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Name : Firda

Class : Tbig-2
Nim : 171160053
Subject : Translation
The lecturer : Rizki Anugerah Putra, S.pd., M.pd.
Umi Faizah STPI Bina Insan Mulia Yogyakarta)
A. Introduction
Various conflicts that arise and higher amoral / immoral cases that is occurred
in Indonesia, starting from corruption, collusion, consuming drug and fighting
between schools, between students and anarchist culture. They have damaged the
fabric of fellow citizens. Under these conditions, the world of education is in the
spotlight. Education has failed to produce an intelligent generations that are
intelligent, emotionally and spiritually. This is absolutely a concern for all
components of the Indonesian component nation.
The concern that shout back value education, moral and manners and
akhlakul karimah should be integrated in subjects in school. it seems to be a serious
concern. Education in schools must be able awaken in life value and explain its
implications for the quality of life of the people.
Lickona (1992: 3) states that schools have two main objectives, namely
facilitating students to become both intelligent and good individuals. Educational
experts who show their concern to the appalling conditions of Indonesian society by
improving the education system and curriculum by offering character-based
education. Character-based education is expected to be a solution for the deterioration
of the Indonesian nation today. Character-based education is implemented in more
than 200 educational institutions in Indonesia, begun to be followed by national
activities including declarations in early 2009 in the city of Yogyakarta with the
theme "Building the Nation's Character through Story".
Yogyakarta is the first city to be declared a fairytale city Yogyakarta
Declaration as a fairytale city in early 2009 should have been followed by the
movement of all components of society, including educational institutions.
At educational institutions, for example Madrasah Ibtidaiyah/elementary
school must start working on the implementation of character education, so that all
components of the school have good character or noble character. However, it turned
out to be a declaration. that's not much inspiring educational institutions for soon
designing the use of stories / fairy tales as a means of delivering moral messages /
values education. So far, Indonesian language learning is still a curriculum-centric,
namely limited to the achievement of language skills as contained in the SK / KD that
have been determined, without being developed in the elements of value education
that are really needed by students.
This can be seen with the use of textbooks as the only source of learning used.
In fact, Indonesian language lessons with lessons that reach 8 hours (@ 35 minutes)
have great potential for the delivery of value education, as well as language
competency achievement.
For this reason, there is a need for renewal and improvement in the process of
learning Indonesian, namely by integrating value education. Value education in
schools needs to be consciously designed and managed in such a way that in the
learning process also occurs the process of forming good attitudes and behaviors. One
of the efforts that can be done is by utilizing the media of pictorial stories in order to
support the objectives of learning Indonesian, especially in Madrasas Ibtidaiyah.
B. Research Methods
This research is a quantitative study with a quasi-experimental approach
(quasi experimental).The independent variable (X) is a learning medium in the form
of a pictorial story. Experimental design in the form of pretest-posttest control group
design (Campbell & Stanley, 1966: 13).The design of this study can be described as
R : Random O1 : Experimental group pre-test
E : Experimental group O2 : Post test experimental group
K : Control group O3 : Control group pre test
X : Treatment (using picture stories) O4 : Control group post test
The population in this study all grade II Madrasah Ibtidaiyah students in
Tempel Sleman Yogyakarta, 114 students, were divided into 3 classes. The sample
consisted of 70 students divided into 2 classes, namely the experimental class (n =
35) and the control class (n = 35).
This research uses instruments in the form of tests and non-tests. The test is
used to find out the results of learning student language skills, while non-test
instruments in the form of a questionnaire and observation, namely to know
understanding and practice the values of honesty, patience and observance of
C. Research Results and Discussion
1. Research Results
The first research hypothesis tested in this study was that there were
differences in learning outcomes in value education(honesty, patience, and
observance of worship)between students who use picture stories and students
who do not use picture stories in learning Indonesian integrated education in
The first hypothesis testing results by using the MANOVA test stated
a significant difference on educational learning outcomes the value is proven
by F count price of 29,212 (p = 0,000) for honesty, F count 17,191 (p = 0,000)
for patience, and F count 5,592 (p = 0.021) for the value of observance of
worship. Therefore p <0.05, the research hypothesis was accepted In other
words, using of illustrated stories containing the values of honesty, patience,
and effective observance of worship for learning Indonesian which integrated
value education, so that it can increase honesty, patience, and observance of
the worship of students of the experimental group. This is proven by paying
attention and to compare increase in the value of honesty education learning
outcomes in the experimental class by 15.71 or by 21.07%, while the increase
in the mean score in the control class by 4.57 or about 5.99%.
The second research hypothesis is the test is the differences in the
results of learning language skills (listening and reading)among students who
use pictorial story media and learners who without using picture stories.
The results of the second hypothesis testing using the MANOVA test
revealed a significant difference in the learning outcomes of language skills
(listening and reading).This is prove with the price of F count 13,765 (p =
0,000) for listening skills and F count price of 5.278(p=0.025) for reading
skills. If p <0.05, the hypothesis is null rejected and the research hypothesis
was accepted. In other words, stated that effective use of picture stories to
