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ePortfolio Reflection

One of my weaknesses in math is not fully grasping a concept. In order to fully understand and

be able to understand certain skills we need to practice and practice. Something about that

enables us to grasp a concept and allows us to do it with much more ease. At times I would think

that I understood a math concept well enough that I believed I didn't have to practice it. But that

was a big mistake. I learned once again that this is needed.

A strength of mine in math has always been equations. I love finding the unknown variable in a

math problem. Something about it makes it very enjoyable to me. Just not having to do it for an

extended period of time in one sitting, then that isn't my cup of tea!

One of the many things I learned is the importance of measurements. The whole world does not

rely on the same measuring system. Most of the world relies on the metric system. While the

United States uses the imperial system. These are details I had never really paid attention to. But

these are very serious. As professionals we need to be able to understand conversions and be able

to apply them to our day to day work field. It is very serious because an incorrect amount or

calculation can potentially put someone's life at risk.

When we were covering the section of using multiplication and distributive property, at first I

thought I knew what I was doing. But what I came to realize is that multiplication and division

are done at the same time and there is no concrete “ follow the list in order to do it correctly’

method. It consists of having to solve the problem the same way you would read. Once you've
done the first essential steps and it comes down to division and multiplication you really have to

do it correctly or else you will have an incorrect outcome. And again this can be serious in the

real day to day life. We do not want to leave room for unnecessary risks. Or better yet diminish

human error in this manner.

Another section that was personally an eyeopener to me was fractions. I always grew up with a

love hate relationship with fractions. I did have a hard time with them when I was younger. And

to be honest I didn't really understand how they applied to our day to day lives. And to my

surprise I learned that they are actually everywhere. We use fractions to cook, to shop, and to tell

time. These are only one of the many things fractions are used in our day to day life. And this

class made it clearer to me how they work in our lives.

I found a very interesting section on billing. I finally understood how insurances worked and

how we as professionals need to be careful on how we input information. Because this gets sent

not only to the patient but other parties. Being prepared is always beneficial. Not all patients

know what coverage they have by their insurance. They may not be well identified if a certain

service will be under the cost of an insurance and that is why we need to be able to help them

understand what will and what will not be covered.

Overall, I do feel that I did accomplish the overall goal of this class. Being able to understand

and apply the math concepts to my future career. Being able to understand the math skills and

how they can apply to day to day in a workfield. Having the true understanding that we are
working with people and their health. That this is not something to take lightly. We need to be

honorable with our actions and be prepared to offer the necessary services to a patient. And

preparing ourselves with the correct knowledge.

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