian. For non-point charges, we show
that in order to conserve charge during metric variation, the electromagnetic field tensor density (or
the current vector density) must be held constant, rather than the electromagnetic potential 1-form;
this is used as the fundamental electromagnetic field. However, rather than requiring invariance
against arbitrary field variations, the stress-energy tensor and equations of motion arise solely from
the more general principle of diffeomorphism invariance.
In the theory of this paper, new short-range forces are realized due to current-current interactions.
We find no charged, static, spherically symmetric solutions exist. However, when gravity is primarily
responsible for binding the charge together, we find the behavior of the charge density near the center
of a static, spinning charge distribution would be constrained, such that if a rotation model and
angular momentum are set, the charge would be set; it would be quantized.

PACS numbers: 03.50.De,04.40.Nr,04.20.-q,03.50.Kk

Contents E. Diffeomorphism Invariance and Dynamical

Theories 18
I. Introduction 1
V. Dynamics Revisited 20
A. External and Internal Dynamics 20
II. Historical Review 2
B. Short-Range Forces Between Particles 20
A. Development of Maxwell’s Equations 2
C. Transformation Properties of Static Solutions
B. Radiation, Self-Interaction, and Special in Flat Space-Time 21
Relativity 3
C. Issues with Self-Interaction 4 VI. Solutions to Equations of Motion 22
D. Point Charges and Quantum Mechanics 5 A. Spherical Solutions in Flat Space-Time 22
E. Gravity and Electromagnetism 7 B. Charge Quantization in Flat Space-Time 23
C. Curved Space-Time and Charge
III. Mathematical Review of Classical Quantization 23
Electrodynamics 8
A. Notation 8 VII. Discussion 25
B. Dynamics of a Charged Object 8 A. Possible Extensions of the Theory 25
B. Quantization 25
C. Least Action Principle and Deriving
Maxwell’s Equations 11 References 26
IV. Completing the Stress-Energy Tensor 12
A. Constraints on Additions 12 I. INTRODUCTION
B. One Possible Addition to the Stress-Energy
Tensor 14 There is currently no completely suitable theory de-
C. Superluminal (Space-Like) Currents 15 scribing the dynamics of charged bodies. Feynman, in
D. Principle of Least Action Revisited 16 his famous lectures describes the situation as follows (see
[1] Vol.2 Ch. 28):
You can appreciate that there is a failure of
∗ Electronic address: all classical physics because of the quantum-

mechanical effects. Classical mechanics is workable within limited areas, can be given,
a mathematically consistent theory; it just the basic problem remains unsolved.
doesn’t agree with experience. It is inter-
esting, though, that the classical theory of As we will see in the next section, the root cause of
electromagnetism is an unsatisfactory theory these problems is our ignorance of what keeps an electron
all by itself. There are difficulties associated (or other compact charge) compact. As it turns out, it
with the ideas of Maxwell’s theory which are has been very difficult to even postulate a self-consistent
not solved by and not directly associated with theory of what could bind an electron (or other compact
quantum mechanics. You may say, “Perhaps charge) together; no such theory exists to date.
there’s no use worrying about these difficul- In this paper, we attempt to address this fundamen-
ties. Since the quantum mechanics is going tal question. This cannot be addressed by treating point
to change the laws of electrodynamics, we charges, as they are compact by construction. Also, this
should wait to see what difficulties there are cannot be done in a quantum mechanical framework,
after the modification.” However, when elec- because quantum mechanics presupposes point charges
tromagnetism is joined to quantum mechan- (the idea of an extended object is foreign to the theory).
ics, the difficulties remain. So it will not be a Therefore, we investigate the classical electrodynamics of
waste of our time now to look at what these extended bodies of charge.
difficulties are.
The difficulties come in two flavors: (1) if a charged
object is extended, i.e. it has some non-zero size, it is im-
possible to develop self-consistent equations of motion for
that object; and (2) if we take the point-charge limit (to We start by reviewing some of the history of the de-
resolve difficulty 1, or because we think physical charges velopment of the theory of electrodynamics. The main
are points), the energy of the charge becomes infinite. purpose of this section is to explore the evolution of
Feynman continues by discussing examples in the litera- thought, evolving from Coulomb’s law to the theory of
ture of researchers trying to resolve the infinite energy of quantum electrodynamics, focusing on the issue of self-
point charges, finally concluding that all attempts have interaction, and the resulting self-inconsistency of elec-
failed[1]: trodynamic theory.
We do not know how to make a consistent
theory-including the quantum mechanics-
A. Development of Maxwell’s Equations
which does not produce an infinity for the
self-energy of an electron, or any point charge.
And at the same time, there is no satisfactory With the invention of the Leyden Jar (a rudimentary
theory that describes a non-point charge. It’s capacitor) in the middle of the 18th century, experimen-
an unsolved problem. talists were able to repeatably apply charge to various
objects, and determine how charged objects affect each
The infinite “self-energy” of a point charge is due to other. By 1785, Coulomb had established the mathe-
self-interaction: its constituent parts repel against the matical form of this electrostatic force[3], the law being
other parts; as one tries to pack charge into a ball, the very similar to Newton’s law of gravitation between two
smaller the ball, the harder this is, and more work must masses.
be done to make it more compact. The result is the en- Near the turn of the 19th century, Alessandro Volta
ergy required to form such a ball is inversely proportional invented the voltaic pile (battery). This enabled exper-
to the size of the ball; and point charges have infinite self- imentalists to more reliably study electrical flow in cir-
energy. This is in contradiction to the physical fact that cuits. In the summer of 1820, Oersted discovered the
a very compact electron exists. amazing fact that magnetic needles were affected by elec-
Another consequence of self-interaction is radiation: tric currents, linking what were before thought to be sep-
a charge’s interaction with its own field (in addition to arate phenomena, electricity and magnetism[4]. Within
adding to its energy) can cause the charge to recoil, as a few months, Biot and Savart successfully determined
momentum is carried away by the fields in the form of the mathematical behavior of the force between a current
radiation. Again, the classical reaction of the charge to carrying wire and a magnetic pole[5–7]. By 1827, Am-
radiation is intractable. J.D. Jackson summarizes this pere had also shown that solenoids of current carrying
difficulty in his text as (See Sec. 16.1 of [2]): wire behaved similarly to bar magnets, and extensively
...a completely satisfactory classical treat- studied the magnetic force between two circuits[8].
ment of the reactive effects of radiation does Also in the 1820s, Ohm successfully described that the
not exist. The difficulties presented by this current in a conductor was proportional to the electromo-
problem touch one of the most fundamen- tive force and the conductance of the material[9]. This
tal aspects of physics, the nature of an ele- was the primary “force law” (now called Ohm’s law) used
mentary particle. Although partial solutions, by physicists for electrodynamics until near the turn of

the 20th century. In 1831, Faraday discovered that mov- elastic medium, called the “luminiferous aether”. How-
ing a magnet near a wire circuit induced a current in the ever, although Maxwell used this idea of an underlying
circuit, discovering electromagnetic induction[10]. elastic medium to develop the theory, he gave up on hy-
Various physicists worked to understand the interac- pothesizing its exact character or role:
tion between magnets and currents for the next few
decades[11, 12]. One theoretical achievement, which was I have on a former occasion, attempted to
important to the development of electromagnetic theory, describe a particular kind of motion and a
was the use of “potentials”. In 1857, Kirchhoff first wrote particular kind of strain, so arranged as to
the electric force as a combination of the gradient of a account for the phenomena. In the present
scalar potential (which had already been used for some paper, I avoid any hypothesis of this kind;
time in electrostatic problems) and the time derivative of and in using words such as electric momen-
a newly introduced vector potential[13]. Kirchhoff also tum and electric elasticity in reference to
showed, in that particular formulation, that the vector the known phenomena of the induction of
and scalar potential were related to one another (in mod- currents and the polarization of dielectrics,
ern terminology, describing the particular gauge, which I wish merely to direct the mind of the
he was using). reader to the mechanical phenomena which
All of this work found some closure in the 1860s. In will assist him in understanding the electri-
1861 and 1862, Maxwell published “On physical lines of cal ones. All such phrases in the present pa-
force”[14] (where he added the necessary displacement per are to be considered as illustrative, not as
current1 ), and in 1865, he presented a complete frame- explanatory.[15]
work of electromagnetism in “A Dynamical Theory of the Immediately after the previous statement, however, he
Electromagnetic Field”[15]. This theory was extremely stresses the importance of the field:
successful at describing all of the electrical phenomena
known at the time; he also calculated that electromag- In speaking of the Energy of the field, how-
netic waves propagate at a speed close to the speed of ever, I wish to be understood literally... On
light (which had recently been measured), thus identify- the old theories it resides in the electrified
ing light as an electromagnetic wave. bodies, conducting circuits, and magnets...
A key piece of this new theory was that important On our theory it resides in the electromag-
dynamics took place in the space between electrified ob- netic field, in the space surrounding the elec-
jects. This was a major shift in thought: up to that trified and magnetic bodies, as well as in
time, interactions were typically thought of as “actions those bodies...[15]
at a distance”. In Maxwell’s words:
The fact that the field could contain energy in its own
These [old] theories assume, more or less ex- right allowed him to effectively describe how fields trans-
plicitly, the existence of substances the par- port energy via radiation through a vacuum, and equate
ticles of which have the property of acting light and heat with electromagnetic waves2 .
on one another at a distance by attraction or
B. Radiation, Self-Interaction, and Special
Maxwell differentiated his new theory in this way: Relativity

The theory I propose may therefore be called With the connection of electromagnetism and light, it
a theory of the Electromagnetic Field, be- became clear that currents, which change in time, gener-
cause it has to do with the space in the ate electromagnetic waves, i.e. radiation. The radiated
neighborhood of the electric or magnetic energy due to a varying electrical current was calculated
bodies.[15] by Fitzgerald in 1883[18], and a general vectorial law
for the flow of electromagnetic energy and its conserva-
This was the birth of physical field theories, where the tion was derived in 1884 by Poynting[19]. Experimental
original concept of a “field” was that important dynamics
occur (and propagate) throughout the space (or field)
between interacting bodies.
To motivate the fact that electromagnetic interactions 2 Later in the 1860s, Lorenz and Riemann alternatively described
could propagate through “so-called vacuum”, Maxwell the interactions between currents and charged objects as re-
used the idea of disturbances propagating through an tarded integrals of the charge and current rather than focusing
on the dynamics of the field[16, 17]. This point of view had some
advantages; in particular, it didn’t motivate the existence of the
aether. However, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, elec-
tromagnetic theory predominantly grew out of Maxwell’s theory,
1 The displacement current is mathematically necessary to con- and the contributions of Lorenz and Riemann were somewhat
serve charge. forgotten until later[4]

generation and measurement of electromagnetic radia- the low-velocity limit (or, if you like, in the proper frame
tion at lower-than-optical frequencies was achieved by of the charged body), but by the early 1900s, Abraham
Hertz in 1887 using oscillating electrical circuits[4, 20]. (and then Lorentz) had extended this theory to arbitrary
Poincaré immediately realized that such radiation must velocities[26, 27]. Also, during this time, the hypothesis
cause damping within the oscillator due to the energy it that the electron mass was due entirely to the electromag-
carries away[21]. netic self-interaction gained some favor (Abraham explic-
Also in 1887, the concept of the aether was discounted itly assumed it was the only contributor to the electron
by the experiment of Michelson and Morley3 . With the mass5 ).
aether gone, the “field” was no longer a description of In 1905, Einstein published “On the Electrodynamics
“space in the neighborhood”. The electromagnetic field of moving bodies”, where he introduced his concept of
necessarily took on a life of its own; the field (or radiation, special relativity[28]. In a paper later that year, he pro-
or the energy/momentum it carries, etc.) was its own posed that the inertial mass of a body was directly pro-
substance. portional to its energy content[29]. With this, one could
Up until the late 19th century, experimentally and the- calculate the mass due to the energy stored in the elec-
oretically, continuous charge and current densities (in cir- tromagnetic field for a charged object. It’s interesting
cuits) were the primary focus of study: Maxwell’s equa- to note that, although they preceded special relativity,
tions were used to calculate the field, and Ohm’s law was the equations of Lorentz and Abraham exhibited many
used to calculate how fields caused the current to evolve. special-relativistic effects (e.g. the fact that the speed of
However, in the 1880s, many researchers turned their at- the charge can only asymptotically approach the speed
tention to calculating the fields of discrete charges (rather of light).
than continuous densities), including Heaviside[22], who
is often credited with writing Maxwell’s equations in their
more modern form. C. Issues with Self-Interaction
In 1892, Lorentz published “Maxwell’s electromagnetic
theory and its application to moving bodies”; in this pa- All of these developments gave some hope that a fully
per, he wrote down the force from an external electro- successful model of the electron was within reach. How-
magnetic field on a charged particle (point charge), now ever, there were serious issues with the model. In 1904,
called the Lorentz force; he also formalized the gauge Abraham derived a power equation of motion for the rigid
invariance of electromagnetism[23]. Lorentz also noted model of an electron. Unfortunately, the power equation
that, in general, one must account for the electromag- was not consistent with the force equation derived ear-
netic force of a discrete charge on itself. In his 1892 pa- lier, as noted by both Lorentz and Abraham: the scalar
per, Lorentz evaluated this self-force and calculated the product of the velocity and the force does not equal the
equations of motion for a “relativistically rigid” spheri- power. Also, in the context of relativity, the power and
cal shell of charge (where the sphere maintains its shape the force do not form a 4-vector.
in its proper frame)4 . This was done in the limit of the There is also an issue with the inertial mass, which
sphere being small, so higher order terms in the size of the one calculates from the Lorentz-Abraham equations: for
sphere could be ignored. It was found that the self-force a spherical shell, it is 4/3 times the mass that one obtains
contains a term, with magnitude inversely proportional from the energy stored in the electrostatic fields (the self-
to the size of the sphere, which can effectively be added energy). This was not noticed originally by Lorentz or
to the inertial mass of the sphere. Abraham as their theory preceded special relativity, but
Additionally, a term appeared in the force equation, in the second edition of Abraham’s book, Abraham men-
which is independent of the size. This force came to tions this discrepancy[24].
be known as the “radiation reaction” or “field reaction”, The equations of motion also violate causality. If a
although it seems Lorentz initially did not connect this force is instantaneously “turned on” and one excludes
reaction to radiation; Planck appears to be the first to runaway solutions, pre-acceleration solutions exist (the
do so in 1897[25]. Also in 1897, J.J. Thomson discovered charge accelerates before the force is turned on)[24]. This
the existence of the electron, which fueled further study violation also occurs with instantaneously “turning off”
of small, discrete charges. forces.
Lorentz initially calculated this self-field reaction in In 1906, Poincaré pointed out the source of some of
these problems: in order for a stable charged object to
exist, there must be non-electromagnetic forces, which

