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Free BaZi (八字) Sample Report | What A BaZi Report Should Contain


BaZi Sample Report

What you’ll see below is basically a BaZi (八字) sample report. It’s not a good
representation of how the overall service and value you get from the consultation. 
The true value of the consultation comes from the Q&A segment where we really
go into the details of what you wish to find out. The first email is always an
overview of your chart so that you can have a good understanding of the
foundation of your chart before we go into the details.

My reports won’t come nicely ‘decorated’ with images or letter borders. I wish to focus
purely on the content and analysis at this stage because it should be all that matters, at
least for now. The sample report is basically my first email to you, giving an overview of
the quality and structure of your chart and commenting on the areas you wish to look
into. The initial report is not the final product nor does it mark the end of the
service. Remember this is a consultation, so please ask me questions so so I
know where to focus my attention on. I can’t read your mind and neither will I be
able to lay out your whole life in one single email.

If you opted for the online consultation service, you will be exchanging numerous emails
with me. Through this process, we will be able to zoom into particular areas and time
periods that should be of concern to you that may not be covered in the initial report. As
everything will be put in writing, you can always refer back to the email exchange should
you need to recall whatever was mentioned. Everyone’s chart is unique, and hence, the
combinations and Luck Phases that appear, as well as how they manifest, will definitely
be different.

On top on 八字, I’m also proficient in Zi Wei Dou Shu (紫微斗数), popularly known as
Purple Star Astrology. I will add another layer of analysis using Zi Wei Dou Shu to ensure[6/4/2563 7:10:44]
Free BaZi (八字) Sample Report | What A BaZi Report Should Contain

that the BaZi analysis is accurate while identifying how a particular event will manifest.
As both methods have its own pros and cons, cross-referencing both methods will give
the analysis added depth and accuracy.

You are entitled to an unlimited number of questions for 1 week from the day your reply
with your first set of questions after receiving your report. Take your time to digest the
report and send over your questions when you’re ready.  If I do not reply within 24 hours,
it will not count towards the 7 day limit. This policy is set to ensure you get a fruitful and
meaningful consultation and that you have enough time to digest the initial report.

Whether you get a consultation done by me or another practitioners, here are a few
things that you should expect from a report and it is your right to expect a rigorous
analysis and explanation for the analysis:

A breakdown of the structure of your natal chart. Every chart has a structure (格
局) that makes it special and gives the chart-holder certain characteristics. 
Clearly identifying what your beneficial elements. This is the hardest thing to get
right in BaZi and the core of the analysis revolves around this. There should be
a clear breakdown of the explanation for this instead of just a quick comment of
what strengthens of weakens your Daymaster. 
An explaination of the direction of your 10-Year Elemental Phases (大运) and
how it impacts you. If the wrong beneficial element is identified, this part of the
analysis will be entirely off course. 
The interpretation of the chart and how it will manifest in real life. Again, this
depends on the right identification of the chart structure and beneficial
elements. Explaining how it exactly manifests depends on the experience of the
practitioner and whether Zi Wei Dou Shu can be brought in. 
All explanations of the chart should be able to be referenced back to a Chinese
classic to assure you that the analysis is not made up. 

Important Disclaimer: You should not regard a BaZi consultation as a form of

professional advice – they are just my opinions from my experience as a practitioner.
Please remember I am not a counselor nor doctor. Please do not ever treat a BaZi
consultation as a substitute for other forms of professional help.[6/4/2563 7:10:44]
Free BaZi (八字) Sample Report | What A BaZi Report Should Contain

​Note: If you found this landing page from Google, trust me, you’re not going to
find any free BaZi reports that are reliable on the web. Make sure you visit my blog
if you’re considering a BaZi consultation at some point in your life.[6/4/2563 7:10:44]
Free BaZi (八字) Sample Report | What A BaZi Report Should Contain

Dear Client,

Please find your chart attached. Please find your chart attached. Do take note that I
adjusted your birth time for Solar Time and it is still under 辰时 due to the longitude of the
country you were in, so we’ll use that as the basis for our analysis. Solar Time is
basically measured by the position of the Earth around the Sun instead of just using the
man-made time we see on our clocks and watches. I’ll give an overview of the structure
and quality of your chart before we zoom into the details together in our follow-up emails.
Let’s begin.

Take note that the 4 Pillars represents Year, Month, Day and Time. The top row are the
Branches (天干) and the bottom row are the Stems/地支。Your birthday and birth time
essentially determines your 8-Characters (八字) shown by the 年 月 日 时 columns.
Your luck phases, which are extremely critical to one’s life, are shown by the rows below
your natal chart, labeled by 大运 and 流年 in the horizontal rows.