improve learning outcomes language skills (listening, reading)in Indonesian
language learning integrated value education. This is proven with regard to
ratio improvement in average score reading skills in the experimental class by
10.86 or by 14.96%, while in the control class the average score increase of
2.29 or 3.18%.
2. Discussion
Picture stories as graphic media that are used in the learning process,
have a practical understanding, that is, it can communicate facts and ideas
clearly and strongly through integration between the expression of words and
pictures (Sudjana and Rivai, 2002: 27).More specifically, Pictorial stories are
referred to as comics. Comics can be defined as a cartoon which expresses
character and act out a story, in a tight order which is connected by image and
designed to provide entertainment to the readers.(Sudjana and ARivai, 2002:
Mitchell (2003: 87) says “Picture storybooks are books in which the
picture and text are tightly intertwined. Neither the pictures nor the words are
self sufficient; they need each other to tell the story”. The statement has
meaning that picture book is the book in it there are pictures and words, where
is the picture and words it does not stand alone, but rather interdependent in
order to become a unified story.
Other opinions expressed by Sutherland and Arbuthnot are as follows.
“….A picture storybook as one having a “structured, if minimal plot that
“really tell a story”. Sutherland and Arbuthnot (1984) note that the
illustrations in picture storybooks are just s important as text. According to
Sutherland and Arbuthnot (1991), picture storybooks share the following
characteristic: (1). They are brief and straightforward, (2). They contain a
limited number of concepts, (3). They contain concepts that children and
comprehend, (4). They are written in a style that is direct and simple, (5).
They include illustrations that complement the text (Owen & Nowel, 2001:
Opinions above contain meaning that picture book have a plot that
really tells a story, illustrations in picture books have a role as important as the
text. Some of the characteristics of picture books according to Sutherland
(1) Picture story books are concise and direct
(2) illustrated story books containing serial concepts
(3) written concepts can be understood by children
(4) the writing style is simple
(5) there are illustrations that complement the text.
Rothlein and Meinbach (1991: 90) suggest that a picture storybooks
conveys its message through illustrations and written text; both elements are
equally important to the story.
This expression implies understanding that picture book is book that
loads message through illustration in the form of pictures and writing. The
picture and writing are a unity. Based on several definitions above, it's clear
that a picture story is a story written in a mild style, tend to chat style,
equipped with pictures that are a unity of the story to convey certain facts or
ideas. Stories in pictorial stories also often pertain with personal / personal
experience so that readers easily identify himself through feeling as well as
his actions through characterize the main characters.
Story book with picture loading messages through illustrations and
written text. These two elements is an important element in the story. These
books contains various themes which is often based in life experiences child
everyday. Characters in this book can be humans and animals. Human
qualities, character, and needs, shown in comics so children could understand
and connect with his personal experience.
Picture stories can encourage children to love reading, as
expressed by Liz Rothlein and Anita Meyer Meinbach (1991:86), “picture
books encourage an appreciation and love for reading as they allow children
to participate in the literate community. According to Sheu Hsiu-Chih (2008:
51), the image function in the story has at least two functions, that is
1) provide a comprehensive understanding / complete (comprehension), and
2) provide imagination stimulation.
Apart from these general functions, according to Sadiman, et al.(2008: 28),
specifically graphics function to attract attention, clarify the presentation of ideas,
illustrate or adorn facts that might be quickly forgotten and ignored if not graphed.
Adding visuals to the lesson means increasing memory from 14% to 38%.This
research also shows an improvement of up to 200% when vocabulary is taught using
visual tools. Even the time needed to convey a concept is reduced by 40% when
visuals are used to increase verbal achievement. A picture may not be worth a
thousand words, but three times more effective than just words alone. (Silberman,
2002: 3).
According to Davis (1997: 1), illustrated stories as an educational tool are
very interesting to be used because of (a) built in desire to learn through comics; (b)
easy accessibility in daily newspaper and bookstand; (c) the novel and ingenious way
in which this authentic medium depicts real-life language and very facet of people
and society"; and (d) the variety of visual and linguistic element and codes tahet
appeal to student with different learning style.
The statement means that the reasons for pictorial stories are used as an interesting
educational tool are:
(a) encourage learning enthusiasm
(b) easily found in newspapers and bookstores
(c) contains stories about daily life and
(d) provide a variety of learning styles.
Hurlock (1978: 338) suggests that school-age children like picture stories
because of several things including:
1) children get a good opportunity to get insight into their personal and social
problems. This will help solve the problem
2) attract the child's imagination and curiosity about supernatural problems
3) giving children escape while the hustle and bustle of daily life
4) easy to read, even children who are less able to read can understand the meaning
of the picture
5) it is inexpensive and is also shown on television so that all children know it
6) encouraging children to read that not many other books are given
7) giving something that is expected (if it is serial)
8) characters often do or say things children do not dare to do themselves, even if
they want to do it, this gives excitement
9) the characters in the story are often strong, brave, and have a handsome face, so
they provide a hero character for the child to identify them
10) the pictures in the pictorial story are colorful and simple enough for children to

