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HPQC Scripts Running Process:

1) Login into HPQC:

2) Script should be in Ready for Execution State then only start execution of script.

3) Select Execution Grid Tab and then click on RUN Button.

4) System will display new screen and click on Begin Run

5) HPQC displays the Execution Steps (Step 1 – Step N)

6) Select the Execution Steps check Expected area and complete the Actual Results area.

7) If Step requires Evidence then select the attachment button.

8) After clicking on Attachment button it displays the below screen

Click on Attach button and upload the screenshot/files.

9) Once the file is attached then HPQC displays the file in the screen as below. Once the
Attachments are completed then close the attachment screen.

10) HPQC Script displays with all Steps.

Click on Pass (As Step1’s Expected and Actual are in sync).

If Actual and Expected results are not matching then click on Fail Button (next to Pass button).

11) Script moves to next step (Step2)

12) Follow the same process from Step 6 to Step 10

13) After executing all steps click on END RUN button.

14) After Clicking on End Run Button system displays Dialog box as below
15) Click on Yes and check the script execution status.

16) Based on Steps execution status Script displays Exeuction Status as Passed or Failed.

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