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Name: M.


Reg No.13bit019

Ph No:8526223273


Qualification:12 th standard

Did you want to become an engineer? If yes, what qualities describe your ability to become one?

If not, what did you want to become?

What was your childhood career dreams?

My childhood dreams was to became a doctor.

What are things you enjoy at home?

Mother’s scolding, father’s caring and fighting with my brother.

What are the things you enjoy in college?

Main enjoyment is friends.

What are the things you do not enjoy or like?

1st and 3rd saturday classes.

Too much of study works.

Write down your career aspirations.

Write down a SMART goal for your future.​ (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time

To get placed in a multicore company within 4 years.

What qualities do you have to achieve your goal?

What qualifications do you have / will you achieve to reach your goal?

Identify your strengths which will help in achieving your goal. (eg: good leadership skills, creativity,
creating strong networks, ability to single mindedly work towards the goal, withstand stress, clear
thinking even under pressure, any other skills )

Withstand stress,very calm.

What are the weaknesses you think should be addressed ? (Disorganised, shy, tendency to
procrastinate, poor listener, disability to have clear thinking, easily distracted, other weaknesses )


What opportunities you think you have to achieve your goal?

Judge your threats as objectively as possible.

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