Some parts of the report may feel a bit technical, so feel free to clarify any doubts you
may have during the 7-day Q&A and we’ll be happy to assist you in understanding your

Personalized Report
Daymaster Analysis (日元)[6/4/2563 7:10:44]
Free BaZi (八字) Sample Report | What A BaZi Report Should Contain

Of the 8 characters the appear in your natal chart, your Daymaster is the key to
determining the quality of it. The surrounding 7 characters manifest as ‘gods’, of which
there are ten, each with it’s own traits and characteristics. Your Daymaster, also known
as the Self-Element (indicated by the Day Branch), is 乙/Yin Wood born during the
season of autumn in the month  ‘xu’ (戌) where Earth is dominant while holding a bit of
Metal and Fire.

The Branches draw its strength from the Stems, and each of the 12 Stems gives a
different level of support to a particular Branch, laying out the cycle of birth,
strengthening, declining and death of the elements. This is known as the 12 Stages (十
二長生) which is broken down by: 长生 (strengthening)、沐浴、冠带、临官、帝旺
(strongest)、衰 (decline)、病、死、墓、绝 (weakest)、胎 (birth) 、养。

As the month you were born in, ‘xu’ (戌), is the ‘Tomb’ (墓) position of 乙 Wood, it does
not provide much support to your Daymaster and your chart category would fall towards
the weaker side. Not to worry as a weak Daymaster chart does not mean it’s a bad chart
– the analysis consists of many steps. Typically, there are a few steps to take when
analyzing a Bazi chart, all of which must be taken into account to give a holistic
assessment of your chart’s quality and how things will unfold in your life:

​1) Ensuring that the Daymaster is balanced and that is it neither too weak nor too strong
(中和为贵). Note that you cannot artificially change the strength of you Daymaster – your
chart is a description of how your life to unfold, and the purpose is to transcend your
chart and not believe in falsehoods like charms or items.

2) Making sure favourable elements that uphold the chart structure (格局) does not break
apart and that unfavourable element have remedies during the different luck phases (运).

3) Ensuring the environmental factors are ideal, meaning a chart cannot be too
‘hot’/’cold’ or ‘dry’/’wet’ which we call 调侯法 in Chinese. This will be closely tied to your
season of birth and the element of your Daymaster.

4) Make a mental note that your luck phases/运 forms your chart as well, and it’s
extremely important to be able to find elements or remedies to your natal chart from your
luck phases/运。

All four criteria above need to be considered concurrently when analyzing your chart.

Before I begin, you need to remember that having this consultation should be seen as[6/4/2563 7:10:44]
Free BaZi (八字) Sample Report | What A BaZi Report Should Contain

part of your life’s plan, and in no way should you let this consultation affect you. If you
hear positive things, tap on it so that you can reap greater rewards, and if you hear
negative things, use it as additional information or a map to guide yourself and make
better decisions. Under no circumstances should you let this consultation end up a self-
fulfilling prophecy, in particular for the negative things you hear. Our ancestors
developed this so we can understands ourselves better so that we can transcend our
charts and not to be bound by them – they wouldn’t have spent centuries developing this
only to tell us we can’t change anything.

Let me touch on a few things traits about your chart and what makes it unique before we
zoom into the details you want me to look at:

Chart Structure Overview (格局)
The first thing to do for any Bazi chart analysis is to determine the structure of the chart.
Only with the structure is identified can we determine the beneficial, as well as the
destructive elements for your chart which will in turn determine how events unfold in your

Your Yin-Wood Daymaster definitely lies towards the weak side because there’s hardly
any supportive elements in your chart. Most people would mistake that the presence of
Water automatically strengthens Wood, but they fail to take into consideration the
difference between Yang Wood (甲) and Yin Wood (乙). Yin Wood is represented by
small plants like shrubs that require very little Water and in fact may be drowned if
there’s too much Water, which is why Water Stems like 亥 and 子 end up being 乙
Wood’s ‘Sickness’ (病) and ‘Weakening’衰 position – Stems that don’t offer a lot of

The ‘gods’ Direct Officer (正官), Direct Resource (正印)  and Indirect Resource (偏印)
which forms as auspicious chart structure which strengthens your Daymaster. Direct
Officer is represented by Metal, which gives birth to Direct and Indirect Resource
represented by Water which will in turn strengthen your Yin Wood Daymaster, although
we must note that this presence of Water must not overwhelm it.

Clash & Combination Analysis (冲、合、刑、害)[6/4/2563 7:10:44]
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It is a common misconception that all clashes are negative and all combinations are
positive. The effect of clashes and combinations would depend on your overall chart
structure, which of the 10 ‘gods’ appear and their interaction with each other.

