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Introductory Background Data:

Class: Form 2
Subject: Mathematics
Age Range:
Ability Level: Excellent
No. Present: __
Topic/Concept: Geometry – Congruent Triangles
Duration: 40 minutes

Specific Objectives/Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this activity, students will be able to:

1. Define congruent triangles ( knowledge)

2. Illustrate different types of congruent triangles ( application)

3. Solve problems involving congruent triangles ( application )

Previous Knowledge, Skills and Experience:

Students should know:

 Sum of interior angles of a triangle is 180o

 About angles
 The meaning of similar figures

Mathematical Processes:

 Communication – this will be done through discussions where students will learn about

congruent triangles
 Representation – This will be done in the form of diagrams showing different rules for


Resources/ Required Materials:

Text book

The Learning Environment:

 The classroom will be clean and well lite.

 Any group work will be done in pairs.

 Sufficient resources e.g. enough activity sheets and the resources listed will be available
for the entire class.

Classroom Management Strategies:

 Class rules will be established at the start of the class session.

 Circulate the class often and observe students to ensure that they remain on task.
 Calling students by their correct names is important
 Calling on students randomly to answer questions
 The teacher will commend the individual/s and class for their contributions to the class
whenever possible.
 Informing students of the time allocated to them to complete an activity.

Theoretical Underpinnings:

 Information Processing Theory ( G. Miller) states the first concept is "chunking" and the

capacity of short term memory. Miller (1956) presented the idea that short-term memory
could only hold 5-9 chunks of information (seven plus or minus two) where a chunk is

any meaningful unit. A chunk could refer to digits, words, chess positions, or people's

faces. The concept of chunking and the limited capacity of short term memory became a

basic element of all subsequent theories of memory. The second concept is TOTE (Test-

Operate-Test-Exit) proposed by Miller, Galanter & Pribram (1960). Miller et al.

suggested that TOTE should replace the stimulus-response as the basic unit of behavior.

In a TOTE unit, a goal is tested to see if it has been achieved and if not an operation is

performed to achieve the goal; this cycle of test-operate is repeated until the goal is

eventually achieved or abandoned.

 ARC’S Motivation theory speaks about Attention – (variability maintains student interest

by varying the elements of instruction). Different Teaching Strategies will be used within

the lesson to keep students attention. E.g. Cooperative Learning, Questioning,

Demonstration, Explanations, Dramatization, Discussion, and Instructions.

 Van Hiele - Level 0 - Students use visual clues to identify shapes. The objects of thought

at level 0 are shapes and what they “look like.” The appearance of the shape defines the

shape. Level 2 - Informal Deduction: Students use properties to justify classifications of shapes

and categorize shapes. The objects of thought at level 2 are the properties of shapes.

Relationships between and among properties are made. The products of thought at level 2 are

relationships among properties of geometric objects.

Set Induction:
Time Allocation 1: 5 -7 minutes
Ever heard of the word “congruent”? We come across postage stamps that are identical, cookies
that come from the same packages, what about toys that come from the same mould. We can say
that these things are congruent.
Today we are going to learn about congruent triangles.

Main Ideas/Understanding/Focus:

Triangles are congruent when they have exactly the same three sides and exactly the same three

Two triangles are congruent if the three sides of one triangle are equal to the three sides of the

other triangle. (SSS)

Two triangles are congruent if two angles and one side of one triangle are equal to the two angles

and the corresponding side of the other triangle (AAS).

Two triangles are congruent if two sides and the included angle of one triangle are equal to two

sides and the included angle of the other triangle ( SAS )

Two triangles are congruent if they both have a right angle, and the hypotenuse and a side of one

triangle are equal to the hypotenuse and the side of the other triangle (RHS)

Step by Step Procedures/Activities in the Lesson:

1. Discussion on “congruent triangles” will take place

2. Definition for congruent triangles will be written on the board
3. Illustrate different types of congruent triangles using diagrams
4. Assessment exercise will be done
Section 1: Activity 1
Time Allocation 1: 5 minutes
Content Methodology
Teaching Points Teaching Strategies Learning Activities

Discussion & Questioning Students listen attentively

Triangles are congruent When you hear the word congruent,
Copy notes correctly in their
when they have exactly what do you think of?
the same three sides and Congruent – identical , same, equal, books.
exactly the same three matching
Ask questions if there are any
angles Congruent triangles are equal in
all aspect – equal area, perimeter,
sides and anlges

Section 2: Activity 2
Time Allocation 2:

Content Methodology
Teaching Points Teaching Strategies Learning Activities
Explanations Students listen
Two triangles are
We are told that two triangles are congruent if attentively
congruent if the the three sides of one triangle are equal to the Copy notes correctly in
three sides of the other triangle – this implies their books.
three sides of one
that the triangles can be superimposed on each Ask questions if there
triangle are equal to
other, that corresponding sides have the same are any
the three sides of length. misunderstandings
the other triangle.

STP Book 2 Page 368
Students will be instructed to do the following
STP Book 2 Page 369 Exercise 23 e Nos 1-8

Section 3: Activity 3
Time Allocation 3:
Content Methodology
Teaching Points Teaching Strategies Learning Activities
Two triangles are
Explanations Students listen
congruent if two
angles and one side of
Copy notes correctly in
one triangle are equal their books.
Ask questions if there
to the two angles and
are any
the corresponding side
of the other triangle STP Book 2 Page 370

(AAS). Instructions
Students will be instructed to do the
following exercise.
STP Book 2 Page 370 Exercise 23 g Nos 1 –

Section 4: Activity 4
Time Allocation 4:

Content Methodology
Teaching Points Teaching Strategies Learning Activities
Two triangles are Explanation
Students listen
congruent if two sides and △ABC≅△XYZ attentively
Two sides and the included angle are Copy notes correctly
the included angle of one congruent
AC = ZX  (side) in their books.
triangle are equal to two ∠ACB = ∠XZY  (angle)
Ask questions if there
CB = ZY   (side)
sides and the included Therefore, by the Side Angle Side are any
postulate, the triangles are congruent. misunderstandings
angle of the other triangle

( SAS )

Section 5: Activity 5
Time Allocation 5:

Content Methodology
Teaching Points Teaching Strategies Learning Activities

Two triangles are congruent if

Students listen
they both have a right angle, attentively
Copy notes correctly
and the hypotenuse and a side
in their books.
of one triangle are equal to the
Ask questions if there
hypotenuse and the side of the Explanation are any
other triangle (RHS)
Closing Activities: (10 minutes)
Summary and Closure:

What are congruent triangles?’

What are some of the conditions for two triangles to be congruent?

Assessment Activities:

Stated above

Traditional Assessment

Solutions to Traditional Assessment

Adaptations of the Lesson:

Teacher’s Lesson Appraisal/ Reflection on the Lesson:

Only one first objective was completed in 40 minutes. The class was well behaved, with little

distractions. Looking at the exercises in the text book, I believe construction of triangles could

have been done first so that students will be able to do the additional exercises which involved
construction and incorporated congruent triangles. This would have made the lesson a bit more

meaningful for students.

Continuation Follow-up:

Co-operating Teacher’s Comments:

Practicum Advisor’s Comments:

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