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HR recruitment policy of “University of Sydney”

1. Planning to recruit:
a) Identifying the hiring need
b) Understanding the hiring need
c) Recruitment Strategy
d) Approval to recruit (establishment of position)

2. Advertising- Academic Staff and Professional Staff

3. Sourcing candidates

4. Selection Committee
(A) Membership :
(1) Academic Staff Selection Committees
(2) Professional Staff Selection Committees

(B) Requirements:
Academic and Professional Staff Selection Committees

5. Selecting a candidate
(A) Membership
(B) Short-listing

(C) Referee Reports :

(1) Timing of referee report requests
(2) Format of referee reports
(3) Number of referee reports
(4) Status of referees

(D) Final selection :

(1) Selection method
(2) Selection interview and interview planning
(3) Making the recommendation
6. Appointing the candidate:

(A) Conditions of appointment:

(1) Probation / confirmation
(2) Level of appointment
(3) Other conditions

(B) Selection Committee report

(C) Approval

(D) Offer of Employment:

(1) Offer of Employment
(2) Negotiation
(3) Acceptance / Refusal of Offer
(4) Notifying unsuccessful applicants

(E) Work rights, identity, and qualifications

(F) Pre-employment checks:
Working with Children

7. Waiver of advertising for an academic position, or a position requiring highly

specialized skills

8. Recordkeeping:
(A) Recordkeeping procedures
(B) Access to information

9. Candidate Care: Responsibilities

10. Administration:
A. Background
B. Management Responsibility
C. Implementation Responsibility Director
D. Dates
E. Approval
F. Signature

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