The only combination that appears in your chart is between your Day Pillar and Hour
Pillar. Your Yin Wood Daymaster (乙) combines with Yang Metal (庚) to give an output of
Metal; your Day Stem 酉 combines with your Hour Stem 辰 also to give an output of

The combination strengthens Metal overall, and does not disrupt your chart structure
fortunately due to the presence of Direct and Indirect Resource. Because your
Daymaster is combining with a positive ‘god’ like Direct Officer, this will be a very
beneficial combination if your Daymaster is strengthened by your luck phases.

Beneficial Elements (喜神)

Your beneficial elements would be Wood and Fire because:

1. Wood directly strengthens your Daymaster, preventing it from being overwhelmed by

the presence of Water in your chart.
2. Fire ‘warms up’ your chart. As your were born a month before winter starts, it is
important for the chart to have some warmth in order for life to thrive.
3. Fire also strengthens the presence of Earth in your chart and controls the strength of
Water, giving your Yin Wood Daymaster an opportunity to grow and thrive.

A strong Daymaster is important because it is required for some of the positive ‘gods’ to
manifest their positive sides, which in your case would be Direct Officer which represents
your title, status and leadership abilities. A strong Daymaster is also required to acquire
wealth with ease.

Do remember that we can not artificially change our charts. Our charts are a reflection of
our inner world, capabilities and how we interact with the world around us. The key is to
transcend your chart through self awareness. The ancient Chinese would not spend
centuries developing BaZi just to tell us that we aren’t able to do anything about it.

Luck Phase Analysis (運勢)

When analyzing a Bazi chart, it is paramount to look at the luck phases when assessing
the overall quality of the chart. There’s a Chinese saying 命好不如运好, meaning more[6/4/2563 7:10:44]
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important to have positive luck phases than to have a good natal chart. One’s luck
phases are extremely important and can even be said to have more weight when it
comes to analyzing the quality of a chart. A good chart structure is wasted without
positive luck phases whereas a negative chart structure can be remedied with them,
giving the chart-holder a huge chance at success.

There are two kinds of luck phases, one of which governs your ‘luck’ for 10 years (大运)
whereas the other one is governs your luck on an annual basis (流年运). Your 10-year
luck phase is the long term and macro view of your life, whereas your annual luck acts as
the enhancer or mitigator. In other words, your 10-year luck phase holds more weight, so
having a favourable year alone is not a true remedy for your chart – you must have a
favourable 10-year cycle.

Depending on the interactions between your your 10-year luck phase, annual luck phase
and natal chart, we can deduce how your life will unfold and identify
favourable/challenging periods of your life and use this information to make better, timely

Current 10-Year Luck Phase (大運)

Your current 10-year luck phase is 己未 which you entered into in 2008, which consists
of Yang Earth sitting on the Stem ‘Wei’ (未). It is a very strong Earth phase because ‘Wei’
gives Yang Earth a lot of support. ‘Wei’ is also the position where Yin Wood starts to
strengthen, which marks phase where your good luck starts coming because your
Daymaster needs to be strengthened.

The direction which your 10-year luck phases progresses is very favourable for you,
because with each new phase you enter, your Yin Wood Daymaster strengthens even
more. What makes this phase even more favourable is the fact that you will encounter
Earth, which represents your wealth. The combination of a strengthened Daymaster and
the presence of wealth marks a period where wealth can be accumulated, and as your
Daymaster strengthens, attaining wealth will be less taxing on you.

Annual Luck Phase & Next Year Forecast (流年)

We are currently in the year of the Fire rooster (丁酉) which is considered a positive year
for you due to the presence of Yin Fire this year. As mentioned above, Fire is welcomed
in your chart because it requires a bit of warming up.

Yin Fire is also able to combine with the Yang Water that appears in your Month Branch,[6/4/2563 7:10:44]
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remedying the flaw of having too much Water in your chart, and if the conditions are
right, this combination may also give an output of Wood which your chart needs. This
combination is only valid during months when there is a presence of Wood.

2018 is the year of the Earth Dog and it is a very strong Earth year. 2018 marks a very
special year because it is also the year which your 10-year luck phase transits into the
next one marked by the Earth Horse (戊午). 2018 holds a lot of your wealth element, and
because of the transition into your next 10-year luck phase, you can expect 2018 to be a
turning point where opportunities for more wealth will appear. Do remember that with
each new 10-year luck phase you move into, the stronger your Yin Wood becomes,
which makes wealth accumulation much easier.

Analysis On Different Aspects Of Life (人事)
The structure of your chart is positive, and given that your 10-year luck phase is going in
the direction which continues to strengthen your Yin Wood Daymaster, progress can
definitely be expected. Please find the breakdown of the different aspects of your life in
following sections below.

Career & Wealth

Do note that in the eyes of metaphysics, career and wealth, though seemingly
intertwined and referring to the same thing, are referring to different things. Career, which
is mostly represented by the Officer ‘god’, refers to your authority, status and leadership
ability. One may be able to attain that, but remain as a middle-income earner, whereas
some people may have a lot of wealth, but stay low profile, with no status or title. The
luck ones will have both.

