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May 6th, 2020

Dear Emily,

Thank you for taking the time to make this year a success, even as we batted a

tremendous change in the fourth quarter. The help and assistance you have given has helped

me improve my writing. It has also allowed me to assess the area in which I need refining.

This year, I have learned many things from this class in terms of improving my writing.

For starters, I know that I need to be clearer in wording. This can and will effectively allow the

audience to better understand what I am saying and better relate it to the overall point. I find

me self being concise, too concise at moments. I feel that some parts of my writing need to be

more elaborate in detail to give the reader full context of a specific section, but not in others

when it would have been more beneficial to the reader’s understanding. I believe that I need to

work on being less concise in a way, as well. I need to make sure that when I am writing, I am

applying the perfect amount of wordiness to a phrase, situation or example. When I do not, I

can sometimes be more elaborate in an area that does not apply in depth to my writing.

I can say one thing that I believe that I do well is analyze the examples. When using an

example from a text, I break it down for the reader to comprehend. This is a essential part of

my writing, if I cannot break the example to apply to my overall point, what is the use in

writing? I notice that I have improved my writing in some areas, while finding other areas in

which I need to focus on and improve.

This semester has been filled with one particular challenge for me, focus. I feel that this

semester I was very unfocused and unorganized resulting in a domino effect of slacking and

prioritizing other interest over school. The biggest take away from my life I have had at this
point is, do it for you. Do everything for you so that you can be the best you possible and show

old you how new you in better and improved. This realization has helped me realize something

about other people in life, as I have become more self-grounded, I realize that other people are

just as complex as I feel I am. I think I have realized that they are just as worried, scared, or

perplexed as I am when it comes to life.

This school year has taught me a great deal about myself both personally and

academically and this class has had a part in this development. Thank you for being an amazing

and understanding teacher, the way you offer support and insight is something that I have

never seen before in a professor. It truly makes the class more enjoyable.

All the best,


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