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Argumentative Essay Conducted by Karen Alexandra Caicedo Ortiz, First

Semester Student of Law at the University of Santander, Cúcuta.

"A man is guilty before the law when he violates the rights of another, in
ethics he is guilty just for thinking about doing so."
Immanuel Kant

"Colombia is a social State of law, organized in the form of a unitary

republic, decentralized, with autonomy of its territorial, democratic,
participatory and pluralistic entities, founded on respect for human
dignity, at work and solidarity of the people who they integrate it and in
the prevalence of the general interest "Art.1 CN

With 1,142 million km², 49 million inhabitants and the second country
with the greatest biodiversity in the world, this is Colombia, a social
state of law, making it pluralistic by having ideological, political and
social heterogeneity, a non-absolutist state begins, with respect to the
individual rights of its citizens, with participatory democratic
participation where the voice and vote of each Colombian is taken into
account, respecting minorities, guaranteeing the right of expression to
all the people, through unions, associations, unions and political parties,
is a unitary republic with a presidential government system under the
mandate of Iván Duque, politically centralized, with 1123 municipalities,
32 departments and 5 districts, their territorial entities are
administratively decentralized, Colombia is a state where its purpose is
to serve the community, promote general prosperity; Human dignity is a
fundamental right, where the effectiveness of the principles enshrined in
its constitution is guaranteed, it is an obligation as a state to protect
cultural wealth, such as the carnival of Barranquilla, Ibero-American
theater festival in Bogotá, festival of the Vallenata legend, the main
week in Popayán, the magnificent parade of silleteros in Medellín, the
carnival of whites and blacks of Cali, the illuminated night of the candles
and a dozen more cultural pots that Colombia has and its majestic
natural wealth such as gold, oil, coal, crops, emeralds and all the
minerals that this land possesses, its natural biodiversity representative
of this nation. The sovereignty resides in its town, takes care of its 6342
km of borders that connect with Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru and
Panama, five countries that share culture, customs and brotherhood,
Colombia as a state protects its people prevailing the general interest.
The state recognizes the primacy of the inalienable rights of each
Colombian regardless of their age, race or condition, is an amparo for
Colombian families as the basis of society.
To finalize the article 1, CN. Colombia being a social state of law
legitimizes the mechanisms for the protection of fundamental rights,
guaranteeing the minimum material conditions of existence, without
which it is not possible to live a decent life, such as a fair salary, good
food, decent housing, the freedom in all its splendor, health, real
education and security; The protection of these fundamental rights
prevails human dignity, all as Colombians have the same rights and the
same obligations, with the power to demand everything that the law
establishes in their favor, guaranteeing the welfare of each Colombian
against the welfare of the state.

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