Students in elementary school have a high interest in visual images, and also
in stories. This interest is very important for the achievement of learning objectives as
conveyed by Chris F. Next.
The most efficient way to learn is through doing something you love. People
tend to learn & remember information better if they are having fun while learning
and simply just can’t get enough of it. Remember learning the alphabet song? I
imagine you can still recall that song today. That’s because you had fun learning it.
Your brain has a special place for such learning—long term memory.
According to him, to achieve learning outcomes the most efficient is by
liking what is learned or the appeal of learning. People tend to learn and remember
information better if they like (interested) when they learn from what they learn and
simple it will never be enough(so they tend to repeat / increase learning interest).The
human brain has a special place for learning - which is called long-term memory.
From that expression it can be concluded that the attractiveness in learning can
increase learning interest and extend memories of lessons. Attractiveness to the
learning process proven to have a positive effect to achieve effective learning
Therefore, in making picture stories ability needs to be pursued in attracting
the attention of students as learners. Some opinions above give an overview that
relation with Indonesian learning activities by using indirectly illustrated stories for
the effectiveness of pictorial stories for Value Education and Language skills attract
students at the very leaston desire to listen and read,and help students understand
abstract concepts in this case in the form of honesty values, patience, and observance
of worship.

C. Conclusions and Implications

1. Conclusions
Based on the results of research and discussion can be concluded things like
the following.
a. Value education learning outcomes (honesty, patience, and observance
of worship) students who are given lessons by using picture stories
higher than with students in the group that was taught the lesson without
using picture stories.
b. Learning outcomes for language skills (listening, reading) students who
are given lessons by using picture stories higher compared with students
in the group who are taught without use picture stories.
c. The conclusion overall from the results of this study is that learning
Indonesian which integrates value education (honesty, patience, and
observance of worship) With use picture stories can improve language
skills in the form of listening and reading skills, at the same time can
improve the value of honesty, patience, and observance of worship, so
that students are not only competent / clever but also polite and noble. As
well related to interest and student activity in following Indonesian
learning process who uses picture stories, they have an interest and
liveliness higher compared with students who experience Indonesian
learning process without using picture stories.
2. Implications
Based on the conclusions above, the following theoretical and practical
implications can be stated.
a. Theoretical Implications
Research result this shows that use pictorial stories significant effect
on learning outcomes in Indonesian in this case listening skills and skills read,
and honesty values, patience and observance of worship in accordance with
the contents of the story displayed. This gives a clue that in learning
Indonesian, using of illustrated stories with a more appropriate value
education content to apply rather than learning who only rely textbook as the
only source of learning (conventional).
b. Practical Implications
The results of this study practically usable as a material
consideration for teachers, especially Indonesian subject teachers, so that they
can pay more attention to the needs of their students. Students need a more
varied learning approach and can engage students actively, so learning is more
meaningful. With this in mind, the use of picture stories is effective for the
education of values and language skills in learning Indonesian which
integrated value education, the teacher needs to use it and expanding the
collection of illustrated stories for the benefit of learning Indonesian. This is
very is required to happen learning process which is communicative and
functional The application of learning using picture stories has implications
for planning and developing learning models.

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