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Ovi Mahajan : "You drown not by falling into the river, but by
staying submerged in it."

Extraction is an action thriller film directed by Sam Hargrave and

screenplay by Joe Russo, based on the comic Ciudad. It was released on
April 24, 2020, by Netflix.
I saw the film last night with my sister. It has mostly fighting scenes,
but despite that, in the end I cried a little bit. To be honest, I wanted to
watch this movie just because Chris Hemsworth is the protagonist.

Tyler Rake (Chris Hemsworth),

a black-market mercenary, is recruited by fellow mercenary Nik Khan

to rescue Ovi Mahajan, Junior ,

the son of India's biggest drug lord Ovi Mahajan, Senior
from Dhaka, Bangladesh.

While Rake is in the process of extracting Ovi from his kidnappers, Saju

, a former Special Forces soldier and

Ovi's father's chief henchman, acts on his own in an attempt to bring the
boy back, otherwise his family will be killed. Elsewhere, Bangladesh's

biggest drug lord Amir Asif who

kidnapped the kid, calls for an immediate lockdown of the city.
After escaping Saju and the corrupt police and military — both of which
are controlled by Asif — Rake and Ovi meet Farhad, a boy who wants to
prove himself to Amir by killing Rake, and his „gang” made of children.
Tyler fights off, but he doesn’t kill the boys. They are later picked up by

an old friend, Gaspar . He takes the two at a safe

house. After Gasper leaves, Tyler and Ovi talk about Rake's six-year-old
son who died of lymphoma. When Gaspar returns home, he tries to
convince Rake to give up Ovi and reveals to him that Asif is actually a
friend who he can’t betray. He and Rake fight and Ovi sees them.
Gaspar starts to explain and approaches Ovi, but Ovi ends up shooting
Gaspar twice and kills him.

Rake phones Saju and asks for his help, forcing them to team up against
the police and military in order to escape the city. Rake draws attention
away from Saju and Ovi as the two make their way through a bridge.
During the fight Saju is killed by Asif's colonel who is then in turn killed
by Khan. Rake continues to cover the extraction and is wounded several
times. He instructs Ovi to run towarads an helicopter which will rescue
him and continues to shoot, covering the boy. Ovi watches with Khan
how Rake makes his way to the helicopter after killing all Amir’s men,
only to be shot in the side of the neck by Farhad. Rake drags himself to
the side of the bridge and falls over into the river. Ovi, Khan and the
extraction team escape to Mumbai, India.
Eight months later, Asif is killed by Khan in the washroom of a
restaurant. Ovi jumps into his school's swimming pool and as he rises to
the surface sees a foreigner watching over him, possibly Tyler.

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