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What is Libertarian Theory of Press/Media, its origin &

history to-the-date?

The Libertarian Theory

Started to develop in the 17th century, flourished in the 19th century and undermined the
authoritarian theory
The libertarian theory is one of the philosophies of mass communications found in today’s world
of free press. Embraced by England after 1688, the United States operates under the theory of
libertarian as well as many other areas of the world. One of the more influential philosophies it
originated from the writings of Milton, Locke, and Mill. The libertarian theory understands that
man possesses the capabilities to choose between what is factual and what is false. It also is
based on the natural rights of man to determine his own destiny when presented with all the
facts. Thomas Jefferson echoed elements of the libertarian theory with his conviction that man,
as a group with sound reason will determine judicious decisions that the individual might not.
The purpose of the libertarian theory is to uncover the truth and scrutinize the government while
entertaining the general public
Major Features of Libertarian Theory of Mass Communication
 There is absolute freedom to media, media plays the role of a watchdog.
 In libertarian theory, there is freedom of thought and expression.
 There is also freedom of information and individualism.
 No censorship of any kind is to be done.
 There is high competition among alternative ideas and thoughts.
 Media is accountable to the law of the country.
 Media must follow a code of conduct.

2. Demonstrate the press theory prevailing Pakistan and support your

answer with reference that why you think this is existing?


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