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Power Benefits of Water

Water has many benefits, including a system that loses after a day of activity. But there are
some problems that are often ignored by humans, namely lazy to drink water.

Water is a mineral drink that is consumed by all living things, including humans. The function
of white air when drunk by humans as a substance that is useful for launching the body, giving
oxygen intake, regulating body temperature and cleaning the whole body.

In a day humans must drink at least 2 liters of white water or 8 glasses of white air. In order
to build the body’s working system optimally and maintain a healthy body so that energy is reduced
to normal.

Dehydration often occurs in many people. These things include body fluids that have thinned
even to the point of being exhausted, which results in abnormal blood sugar levels.

It can be indicated that white air is very vital. There are still many who underestimate
drinking 2 liters of white air a day. For that we must start from the people, so that people can do
their lives by routinely drinking at least 8 glasses of white air a day.
Islamic Boarding School

Islamic boarding schools are buildings in which there is a special learning system. Even
though there are general knowledge lessons like schools that are on the same level.

The Ulama argue that Islamic boarding schools can change the nature, character and
personalities of santri to be more religious. Religious in thinking about the future and realistic world
that is progressing.

On the other hand pesantren also includes dormitories that bring together a number of
people who are different in terms of character, personal and place of origin and they try to become
wholeness bound by the rope ukhuwah ismaliyah (Muslim brotherhood ties).

So Islamic boarding schools were established to form the character of students namely
santri who were more religious who obeyed religion and state. In the learning system it is combined
with the values of unity and unity in order to continue the progress of Islam in the future as well.
Cramming is Bad

How do you study when the test is coming? Do you start preparing for the test weeks or
months before the test or leave things to the last hour? If you start studying weeks or months before
the test, it is great. However, if you study all the material in the last hour or minute, it is not good for
you and it is called cramming.

Cramming is the situation when students stay up until morning to study before their test.
This habit can lead to negative impacts for some reason. The first reason is that disruptions in the
regular sleep cycle can cause temporary intellectual lapses. For most students, less sleep can make
them could not focus in the class. Additionally, cramming can leave us with “something that I have
seen before” in our memory. However, being able to recognize something is not the same as being
able to recall it. Besides that, each person has their different sleeping time, so some of them often
use a stimulant for cramming. Furthermore, that stimulant gives bad effect to its consumers.

The example stimulant is coffee. It causes many problems such as Caffeine Intoxiation
Syndrome, anxiety, panic, headaches, and so on. To sum up, cramming is bad because it disturbs our
regular sleep cycle which cause temporary intellectualn lapses and using stimulant for cramming
gives bad effect to our health.
The Importance of Drinking Water

How much do you drink water today? Water is often considered insignificant but behind it
all, it turns out that water has important functions for our body. There are several reasons why you
should drink enough water. Firstly, interstitial fluid is obtained by drinking lots of water. Water is
used by the body to digest food and help transport nutrients throughout the body. In addition,
interstitial fluid is also useful for producing saliva and regulating body temperature.

The second reason is that it helps kidney work. Our kidney processes 200 liters of blood in
our body every day. It also filters out waste and delivers urine to the bladder. To do all the tasks, our
kidney needs enough water because water is used to clean anything that is unnecessary for our
body. Furthermore, drinking water can moisturize our skin. It makes our skin feel fresh, soft, bright
and smooth.

Additionally, drinking enough water every day can also improve the function of our brain. It
can help us to concentrate more and unlease the nervous system in the brain. In conclusion, drinking
water is important because it is needed for our interstitial fluid, helps kidney work, is good for healty
skin, and improves the function of our brain.
The Dangerous Effects of Bullying among the Students

Bullying in educational settings remains a commonplace everyday experience. The acts of

bullying include a wide range of malicious behaviors, including physical violence, threats, verbal
mockery, ostracism, and rumors spread toward vulnerable targets and typically repeated. Bullying
among students is very dangerous. It can affect not only the students who get bullied but also the
bullies, the witness of bullying, and the school itself as an educational institution.

The children and teenagers who get bullied might experience several mental problems, such
as depression, anxiety, increased feeling of sadness and loneliness, changes in sleep pattern, and loss
of interest in particular activities that they used to enjoy. These problems may be carried away until
they grow to be an adult. Besides, physical violence in bullying can lead to physical injuries.

The academic achievements of the victims will also get the impact. A UCLA study of 2.300
students in eleven middle schools in Los Angeles found that a high level of bullying was associated
with lower grades across three years of middle schools. Students who were rated as the most bullied
performed significantly worse academically than their peers.