3 This showed that the speed of light was independent of direction;

very unlikely if it is a disturbance of an underlying medium that
the earth was likely moving through. 5 It appears this was done, at least in part, because at the time,
4 Lorentz called this model a deformable sphere, because he no- it was thought (before Einstein’s Special Relativity) that any
ticed (before Einstein’s theory of relativity) in a moving frame, other mass would not transform between reference frames in the
the electron would contract, but this model is now called rela- same way as electromagnetic mass; see [24] for a discussion of
tivistically rigid[24]. this history.

bind the electron together (keeping it from exploding due mented on these developments in 1919:
to its self-electric field). He stated: “Therefore it is in-
deed necessary to assume that in addition to electromag- Great pains have been taken to elaborate a
netic forces, there are other forces or bonds”[24, 30]. He theory which will account for the equilibrium
came to the conclusion that while this other binding force of the electricity constituting the electron.
integrated to zero over the object, the integrated power G. Mie, in particular, has devoted deep re-
from the binding force was not zero, and exactly canceled searches to this question. His theory, which
the discrepancy between the force and power equations. has found considerable support among theo-
However, this did not resolve the “4/3 problem”. In or- retical physicists, is based mainly on the in-
der to correct that, one must include some “bare mass” troduction into the energy-tensor of supple-
of the charge6, which was set to zero by early authors. mentary terms depending on the components
The problems associated with the radiation reaction, of the electro-dynamic potential, in addition
the 4/3 problem, pre-acceleration, etc., continue to re- to the energy terms of the Maxwell-Lorentz
ceive some attention in the literature. See the follow- theory. These new terms, which in outside
ing references for examples from the 21st century[32–43]. space are unimportant, are nevertheless effec-
Ref. [44] has a concise historical overview of the problem. tive in the interior of the electrons in main-
A full history and detailed treatment of the spherical taining equilibrium against the electric forces
shell, with a description of the cause of these paradoxes of repulsion. In spite of the beauty of the
may be found in a comprehensive monograph by Arthur formal structure of this theory, as erected by
Yaghjian[24]. In particular it’s worth noting, the pre- Mie, Hilbert, and Weyl, its physical results
acceleration (pre-deceleration) issue can be traced to the have hitherto been unsatisfactory. On the
fact that “turning on” a force creates a non-analytic point one hand the multiplicity of possibilities is
in the force as a function of time, which invalidates the discouraging, and on the other hand those ad-
derivation of the equations of motion. If the force is an- ditional terms have not as yet allowed them-
alytic as a function of time, no pre-acceleration appears selves to be framed in such a simple form that
in the point charge limit[24]. In reality, it is impossible the solution could be satisfactory[47].
to truly instantaneously turn on a force, so this is more
In the same paper, Einstein proposed gravity as a possi-
an issue with the model of a force “turning on” instan-
ble binding force for the electron by modifying his field
taneously rather than an inherent problem with electro-
equations; this admitted stable solutions, but could not
magnetic theory.
explain charge quantization, causing him to abandon that
It is an interesting fact of relativity and electrodynam- line of thought[47].
ics, that one has less freedom in choosing the problems
None of these studies came to result in any suitable
one can treat than in general classical mechanics, such
theory, and eventually support for this direction waned.
as “turning on” a force. Most strikingly, one cannot con-
To quote Weyl from the early 1920s,
sistently consider the dynamics of a charged object with-
out appropriately balancing the forces on its constituent Meanwhile I have quite abandoned these
parts. The idea of considering a blob of charge, without hopes, raised by Mie’s theory; I do not believe
considering what binds it together, yields inconsistent that the problem of matter is to be solved by
equations of motion. a mere field theory[46].
One may attempt to model a certain structure, like
the rigid sphere, and add in what the binding force must
have been after the fact. However, this inherently vio- D. Point Charges and Quantum Mechanics
lates causality, since the binding force is required to react
across the entire object instantaneously.
Without knowing the bare mass density and binding
In order to really create a self-consistent dynamical
force for a charged object, one cannot solve for what sta-
theory for extended charged bodies, one must know two
ble objects should exist. But one can still assume a struc-
things a priori: the local binding force density that cre-
ture, and add in what the binding force and bare mass
ates stability, and the bare mass density of the charge.
should have been after the fact. As mentioned in the last
There was some effort in the early 20th century to this
section, this violates causality since the force is required
end. In the 1910s, an idea originated by Mie gener-
to react instantaneously across the object (to maintain
ated some hope, albeit short-lived[45, 46]. Einstein com-
the pre-ordained shape). But if the object is a point, no
time is required for signals to cross the object and causal-
ity is restored7 . Also, this removes all internal degrees of
6 The bare mass of a charge is what its mass would be if it had no
electromagnetic field. One cannot set this to zero for arbitrary
geometries of charge. If one sets the geometry, the bare mass
must take a specific value in order to be self-consistent with the 7 The external force still must be analytic as a function of time, or
self-energy[24, 31] you will still have the pre-acceleration issues discussed earlier[24].

freedom, so conservation of total momentum determines any self-interaction/radiation reaction), are taken, and
the motion completely. “quantized” (dynamic variables become operators on a
One cannot directly calculate the energy or mass of the wave function, which describes the state of the system)
object, because we do not know the bare mass. What to develop equations such as the Schrodinger equation,
we can calculate, from the electromagnetic energy of the which was published in 1926[51]. At the same time, a
charge, diverges in the point-charge limit[22]. But the different formulation, “matrix mechanics” was developed
mass of the electron is a measurable quantity; rather by Heisenberg, Born, and Jordan[52], which was shown
than calculate it, one may simply use its measured value. to be equivalent to the wave mechanics approach.
This process of replacing an infinite calculated value with Initially, all of this was done for low, non-relativistic
a measured value is often called “renormalization”. In velocities. However, in 1930, Dirac developed the rel-
the context of classical dynamics of an electron, Dirac ativistic generalization of Schrodinger’s equation for
is credited with writing down the “renormalized” classi- electrons[53]. With the success of the Dirac equation
cal equations of motion of a charged particle in 1938[48], in predicting energy levels in simple atoms (including
where he developed these equations in a manifestly co- the interaction with the electron spin), attention turned
variant method8 . These renormalized equations of mo- to describing self-interaction/radiative corrections in the
tion are often called the Lorentz-Abraham-Dirac equa- framework of quantum mechanics. This was done by
tions of motion. starting with a non-interacting solution, and “perturb-
In any case, in the early 1900s, atomic structure was ing” it by adding in successive interaction terms (these
forcing physicists to rethink their perception of reality. days, “Feynman diagrams” are used to do bookkeeping
With the discovery of the atomic nucleus around 1910, on what terms are needed)[54]. However, any attempt to
the idea that electrons orbit the nucleus (in the same add in certain self-interaction terms resulted in infinity
way as planets orbit the sun) took root. However, any (similar to the classical case). To illustrate some of the
simple classical model of the electron (such as Lorentz’s frustration of the time, in 1945, Feynman and Wheeler
sphere of charge) cannot produce stable orbits around published “Interaction with the absorber as the mecha-
an atomic nucleus, precisely due to the damping effect nism of radiation”, where they proposed that electrons do
of the radiation reaction: an electron in orbital motion not interact with themselves at all[55] (see [1] Vol. 2, Ch.
will radiate energy away and its orbit will decay. If one 28 for more discussion and other examples of efforts to
ignores the radiation reaction, then classically one finds remove this infinity). But by 1949, Schwinger, Tomonaga
a continuum of possible orbits, which is also not what is and Feynman developed methods, which circumvent the
measured: discrete, stable energy levels are observed in issue of infinite self-interaction, while still accurately pre-
atomic orbits. dicting many experiments. Infinite self-interaction terms
are absorbed into quantities, such as mass and charge,
Due to these difficulties, in the 1910s and 1920s, new
and the experimentally measured values are used in place
ways of thinking about these physical systems emerged,
of the infinite calculated ones[54, 56]. As mentioned
which were more successful at describing atomic phe-
above, this process of dealing with infinite calculated val-
nomena: quantum mechanics. In the “old quantum me-
ues is called renormalization9. The perturbative process
chanics” (sometimes called the Bohr model, or Bohr-
of adding in appropriate interaction terms, in conjunc-
Sommerfeld model), there was not much departure from
tion with renormalization is what we now call quantum
classical thought. The electron was assumed to exist as
a point (or at least very small) charge; classical orbits
The “standard model”, built on these principles, is
were then solved for the electron, and integrals of gen-
extremely successful at predicting quantities outside of
eralized momenta along the orbits were required to be
those which require renormalization. While the renor-
integer multiples of the Planck constant, which yielded
malization program allows physicists to do useful cal-
the correct energy levels (see Sommerfeld’s 1921 book on
culations, the lack of ability to calculate the masses of
the subject[50]). Note however, the classical equations of
particles is less than ideal. In 1979, Dirac, speaking of
motion, which were used, ignored the radiation reaction,
renormalization, said
and the topic of the stability or self-interaction of parti-
cles was avoided altogether. In any case, this was very It’s just a stop-gap procedure. There must be
successful at predicting energy levels for simple systems, some fundamental change in our ideas, prob-
such as Hydrogen. ably a change just as fundamental as the pas-
In the last half of the 1920s, the more modern quan- sage from Bohr’s orbit theory to quantum me-
tum mechanics took shape. A new “wave mechanics” chanics. When you get a number turning out
approach was developed where classical equations of mo- to be infinite which ought to be finite, you
tion, such as the classical Hamiltonian (again without

9 In practice, one assumes a bare mass or bare charge that are

8 Note Von Laue had already written down the covariant radiation also infinity in just the way needed to cancel the infinite self-
reaction much earlier[49]. interaction and result in the measured value.

should admit that there is something wrong entirety of this paper we take a conventional “dualistic
with your equations, and not hope that you view”, where matter is treated separate from geometry;
can get a good theory just by doctoring up it is the source of geometry’s curvature.
that number.[57] In conventional general relativity, the presence of elec-
Feynman, who shared a Nobel prize for developing the tromagnetic charge and current has been studied some-
renormalization program, also was skeptical in his later what. The metric for the space outside of a charged
years. In his 1986 book, he wrote spherical object was published in 1916 and 1918 by
Reissner[62] and Nordstrom[63]. Study of the interior
The shell game that we play to find n [bare of charged objects was not attempted until more re-
mass] and j [bare charge] is technically called cently than other history outlined here, starting mainly
“renormalization.” But no matter how clever in the latter half of the 20th century. For example,
the word, it is what I would call a dippy charged polytropic stars have been studied[64], as well
process! Having to resort to such hocus- as charged situations with various other equations of
pocus has prevented us from proving that state and space-times[65–67]. For a fairly comprehen-
the theory of quantum electrodynamics is sive discussion and characterization scheme of spherically
mathematically self-consistent. It’s surpris- charged solutions in general relativity, see Ref. [60].
ing that the theory still hasn’t been proved Because the electromagnetic stress-energy tensor has a
self-consistent one way or the other by now; non-zero divergence in the presence of charge, one can-
I suspect that renormalization is not mathe- not use it as the sole source in Einstein’s field equations:
matically legitimate.[58]10 Einstein’s tensor has a zero divergence due to the Bianchi
identity, and cannot be equated to a tensor with non-zero
In addition to failing to predict quantities such as mass
divergence. Therefore, treating situations with electro-
and charge of particles, renormalization is somewhat at
magnetic charge in general relativity is even more dif-
odds with general relativity: general relativity is non-
ficult than in special relativity: without some addition
renormalizable (one cannot play the same game and get
to the electromagnetic stress-energy tensor, one cannot
any useful predictions from calculations). This troubling
solve the simplest problem.
fact is a motivator in the study of string theory, where
particles are stretched into strings: different excitations Also, one cannot introduce point particles to supple-
of strings are the different particles of nature, with finite ment the stress-energy tensor: their infinite energy den-
self-energies. Unfortunately, to this date, despite signifi- sity creates singularities in space-time. Therefore, in the
cant effort, string theory has yet to demonstrate itself as literature where electric charge is studied in general rel-
a suitable theory, which can predict experimental results. ativity, the electromagnetic stress-energy tensor is aug-
mented typically using a fluid (where the particles mak-
ing up, for instance, a charged neutron star, are con-
E. Gravity and Electromagnetism sidered as being averaged over their containing volume).
The addition of the fluid results in 6 dynamic degrees of
Speaking of general relativity, we skipped over some freedom at each point in space-time (3 in the fluid and
details on historical attempts to integrate the theory of 3 in the electromagnetic current). This makes the field
gravitation with electromagnetism. Einstein introduced equations underdetermined (there are only 3 dynamical
his theory of gravitation, general relativity, in 1915[59]. equations of motion at each point in space-time), and
However, since gravity is most important at astronomical the charge distribution must be set as a model parame-
scales, for stars, planets, black holes, neutron stars, etc., ter, rather than solved for by the dynamics[60]. Interest-
which are not likely to carry significant excess charge, ingly, this makes finding many solutions easier, since one
most theoretical and computational studies in general has free parameters to tune11 .
relativity consider uncharged situations[60]. Recently, some attempts at modeling a “charged fluid”
There have been various efforts throughout the 20th appear in the literature, where the electromagnetic
century to “unify” gravity and electromagnetism, where charge is stuck on the fluid: the energy density of the
researchers have attempted to describe electromagnetism fluid is tied in an ad-hoc way to the density of the charge.
in the context of a generalized theory of the geometry of For instance, this has been done (in a spherically static
space-time (see [61] for a review). However, more discus- case) by adding a perfect fluid stress-energy tensor to the
sion of this type of unification of gravity with electromag- electromagnetic stress-energy tensor and setting the en-
netism does not contribute to our purpose here: for the ergy density of the fluid to be proportional to the charge
density squared[68]. To obtain stable solutions, negative

