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Canelloni with tuna

• 12 canelloni sheets

• Grated mozzarella cheese (or the one you like most)

• A pot full of water

• Oil, salt and pepper

• A big cloth

For the filling:

• 2 tuna cans

• 1 boiled egg

• 1 carrot

• 1 tomato

• 1/2 onion

For the bechamel:

• 400 ml. of milk (it depends if you want your sauce to be more liquid or not, more
milk, more liquid)

• 50 gr. of flour

• 50 gr. of butter

1. First you have to peel the tomato and the carrot, and then you
have to cut the carrot, onion and tomato in small pieces. Then
you take a frying pan and heat it up with a little bit of oil on it.
When the oil is hot, sauté the chopped carrot and onion untill
golden. Then, you put the tomato on it. Put some salt on them.
When the vegetables have a good colour, remove them from heat
and let stand.

2. Second you have to do the bechamel. You have to take another

fyring pan for it. Heat the butter with a very low temperature till it dissapears. Then,
put in the flour and mix it with the whisks. The objective of putting the butter and the
flour is to give some density to the sauce. Raise a little bit the temeperature and when
the mix is homogeneous, pour the milk little by little and mix it very fast with the
whisks, so the lumps dissapear and you get a tasty sauce. Finally, put some salt and
pepper on it and remove your bechamel from heat.

3. Third, take the tuna can and remove the water of inside (in the case it has some). Then
crumble it and put it with the vegetables. Do the same with the egg (chop it). Preheat
oven to 200 ºC (473,15 K).

4. Fourth, you have to boil the pasta. Take a pot full of water, and heat it in a very high
temperature. Put some salt on it. When the water is boiling, put the canelloni slides on
it, one by one, and with a spatula be careful they don’t stick each other. You will have
to cook your sheets for 10 or 12 minutes (is usually written in the package). When time
is over, put a big cloth on a table and using a slotted spoon take your sheets out of
the pot and put them on the cloth. Let them allow to cool for couple minutes.

5. In those minutes, mix less than a half of the bechamel with the vegetables. The other
part you’ll use it later. When the filling is prepared, put some on each canelloni sheet
and roll them (you can take one teaspoon and fill the pasta with it). When all the
canelloni are prepared, put them in a oven tray and put the bechamel you left on top.
Put some cheese on them and leave the canelloni in the oven for 15 minutes.

Enjoy it!

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