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Rama : You know, I’m thinking about designing a website for our company. I think it is quite
necessary for us.
Budi : You’re right. Although our company is not a big one, it still seems to need a website,
at least, for the business purposes. But, we have no one who has got good command of
Rama : That doesn’t matter. We can learn it. Look, I’ve found an article in the internet
explaining how to create a website with Yahoo! easily. Let me read the instruction.
First of all, log in to Yahoo home page. Click on the 'GeoCities' link in the navigation
pane to begin. Then, click the 'Sign Up Now' link. This will redirect you to the
GeoCities start page, which will ask you a series of questions that Yahoo! needs to
know before you can create your Website. Next, determine what you intend your
Website for by pressing one of the buttons next to your choice. Click on each box that
indicates how you heard about GeoCities. Enter the 'Verification Key,' which is the
letters and numbers that appear in the displayed image. Click 'Submit' once you are
done. After that, click the 'Build Website Now' button to create your site using
Yahoo's Sitebuilder application. This program helps you create your Website even if
you have no experience with coding or programming. Finally, click the 'Submit' button
once you've finished making changes with Sitebuilder, and your Website will reflect the
changes you've made.
Budi : Wow. I think we can do it.

1. What is the text above about?

a. How to create website with Gmail.
b. How to make an email.
c. How to make a Facebook.
d. How to search news in Yahoo!
e. How to create website with Yahoo!.
2. What did Rama find from the internet?
a. An Article to make an email.
b. A Yahoo! Website.
c. An Article from Yahoo!
d. An Article to create a website with Yahoo!
e. An Article to Create a website with Gmail.
3. What is the first step to create a website with Yahoo!?
a. Click on the 'GeoCities' link in the navigation pane to begin.
b. Click 'Submit' once you've finished making changes with Sitebuilder.
c. Log in to Yahoo home page.
d. Click 'Submit' once you are done.
e. Click the 'Build Website Now' button.
4. What is the last step to create a website with Yahoo!?
a. Click on the 'GeoCities' link in the navigation pane to begin.
b. Log in to Yahoo home page.
c. Click 'Submit' once you've finished making changes with Sitebuilder.
d. Click 'Submit' once you are done.
e. Click the 'Build Website Now' button.
5. What does the word “it” in I think we can do it… refer to?
a. Click the 'Submit' button once you've finished making changes with Sitebuilder.
b. An article to make a website with Gmail.
c. An article to make a website with Yahoo!
d. Steps how to create a website with Yahoo!
e. Steps how to create a website with Gmail.

Television, or TV, is one of humanity’s most important means of communication.

It brings pictures and sounds from around the world into millions of homes.
People, with a television set in their houses, can sit and watch the president makes
a speech or visits a foreign country. They can see a war being fought. Through television,
viewers at home can see and learn about people, places, and things in away lands.
Additionally, television brings its viewer a steady stream of programs that are
designed to entertain. In fact, TV provides many more entertainment programs than any
other kind of information media. The programs include action-packed dramas, light
comedies, soap operas, sports events, cartoons, quizzes, variety shows and motion pictures.
Taken from:

6. What is being discussed in the text?

a. Humanity
b. Means of communication
c. People
d. Entertainment
e. Television
7. Which of the following is not an advantage of having a television?
a. Able to see and learn about people in a way lands
b. Able to see and learn about places in away lands.
c. Able to see and learn about things in away lands.
d. Able to learn about people, places and things.
e. Able to learn about crime and practice it.
8. What does the word “it” mean in It brings pictures and sounds from around the
world into millions of homes … refer to …
a. Means of communication c. Homes e. People
b. Humanity d. Television
9. The following of a television’s programs, EXCEPT…
a. Variety shows c. Clothes washing e. Action-packed dramas
b. Cartoons d. Sport events
Bee, common name for a winged, flower-feeding insect with branched body hairs. Bees
are dependent on pollen as a protein source and on flower nectar or oils as an energy source.
Adult females collect pollen primarily to feed their larvae. The pollen they inevitably lose in
going from flower to flower is important to plants because some pollen lands on the pistils
(reproductive structure) of other flowers of the same species, resulting in cross-pollination.
Bees are, in fact, the most important pollinating insect, and their independence with plants
makes them an excellent example of the type of symbiosis known as mutualism, an association
between unlike organism that is beneficial to both parties.
Most bees have specialized branched or feathery body hairs that help in the collection of
pollen. Female bees, like many other hymenopterans, have a defensive sting. Some bees
produce honey from flower nectar. Honey bees and stingless bees commonly hoard large
quantities of honey – a characteristic that is exploited by beekeepers, who harvest the honey
from human consumption.
Taken from:

10. What does the text tell us about?

a. Honey
b. Bee
c. An insect
d. Flowers
e. Pollen
11. What are the Bees needed as their energy source?
a. Carbohydrate
b. Flower
c. Flower nectar
d. Pollen
e. Honey
12. Why is it called as symbiosis mutualism, between the flowers and the bees?
a. Because between the different organism that is beneficial to both parties.
b. Because between the same organism that is beneficial to both parties.
c. Because between the different organism that is unbeneficial to both parties.
d. Because between the same organism that is beneficial to both parties.
e. Because between the different organism that is beneficial only for one organism.
13. “Honey bees and stingless bees commonly hoard large quantities of honey “ The
synonym of word “commonly” is …
a. Never
b. Unusually
c. Uncommonly
d. Normally
e. Rarely

Benjamin Franklin, an American printer, patriot, and inventor, experimented with

electricity. He thought lightning and electricity was the same thing. He did a dangerous
experiment in the mid-1700s to find out electricity. Franklin flew a kite during a thunderstorm.
He attached a metal key to the kite string. An electric charge ran down the wet kite string to the
key. The charge made a spark when it hit the key. This showed Franklin that lightning was
electricity. He was lucky he was not killed.
Many other scientists have experimented with electricity since Benjamin Franklin found it.
They learned how to make electricity with batteries. They found that electricity would go
through wires. An American inventor named Thomas Alva Edison invented many things that
use electricity, including the electric light bulb.

14. What is the best title for the text above?

a. An American Printer
b. Thomas Alva Edison
c. Benjamin Franklin
d. The Patriot
e. The Electricity
15. What did Benjamin Franklin experiment with?
a. Lighting
b. Thunderstorm
c. Batteries
d. Dangerous experiment
e. Electricity
16. What will happen when Franklin flew the kite with the metal key in the
thunderstorm? E
a. He attached a metal key to the kite string.
b. He did a dangerous experiment in the mid-1700s to find out electricity.
c. They learned how to make electricity with batteries.
d. He flew a kite during a thunderstorm.
e. An electric charge ran down the wet kite string to the key, and made a spark.
II. Error analysis!
17. Our business proposal will be guiding by a professional tomorrow morning.
a b c d e
18. The latter will be fix by the secretary with the help of the receptionist.
a b c d e
19. The sweater I bought yesterday was make in Indonesia.
a b c d e
20. My brother were hospitalized because of an accident two weeks ago.
a b c d e
21. The students is warranted by Mr. Narsudin not to cheat in the exam.
a b c d e

CHANGE INTO ACTIVE SENTENCES! (rubahlah ke dalam kalimat Aktif)
1. She is hit by me.
2. My sister is picked up by her friend.
3. My notebook was broken by me.

CHANGE INTO PASIVE SENTENCES! (rubahlah ke dalam kalimat passive)

4. She invited me to her party.
5. Mother will buy me a new motorcycle.

6. Kangaroos possess powerful hind legs, a long, strong tail, and small front legs. Kangaroos
belong to the animal family Macropus, literally "big foot." Thanks to their large feet,
kangaroos can leap some 30 feet (9 meters) in a single bound, and travel more than 30 miles
(48 kilometers) per hour. Kangaroos use their strong tails for balance while jumping. They are
the tallest of all marsupials, standing over 6 feet (2 meters) tall.
Kangaroos live in Eastern Australia. They live in small groups called troops or herds
(“mobs” by Australians), typically made up of 50 or more animals. If threatened, kangaroos
pound the ground with their strong feet in warning. Fighting kangaroos kick opponents, and
sometimes bite.
Answer the questions based on the text above!
Jawablah pertanyaan – pertanyaan berikut berdasarkan text di atas!
a. What is the best title for the text?
b. How long they can leap?
c. Where do the kangaroos live?
d. They live in small groups called troops or herds (“mobs” by Australian). “They” refers to

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