10 It is interesting that some, who were so integral to developing

quantum electrodynamics into its current state, had such opin- 11 As Ivanov writes, “The presence of charge serves as a safety
ions; it may be the only time someone has described their Nobel valve, which absorbs much of the fine tuning, necessary in the
Prize winning topic as “dippy”. uncharged case.”[60]

pressure is required (since the charge self-repels), and where r = ri is the position of an object at time t, both
the equation of state (the relationship between the en- with units of length; v = v i is the unitless fraction of the
ergy density, ǫ, and pressure, P , of the fluid) is set to velocity to the speed of light, c√(or equivalently, c = 1);
P = −ǫ[69–77]. This equation of state has been called γ is the Lorentz factor, γ = 1/ 1 − v 2 .
the “false vacuum,” “degenerate vacuum” and “vacuum The antisymmetric part of a tensor may be writ-
fluid” among other names. All of these attempts center ten using square brackets in the indices as A[µ Bν] ≡
around special cases (e.g. static situations with spherical 1
2 (Aµ Bν − Bν Aµ ); likewise, parentheses in indices rep-
symmetry), rather than treating the general problem. resent the symmetric part of a tensor. Square brackets
around two operators signifies the commutator, for in-
stance, [∇µ , ∇ν ] ≡ ∇µ ∇ν − ∇ν ∇µ . Square brackets or
III. MATHEMATICAL REVIEW OF parentheses elsewhere have no special meaning.
The covariant representations of the electromagnetic
variables are:
Having reviewed some of the history of the develop-
ment of electrodynamics, let us now review the current Aµ = (φ, Ai )
state of the associated mathematics. The electromag- F µν ≡ 2∇[µ Aν] (or F ≡ dA)
netic field generated by a charge distribution is calculated 0 E1 E2 E3
 
via Maxwell’s equations, and is without pathology. We  −E 1 0 B 3 −B 2  (2)
=  2 3
refer the reader to [2] for review. However, as mentioned −E −B 0 B1 
in the history, due to our lack of knowledge of the bare −E 3 B 2 −B 1 0
mass and binding force for fundamental charged objects, J µ = (ρ, J i ) ≡ ∇ν F µν ,
a full treatment of the dynamics of a charged object, in-
cluding self-interaction, is problematic. We now lay down where Aµ is the electromagnetic potential (with the
the mathematics of why this is so. scalar and vector potentials, φ and A = Ai ), which are
unitless; F µν is the electromagnetic field tensor (made
up of the electromagnetic fields, E = E i and B = B i ),
A. Notation with units of 1/distance; J µ is the electromagnetic cur-
rent density (made up of charge and current density, ρ
For the remainder of the paper, the following notation and J = J i ), with units of 1/distance2 .
will be used (unless otherwise noted). Capital italicized
variables with Greek superscripts or subscripts are ten-
sors defined in 4-space; Greek indices vary from 0 to 3, B. Dynamics of a Charged Object
with the 0th element being the time component, and 1-3
being space components. Lowercase italicized variables In this section, we develop the center-of-mass dynamics
with Greek indices are tensor densities. Bold italic vari- of a discrete charged object in an electromagnetic field.
ables are differential forms (totally antisymmetric covari- First, we will write down local momentum conservation
ant tensors). Bold non-italic variables are spatial vectors, in a general form, and integrate it to arrive at the center-
and italicized variables with Latin indices are also spatial of-mass equations of motion. For simplicity, in this sec-
vectors, with indices varying from 1 to 3. tion flat space-time will be assumed.
We assume a space-time characterized by coordinates Consider a compact, stable distribution of charge (a
xµ = (t, xi ), with a metric, gµν with signature (-+++). surface can be drawn around the distribution, which
The determinant of the metric is written as g (with no completely contains the charge). Internally, the distri-
indices). The totally p antisymmetric (Levi-Civita) tensor bution has local charge density ρ and current density J
is written as ηαβγδ = |g|ǫαβγδ , where ǫαβγδ has compo- (which can vary with time and position within the ob-
nents ±1, 0. We may also write η αβγδ = √1 ǫαβγδ , where ject; we make no constraints on those at present). Sta-
|g| bility requires some non-electromagnetic binding force
ǫαβγδ = −ǫαβγδ (more generally, ǫαβγδ = (−1)ne ǫαβγδ , density[30], which we will call fb . From Maxwell’s equa-
where ne is the number of negative eigenvalues of gµν ). tions, the electromagnetic field loses momentum density
∇ is the spatial gradient operator (operating on spatial at a rate given by the negative of the Lorentz force den-
vectors), ∇µ is the covariant derivative (operating on ten- sity, fem ≡ ρE + J × B12 .
sors), d is the exterior derivative (operating on differen- Now, consider the charge density contained in a small
tial forms), and ∂µ or ∂i is the partial derivative with volume dV . It could inherently carry some momentum
respect to the coordinate of the subscript. Relativistic
(geometrized) units are used throughout.
The covariant representations of kinematic variables
are: 12 This makes no assumption on the structure of the charge; this ex-
pression of the local loss of momentum from the electromagnetic
µ i
r = (t, r ) field can be derived directly from Maxwell’s equations assuming
v µ = (γ, γv i ) J µ is defined as ∇ν F µν [2].

density in its own right: call this dpbare . Note this is not is the non-electromagnetic external force. The integral
related to the momentum in the electromagnetic field; of the self-field over the distribution results in the “field
this would be the momentum related to the mass of reaction”, i.e. the rate of change of the momentum of
the charge density if it was stripped of its electromag- the self-electromagnetic field due to the distribution’s
netic field (thus, in the literature this is called the “bare motion[24]. The field reaction will result in a term, which
mass”[24]). looks like − dt (γmfieldv), where mfield represents the con-
For completeness, allow for some other non- tribution of the field-energy to the mass of the object[24].
electromagnetic, external force density fext , which acts This field energy (and hence mfield ) is given by[2]
directly on the charge in some way. Then, in order to be Z  
conserved, the momentum leaving the electromagnetic 1 2 1 2
mfield = Eself,rest + Bself,rest dV, (7)
field plus the momentum supplied by the binding and 2 2
external force must completely be absorbed by the mo-
mentum of the charge in dV : where the fields are evaluated when the charge is iso-
lated and at rest, and the integral is over all space; this
∂ integral is inversely proportional to the size of the ob-
(ρE + J × B + fb + fext )dV = (dpbare ). (3)
∂t ject (this is easy to show, for example, for a sphere of
Integrating over the extent of the charge gives charge)[2, 24, 78]. Therefore, this self-energy approaches
infinity as one take the point charge limit, leading to the
(ρE + J × B + fb + fext )dV = , (4) “infinite self-energy” problem. There is also the “radi-
dt ation reaction”, which is the remainder of the integral
R of the self fields after taking out the inertial contribu-
where pbare = dpbare is the integrated (total) momen-
tion13 [24, 79–81]. Physically, radiation carries momen-
tum of the charge (again, not including the contribution
tum away as it exits an object; its associated field causes
from its field).
the charge to recoil (hence the name “radiation reac-
The binding force is the non-electromagnetic self-force
from one portion of the object on another, which cre-
With the assumption that the integrated momenta are
ates stability. While we don’t know what it is, we may
proportional to γv (an assumption of sufficient rigidity),
say something about its integral without any knowledge
we may also now define masses for the different momenta
of its local form. If it is not associated with any (non-
as pbare = γmbare v and pother = γmother v14 . Replacing
electromagnetic) radiation, then the integral of the bind-
the momenta, extracting the contribution to the inertial
ing self-force should be zero by Newton’s third law (since
mass from the self-field integrals, and rearranging Eq. 6,
no momentum is carried away). However, if there is
we obtain
other mass (which is not associated locally to the charge),
which is bound to the charge by fb , then as the charge is qEext + qv × Bext
accelerated, this other mass, must be dragged along with d (8)
= dt (γmv) + (radiation reaction),
the charge. Therefore, we can write the integral of the
binding force as[31]: where m = mbare + mfield + mother is the total inertial
mass (what one would measure as the inertial mass in
fb dV = − , (5) the laboratory); The radiation reaction,
where pother is the momentum due to any other mass (radiation reaction)
R d (9)
bound to the charge not included in pbare ; note this other = ρEself + J × Bself dV − dt (γmfieldv),
mass is in no way associated with the bare mass inher- R
ently owned by the charge, or the energy contained in is what is left from ρEself + J × Bself dV after removing
the electromagnetic fields. the portion which contributes to the inertial mass of the
Now separate the electromagnetic field into a self-field object. Note that the radiation reaction stays finite as
(Eself and Bself ) due to the distribution, and an exter- the size of the charge approaches zero: the part which
nal field (Eext and Bext ) due to other charges elsewhere. approaches infinity is rolled into the mass. Assuming
Assuming the distribution is sufficiently small compared that mbare cancels this infinity to give the measured m
to the variation of the external electromagnetic field, we constitutes renormalization.
can immediately integrate terms with the external field,
and momentum conservation becomes:
qEext + qv × Bext + ρEself + J × Bself dV + Fext 13 Many authors include the contribution to the inertial mass in
= dt (pbare + pother ), what they call the “radiation reaction”[24]
14 Any required assumption of rigidity will necessarily be violated
where q = ρdV and v = q1 JdV ; if the charge is suf- over short time-scales as changes in external forces propagate
across the object; however, this assumption of rigidity is required
ficiently stable (i.e. rigid), then v represents theR center- to produce well-determined equations of motion, as will be dis-
of-mass motion of our compact object. Fext = fext dV cussed in more detail later.

Eq. 8 is the equations of motion for the center-of-mass solving systems where charged objects interact closely)
dynamics of a sufficiently stable charge, and is the force is completely intractable without knowledge of the bind-
law found in text books for a charged particle, or in pa- ing force16 .
pers discussing radiation reaction. We tried to keep this Without this, mathematically, the only way to pro-
as general as possible: we didn’t assume much about the duce well-posed equations of motion, which do not mani-
structure of the charge, only that it is small compared festly violate causality, is to take the point charge (parti-
to variations of the external field and stable enough that cle) limit (which also results in no internal degrees of
v is well-defined and the different momenta can be re- freedom). Then, for particles, which do not interact
lated to it. If one ignores the radiation reaction, these too closely, Eq. 8 becomes the Lorentz-Abraham-Dirac
equations of motion are readily solvable, and effectively equations of motion. Even in the case of closely inter-
describe many experiments15 . acting particles (where the radiated momentum/energy
However, including the radiation reaction is much more cannot be predetermined), in principle, if one is care-
difficult. The radiation reaction term depends heavily ful enough, one could track all the electromagnetic mo-
on the charge distribution. Therefore, in order to solve mentum/power emitted or absorbed through a small sur-
dynamical problems for the center-of-mass motion of a face surrounding each interacting particle, and use that
discrete charged body including the radiation reaction, to calculate the change in momentum of each particle
one must use a process summarized as follows (this is the from one time to a slightly later time (assuming you
process used in all examples in the literature of which the know/measure each particle’s mass). Therefore, in the
author is aware): point charge limit, one can create a well-posed, causally
correct problem, which can be solved.
1. Assume an internal distribution of charge for all
Without knowing fb and dpbare , taking the point
involved charged bodies (such as rigid spheres, or
charge limit appears to be the only way of doing this in
point charges). This enables solving for the radia-
a self-consistent, causally correct way. The cost, mathe-
tion reaction as a function of v and its time deriva-
matically, of taking the point charge limit, is that mfield
tives. It also implicitly sets the binding force ev-
is infinite, creating the need for renormalization (set
erywhere in the bodies.
mbare = −∞ so m is the measured finite value). If one
2. Assume (or measure if you’re treating a real charge) wants to develop equations of motion for extended ob-
the mass of each charged body, m; this is necessary jects, one must use the local force law of Eq. 3 with a
because of the lack of knowledge of how to calculate priori knowledge of the local form of both fb and dpbare .
mbare and mother . All of these difficulties with developing equations of
motion for charged objects may be summarized concisely
3. With the radiation reaction known as a function and covariantly as follows. Conservation of momentum
of v and its derivatives, Eq. 8 provides a well- (and energy) density is written by setting the divergence
determined system of equations for the center-of- of the total stress-energy tensor (call it T µν ) to zero[82]:
mass dynamics of each body: given initial condi-
tions, Eq. 8 may be solved. ∇µ T µν = 0. (10)
As stated before, this process necessarily violates causal- µν
ity on the time scale of light crossing the object. The electromagnetic stress-energy tensor, TEM (the con-
Also, if individual bodies are too close to each other, tribution to the stress-energy tensor from the electromag-
our assumption that Eext , Bext are constant over the netic field) has the divergence[82]
charge fails. You will also not be able to effectively solve µν
∇µ TEM = Jµ F µν , (11)
for the radiation reaction before solving the dynamics:
if the radiation fields significantly overlap, the associ- which is manifestly non-zero in the presence of electro-
ated radiated momentum/power does not obey superpo- magnetic charge. Without some addition to T µν , en-
sition (the fields add, but the momentum/power do not). ergy/momentum cannot be conserved. This is the source
Therefore, this methodology is only effective for bodies
that do not interact too closely.
Also, while this process may be used to solve for the
center-of-mass dynamics of charged bodies under cer- 16 With some assumptions on the binding force, one can make some
tain circumstances (while unfortunately violating causal- progress in developing internal dynamics. For instance, one may
ity on short time scales), solving for the internal dy- develop equations of motion by assuming a spherical charge is
namics of a charge distribution (which is equivalent to comprised of spherical shells, which are tied together by some
linear restoring force. This gives enough information about the
internal binding force, that with some other assumptions on the
motion, one can solve for the center-of-mass motion and the in-
duced dipole moment of such a structure; this has been done in
15 The radiation reaction is negligible for many situations and may [31]. However, this still violates causality due to requiring that
be ignored without too much effect. See [2], Ch. 16 for a discus- the spherical shell components remain spherical; any formulation
sion of when radiation reaction becomes important for various that assumes any structure cannot produce a fully self-consistent
experiments. theory.

