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Formal Email Phrases

Initiating a contact with someone new

“May I take a moment of your time?”

“Please may I introduce myself”

“Many thanks again for your time”

After answering someone’s questions

“I trust the above resolves your queries, should you have any further questions please do not
hesitate to contact us.”

When you need a response (but not necessarily any action taking)

“I await your response at your earliest convenience”

When you have heard nothing back and want to chase up a reply

“In reference to my email of June 20th”

If you have attached a file

“Please find attached”

Ending an email

“I look forward to hearing from you”

“I look forward to your reply”

“Do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance”

Responding to an inquiry

“Thank you for your interest on this”

After providing attachments to Inquiry

“We hope you find this satisfactory.”

Informing someone

“I would like to inform you of”

Changing Arrangements

“This is to let you know that I’ve had postpone

Giving good news

“We are pleased to inform you”

Giving bad news

“We regret to inform you”


“I am interested in receiving”

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