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1. There are……………………………………….for the job in all local newspapers.


2. George Clooney looks so………………………………. ATTRACT

3. The ………………………………..surprised everyone. ANNOUNCE

4. She has been ……………………………involved in many campaigns. ACTIVE

5. You must wait for the …………………………… letter before paying the bill. CONFIRM

6. Think…………………………….. and don’t make a fuss about it! LOGIC

7. Obama is the most popular………………………… America! POLITICS

8. African American is more………………………..correct than black! POLITICS

9. Artists must always be ……………………………. CREATE

10.Why are you so……………………….about his work? CRITIC

11.We need to know your…………………… soon as possible! DECIDE

12. I ……………………think your dress is ugly! HONEST

13. Extraterestrial life has not been ……………………..proved yet! SCIENCE

14. Why don’t you call the ……………………….if the light doesn’t work? ELECTRIC

15. Television is a form of …………………………………….. ENTERTAIN

16. The concert didn’t meet our…………………………….. EXPECT

17. Did you have any……………………………….as a child? ALLOW

18. I don’t like your dress, no matter how……………………………………….it is!


19. The singer gave a brilliant ……….......... on stage yesterday. PERFORM

20.  Have you seen her magazine ……………...........?  COLLECT

21. On hearing the news, everyone was overcome with a feeling of ……. .......... . SAD

22. When you take the FCE paper you will be given marks for your ………… ..........
…………………………… ACURATE
23.  She has the …………….......... to pass the exam first time round providing she works hard.

24. When he became a teenager he wanted to be more ………………………………….from his

parents. DEPEND

25.  If you hadn't been so ………………………… with that book you'd still have it now. 

26.  My broken leg means I'll be ……………………… to go on holiday with you. ABLE

27. In many countries it is …………………………to smoke cigarettes under the age of 16.

28. The teacher told me it was …………………………… of me to set off the fire alarm.


29. He told her that he ………. .......... with her problem but couldn't do anything to help.

30. . My belt feels a bit tight after that huge lunch. I think I'll have to …….. .......... it a little. 

31. She was severely ……. .......... by the long illness she had.  WEAK

32. There are many different ways to ……. .......... areas of English Grammar.  CLASS

33.  If you're really sorry for what you said you won't mind ………...........  APLOGY

34. Everybody was ………. .......... by the news of the earthquake.  HORROR

35. He is so……………….! No muscle moves on his face! EXPRESS

36. He's a very …………. .......... person. HELP 

37. It was a really ………… .......... party. Thanks for inviting me. ENJOY

38. He has just taken out a ………. .......... subscription to the magazine. MONTH

39.She smiled ………. .......... when they offered her the new job. HAPPY

40. ……….. .........., we'll have enough money saved to get married next year. (2 changes
required) HOPE

41. In order for the medicine to work ………. .......... you must take the correct amount. EFFECT

42. Although our teacher is very strict in class, she is ………........... than you would expect.

43. What a beautiful vase! That's the ………. .......... present I've ever had. LOVE

44. You don't need to wear a suit to the party. You can look ……. .......... if you wish. FORMAL

45. The weather forecast says it's going to be ……............ today.  RAIN

46. He told her that he was …….. .......... in love with her.  TRUE

47. She was filled with ……….......... when she heard the good news.  HAPPY

48. It’s totally………………………...that you stayed at home when you were sick!

49. Don’t laugh at his stupid jokes! You’ll only………………….. him to tell them again!

50. After Monday, I will no longer be a foreigner ! I’m receiving my………………….


51. Arty will be very lonely unless you…………………….him. FRIEND

52. Every day, the cooks………………….. their knives. SHARP

53. I hate Mary because she is very……………………………. FRIEND

54. The stock market crash of 1929 left my grandfather………………….. PENNY

55. When I have classes at 8, I feel……………………………….. SLEEP

56. The groom may………………….the bride only after the wedding. VEIL
57. Your strategy seems so………………. RISK

58. My friend’s death left me with great………………………in my heart. EMPTY

59. 13. George W. Bush is pretending that he attacked Iraq to …………………the Iraqis.

60. Americans fought hard to earn their ………………….from Britain. FREE

61. Every time I think I've beaten you, you ………………me! DO

62. He will………………….the wine for the romantic dinner. CORK

63. You need to work on your orthography so you don't …………….these words. SPELL

64. The floor is so………………………..! I almost fell ! SLIP

65. I am sometimes late for school because I …………………… SLEEP

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