of all the problems/paradoxes associated with developing Maxwell’s equations (the homogeneous Maxwell’s equa-
classical dynamics of extended charged bodies[2, 24, 44, tions are identities due to the definition Fµν = 2∂[µ Aν] ).
83]. Some other contribution to the total stress-energy However, there is some nuance associated with this,
tensor is necessary to allow the total divergence to be which has to do with how electromagnetic current is fun-
zero, but no reasonable addition has been found, outside damentally defined. In the construction of microscopic
of including point charges, with their associated infinite electromagnetism, J µ is defined as being comprised of a
masses[2]. If a reasonable non-particle addition were to system of point charges as[85]
be included, all of the paradoxes and problems with elec-
tromagnetism would be resolved. In the language of this J µ = (ρ, J) ≡ qi δ(r − ri ) (1, vi ) (15)
section, the divergence of an appropriate addition to the where qi , ri , and vi are the charge, position, and velocity
stress-energy tensor would supply expressions for fb and of the ith charge (here i is summed over discrete charges,
dpbare , which would allow one to solve the local equations not dimensions), and δ is the Dirac delta function.
of motion Eq. 3. In Sec. IV A, we will discuss necessary Although sometimes not explicitly stated, this “parti-
constraints on any such addition to the stress-energy ten- cle hypothesis” is assumed ubiquitously in the literature
sor. when discussing the Lagrangian for the electromagnetic
field. This is manifest by the fact that when taking the
variation of the Lagrangian, J µ is assumed to be inde-
C. Least Action Principle and Deriving Maxwell’s
pendent of the vector potential Aµ (see for instance [2]
Eq. 12.88):
The problem of self-interaction is just as problematic ∂L p
= − |g|J α . (16)
when attempting to develop electromagnetism using the ∂Aα
principle of least action. To use the principle of least
action to develop a field theory, one defines an action Using Eq. 15 as the definition of J µ , this is perfectly rea-
integral (in curved space-time), S, which is the integral sonable, and variation with respect to Aα does indeed
of a scalar density, called the Lagrangian density, L, as produce the inhomogeneous part of Maxwell’s equations
(∇ν F µν = J µ ): Lint connects the flow of point parti-
cles to the electromagnetic field (and identifies it as the
S = Ld4 x. (12) the source of the field, i.e. electromagnetic current)[2].
Including a kinematic term for each point charge, and
The Lagrangian density can depend on various “fields” varying with respect to the position of each charge, pro-
defined in space-time, and each field’s derivatives to first duces the correct equations of motion, but without the
order17 . One then requires variations of this action to be radiation reaction (if one can call that correct).
zero against arbitrary variations of the different fields18 : It isn’t surprising that the radiation reaction is left
out. It is well known that the principle of least action
δS = δ(fieldi )d4 x = 0, (13) depends on the system being conservative. In 1900, when
δ(fieldi ) Joseph Larmor used the principle of least action to obtain
both Maxwell’s equations and the Lorentz force[86], at
where the ith field, fieldi , could be, for instance, the elec- the beginning of his treatment, he states
tromagnetic potential, (here i is summed over fields, not
dimensions). Since each field can vary independently, If the individual molecules are to be perma-
whatever multiplies δ(fieldi ) must individually be zero nent, the system...must be conservative; so
for each i. that the Principle of Least Action supplies a
In the literature, the portion of the Lagrangian density, foundation certainly wide enough...
which contains terms related to the electromagnetic field,
With the understanding that charged particles inherently
is (in our units, using the sign convention of Jackson)[2]
lose energy due to radiation, this argument doesn’t hold
L = LEM in general.
p+ Lint αβ This lack of self-interaction/radiation in particle the-
LEM = −p4 |g|Fαβ F (14)
ories, which are developed using the principle of least
Lint = − |g|J β Aβ .
action, is apparent in both classical and quantum me-
Variation of the action with respect to Aµ is then chanics. In quantum electrodynamics, radiative/self-
performed; this yields the inhomogeneous portion of interaction effects are absent until they are added in (af-
ter the fact) via perturbation theory, using the construct
of virtual particles and virtual photons19 .

17 This is typically the case, but some theories include higher order
derivatives; see [84] for some discussion.
18 The variations of the fields are constrained to be zero on the 19 The interaction with virtual particles is indistinguishable from
bounds of integration. self-interaction. See Sec. 3 from [54].

There have been efforts to contrive a Lagrangian for from the conventional Lagrangian is no longer valid20 .
charged objects, which directly includes radiation re- However, it is also, completely unnecessary! With the
action. For instance, researchers have developed La- definition,
grangians for such dissipative systems by combining it
with a time-reversed copy, doubling the phase space, Fµν ≡ 2∇[µ Aν] , (18)
but producing something where energy is conserved[87].
In any case, one does not obtain anything like the La- the current defined in Eq. 17 is conserved identically
grangians used in the standard model, and such La- due to the antisymmetry of Fµν [82]. The homogeneous
grangians are dependent on the geometry of the charge, Maxwell equations
so one would have to recontrive different Lagrangians for
differently shaped charges, and to the author’s knowl- ∇α Fβγ + ∇β Fγα + ∇γ Fαβ = 0, (19)
edge, no such treatment is available if the charges’ shapes
can evolve with time. are also identically true due to the definition Eq. 18[82].
Emphatically, by taking Eq. 17 as the definition of J µ
If one develops theories where the fundamental ob- (and not defining it as the flow of particles), the choice of
jects are particles, one is left with a necessarily non- a Lagrangian has no effect on Maxwell’s equations what-
conservative theory from the outset. For a point charge soever: Eq. 17 already is the inhomogeneous Maxwell’s
accelerating in a finite field, the radiation reaction is fi- equations. In other words, since we are not making any
nite (after renormalizing the infinite, inertial part into assumption on J µ outside of Eq. 17, there is no need to
the mass). derive it from Lint (or any other Lagrangian) as is neces-
However, for non-point charges, the situation is less sary in particle physics (where they need to connect the
grim. In fact, self-interaction for extended charged ob- electromagnetic field to particle flow). Or, if one prefers,
jects, where the charge/current density are bounded, don’t consider J µ at all. J µ can be considered shorthand
does not need to be accounted for at all at the fundamen- for ∇ν F µν , which happens to be conserved by the nature
tal level. If the current density, J µ , is bounded, then in of F µν .
a small volume dV , the magnitude of the self-field is pro- This is the view taken for the remainder of this pa-
portional to dV , and the charge enclosed is proportional per. Using these definitions, in whatever way one forms
to dV , so the self-force is proportional to dV 2 . Whereas the Lagrangian, Maxwell’s equations will be unaffected
the force from a finite external field (the field generated (they are an identity due to the two definitions, Eq. 17
by charge/current outside of dV ) is proportional to dV . and Eq. 18[82]). This constitutes a significant depar-
Therefore, in the limit of dV → 0, the self-interaction is ture from traditional microscopic electromagnetic theory,
negligible compared to the interaction with the external which assumes the particle hypothesis of Eq. 15, and then
field. requires the Lagrangian of Eq. 14 as necessary to produce
Maxwell’s equations21 . With this new-found freedom in
That is why with bounded J µ , conservation of energy
developing electrodynamic theories, let us investigate the
locally is given by Eq. 3, without any explicit represen-
tation of the self-interaction. The local equations of mo-
tion look conservative; it is not until an integral is per-
formed over a finite charge that the radiation reaction
appears, as in Eq. 8. Due to these difficulties, imposing TENSOR
the particle hypothesis of Eq. 15 seems to preclude a non-
perturbative Lagrangian approach to self-interaction.
A. Constraints on Additions
We wish to do something other than the particle hy-
pothesis. But we cannot make any other shape hypothe- Other than point out some subtleties, at this point, we
sis without violating causality. So what shall we do? The have only surveyed the history and the current state of
answer is nothing: make no assumption on the structure the mathematics of classical electrodynamic theory. Now
of what constitutes the flow of electromagnetic charge, we turn to studying ways of possibly resolving some of
or how it relates to other matter. One can simply define
J µ as

J µ ≡ ∇ν F µν , (17) Interestingly, using Eq. 17, the variation of − |g|Aα J α results
in just twice Eq. 16, so a Lagrangian, which results in Maxwell’s
equations upon variation of Aµ is still possible.
21 While a significant departure from particle physics, this is hardly
as the fundamental definition of the electromagnetic cur- original. We are just restating well known identities that can
rent. be found in any treatment of classical electromagnetism[2, 82].
The key difference is in traditional microscopic electromagnetic
Using this definition rather than Eq. 15, J µ is man- theory, one wishes to connect the electromagnetic field to the
ifestly dependent on Aµ , and Eq. 16 is no longer true; flow of point particles, which Eq. 14 does. We do not wish that,
hence, the conventional derivation of Maxwell’s equations and it is therefore unnecessary.

the problems, which have made dealing with extended and their derivatives on Σ(t0 ) for some t0 , the pro-
bodies of charge intractable until now. jection of ∇µ T µν onto Σ(t) gives sufficient informa-
To summarize, electrodynamic theory suffers from the tion for propagating how fields evolve to the next
fact that the electromagnetic stress-energy tensor in the foliation, Σ(t0 + dt); this gives 3 dynamical equa-
presence of electric charge has a non-zero divergence: tions, i.e. conservation of momentum density[88].
from a purely mathematical perspective, one obtains un- Energy density conservation is assumed to follow
solvable problems without an appropriate addition. The identically from momentum density conservation.
only suitable addition that has been found is that of Given these fairly broad assumptions, one might ex-
charged point particles. This point charge limit produces
pect a large number of possible ways to “complete” the
solvable equations, but at a cost of infinite self-energies electromagnetic stress-energy tensor, but as we will see,
(which fortunately can often be ignored via renormal-
this is not the case.
ization), and requires perturbative methods to include µν
As mentioned before, ∇µ TEM is:
The obvious question is: are there any suitable ad- ∇µ TEM = Jµ F µν . (21)
ditions to the electromagnetic stress-energy tensor for
bounded J µ , which would produce well-posed local equa- While this divergence is non-zero, it has the property
tions of motion? We now turn our attention to investi- that it is identically orthogonal to Jν :
gating what properties such an addition must have. Jν ∇µ TEM = Jν Jµ F µν = 0, (22)
In order to provide a clear working framework, we
make the following assumptions: since Jν Jµ is symmetric and F µν is anti-symmetric. This
can be interpreted physically in the following way: in a
1. The electromagnetic field is defined in the typical local frame where J = 0, the power delivered from/to
way: Fµν ≡ 2∇[µ Aν] = 2∂[µ Aν] 22 . Without mak- the electromagnetic field (∇µ TEM ) is identically 0. This
ing any assumption on the relationship of J µ with is obvious from the expression Jµ F µ0 = −J · E.
other matter, we invoke as the definition of the elec- This is analogous to a similar condition for particles.
tromagnetic 4-current, J µ ≡ ∇ν F µν . To preserve For a particle with 4-momentum, pµ , the rate of change
gauge-invariance, assume the electromagnetic po- of pµ (with respect to the particle proper time, τ ), ∂p∂τ ,
tentials do not enter directly into any equations. µ
and p are identically perpendicular if the mass of the
The contribution from the electromagnetic field to particle is constant,
the stress-energy tensor takes the usual form ∂ µ 1 ∂ µ 1 ∂
pµ p = p pµ = (−m2 ) = 0. (23)
1 ∂τ 2 ∂τ 2 ∂τ
µν µα νβ
TEM = gαβ F F − g µν Fαβ F αβ . (20) This is equivalent to stating that in a frame where pi = 0
(the instantaneous center-of-mass frame), the energy is a
All of these statements can be stated succinctly as minimum compared to frames boosted out of the center-
“We assume conventional electromagnetism” (ex- of-mass frame. For an accelerated particle as it passes
cluding the particle hypothesis). through its center-of-mass frame, the power delivered
must be zero due to this minimum.
2. The total stress-energy tensor is quadratic in fields Whatever 4-force is applied to particles must have the
and their derivatives. same property to produce consistent energy and momen-
3. The evolution of space-time is described by general tum evolution equations: it must be identically perpen-
relativity. dicular to pµ (this is equivalent to requiring that the
power delivered by a force, F, on a particle is F · v,
4. The theory is local: only local behavior of the mat- where v is the velocity of the particle). For the case of
ter and fields affects the dynamics of a point in charged particles, the electromagnetic current, J µ , and
space-time. the momentum, pµ , coincide up to a constant, and the
two identities, Eqs. 22 and 23 are consistent.
5. Conservation of momentum density produces a In our search for some non-particle matter to ab-
well-posed initial value problem for the fields, given sorb the energy-momentum lost by the electromagnetic
initial conditions. More specifically, if we foliate all field in the presence of J µ , we must similarly have en-
space-time into a family of space-like hypersurfaces ergy/momentum that will be consistent with Eq. 22.
(Cauchy surfaces), Σ(t), where t is an increasing pa- Qualitatively, this means the energy density contained
rameter (a local time parameter), then given fields in the matter must be at an extremum in frames where
J = 0, such that power density delivered in that frame
will be 0.
Mathematically, if we write the complete stress-energy
µν µν
22 Equivalently, we can define the electromagnetic field tensor as a tensor T µν , comprised of TEM and some addition, Tadd ,
differential 2-form F as F ≡ dA, where A is a 1-form, and d is
µν µν
the exterior derivative. T µν ≡ TEM + Tadd , (24)