The positive about your chart is that you have a very strong Direct Officer which is
represented by Yang Metal. Status and recognition will come to you in your field when
you reach your favourable luck phase, which you’re already in.

Wealth is represented by Earth. The great thing about your chart is that you are entering
a phase where not only is your Daymaster strengthening, but there is a strong presence[6/4/2563 7:10:44]
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of your Earth wealth element as well. There will definitely be opportunities for increased
increase as you progress into your next 10-year luck phase in 2018.

The element representing wealth (正財) also represents the spouse for a male chart.
Hence, Yang Earth (戊土) represents your wife. There are a few ways of analyzing one’s
love luck using Bazi:

Assessing the element represent one’s spouse and the role it plays in the chart
Looking at the Day Stem where the position represents one’s marriage

For compatibility analysis, the analysis of your partner’s chart is required.

As your Daymaster is strengthening, and there is a presence of Earth in your current and
upcoming 10-year luck phase, I don’t see any particularly concerning issues in future. A
strong Earth element suggests a capable and healthy partner, and because the element
representing your wife helps to resolve some of the issues in your chart, it a very positive
relationship where she can value add to your life.

Your Day Stem sits a ‘you’ (酉) Stem, which holds your Indirect Officer ‘god’, also known
as 7-Killings, suggesting a more masculine partner. The quality of your love life is very
much supported by your favourable luck phase, so there’s a lot to be happy about.

The process of analyzing for one’s health will revolve around the chart structure,
favourable elements and destructive elements. Each element represents a certain organ,
and depending on the strength, weakness and balance of these elements, and whether
they are being assaulted, we will be able to determine which organs are weaker. Do note
that the luck phases play a huge role in determining your health as well. 

Your Day Stem sits a ‘you’ (酉) Stem, which holds your Indirect Officer ‘god’, also known
as 7-Killings, suggesting a more masculine partner. The quality of your love life is very
much supported by your favourable luck phase, so there’s a lot to be happy about.

Important: Please bear in mind that this analysis does not serve as medical advice, but
an indication of which organ might be weaker. Ailments and issues may manifest
elsewhere as a result of a weaker organ. Please consult a licensed professional or
Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner to have the analysis verified.[6/4/2563 7:10:44]
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Wood and Fire are your beneficial elements, but they also happen to be the weaker
elements you were born with. Yin Wood represents your liver, whereas Fire, which you
lack in general represents the heart, blood and eyes. These would be the weaker parts of
your body which you need the pay attention to. However, as your luck phases are in your
favour and supporting the Fire element, organs related to the Fire would be supported,
leaving your liver as the main issue. Because of your continuous runs of good 10-year
luck phases, your health ailments will only truly manifest in your later years.

Suitable Career
Choosing a career using one’s astrological chart needs to take into account the following

Which element does your chart need the most?

Which is the dominant element in your chart and how does it show up in your
character and personality?
Which of the 10 ‘gods’ does your dominant element manifest as?

Your astrological chart can only provide recommendations based on what is identified as
your strength. The most important thing is still to know where your passions lies and
striving to be the best at what you do.

As a bonus to this report, I will also be drawing on another Chinese astrological method
popularly known as Purple Star Astrology to help you make a more informed decision.

Fire is your most beneficial element, and Fire represents industries such as Food &
Beverage, Media, Marketing – basically any industry that has to do with a lot of buzz.
interaction with people and relationship management. Your Purple Star astrological chart
holds a star we call 貪狼, which is known to be a very sociable star known to be good at
such roles.

Alternatively, you can also consider roles represented by Wood, which are related to
Human Resource, Education and anything to do with people development.

The dominant element and strongest ‘god’ that appears in your chart is the Direct Officer
‘god’, and because of this, an environment with structure and rules would be ideal,
making you very suitable for the corporate world. Your success can definitely be found
there. Given that your luck phases is encountering Earth which represents your wealth, if[6/4/2563 7:10:44]
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you wish to take steps to further your income, do consider so as luck is on your side.

Your chart is a rather enviable one. It has an auspicious structure, with positive ‘gods’
suc(h as Direct Officer (正官) and  Direct Resource (正印) appearing and on top of that
your luck phase are going in a direction which is positive for you, encountering the
elements that bring out the best in your chart.

I’m confident that you will be able to achieve progress in your career and ability to
accumulate wealth as the years pass. The only thing to pay extra attention to is your
health, especially the organs are pointed out to be weaker. Do remember that, in the
eyes of metaphysics, every aspect of life is interlinked, and good health is also a
prerequisite to success in other areas areas.

Your initial overview will end here. Please take your time to digest the report and feel free
to come back to me with any questions you may have. Your 7 days Q&A will begin from
the day you send your first set of questions.

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