Victims, however, are not the only ones who suffer from bullying. While victims often fare
the worst on a variety of measures, pure bullies also experience difficulties. They are at increased
risk of some mental health problems and are likely to encounter difficulty maintaining positive
relationships as adults. More significantly, bullies are considerably more likely to behave roughly, get
into fights, be engaged into vandalism, abuse alcohol and drugs, as well as being convicted of crimes.

Students who witness bullying have a big tendency to feel insecure when they are at school.
They are also more likely to have mental problems such as depression, anxiety feeling, and traumatic
feeling from witnessing the incident. Moreover, they are also at high risk of using drugs and alcohol
to relieve their stress.

Ultimately, the school, where the act of bullying happens also can get the impacts. It makes
the students feel insecure and creates a non-conducive school environment, which leads to
ineffective teaching and learning activities. Furthermore, it makes morality education and spirit of
learning at the school need to be questioned.

Based on several facts above, it is obvious that bullying among students is very dangerous. It
can cause a physical and mental health problem, quality declining in academic performance due to
the ineffective teaching and learning activities, and makes people doubt the role of the school in
educating the students.
Biografi Ki Hajar Dewantara

On May 2, 1889 Ki Hajar Dewantara born in Yogyakarta. The original name of Ki Hajar
Dewantara i.e. Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat. He comes from a family of Yogyakarta Kingdom.
Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat, he was renamed Ki Hajar Dewantara when even 40 year old
Caka year count did. Since that time, he was no longer using knighted before his name. It is intended
that he be free to close to the people, both physically and in his heart. He is a figure of a polite,
simple and noble-hearted. Although the gentility but Ki Hajar Dewantara still hang out with the
people downstairs and diligently provide succor to the needy.

The journey of life Ki Hajar Dewantara really characterized the struggle and devotion in the
interest of his people. He completed elementary school in ELS (Netherlandselementary school) then
extends to the STOVIA (school Doctor Bumiputra), but not until the end due to illness. He then
worked as a journalist on several newspapers, among others, Sedyotomo, Java, Midden De Express,
Indian Oetoesan, Kaoem, Moeda Tjahaja Timoer and Poesara. In his time, he belongs to the author
reliable. His writings are very communicative, sharp and so capable of uplifting patriotic
antikolonialfor readers.

Ki Hajar Dewantara in addition to young journalists as a tenacious, he was also active in

social and political organization. In 1908, he was active in Boedi Oetomo propaganda section to
socialize and evocative awareness of Indonesia at that time aboutthe importance of unity and unity
in the nation and State.

Ki Hajar Dewantara very active and concerned with the world of education. One of the
proofs of it i.e. He established the School Grounds Students in 1922.

He gave the example of and motivation to young people to keep passion in learning about
science. One of the motivational words of Ki Hajar Dewantara which until now still inherent in the
minds of all of us, namely: “Tut wuri handayani” ing ngarsa sung tulada, ing madya mangun karsa,
tut wuri handayani.
Biografi Pattimura

He is one of the national heroes who very persistently against the Netherlands colonizers.
Regarding the profile of Pattimura, he named Thomas Matulessy also says his real name is Ahmad
Lussy, he was born in Hualoy, South of Seram, Maluku on June 8, 1783. He died in Ambon, Maluku,
16 December 1817 at the age of 34 years. He was the son of Frans Matulesi with Fransina Silahoi. As
for the biography of Pattimura in the Government first published, M Sapija wrote, “that the heroes
of adhara Pattimura derivative nobility and originated from Nusa Ina (Ceram). Father named Antoni
Mattulessy was the son of Kasimiliali of Pattimura Mattulessy. The latter was the son of King Sahulau.
Sahulau is the name of the person in the country which is situated in a Bay in Spooky South.”

From the history of Pattimura written M Sapija, the title of kapitan was the awarding of the
Netherlands. In fact it is not. According to historian Mansyur Suryanegara, the ancestor of this
nation, from the point of history and anthropology, is homo religiosa (creatures of Hindu religious

Their belief against something the power beyond the reach of reason their minds, give rise
to interpretations that are difficult to digest ratio. Therefore, the social behaviour of controlled
forces of nature that they to fear.

Their souls are United with the forces of nature, supernatural powers–special supernatural
powers which belonged to someone. Supernatural powers were later accepted as something
precious and sacred events. When he was attached to someone, then that person is a symbol of
their strength. He is a leader who is considered to have charisma.