then by Eq. 22, the following must be true: B. One Possible Addition to the Stress-Energy
Jν ∇µ Tadd = 0. (25)
Whatever we choose for Tadd µν
, in order to be consistent Since we require the divergence of Tadd to be orthog-
with TEM , its divergence must be orthogonal to J µ . One onal to J , the divergence must include J µ somehow.
can view Eq. 25 as relating energy conservation to mo- Tadd achieved this because J µ = ∇ν F µν . Other obvious
mentum conservation (just as for particles the power is options that can result in a divergence involving J µ are
F · v). This is the necessary identity required by As- stress-energy tensors directly including J µ . There are
sumption (5), that if satisfied, results in energy density only two quadratic, symmetric 2-tensors, which involve
conservation if momentum density is conserved. The na- the current:
ture of the electromagnetic stress-energy tells us how they
J µJ ν , g µν Jα J α , (26)
must relate. Eq. 25 strictly limits our options (and thus
is quite useful) in choosing an addition. which suggests the following addition,
Now consider what can contribute to our stress-energy
tensor. ∇µ T µν = 0 results in 3 independent equations µν
Tadd = ag µν Jα J α + bJ µ J ν . (27)
(with Eq. 25 removing one equation). If the theory is
to be well-posed, then our theory must be completely where a and b are constants. Taking the divergence of
defined by 3 dynamical degrees of freedom per space- µν
Tadd yields
time point. But we already have 3 dynamical degrees of
freedom, in J µ23 . If there is some other matter or field µν
∇µ Tadd = ag µν ∇µ (Jα J α ) + b∇µ (J µ J ν )
(or whatever), which interacts with the charge, in order = 2ag µν Jα ∇µ J α + b(∇µ J µ J ν + J µ ∇µ J ν )
to produce a theory that is well-posed, one must be able = 2aJµ ∇ν J µ + bJµ ∇µ J ν ,
to produce an equation that relates that other “stuff” to (28)
the local electromagnetic current (or field or potential), and taking a = − 21 b, we have
since J µ has already used up any available dynamical
degrees of freedom at that point in space-time. µν
∇µ Tadd = bJµ (∇µ J ν − ∇ν J µ ) , (29)
Of course, if there is other stuff, which does not interact
with the charge, i.e. the divergence of the stress-energy which is perpendicular to Jν , and Eq. 29 satisfies our
tensor of the other stuff is individually 0 separate from µν
constraint, Eq. 25 (the energy density of Tadd is an ex-
∇µ TEM , then this is not a requirement. But such an ad- tremum in a frame where J=0). Therefore, one possible
dition to the stress-energy tensor has no hope of fixing addition to the electromagnetic stress-energy tensor is
the non-zero divergence problem of the electromagnetic
stress-energy tensor, and so has no bearing on our dis-  
cussion here. µν µ ν 1 µν α
Tadd = ke J J − g Jα J , (30)
Particles (point charges) circumvent this limitation as 2
well: for point particles, the 3 dynamical degrees of free-
dom are used up in the position of the point charge at a where ke is a constant with units of distance squared.
µν µν
given time. Then any property (electromagnetic charge, The form of Tadd is similar to TEM . Writing the com-
mass, hypercharge, etc.) associated with any field can ponents explicitly in flat space-time,
be “painted” onto the point charge, without introduc-
= k2e ρ2 + J 2

ing new dynamical degrees of freedom. However, that Tadd
just brings us back to the particle hypothesis, and its Tadd = ke ρJ j (31)
pathologies discussed above. ij i j ke ij 2
Tadd = ke J J + 2 g (ρ − J ), 2
Therefore, we don’t have the ability to add in more
dynamical degrees of freedom, which aren’t directly re- where g ij in flat space-time is the Kronecker delta func-
lated to the electromagnetic field/current, and locality tion. The 00 component looks like what one might guess
requires that the dynamics only depend on the behavior for the energy stored in a charge density (it has some-
of the fields at that point in space-time. If we maintain thing that looks like a rest term, ρ2 , and a kinetic term,
our requirement for gauge invariance, we cannot directly J 2 ; with ke > 0, the energy density is a minimum in the
include Aµ . The only available options left are additions frame where J = 0). The 0j components also look like
directly in terms of F µν or its derivatives, e.g. J µ . Thus, what one might guess for the momentum carried by a
our problem can be restated as: we require a symmetric current (if ke is positive, it travels with positive current
2-tensor, which is quadratic in the electromagnetic field and against negative current).
and its derivatives, which satisfies Eq. 25 as an identity. Taking the divergence of T µν yields the equations of
∇µ Tµν = ∇µ TEM,µν + ∇µ Tadd,µν
23 One component is constrained by charge conservation ∇µ Jµ = 0. = J µ Fµν + 2ke ∂[µ Jν] = 0.

Note that we have replaced some covariant derivatives Covariantly, a perfect (non-viscous) fluid has a stress-
with partial derivatives, since (in the absence of torsion), energy tensor given by
the antisymmetric derivatives coincide.
Let’s explore them in flat space-time, since it will re- Tpf = (ǫ + P )uµ uν + P g µν , (38)
veal some interesting properties of our new stress-energy
tensor. The divergence (taking into account charge con- where ǫ is the energy density, P is the pressure, and
servation) is: uµ is the fluid 4-velocity, which satisfies uµ uµ = −1[2,
90]. Writing the p electromagnetic 4-current as J =
√ α µ 2 2 µ
∇ µν −Jα J u = ρ − J u (assuming time-like cur-
 µT = µν
−J · E + ke 1c J · ∂J rents), Tadd takes on the form of the stress-energy tensor
∂t + J · ∇ρ .
−(ρE + J × B) + ke 1c ρ ∂J
 of a perfect fluid with the following equation of state,
∂t + ρ∇ρ − J × (∇ × J)
(33) ke ke 2
Jµ J µ = ρ − J2 .

The time component (power equation) is redundant by ǫ=P =− (39)
Eq. 25. Thus all the information contained in Eq. 33 may 2 2
be written as Because Taddµν
results in equations of motion so similar
  to the Navier-Stokes equation, this may allow use of well
1 ∂J
ρE + J × B = ke ρ + ρ∇ρ − J × (∇ × J) . (34) established methods to solve the equations of motion (for
c ∂t instance, to search for stable solutions). The connection
to a relativistic perfect fluid should also make available
This is a well-defined, local force law on the current den- various existing methods for solving these equations in
sity. the context of general relativity.
Eq. 34 is reminiscent of the equations of motion of a
fluid. Using the identity J× (∇× J) = 21 ∇(J 2 )− (J·∇)J,
and with some algebra, the force law becomes C. Superluminal (Space-Like) Currents
ke ∂J ke 2 2

ρ + ke (J · ∇)J = −∇ ρ −J + ρE + J × B. The perfect fluid of the previous section has some inter-
c ∂t 2 esting properties. For most fluids, the stress-energy ten-
sor diverges as uµ approaches being light-like[88]. This
This is a Navier-Stokes-like equation, where the left hand
divergence prevents fluids’ bulk velocity from achieving
side represents the total change in momentum of the
or exceeding the speed of light. However, for our fluid,
fluid. The right hand side has a pressure-like term, with
the stress-energy tensor remains finite forpall values of
pressure P = k2e (ρ2 − J 2 ), and a body force from the
ρ and J; this may be seen by realizing ρ2 − J 2 ap-
electromagnetic field.
proaches zero as the components of uµ diverge, such that
In terms of our general local conservation of momen-
their product remains finite25 .
tum equation, Eq. 3, we can make the associations
This may also be deduced from the equations of mo-
tion, Eq. 35: consider a uniform electric field acting on

∂t (dpbare ) = kce ρ ∂J
∂t + ke (J · ∇)J (36) a uniform ρ and J with zero B. ∂J ∂t is proportional to E,
= −∇ k2e ρ2 − J 2 .

fb and J can change by an arbitrary amount, while ρ stays
constant; this can change J µ from light-like to space-like
Eq. 35 can be made to look exactly like the Navier- (or vice versa) without any pathological behavior.
Stokes equation by making the replacement J = ρu (if ρ Although the current may be well behaved as its bulk
is non-zero, which is not necessarily required): velocity approaches c, one may ask whether the energy
  in its field diverges. Point charges (or any discrete body
ke 2 ∂u of charge), for instance, have a strict speed limit of the
ρ + (u · ∇)u = −∇P +ρ2 (∇·u)u+ρE+J×B.
c ∂t speed of light, because the electromagnetic field (and the
(37) energy and momentum of the field) diverges as the speed
This is now the Navier-Stokes equation[89] with no vis- approaches c[2].
cosity for a fluid of mass density k2e ρ2 , velocity u, pres- However, this is not true for currents in general. There
sure P = k2e (ρ2 − J 2 ), and a body force, ρ2 (∇ · u)u + is nothing in the electromagnetic fields of a continuous
ρE + J × B24 . current J µ preventing it from being space-like, or chang-
ing from time-like to light-like to space-like. This can
easily be seen by taking the fields of an infinite wire with

24 Note the “mass” conservation law for this fluid is slightly different
than for a typical fluid. Using conservation of charge, one finds
1 ∂(ρ )
c ∂t
+ 2ρ2 ∇ · u + u · ∇(ρ2 ) = 0; the factor of 2 on the second 25 Apparently, any perfect fluid with ǫ = P has the property that uµ
term is not found in the typical conservation of mass equation can pass from being time-like to space-like without any pathol-
associated with the Navier-Stokes equation. ogy.

continuous charge density ρ, which is constant in time. that if the pressure can be written purely as a function
Now say J increases linearly with time from 0. The elec- of ρm , the Lagrangian densitypthat produces the perfect
tric and magnetic field simply change linearly in time, fluid stress-energy tensor is − |g|ǫ, and the energy den-
while at some point |J| equals ρ, and at later times is sity must obey
greater than ρ.
For a real wire, the charge is not continuous, but made ǫ = Cρm + ρm dρm , (42)
of electrons, which do obey the strict speed limit; but for ρm
a continuous charge density/current, there is no speed
where C is an arbitrary integration constant. In our case,
limit. Therefore, something such as a uniformly charged
P and ǫ are pure functions of ρm , and if we set C = 0,
sphere, which is spinning, is not prohibited by any rel-
our energy is indeed given by Eq. 42. Since we satisfy
ativistic limit from apparently spinning faster than the
all the requirements of [93], we can say that for time-like
speed of light (again, we are talking of a truly uniformly µν
currents the Lagrangian density, which produces Tadd , is
charged sphere, where the charge is uniformly smeared
over the sphere; if the sphere is charged with electrons, 1p
that is not uniform, and the speed limit holds). Ladd = |g|ke Jα J α . (43)
The fact that our added fluid also does not preclude
currents changing from time-like to space-like is interest- While the derivation in [93] is only valid for time-like
ing, and useful if we would like to explore the behavior currents, as we discussed in the previous section, there
of a spinning charged object, which spins faster than the is no pathology separating time-like from space-like cur-
speed of light; especially because apparently, certain fun- rents in Eq. 30, so there is no reason to suspect the vari-
damental particles such as electrons have this property. ation would be any different for light-like or space-like
Note this in no way violates causality. The equations currents.
are fully covariant. The speed at which perturbations However, since we have defined J µ as J µ ≡ ∇ν F µν ,
in the fluid travel, the speed of sound in the fluid, is in there is a complication. In order to produce TEM from
fact the speed of light (vs2 = dP/dǫ = 1[91]; c = 1 in LEM , the variation of LEM with respect to the metric
our units). As will be discussed later, if bound charge is performed holding Aµ constant. This implies Fµν ≡
distributions exist, they will have the familiar center-of- 2∂[µ Aν] is also constant during variation of the metric.
mass equations of motion, Eq. 8, where the velocity of However, that is inconsistent with what we have done in
the resulting charged object is also limited by the speed this section. By using the result of [93], which constrains
of light. conservation of charge to be unaffected by the variation
of the metric, we are requiring that
1 h p i
D. Principle of Least Action Revisited ∇µ J µ = p ∂µ ∂ν ( |g|g µα g νβ Fαβ ) (44)
Using the principle of least action, one should be able
be unchanged by such variations. Varying g µν in Eq. 44
to generate the stress-energy tensor from a Lagrangian holding Aµ (and Fµν ) constant definitely does not pre-
density by[92] serve conservation of charge, which calls into question the
δL 1
p compatibility of holding Aµ constant and using conser-
δgµν = 2 |g|T µν . (40) vation of charge as we did above to arrive at Eq. 43.
Fortunately, we will see shortly that one may still
We now ask if varying some Lagrangian density with µν
µν arrive at TEM from LEM using conservation of charge
respect to the metric results in the Tadd of Eq. 30.
rather than holding Aµ constant. But putting the issue
The connection of our addition to a perfect fluid makes
of LEM on hold for now, let us see how Aµ must vary as
this possible, in the case of time-like currents. In [93],
g µν is varied in order to guarantee conservation of charge.
the Lagrangian density is derived for a barotropic fluid
The clearest way to do this is rather than require Aµ be
(a fluid whose pressure/energy are only functions of the
constant during variationp of the metric, require that the
rest mass density). They show that given a conservation
current density, j µ ≡ |g|J µ , is unchanged. If j µ is un-
law (conservation of matter in [93]) ∇µ (ρm uµ ) = 0, where
changed, then charge conservation, which takes the form
uµ is the 4-velocity of the fluid and ρm is the rest mass
∂µ j µ = 0 (even in curved space-time), is unchanged.
density, one can relate the variation of ρm to the variation
Taking the variation of the current density,
of the metric as[93, 94]
h p i
1 δj µ = 2δ ∂ν ( |g|g µα g νβ ∂[α Aβ] ) , (45)
δρm = (gµν + uµ uν )δg µν . (41)
and using the identity δg = −ggσρ δg σρ , one obtains
As in √
Sec. IV B, we cast the electromagnetic current as p 
J µ = −Jα J α uµ , and conservation
√ of charge takes the ∂β |g|g αµ g βν ∂[µ δAν] = 21 δj α
form ∇µ (ρm uµ ) = 0 with ρm = −Jα J α . Our pressure hp i (46)
and energy are then P = ǫ = 12 ke ρ2m . In [93], they show +∂β |g| 14 gµν δg µν F αβ − δg µ[β F α] µ .

