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Section A : Directed Writing

You have just returned from a three-day outdoor activity camp. You have decided to write a letter to
a friend about your experiences at the camp. Write your letter based on all the notes below.
 Who organised the camp
 Date of the camp
 Transport to the campsite
 Number of participants
 Location of the camp When writing the letter you should remember:
 Accommodation  to lay out the letter correctly
 to use paragraphs
 Give two relevant examples of:  that your letter is to a friend
 Activities
 Benefits
 Problems
Rewrite the essay in your book and replace the number with the sentences below.
such as jungle-trekking, games and sports
the mosquitoes kept me awake all night.
by my school’s Wilderness Club.
healthier from all the exercise and I have picked up some jungle survival skills
accompanied by five teachers were taken to the location by a specially chartered bus.
comfortable in front of my computer than in a jungle
complaining and carry out the activities as it was for my co-curricular marks.
and some simple wooden cabins, which became our home for the next three days.

007, Jalan Indah

Taman Ceria
61000 Gombak

Dear Shu Shu,

Thanks for your last letter. I am glad you had a wonderful holiday with your family in
Hong Kong. You are really lucky to have a chance to travel overseas.
I have also been away, and that is why I have not had a chance to write to you until
now. I attended a three-day outdoor camp, organised ……….. (1).
The camp was from last Friday, 20 June till Sunday, 22 June. It was held at the
Recreational Forest Reserve in Melaka. All 42 of the participants, ……….. (2). When we arrived at
the parking lot, we still had to walk deep into the forest reserve to the campsite. There was a
clearing ……….. (3) .
During the camp, we had a lot of activities, ……….. (4) . We even had to learn how to
cook camp-style! We went jungle-trekking on the second day. I must admit that I found some of
the jungle treks too long and tiring. As you know, I am more ……….. (5). Furthermore, I was
exhausted most of the time and couldn’t focus because ……….. (6).
All the same, I had to stop ……….. (7) . Well, it was a whole new experience for me and
I learnt a lot of new things. Therefore, I am actually glad I went to the camp.
Well, that is all for now. I am sure I became ……….. (8). Please give my regards to
your family. Bye.

Warm regards,
Lee Ping Yuan

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