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BPH – Tutorial #1 – Solutions

Fluid Mechanics – University of Technology, Sydney – Engineering & IT

Tutorial # 1 – Questions and Solutions

SI units will be preferred, but other units will also be used.

Pa = Pascal = N/m2

Absolute temperature (in degree K) = ºC (degree Celsius or centigrade) + 273

Standard conditions = Average conditions at sea level: 15 ºC, 101.3 kPa

Q. 1


+ Some examples of Fluids

+ Examples of application of Fluid Mechanics

Q. 2

Most of the answers to the questions below can be obtained directly from tables in the text book or
course notes.


+ Density of air in standard conditions, water and sea water at 20 ºC, mercury at 20 ºC
+ Vapour pressure of water at 5 ºC, 20 ºC, 50 ºC, 100 ºC
+ Viscosity of water at 5 ºC, 20 ºC, 50 ºC
+ Surface tension (coefficient) of water at 5 ºC, 60 ºC
+ Bulk modulus (of elasticity) of water at 20 ºC; then, pressure required to reduce volume of water by
1 %.
+ Kinematic viscosity (viscosity/density) of air and water at 20 ºC; and compare them; compare also
density and viscosity of water and air at 20 ºC
+ (Engineering) gas constant R for air at standard conditions
+ Pressure, temperature, and density (of ambient air) in the US Standard Atmosphere at sea level, at
altitude of 1000 m, 2000 m, 5000 m, and 10000 m; check the (ideal) gas equation P = ρRT for all
these cases
+ Determine the lapse rate B in the US Standard Atmosphere below 10000 m of altitude, where
B = | (change in temperature)/(corresponding change in altitude) | [ºC/km or K/km]
+ Boiling temperature of water at 8000 m altitude
+ Sound speed in the air at sea level (in standard conditions), at 8500 m altitude
+ Sound speed in sea water at 15 ºC
+ Note the variation of properties, especially of water, with temperature
+ Maximum diameter of a 5-cm long circular cylindrical steel needle (density 8000 kg/m3) that can
stay afloat on the water surface at 20 ºC; and similarly for a 10-cm long needle.


+ The (ideal) gas equation P = ρRT can be seen to apply well in all cases, with T in K, R = 287 J/kg.K
+ Bulk modulus of elasticity E ≅ − ∆P/(∆V/V); Volume change ∆V/V = − 1 % = − 0.01 => ∆P = 21.7
BPH – Tutorial #1 – Solutions

+ Lapse rate in the US Standard Atmosphere below 10000 m of altitude:

B = | (T at 6000 m – T at 5000 m) / (6 km – 5 km) | = (23.96 – 17.47) / 1 = 6.5 ºC/km
Thus B = about 6.5 ºC/km
Similar values are also obtained with temperatures at other altitudes (for example, at 2000 m and 1000
+ Boiling temperature of water at 8000 m altitude: At 8000 m, atmospheric pressure is P = 35.7 kPa.
This corresponds to vapour pressure of water at 72.8 ºC. Thus water boils at 72.8 ºC at 8000 m
+ Sound speed in the air at sea level (in standard conditions), at 8500 m altitude:
Taking air to be approximately ideal, sound speed is given by a = (k R T)1/2, with k = 1.4 (= Cp/Cv), R
= 287 J/kg.K for air, T in K. At sea level, T = 15 ºC = 288 K (standard conditions), thus a = 340 m/s.
At 8500 m altitude, T = 40.2 ºC (= 313.2 K) in US Standard Atmosphere, a = (1.4×287×313.2) 1/2 =
355 m/s. These values can also be obtained directly from Table B.4 of text (via known temperatures)
+ In sea water, use a = (E / ρ)1/2 for sound speed. E = 2.34×10 9 N/m2, ρ = 1030 kg m3 => a = 1507
+ Floating steel needle (diameter d, length l, density ρ, surface tension coefficient σ): Surface tension
force = weight => 2 σ l = (π d2 /4) l ρ g => d = 1.54 mm.

Q. 3

In the arrangement shown, determine the speed with which the circular cylinder would fall when
steady state has been reached. The cylinder is made of steel with density 8000 kg/m3, and the oil has a
viscosity of 0.6 N.s/m2.
BPH – Tutorial #1 – Solutions

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