This is four second order differential equations for the This is completely independent of the metric. Thus, ig-
four components of δAµ , which given δg µν and δj µ , can noring the total derivative, we can always convert the
be solved. Setting δj µ = 0 tells us how Aµ must vary portion of a scalar variation due to δj µ to
during metric variation to guarantee charge conservation.
It is simple to write Ladd as a function purely of j µ Bµ δj µ → −∂ν Bµ δf µν , (54)
and the metric:
and we can write the total variation of our scalars as:
1 √
Ladd = p ke gµα j µ j α . (47) δLEM = − 21 −gTEM µν
δgµν − 12 Fµν δf µν (55)
2 |g|

Varying gµν holding j µ constant gives26 1√ µν

δLadd = 2 −gTadd δgµν + ke ∂µ Jν δf µν . (56)
= 12 |g|ke J µ J ν − 12 g µν Jα J α
δgµν At this point, we make the claim that rather than
µν (48) treating Aµ as the fundamental electromagnetic field
= 21 |g|Tadd
variable to be varied independent of the metric, one
which is the correct relationship between a Lagrangian should use f µν . The electromagnetic field Lagrangian
and a stress-energy tensor. Therefore, using charge con- can be written as
servation as an argument to hold j µ constant, we have
LEM = − 14 |g|Fαβ F αβ
generalized the time-like current result from [93], to arbi- (57)
trary electromagnetic currents: our Lagrangian density = − √1 gµα gνβ f µν f αβ ,
4 |g|
is given by Eq. 43 (or Eq. 47), which produces the correct
stress-energy tensor. which can easily be shown to produce Eq. 55 (much more
Now let us address the electromagnetic field La- quickly than our initial round-about method of going
grangian: from δAµ to δj µ to δf µν )28 . Any appearance of j µ in
the Lagrangian can be converted to produce δf µν via
LEM = − 41 |g|Fαβ F αβ . Eq. 54.
With this in mind, the combined “matter” Lagrangian
The conventional variation (considering Aµ as the funda- density, which produces the correct stress-energy tensor
mental EM field) is (via variation of the metric), which leads to the equations
of motion Eq. 32, is
δLEM = 12 |g|TEM
p p
δgµν − 2 |g|g µα g νβ ∂[µ Aν] ∂[α δAβ]
|g| 41 Fµν F µν + 12 ke Jµ J µ .
(50) Lmatter = (58)
Using the product rule and ignoring total derivatives27 ,
one can rewrite the last term of Eq. 50 as Note again that we have changed the sign on the electro-
magnetic field portion. Adding the Lagrangian density
2 |g|g µα νβ which leads to the Einstein tensor, we can write the total
pg ∂µα [µ Aν] ∂[α δAβ] →
(51) Lagrangian density, including gravity:
2Aµ ∂ν ( |g|g g νβ ∂[α δAβ] ),
R + 14 Fµν F µν + 21 ke Jµ J µ , (59)
Ltotal = |g| 16π
which contains the left hand side of Eq. 46. Substituting
Eq. 46 into Eq. 50 produces: where R is the scalar curvature. Requiring δLtotal p
= 0 for
√ µν arbitrary variations of the metric (holding j µ ≡ |g|J µ
δLEM = − 21 −gTEM δgµν − Aµ δj µ . (52) constant) gives29 :
The electromagnetic stress-energy tensor still is pro- δLtotal 1
= − 16π µν
(Rµν − 12 Rg µν ) + 12 TEM µν
+ 12 Tadd =0
duced, but it has the wrong sign! Therefore, if we hold
the current density constant during variation, we must
switch the sign of LEM to correctly produce TEM .
It’s also worth noting that because δj = ∂ν δf µν (even

in curved space), for any 1-form, Bµ , contracted with δj µ , 28 We could have just started this section stating that we wish to
treat f µν as our fundamental electromagnetic variable rather
µ µν µν µν
Bµ δj = Bµ ∂ν δf = ∂ν (Bµ δf ) − ∂ν Bµ δf . than Aµ ; holding f µν constant, holds j µ constant, and hence al-
(53) lows us to vary the metric without violating charge conservation.
However, the author thought it better to motivate the change
through this discussion. We can’t just forget that Fµν = 2∂µ Aν ,
since this is required for the homogeneous Maxwell equations to
remain valid. The discussion was meant to make it clear from
26 δ |g| = 12 |g|g µν δgµν , see [82]
p p
Eq. 46 how Aµ must vary during metric variation to conserve
27 Total derivatives in the Lagrangian density can be written as charge.
surface terms in the action integral. Since variations are assumed 29 A derivation of the variation of the scalar curvature can be found
to be zero there, these terms are unimportant. in [95].

or Requiring the action integral be unaffected by the vari-

ation of the metric tensor results in Einstein’s field equa-
µν µν
Rµν − 12 Rg µν = 8π (TEM + Tadd ), (61) tions, Eq. 60. But if we restrict the variation of the metric
to be due to an infinitesimal diffeomorphism, conserva-
where Rµν is the Ricci tensor (or Rµν − 12 Rg µν is the tion of momentum-energy follows[92].
Einstein tensor). This is Einstein’s field equations, with To show this, consider an infinitesimal diffeomorphism
our now complete stress-energy tensor as its source. that maps points in the manifold to other points in the
manifold as

x′µ = xµ + ǫξ µ (xµ ), (64)

E. Diffeomorphism Invariance and Dynamical
Theories where ξ µ is a vector field and ǫ is a small constant. In
the limit of ǫ → 0, the variation of the metric due to such
The variation of our total Lagrangian is: a diffeomorphism is[92]:

δLtotal = 1
− 16π (Rµν − 12 Rg µν µν
) + 12 TEM µν 
+ 12 Tadd δgµν δgµν = ǫ£ξ gµν (65)
+ F
2 µν + k ∂ J
e µ ν δf .
where £ξ is the Lie derivative with respect to ξ. Due to
the constancy of the metric, this can be expressed purely
While we discussed the δgµν term in the previous sec-
as a derivative of ξ µ [92],
tion, we didn’t discuss what is to be done with the term
containing δf µν . If we require that δLtotal = 0 against δgµν = 2ǫ∇(µ ξν) . (66)
arbitrary variations of δf µν , we obtain:
Using this equation to replace δgµν in Eq. 62, and inte-
2 Fµν + ke ∂[µ Jν] = 0. (63) grating by parts, the δgµν term becomes
µν µν
There are a few issues with Eq. 63. First, there are ∇µ (TEM + Tadd ) ǫξν , (67)
too many equations: 6 equations and only 3 unknowns;
this is due to the fact that we haven’t taken into ac- where we’ve used that the divergence of the Einstein ten-
count that the components of f µν cannot vary indepen- sor is zero. If we require this to be zero for arbitrary
dently due to its definition in terms of Aµ . Secondly, diffeomorphisms, then it implies conservation of momen-
and more importantly, this equation is linear in F and tum/energy.
its derivatives. This is similar to what is obtained from These are “dynamical equations” or “equations of mo-
conventional variational electromagnetism: varying the tion”. To reemphasize the nomenclature used here, “field
Lagrangian − 41 Fµν F µν − Aµ J µ results in the inhomo- equations”, as mentioned above, are obtained by requir-
geneous Maxwell’s equations: Jµ = ∇ν F µν (where in ing that the variation of the Lagrangian be zero against
that context, J µ is the flow of particles, see Sec. III C). arbitrary variations of a field; “dynamical equations”
For any Lagrangian quadratic in the fields, the resulting arise from requiring that the variation of the Lagrangian
equations from arbitrary variations of a field will result in be zero due to variations of a field only due to arbitrary
equations linear in the fields. For the remainder of this infinitesimal diffeomorphisms. For each field for which
paper, the author will call such equations “field equa- we require this, this provides 4 equations of motion.
tions”, since, like Maxwell’s equations, they are typically Let us apply this to δf µν . Again, the variation be-
used to calculate the fields from their sources, or linearly comes the Lie derivative, which can be written as[92]:
relate one field to another30 . p
We do not seek such equations. We already have all of δf αβ = ǫ |g| F αβ ∇µ ξ µ + ξ µ ∇
αµ β µβ α (68)
Maxwell’s field equations as an identity due to the defi- − F ∇µ ξ − F ∇ν ξ .
nitions Fµν ≡ 2∂[µ Aν] and J µ ≡ ∇ν F µν . What we really
seek are “dynamical equations”, which are determined Inserting this into Eq. 62, using the homogeneous
by conservation of energy-momentum as it flows into and Maxwell’s equations, and ignoring total derivatives, turns
out of the fields. And we’ve already found them, Eq. 32, the δf µν term into:
which are quadratic in the field and its derivatives. How 1
Fµν + ke ∂µ Jν δf µν

did those arise from our action integral? Infinitesimal 2p (69)
= |g|J µ Fµν + 2ke ∂[µ Jν] ǫξ ν .

Requiring this to be zero for arbitrary ξ µ yields exactly
the equations of motion we already found in Eq. 32 from
conservation of the stress-energy tensor.
The metric is an exception in this respect. Its variation still has
quadratic terms in the fields since it is taken as a constant that This redundancy between momentum-energy conser-
is included in the “quadratic” products. Its own field equations vation arising from the δgµν variation, and the δf µν vari-
are also hardly linear. ation, is no accident. The variation of any scalar density

due to arbitrary infinitesimal diffeomorphisms is a total conservation identities of the other fields (charge conser-
derivative, zero for our purposes: vation in our case). For the same Lagrangian and fields,
the field equation approach is more restrictive (it must
δ( |g|L) = p|g| 12 Lg µν δgµν + δL
p p 
hold against more general variations of the fields), lead-
= p|g| (Lg µν ǫ∇µ ξν + ǫξ µ ∇µ L) (70) ing to a more restricted set of solutions; the dynamical
= ǫ |g|∇µ (Lξ µ ) . equation approach leads to a larger class of solutions. For
instance, any F µν that satisfies Eq. 63, will definitely sat-
Therefore, any Lagrangian is invariant against infinitesi- isfy Eq. 32 as it is just the contraction of J µ with Eq. 63,
mal diffeomorphisms (as long as they are zero at infinity). but the reverse is not true.
Since it is a mathematical identity, it is unhelpful in de-
veloping theories. However, if we impose as a theoretical Note that if one uses the field equation approach with
principle, that the Lagrangian be invariant to variations all the fields (excluding possibly the metric), conserva-
in each field separately, where each variation is due to tion of the stress-energy tensor is identically satisfied by
arbitrary infinitesimal diffeomorphisms, that can be used Eq. 70 (the total variation is guaranteed to be zero, and
to develop theories. For a manifold with one vector field all variations but the metric are already zero by the field
and the metric, once the variation of the metric or the equations): conservation of energy-momentum is unnec-
field due to diffeomorphisms is required to be zero, the essary; it does not tell you anything new as the field
other follows immediately by Eq. 70; they are redundant. equations already set all the fields. Including at least
The metric is special: because it is constant (zero co- one “dynamical field”, one that uses the dynamical equa-
variant derivative), even if we are requiring that the vari- tion approach, sets that field by conservation of energy-
ation of the metric only be zero if it is due to a diffeomor- momentum, and some of the evolution is then described
phism, the variation of the metric can be written purely by momentum-energy conservation. That is what was
in terms of the derivatives of ξ µ , Eq. 66 (independent of done in this paper.
the value of ξ µ at that point in space-time); since we can
vary the derivatives at a point arbitrarily, what multiplies Adding more dynamical fields to the theory is possi-
δgµν = 2ǫ∇(µ ξν) must be zero. This is true whether due ble. If each additional independent field is determined by
to arbitrary variations of the metric or those due solely a vector (or 1-form) (as in our case, f µν is determined by
to a diffeomorphism. Integration by parts then implies as J µ ), then requiring the variation of the action integral be
well that the divergence of this must also be zero31 . In the invariant due to variations of that field, due to infinitesi-
case of most tensor fields, which have non-zero covariant mal diffeomorphisms, will result in four more dynamical
equations for each field added, dynamically determining
derivatives (such as f µν ), the variation of the tensor field
includes terms with both ξ µ and its derivative (which the evolution of the field. One could, if one wishes, also
add fields determined by field equations. Requiring the
cannot be varied independently), so integration by parts
must first be performed to get all terms proportional to action integral be invariant against arbitrary variations
of certain fields (leading to field equations) automatically
ξ µ ; whatever multiplies this must be zero (as in Eq 69).
enforces diffeomorphism invariance, so the total theory
Thus, the theory of this paper can be viewed as arising
would still be diffeomorphism invariant.
solely from requiring that the action integral be invari-
ant to independent variations of gµν and f µν , where each To summarize, one can immediately arrive at the the-
variation is itself due to arbitrary infinitesimal diffeomor- ory of this paper by demanding that the Lagrangian of
phisms. This principle of diffeomorphism independence is Eq. 59 be invariant against independent variations of gµν
more general than the more conventional field equation and f µν due to arbitrary infinitesimal diffeomorphisms.
approach, where one requires the action integral to be To the author’s knowledge, this is the first self-consistent
invariant against arbitrary variations of the fields them- theory that combines both electromagnetism and gravity.
To see this, let us compare the two approaches. In In this theory, ke has the role of a fundamental phys-
both cases, the resulting equations are completely deter- ical constant, like the gravitational constant, G, or the
mined by the choice of a Lagrangian and the choice of speed of light, c. Given general relativity and electromag-
“fundamental fields”, or more appropriately “indepen- netism, we could always reduce variables to some unit of
dent fields”, those which are considered as being able to distance (using appropriate factors of G and c), like in
vary independently. In this paper, we choose field inde- the geometric units we use in this paper. In quantum me-
pendence such that variations of one field does not change chanics, we can do away with all units using ~ (or equiv-
alently the Planck length) to set a fundamental length
scale. In the theory described by Eq. 59 (or equivalently
Eq. 61), ke sets the length scale for any dynamical prob-
31 Integration by parts isn’t really necessary, since the divergence lem. One could rewrite all the equations in completely
of zero is guaranteed to be zero. Conservation of stress-energy
follows directly from Einstein’s field equations, and the fact that dimensionless form by modifying the ∇µ operator to be
the divergence of the Einstein tensor is zero. Still, most text- unitless using ke , and adding appropriate powers of ke to
books tell the story this way. all variables to also make them unitless.