It’s inherent properties and processes from generation to generation. Although they‘ve been
converted, but genealogical/genealogy/descendant is a derivative of the leader or kapitan. From this
actual term “kapitan“ inherent in the self begins. Pattimura

Before doing any resistance against the DUTCH he never had a career in the military as a
former Military Sergeant United Kingdom. The word “Maluku“ comes from the Arabic Al Mulk or Al-
Malik meaning land of the Kings. given the large number of kingdoms at the time

In 1816 United Kingdom party surrender to the Netherlands and then the Netherlands do
the political monopoly policy, taxes on land (landrente), the relocation of the residents as well as
cruise Hongi (Hongi Tochten), as well as ignoring the Treaty of London I among other things in the
article 11 contains provisions that the United Kingdom Resident in Ambon must first negotiate the
transfer koprs Ambon with Gubenur.

And the agreement also clearly indicated that if the Government of the United Kingdom
ended in Maluku the fallen soldier Ambon must be freed in terms of reserves the right to choose to
enter the new Government or military service out of military service, however in this military service
move his practice forced the return of colonial Netherlands in 1817 gets hard challenge from the

This is because the condition of the political, economic, and societal relations are bad for
two centuries. The Maluku people finally rose up in arms under the command of Kapitan Pattimura ()
Then at the time war broke out against the Netherlands colonizers of the year 1817
Kings Vizier, The Kapitan, Indigenous elders and people picked it up as a leader and warlord
because experienced and possess Knights (kabaressi). As a warlord, Kapitan Pattimura set the
strategy of war with the acolytes.

As a leader he successfully coordinating the Kings Vizier in carrying out the activities of the
Government, the people’s lead, set up education, providing food and build strongholds of Defense.
the chemistry in leadership is recognized by the Grand Vizier or commoner.

In the struggle against Netherlands, he also established a Union with the Kingdom of Ternate
and Tidore, Kings in Bali, Sulawesi and Java. Pattimura national war that a military force with the
Netherlands facing large and strong by sending its own Admiral Buykes, one of the Commissioner-
General to confront Patimura.

Great battles against the Netherlands Army on land and at sea, organised the Kapitan
Pattimura, assisted by the penglimanya, among others, Melchior Kesaulya, Anthoni Rebhok, Philip
Ulupaha and Latumahina. The battle that destroyed the troops of Netherlands was recorded as the
capture of the Castle Duurstede, Netherlands fighting on the beaches of Waisisil and jasirah
Hatawano, Ullath, Jasirah–Ouw Hitu island of Ambon and Seram South.

Pattimura war can only be stopped with divide lamb, Guile and scorched earth by the
Netherlands. Pattimura, together with the other fighter with her character finally can be captured.
Pattimura was arrested by the colonial Government of Netherlands in a house in the regional series
of Sorry. Pattimura then tried in the courts of the Netherlands Colonial with accusations against the
Government of the Netherlands.

Pattimura then sentenced Advertisement before his execution, hanging on the gallows, the
Netherlands apparently continue to persuade Pattimura in order to cooperate with the Government
of Netherlands colonial, but Pattimura refused. Pattimura then retired at the gallows on 16
December 1817 in front of Fort Victoria in the town of Ambon.

For the service and sacrifice that, Kapitan Pattimura confirmed as “the hero of the
independence struggle“ by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia … … National Hero Of
Indonesia. The Almighty Godhead just and civilized Humanity unity of Indonesia, led by Populist
wisdom wisdom in independence representative consultative for the whole people of indonesia.

Biografi Soekarno

Ir. Soekarno (born in Blitar, East Java, June 6, 1901 – died in Jakarta, June 21, 1970 at age 69
years) is Indonesia’s first president who served two terms from 1945 to 1966. He played an
important role for the liberation of Indonesia from Dutch colonialism. He is a digger Pancasila. He
was proclaimed Indonesian independence (along with Mohammad Hatta) which occurred on August
17, 1945.

Sukarno signed the Warrant March 11, 1966 Supersemar controversial, in which – according
to the released version of Army Headquarters – Lt. Gen. Suharto assigned to secure and maintain
state security and the institution of the presidency. Supersemar basis Lieutenant General Suharto to
dissolve the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) and replace the members who sit in parliament.
After the answer denied liability Provisional People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) in the fourth
general assembly in 1967, President Sukarno removed from office as president in the MPRS Special
Session of the same year and raised Suharto as acting President of the Republic of Indonesia.

