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Author: Sam Hargrave

The “Extraction Movie” was Directed by: “Sam Hargrave” and was written by
“Joe Russo”. The Movie was filmed in Ahmedabad & Mumbai (Provinces of India)
Filmed in November 2018.

– A Fearless Mercenary who is Hired by an organization to rescue the kidnapped son of
an imprisoned crime lord, willingly accepts the risk of a suicidal mission that is
Impossible to succeed being alone

– A Troubled Soldier - Who is determined to complete their mission as a team and face
all the Forces of the Bribed Army from the drug lord not letting them get in their way
from Extracting the kid

“Chris Hemsworth” is a famous actor in the marvel studios, has played the character
“Tyler Rake” in the Extraction movie. His role and character fit him Especially in the
action scenes. His Performances are incredible and Outstanding in action which may
be Acknowledgeable for the viewers when watching the movie
“Tyler Rake” (Chris Hemsworth) In his current state, he was broke after he resigned from being
an SASR operator. Then a few months later he was called by a person who is from another
special force and he was hired to be given a mission in the organization he joined. “Tyler Rake”
a former SASR operator, turned into a mercenary who often specialized in extraction
operations and assassinations. he has been given a Mission and it is to save the incarcerated
Indian drug lord's kidnapped son named “Ovi Mahajan”. when he arrived at the place where the
kid was kidnapped, he manages to eliminate every single one of the kidnappers who are
ARMED, and then he was assisted by his team in taking out the guards outside the base and
escaped with a car. The next step is that he needs to take the kid out of the Province they are
in and it was Currently ruled by a drug lord and needs to Monitor the kidnapped kid, but when
he found out all the kidnappers died and the kid is gone, he ordered & Bribed the colonel to
lock their current city, having an army block every bridge that goes outside the Province area
making sure they will not escape and capture him once he is found by his men. While Ovi,
Tyler, and his crew is in the woods, one of Tyler’s comrade has been killed. there is someone
who appeared And his “Saju Rav” who was ordered by Imprisoned International Crime lord to
rescue his son and extract him outside of their current city. Tyler had to fight against him
making it so one of them will extract the Ovi…”Nik Khan” (Tyler’s Comrade) brought her crew to
help the woods. The Imprisoned Crime lord Told Saju Rav to Negotiate with tyler since they
have the same mission. So they had a friendly & non-violent Conversation and made a deal to
share the money then after they are ready, Both of them went to the bridge while Ovi is
following Tyler, the bridge has a checkpoint and has high security that they inspect people who
will cross to see if some of them is the Kidnapped kid who was rescued…Tyler and Saju then
fought against a hundred army Forces of the drug lord’s men, luckily while in the middle of the
fight they were assisted by Nik Khan who brought her crew over and Sent a chopper… Tyler &
Saju was Severely Injured after they had killed all of the forces except for ONE, that person
shot Saju in his head resulting in his DEATH and he had shot Tyler’s Neck causing him to lose
his balance and fall into the ground, Nik Khan opens fire to eliminate the last enemy but he
retreats. Tyler was on the ground lying down, he told them to Escape without him. Ovi cried
wanting Tyler to escape with them tried to go to get Tyler but Nik Khan stopped him and
grabbed him to board the chopper, and they had went on without Tyler, On the brink of Dying,
Tyler used his remaining energy to stand up and sat in the edge of the bridge, he had
flashbacks of his daughter from his memory in few seconds replayed in his mind then he
intentionally fell into the river on the bridge as it looked like he has Drowned or died from Blood

8 Months later when Ovi is swimming in a pool. after he rises from diving, he saw Tyler sitting on
the bench as he was surprised & Happy to see him alive
The Director of this story tells about: A mercenary and his comrades who fought against the
corruption of a tyrant who has been ruling a province by staying low and avoiding suspicion from
the government by bribing the other forces to work for him so he could continue to his
negotiation in illegal stuffs to earn Vast amount of wealth. The Audience are impressed with the
Scripts of the story and also with the other characters who had to fulfill their role with passion
and good effort in order for the people to be thrilled watching them perform. 7/10

The Extraction movie is one of my favorites and makes my senses awake. This type of
movie, you will see a lot of plot twist so that the viewers will ask for more. “Tyler Rake”
portrays a role that is an expert in martial arts as well as his determination to accomplish his
mission that is given to him no matter what hindrance he encountered. And this time for the
sake of being given a second chance, he must do the right thing to do to prove himself that
whoever dares to get in his way especially his enemies, He chooses Justice and does it in his

1. What are the criteria used by the writer in evaluating the movie?
2. What is the strength of the movie?
3. What flaws were seen in the movie?
4. What is the overall evaluation of the writer ?

1.) The criteria used are creative, the design for the movie is outstanding which comes
from a plan and good mindset and their originalities can be exceeding other’s
2.) It starts with a good plan with coming up with the storyline, Performance, Skills, and
Creativity in order to Impress the audience and find it Thrilling
3.) when other characters don’t seem to be performing their roles with passion or a
good effort which results to the audience judging the actors and doesn’t acknowledge
their performance also when the editors are lazy in editing movie scenes can make the
viewers disappointed with the video effects whether if it lacks efforts in it, sometimes
when editors put too much efforts or overediting it, sometimes it might disturb other

4.) the evaluation of the writer was to make it creative by coming up with other plans
of how can it be done in a perfect way or how will it result in a good plot and making
sure the performers are okay to perform what the writer has given them
As a writer recognition, he/she needs to expand its Creativity and convey a good story

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