V. DYNAMICS REVISITED (such as a spinning sphere). In that case, ρ(−r) = ρ(r)

and J(−r) = −J(r), and both terms exactly integrate
to zero. The remaining ke ρ ∂J
A. External and Internal Dynamics ∂t dV relates how the in-
tegrated force on the object changes the electromagnetic
The theory represented by Eq. 59, for the first time, current (thus accelerating the object).
provides a self-consistent local force law for electromag- Although they may not contribute significantly to the
netic charge (Eq. 32), without imposing point charges integrated momentum, the last two terms of Eq. 72 can
as its source. Now that we have such a local force law, play a significant role in internal dynamics. Consider
the pressure-like term, k2e ∇ ρ2 − J 2 . Fairly generally,

in principle one may attempt to find stable solutions.
Particular solutions will be discussed later, but assuming under this theory, any concentration of ρ will create a
that some stable solution exists (a stable charged object), positive pressure, and will cause the charge to tend to
we make some qualitative statements about its structure explode (even with negative ke , ke ρ ∂J ∂t also changes sign,
and its dynamics. so the effective pressure remains positive).
We will follow the treatment of Sec. III B, but now we However, regions where J 2 is larger than ρ2 have the
have actual expressions for the local momentum of the reverse effect and will behave like a low pressure region,
charge, and something to insert for the binding force. causing charge to coalesce in those areas; this could be
For the discussion that follows, we’ll consider the equa- a possible mechanism for stability. Since the charged
tions of motion in flat space-time, Eq. 35. Say you have a particles of nature appear to be spinning faster than c,
discrete, stable charge distribution; integrating the con- such particles would require, on average, J 2 to be larger
servation of momentum equations over the extent of the than ρ2 . With ke > 0, we will see, interestingly just as
distribution, one obtains in nature, that having J 2 > ρ2 on average appears to
R be a requirement to have stable solutions (at least in flat
qEext R+ qv × Bext + ρEself + J × Bself space-time).
∂J 1 2 2
 dV (71)
= ke ρ ∂t + (J · ∇)J + 2 ∇ ρ − J dV, Another possible method for producing stability would
be if ke < 0. If ke < 0, then locally, positive charge den-
where again we’ve assumed the distribution is small sity would accelerate opposite the direction of electric
enough that the external fields are constant over it. The fields, rather than in the same direction. The self-electric
left hand side is the same as in Eq. 6 (with Fext = 0), field of a sphere of charge ρ would cause it to collapse,
so the right hand side (by Newton’s second law) is the not explode. Of course at some point, the pressure gra-
rate of change of the momentum of the object, excluding dient created by ρ2 could compensate, producing stable
the inertia in the electromagnetic field. Evaluating the solutions.
integral of the self-fields results in the radiation reaction This counter-intuitive local behavior might seem im-
(which depends heavily on the structure of the object) possible to reconcile with experiment: we know that posi-
and the field inertial term (from the non-radiating energy tive charges accelerate in the direction of electric fields. A
in the electromagnetic field). The result is equivalent to negative ke basically makes the mass contribution from
Eq. 8, where we find that the non-electromagnetic-field the charge negative, which is why it accelerates in the
contribution to the momentum is wrong direction. But note as long as a discrete charge
d distribution satisfies |mfield | > |mbare | (with mother = 0),
dt (γm
R bare v) = (72) discrete charges would still behave exactly as we find in
ke ρ ∂J + 12 ∇ ρ2 − J 2 dV,

∂t + (J · ∇)J experiment since the total inertial mass, m, is greater
where we’ve set mother = 0. With Eq. 71 and Eq. 72, than zero: a discrete positive charge will accelerate with
the center-of-mass dynamics may be solved in the same the electric field, and a negative charge will accelerate
way as for point charges. However, this exercise of rele- against it.
gating ourselves to center-of-mass dynamics is no longer The fact that negative ke results in a negative mass
necessary. We can solve all of the dynamics (including contribution provides a possible mechanism for renormal-
internal motion) using Eq. 35, which yields a full causal ization. The apparent size of the electron is smaller than
solution to the dynamics at every point in space-time, the radius where its electromagnetic field mass would
without pre-assuming any structure of the charge. This equal its measured mass[78]. Since the electromagnetic
will also result in the appropriate radiation reaction due field mass is inversely proportional to the size of the
to the aggregate motion of the object. charge, the electromagnetic field mass apparently is too
Note that for a compact object, where a surface can be large, and some negative mass would be necessary to
drawn around it where ρ and J are zero on the surface, compensate; a negative ke would provide exactly that.
the last term in the right-hand-side integral of Eq. 72
is zero; it can be converted to a surface integral. Also,
for an object with enough symmetry, the last two terms B. Short-Range Forces Between Particles
will in large part integrate to zero. For instance, con-
sider an axisymmetric distribution (centered at the ori- Assuming that stable solutions exist, if two compact
gin), which also is symmetric about its equatorial plane charged objects collide or are bound closely, such that

their charge distributions overlap, the pressure gradient In order to form a 4-vector with the momentum, UEM
and convective term of Eq. 71 can significantly contribute should obey UEM = γmf . However, in the boosted frame,
to the interaction between the objects. the integrated energy is instead
If the charges were considered to be point charges, this 1
(2Ex2 − E 2 + 2Bx2 − B 2 )dV.
current-current interaction would appear to be a new, UEM = γmf + 2γ
non-electromagnetic, short-range force between the “par- = γmf + γ TEM,xx dV. (74)
ticles”. From this point of view, the strong and weak
interaction, rather than being an exchange of some field
between particles, could be a contact interaction between In order for the energy and momentum to transform
R as a
extended charges. However, our theory does not man- 4-vector when boosted in the x direction, Txx dV must
ifestly violate parity, which seems to preclude it from be zero. If we boost in the y and z directions, it becomes
being mistaken for the weak interaction; but the new clear the integral cannot be made zero for all boost direc-
short-range forces in Eq. 35 could have properties simi- tions (discussed more below). This shows any static elec-
lar to those of the strong interaction. tromagnetic field momentum-energy alone cannot trans-
If we consider a very high energy soup of stable charges form as a 4-vector, and is evidence that no static object
under our theory, one could imagine the free fluid nature exists with its energy purely in the electromagnetic field
of the theory becoming manifest as the boundaries of the (in flat space-time).
particles become blurred. Interestingly, the experimental Now add the contribution to the energy/momentum
behavior of high energy quark-gluon plasmas generated from our 4-current addition. The current transforms as

by colliding heavy nuclei[96–100] fits well to hydrody- Jy,z = Jy,z , ρ′ = γ(ρ−vx Jx ), Jx′ = γ(Jx −vx ρ). Integrat-
namic simulations using a near perfect fluid[101–106]. ing the momentum, ke ρ′ Jx′ , in the boosted frame, again,
transforms correctly,
px = −γm
R c vx
C. Transformation Properties of Static Solutions in (75)
mc ≡ ke ρ2 + Jx2 dV.
Flat Space-Time
The integrated energy in the primed frame due to the
One method to determine the possibility of stable ob- current is
jects is to investigate how the integrated momentum and ke
(−ρ2 − 2Jx2 + J 2 )dV
Uadd = γmc + 2γ
energy transform from an object’s rest frame (a frame 1
R (76)
where the integrated momentum is zero) to a different Uadd = γmc + γ Tadd,xx dV.
reference frame (where the object is moving): in na-
R the total energy, UEM + Uadd , is to transform correctly,
ture, of course, the energy and momentum are required
TEM,xx + Tadd,xx dV must be zero; boosting along all of
to transform as a 4-vector.
the axes gives the following constraints
To demonstrate something that fails this requirement,
first, consider a charged object, and assume its energy
R 2 2 2 2
R 2 2 2
µν R E 2 + B 2 + ke (ρ2 + 2Jx2 )dV = R 2Ex2 + 2Bx2 + ke J 2 dV
is derived solely from TEM , assuming static fields in
R E 2 + B 2 + ke (ρ2 + 2Jy2 )dV = R 2Ey2 + 2By2 + ke J 2 dV
the rest-frame of the object. In the rest frame, call E + B + ke (ρ + 2Jz )dV = 2Ez + 2Bz + ke J dV.
the electromagnetic field E and B. Now consider a (77)
boosted frame, which is moving in the x direction with This is just a restatement Rof a well-known fact: in order
speed vx relative to the rest-frame, where an observer in for an object to be stable, Tij dV (the strains integrated
this frame measures fields, E′ and B′ . In the boosted over the object) must be zero in the rest frame[83]. If
frame, the fields are written in terms of the rest fields as the off-diagonal components are non-zero, then py and
Ex′ = Ex , Bx′ = Bx , Ey,z′ ′
= γ(Ey,z ∓ vx Bz,y ), By,z = pz would be non-zero for an object moving in the x di-
γ(By,z ± vx Ez,y ), and the volume element (integrated at rection (you can easily verify this by calculating py and
constant boosted time) transforms as dV ′ = γ1 dV ; here pz using our example). As we’ve just seen, if the diagonal
γ = 1/ 1 − vx2 [2]. components are non-zero, the energy does not transform
Integrating the boosted Poynting vector, S′ = E′ × correctly.
′ Adding all the Eqs. 77 yields
B , over all space in the boosted frame at an instant in
boosted time yields the integrated momentum of the field R
Txx + Tyy + Tzz dV = 0
in the boosted frame. The integrated momentum in the R 2 (78)
rest frame must be zero; imposing this constraint, the E + B 2 + ke (3ρ2 − J 2 )dV = 0.
integrated momentum, p′x , is just what one expects: a From Eq. 78, in order for the integrals of Eq. 77 to be
constant times γvx , equal, one of two things must be true: either ke is less
p′x = R−γmf vx than zero, or on average, J 2 is significantly larger than
mf ≡ Ey2 + Ez2 + By2 + Bz2 dV,
(73) 3ρ2 .
Negative ke , as discussed in Sec. V A, means the elec-
where mf is interpreted as the inertial mass due to the tromagnetic force would locally accelerate charge oppo-
electromagnetic field. site of what is observed in nature. However, the only

measurements we have are of particles (stable charged A. Spherical Solutions in Flat Space-Time
objects), where the force increases the total momentum
of the object in the direction of the force. As long as Even in flat space-time, due to the non-linear nature of
the total momentum, including the field, is in the direc- Eq. 35, finding analytic solutions is somewhat difficult.
tion of vx , then the center-of-mass motion would appear However, with spherical symmetry, the situation is sig-
as we measure in nature. Therefore, ke < 0 may be al- nificantly simplified. ∇ × J and J × B are both zero, and
lowed as long as the momentum in the electromagnetic the remaining terms all have a factor of ρ in them giving
field of a stable moving object is larger than the momen-  
tum carried by the charge itself. In other words, as long ∂J
ρ ke + ke ∇ρ − E = 0. (81)
as m = mf + mc > 0, the charge will accelerate in the ∂t
experimentally observed direction no matter the sign of
ke [24]. Using the fact that the mass must be the same In regions where ρ is zero, the equation is satisfied auto-
for all boost directions, matically. Where ρ is non-zero,
1 2
m = ke (ρ2 + J 2 ) + (E 2 + B 2 )dV, (79) ke + ke ∇ρ − E = 0 (82)
3 3 ∂t
and using the constraint of Eq. 78, we find must be satisfied for any solution. This is a linear equa-
tion, which makes finding solutions much easier. A fur-
m = −ke ρ2 − J 2 dV. (80) ther simplification can be achieved by taking the diver-
gence of Eq. 82:
Therefore, for static solutions, we can say that for m to
be positive, −ke ρ2 − J 2 dV must be positive. If ke > 0,
J 2 on average must be larger than ρ2 as already shown; ke ∇ · + ke ∇2 ρ − ∇ · E = 0. (83)
if ke < 0, J 2 on average must be smaller than ρ2 .
As mentioned above, while negative ke immediately Commuting the partial time derivative with the diver-
gives a mechanism for “particle” creation, since the self- gence, imposing charge conservation, and using ∇ · E = ρ
field of a charge will cause it to collapse, the other option gives
of J 2 > ρ2 on average is interesting, since fundamen- ∂2ρ
tal particles, such as electrons or quarks, appear to be ke + ke ∇2 ρ − ρ = 0, (84)
spinning faster than the speed of light (J 2 > ρ2 ). ∂t2
Let’s take a brief aside to revisit the 4/3 problem, which is a wave-like equation for ρ. If we take the Fourier
which is evident from this section. Say ke = 0, which transform to convert into frequency space, then we obtain
is the pure electromagnetic case. The integrated en- the Helmholtz equation:
ergy in the field is 12 (E 2 + B 2 )dV , but from Eq. 79,
the inertial mass-energy is 4/3 times that!32 In order ∇2 ρ + ω 2 − k1e ρ = 0
for the integrated energy and inertial mass-energy to ∇2 ρ + kh2 ρ = 0 (85)
be the same, Txx + Tyy + Tzz dV = (E 2 + B 2 )dV
2 2 1
kh ≡ ω − ke ,
must be zero, which is of course, not possible (if there
is any electromagnetic field at all). With our addi- which has the general solution in spherical coordinates
R j it is possible to resolve this conflict, as long as (with spherical symmetry),
Ti dV = R0. One may quickly R 2check2 that the “energy
ke 2 2 1 c1 c2
mass” ( 2 (ρ + J )dV + 2 (E + B )dV ) and the “in- ρ= exp (kh r) + exp (−kh r) , (86)
ertial mass”, Eq. 79 or Eq. 80, are the same if Eq. 78 r r
holds, resolving the 4/3 problem. where c1 and c2 are arbitrary constants (implicitly de-
pending on ω). Transforming back to the time domain,
we have
c1 c2
Z h i
ρ = Re exp (kh r − iωt) + exp (−kh r − iωt) dω,
In this section, we turn our attention to actual solu- r r
tions, in particular stable solutions. We restrict ourselves (87)
to simple situations, such as spherical symmetry, leaving where Re takes the real part of the expression. Consid-
more general calculations to future consideration. ering a single ω, for different values of kh (how ω relates
to ke ), the behavior of the solutions may be categorized
1. ke > ω 2 : Exponentially decaying solutions as a
If the distribution is asymmetric, the factor is not 4/3 (it is
different for different boost directions). The reason it is 4/3 in function of r: ρ = cr1 exp(−|kh |r) cos(ωt+δ) (where
our example is because we averaged over all the directions; see c1 and δ are recast arbitrary constants). These so-
[78] for simple asymmetric examples. lutions require a point charge at the origin to satisfy