Sukarno was born with the name Kusno Sosrodihardjo. His father named Raden Soekemi
Sosrodihardjo, a teacher in Surabaya, Java. His mother was Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai comes from
Buleleng, Bali

As a young child living with his grandfather Sukarno in Tulungagung, East Java. At the age of
14 years, a friend of his father who called Tjokroaminoto Sukarno invited to stay in Surabaya and
schooled to Hoogere Burger School (HBS) in there with a Koran in the Tjokroaminoto. At Surabaya,
Sukarno many met with the SI leaders, the organization led Tjokroaminoto time. Sukarno then joined
the organization Jong Java (Java Youth).

Finished H.B.S. 1920, Sukarno continued to Technische Hoge School (now ITB) in Bandung,
and graduated in 1925. While in Bandung, Sukarno interact with Tjipto Mangunkusumo and Dr.
Douwes Dekker, who was then leader of the National organization Indische Partij.

Biografi Jendral Sudirman

Jendral Sudirman is a national hero. He was born on January 24 in 1916 in

Purbalingga, precisely in Hamlet Rembang. He was born of a father who called Karsid Kartowirodji,
and mother named Siyem. The father of Sudirman is a worker in the Sugar Kalibagor, Banyumas, and
her mother is a descendant of Rembang district officer. Sudirman treated by Raden Tjokrosoenarjo
and his wife named Toeridowati.

Sudirman General education teacher named HIK. He studied at the site for one year.
This he did after completed the study in Wirotomo.

Sudirman was made a General in stepping 31 years. He is the youngest and at the same first
in Indonesia. Since childhood, he was a smart boy and also very fond of the organization. Starting
from the organization placed first in the school, he had already shown criteria favored leaders in the
community. His liveliness on the scout Hizbul watan make him a primary school teacher in the
district of Cilacap Muhammadiyah. Then he continues to be a chief General Sudirman school.

Jendral Sudirman get into the military learned in PETA (Defenders of the Homeland) which
is located in the city of Bogor. Education in PETA conducted by Japanese soldiers at those times.
When complete education in the map, then he became a battalion commander who wasin Kroja,
Central Java. His leadership did not stop there, he also became a commander in the city of

Biografi Teuku Umar

Teuku Umar (Meulaboh, West Aceh, 1854 – February 11, 1899) was a leader of a guerrilla
campaign against the Dutch in Aceh during the Aceh War. He fell when Dutch troops launched a
surprise attack in Meulaboh. His body was buried in the Mugo area. After Teuku Umar's death, his
wife Cut Nyak Dhien continued to lead the guerrillas against the Dutch. He was later made a National
Hero of Indonesia.

Teuku Umar joined the guerrilla forces in 1873 at the age of 19. At first, he fought in
Meulaboh; he later expanded his operations to different parts of West Aceh. At the age of 20, Umar
married Nyak Sofia; not long after, he took Nyak Malighai as his second wife. In 1880, Umar married
his cousin Cut Nyak Dhien; Dhien later joined him in the guerrilla campaign.

In 1883, the Dutch colonial government signed a peace treaty with the Acehnese guerrillas.
That same year Umar joined them as an undercover operative over Dhien's complaints, working his
way up through the colonial military's ranks. After war broke out again in 1884, Umar worked to stop
the Acehnese people's struggle. For his service, on January 1, 1894 Umar was given the title Johan
Pahlawan and control of a legion of 250 fully armed soldiers. Eventually, Umar was given control of
120 more troops as well as 17 lieutenants.

On March 30, 1896, Umar and his troops deserted, taking including 800 weapons, 25,000
bullets, 500 kilograms (1,100 lb) of ammunition, and 18,000 dollars. Together with 400 soldiers
under the command of Teuku Panglima Polem Muhammad Daud, Umar attacked the Dutch forces,
killing 25 and injuring 190.

In retaliation, the Dutch governor sent soldiers en masse to capture or kill Umar. Umar was
killed in an ambush on February 10, 1899 in Meulaboh.

In the 1930s, Sukarno described Teuku Umar as being one of the pahlawan tiga-sekawan
(three heroic friends) along with Diponegoro and Imam Bonjol.

Teuku Umar has been officially designated as national hero of Indonesia. There are many
streets named after him throughout Indonesia, including a main thoroughfare in the well-known
suburb of Menteng in Jakarta, as well as a field in Meulaboh.

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