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My interest in Business administration and civil engineering dates back to my years in secondary school,

Where I excelled in math and witnessed my family members achieving good income by doing business in
construction field. Therefore, it seemed only logical that I pursue a career in both civil engineering and
Business administration.
When I first began my undergraduate studies, unfortunately the opportunity in state university to
civil engineering was very less due to high level of demand and less opportunity for absorption.
I had no choice unless to start bachelor in Dari Language literature in Kabul University which was the
option for me in that time and got the degree after five years of studies.
Fortunately, as soon as the private universities (Salam University) started to provide undergraduate
studies in civil engineering, I had the chance to get admission and start the studies in this field and got
bachelor degree after four years of studies. My enthusiasm coupled with scope for innovations and
opportunities available in the field of Civil Engineering has motivated me to opt for higher studies and
contribute to the field through meaningful research. My decision to major in Civil Engineering is a direct
result of my desire to contribute to the development infrastructure in my country, Afghanistan, aiming
towards improving its global standing.
My Engineering degree has given a strong foundation to my analytical skills since civil designing involves
a lot of long, complex and intricate calculations and the application of basic math skills. Over the past
years I have been working part-time with my family construction and logistic firm (Ozair Marakish
Construction). More than what I have studied in school and universities, it has been these experiences
that have shaped the person that I am today.
At this point of my academic career, I realize that my undergraduate education has provided me with
technical knowledge. I need to learn the management skills too to make myself equipped with all
corporate knowledge, I dream of building my own business and firm in the field of construction and
love to get my advance knowledge on business work and that is why I apply for the admission in MBA
course in your university.
I hope you will grant me the privilege of pursuing my Master’s Degree in your prestigious University. I
forward to a long and fruitful association with Yours’ Universities.
Sincerely Yours,
Enayatullah Samimi
In the current economy of our country, Afghanistan has a very prominent and important role to
play in improving and developing our country. Afghanistan is an agricultural country
transporting agricultural products at the right time from villages to markets-dependent on the
roads. The existence of a safe transportation system and standard transport routes in addition
to the economic benefits of social, cultural and tourist benefits, thereby facilitating cultural
interactions and national convergence. But unfortunately in our country, Afghanistan has only a
bachelor's degree in engineering and a few master's degrees in the master's degree. Therefore,
after completing my master's degree in addition to teaching in the school, I will serve as a
consultant at the Ministry of Transport. Because one of the problems facing the country is the
lack of engineers with a master's and doctorate degrees. Part of the problems mentioned are
being addressed by providing training for engineers abroad.

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