Eq. 82; since the field of a point charge has zero B. Infinite at origin:
divergence, it was excluded by our taking the di- ρ = cr1 cos(|kh |r) cos(ωt+δ). For force
vergence of Eq. 82. To balance the force, the point balance, this requires an oscillating
charge must have charge: qpoint = −4πke c1 cos(ωt). point charge at the origin, which vio-
Outside of the point charge, the integrated charge lates charge conservation.
in the volume is q = 4π |kch1 | cos(ωt).
Most of the solutions are invalid because they violate
(a) ω = 0: This requires the point charge to have charge conservation (due to an oscillating point charge)
the opposite charge as the charge enclosed in or they have infinite energies. The exceptions are the
the rest of space, so qtot = 0. The point charge cases in 2(a). Case 2(a)(ii) requires a point charge, but
will have infinite energy both in the field and the energy has both positive and negative infinite contri-
in the current, so this has infinite energy. butions. Case 2(a)(i) is a valid solution in every way, but
has poorly defined charge and energy: the charge/energy
(b) ω 6= 0: Since this requires a point charge, enclosed by a sphere oscillates about zero as a function
whose charge oscillates in time, this violates of radius of the sphere. The observed charge and mass
charge conservation, and can’t be considered of such an object would most likely be zero.
a true solution. Therefore, in flat space-time, excluding point charges,
1 there is one spherical solution, with poorly defined charge
2. ke < ω 2 : Oscillates as a function of r. and energy (most likely to be observed as 0 in both cases).
These solutions only exist if ke < 0. In the case of ke > 0,
(a) ω = 0, ke < 0: There are two types of solu- no spherical solutions exist in flat space-time.
tions, one which goes to ∞ at the origin, and In the case of ke < 0, the fact that the only spherically
one that stays finite. symmetric solutions are charge-free is somewhat surpris-
i. Finite at origin: ρ = cr1 sin(|kh |r). The ing, due to the inherent local self-attraction charges at-
charge enclosed in a sphere of radius r tain when ke < 0.
oscillates around 0 but with amplitude With ke > 0, the lack of solutions is not surprising at
increasing linearly with r; therefore, the all, since there’s really no mechanism to bind the charge
field amplitude decreases like 1/r rather near the origin in spherical symmetry. It is impossible
than 1/r2 (while oscillating around 0). for J 2 to be greater than ρ2 near the origin, which is
The energy enclosed stays bounded, but required to create a low pressure region.
oscillates around zero as a function of r.
ii. Infinite at origin: ρ = cr1 cos(|kh |r). This
is similar to the previous case, except the B. Charge Quantization in Flat Space-Time
charge enclosed for r > 0 oscillates about
a non-zero value q = 4π|ke |c1 . However, a Based on the spherical analysis, it appears that solu-
point charge is required for force balance tions in flat space-time may be difficult to find, especially
of opposite value, so the total enclosed with ke > 0. Note that if reasonable solutions do exist in
charge in a sphere of radius r still oscil- flat space-time, these solutions will not quantize charge.
lates around zero as a function of r. The This can be shown by the following argument: say a
field energy of the point charge is +∞, certain charge distribution is stable and satisfies Eq. 35.
but because ke < 0, the current energy is Replacing ρ and J everywhere with αρ and αJ, where
−∞, so the energy is indeterminate. α is any real number (constant over space), changes the
(b) ω 6= 0: We first split these solutions into two fields to be α times their original value as well. Since all
types, traveling wave, and standing wave: terms are quadratic in the charge or its field, αρ, αJ is
also a solution to the equations of motion, There is not
i. Traveling wave: ρ = cr1 cos(|kh |r − ωt + enough nonlinearity in the equations to produce any kind
δ). These solutions require an oscillating of quantization of solutions.
point charge at the origin for force bal-
ance, which violates charge conservation.
ii. Standing wave: There are two types, one C. Curved Space-Time and Charge Quantization
that diverges at the origin, and one that
stays finite. Since there is no obvious binding mechanism in the
A. Finite at origin: case of ke > 0 in flat space-time, it is interesting to
ρ = cr1 sin(|kh |r) cos(ωt+ δ). No point see if gravity could serve to bind together charged ob-
charge is necessary for this structure, jects. While this idea is not new, the fact that we have
but due to the oscillating current, a self-consistent stress-energy tensor with only 3 degrees
which decays slower than the charge, of freedom, allows us for the first time to truly ask the
the integrated energy is infinite. question appropriately. General relativity is also very

nonlinear[82], so we might be able to find solutions, which

do not admit a continuum of charges.
Due to the more complicated nature of our equations
in curved space-time, we’ll only treat the ke > 0, spher-
ically symmetric, time-independent case, using coordi-
nates, (t, r, θ, φ). In this case, J is zero. Also, near the
center of any spherical charge distribution, the electric
field limits to one power of r greater than the lowest
power of r in ρ (see Gauss’ law). Therefore, for a small
enough distribution, the contribution to the stress-energy
tensor from the electric field is negligible compared to
the contribution from ρ: near the origin, for a spheri-
cally symmetric static charged object, we may make the
approximation that ǫ = P = k2e ρ2 .
The Tolman V solution with n = 1 and R → ∞[90] is
the spherically symmetric solution for the case of ǫ = P ;
the energy and pressure of that solution is
1 1
ǫ=P = , (88)
16π r2
which makes the charge density
1 1
ρ= √ . (89)
8πke r

The metric for this distribution (again ignoring the elec-

tric field) is
|g00 |J 0 , solid blue
FIG. 1: (a) The charge density (ρp=
curve), radial electric field (Er = |g00 |g11 F 01 , dashed or-

ds2 = − dt2 + 2dr2 + r2 dθ2 + r2 sin2 θdφ2 , (90) ange curve), and pressure (P = T11 , dotted green curve) as
a function of distance from the origin; (b) the time (−g00 ,
solid blue curve) and radial (g11 , dashed orange curve) met-
where r1 is an arbitrary constant. The charge density
ric components.
√ The distance from the origin is measured in
and energy near the origin are singular, but with a finite multiples of ke ; the variables have been scaled such that all
volume integral out to a finite r. However, the integrals curves are independent of ke , and ρ and P are shown scaled
of the energy and charge out to r = ∞ are not finite, and to the value they would have with no electric field. g00 is
the metric never approaches an asymptotically flat form. arbitrary to a multiplicative constant, but all other curves do
This metric also cannot smoothly connect to an external not depend on this constant.
metric (the Schwarzschild metric[107]) since the pressure
never reaches zero.
If ignoring the electric field had produced an asymp- would be set by boundary conditions at r = ∞ (or in con-
totically flat solution, which was small enough that we necting to an external metric). The√metric components
could justify the insignificance of the electric field en- diverge as r approaches about 1.364 ke .
ergy density in regions of strong curvature, our treat- The scalar curvature (Ricci scalar) never approaches
ment above would have been sufficient. Since that was 0 before that point, so the coordinates are not asymp-
not the case, let us now treat the full spherically sym- totically flat. One may attempt to connect the √ internal
metric, static problem including the electric field. This metric to an external metric at some r < 1.364 ke [90]; in
makes an analytic solution difficult to obtain. However, this case, matching to the Reissner-Nordstrom metric[62,
the spherically symmetric Einstein’s equations, using ra- 63] would be appropriate. However, ρ never approaches
dial coordinates[90], are easily numerically integrated to zero before the metric diverges, and any connection to
obtain a solution. Again, near the origin, the electric a free-space metric (where ρ is set to zero) would neces-
field is negligible, so we use the limiting case above as a sarily make the pressure discontinuous at the boundary,
boundary condition at the origin. The calculated electric which violates conservation of the stress-energy tensor.
field, charge density, and pressure are shown in Fig. 1(a), Therefore, no spherically symmetric, static solution ex-
and the time and radial component of the resulting met- ists in general relativity.
ric are shown
√ in Fig. 1(b). Due to the electric field, the pressure deviates
√ from
Since ke sets the length
√ scale of the problem, all dis- Eq. 88 and passes
√ through zero at r = 1.273 ke The
tances are in units of ke . The time component of the deviation of 8πke rρ and 16πr2 P from 1 gives an idea
metric is arbitrary up to a multiplicative constant, which of the length scales at which the electric field becomes

important, and can no longer be neglected. δf µν , which are themselves due to arbitrary infinitesimal
Although no spherically symmetric solutions exist, the diffeomorphisms.
behavior near the origin is worth noting. Static, spinning Also, with ke > 0, static solutions in general relativ-
perfect fluid solutions (in general relativity) have been ity appear to have one degree of freedom removed (the
found in situations of very high central energy density, central charge density is required to approach a specific,
where the pressure approaches proportionality to the en- singular value), so that setting the rotation model and
ergy density, and these solutions demonstrate this same angular momentum of a solution will fully specify the so-
behavior[108]. This singular behavior is quite interest- lution. This phenomena could be a possible path toward
ing, because it removes one degree of freedom from the explaining charge quantization.
solution space.
Typically, when one solves for a spinning solution (such
as a spinning neutron star), one makes some assumption A. Possible Extensions of the Theory
of a rotation model, and then the solution requires two
parameters to be set, the central energy density, and the Now consider possible ways to extend this theory.
central rotation frequency[109–111]. However, in the case In particular, since the weak interaction violates par-
of the pressure being equal to the energy density, the ity maximally[112], it would be interesting to investigate
central energy is required to limit to Eq. 88 for small how parity violation could be introduced into an exten-
r. One no longer has that degree of freedom to produce sion of the theory.
different solutions: there is only one. There is one independent scalar left in terms of f µν
This sounds very much like charge quantization. There and j µ :
could be various rotating solutions, but they should p
all limit to the same central energy density (or central Lp = |g|η αβµν Fαβ Fµν
charge), and in principle could lead to all solutions hav- = ǫαβµν f αβ f µν .
ing the same charge.
This happens to violate parity. However, writing Fµν =
2∂[µ Aν] , and using the product rule and the homoge-
neous Maxwell’s equations, this can be written as a total
derivative, so it cannot contribute to the variation of the
Using two methods, we’ve arrived at a fairly simple There are two other, quadratic scalars that depend on
self-consistent theory, which includes both gravity and first derivatives of F µν , one of which violates parity:
electromagnetic charge. The first method used a prop-
erty of the electromagnetic stress-energy tensor to moti- ∇α Fµν ∇α F µν , ηµνσρ ∇α F µν ∇α F σρ . (93)
vate what additions should look like. The second method
uses a Lagrangian, but only requires variations of the La- These are not as simple to write in terms of our inde-
grangian to be zero against independent variations of the pendent variable, f µν , and hence, the variations of these
fields only due to arbitrary infinitesimal diffeomorphisms. scalars are somewhat more complicated, and left for fu-
We motivate how to separate independent fields by re- ture study.
quiring that the variation of one field does not violate Of course, one can add more independent fields, and
conservation laws of the others (conservation of charge their associated Lagrangian. The methodology of how
in our case). one would do this using the field equation or dynamical
To the author’s knowledge, this is the first self- equation approach is described in Sec. IV E. In the dy-
consistent electromagnetic theory, which does not re- namical equation case, this would in effect mean a sep-
quire the point charge limit (and infinite self-energies). arate stress-energy tensor, which is independently con-
Also, for basically the same reasons, this is the first self- served, but also contributing to the curvature of space-
consistent electromagnetic theory, which is compatible time; such material would only interact gravitationally
with general relativity. It provides a stress-energy tensor with electric charge. If this stress-energy tensor had par-
that yields well-posed equations of motion given initial ity violating properties, then it could influence charge in
conditions of the electromagnetic current and field on a parity violating manner in regions of strong curvature
some space-like hypersurface in space-time. (i.e. a short distance from the centers of very dense par-
The full theory, can be written concisely as ticles).

R + 41 Fµν F µν + 12 ke Jµ J µ
Ltotal = |g| 16π
Fµν ≡ 2∇[µ Aν] (91) B. Quantization
J µ ≡ ∇ν F µν ,
Since our theory, for the first time, admits the possibil-
where R is the Ricci scalar, again, with the understanding ity of solving for the charge distribution (charge, mass,
that the equations of motion are derived from requiring spin, etc.) of a stable charged object, it is natural (math-
the Lagrangian be independent of variations, δgµν and ematically) to identify possible solutions with elementary

particles. Some of the properties of expected solutions, The “particle hypothesis” of the standard model is re-
especially the possibility of quantization of charge, are placed with a “string hypothesis”, and a fairly simple
encouraging. Lagrangian is used to develop equations of motion for
The most likely objection to the theory is that quan- strings in curved space-time. This is all done classically;
tum theory and not classical theory is successful in de- quantization of string theory is first performed on the
scribing so many phenomena, so what is the use in ex- classical solutions to the classical theory. Perhaps the so-
ploring classical theories at all? The author responds to lutions to the theory presented here could be quantized
such (probable) criticism as follows: in a similar fashion as string theory.
Quantum theory as it is embodied in the standard The main contrast between this theory and the be-
model presupposes point particles. This has been stud- ginnings of string theory (or the standard model) is we
ied for a century, and the infinite self-energy problem make no hypothesis on the geometry of fundamental “par-
shows no hope of being resolved. Certainly there is no ticles”. We include both general relativity and electro-
hope in the standard model of calculating the masses of magnetism from the outset (in contrast to string the-
fundamental particles; it assumes them. It is clear any ory33 ). The nature of the incompatibility of electromag-
point-charge-based theory will have this problem. If one netic stress-energy and gravity led us to a natural addi-
is going to explore the nature of fundamental particles tion to the electromagnetic stress-energy tensor, in order
themselves, one cannot start with a theory that assumes to resolve the conflict. This addition then led us to a
them. To begin to develop a non-point-charge theory, simple Lagrangian, where equations of motion arise from
one must start with a classical theory. requiring the action integral be invariant against inde-
One may take string theory as a guide, which is also pendent variations of the fields, where those variations
a non-particle theory. String theory was motivated in are due only to arbitrary infinitesimal diffeomorphisms.
part to resolve the same issues with particle theories that Since diffeomorphism invariance is a principle on very
we have discussed here: infinite self-energies and incom- solid ground, this strikes the author as a good starting
patibility of the standard model with general relativity. principle for developing such theories.
33 No fields outside of gravity are included in string theory from
the outset. All fields are assumed to arise from the strings.

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