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COMSATS University Islamabad

Lahore campus
Assignment of history and prespective of psychology
Topic : New psychology
Submitted by : Hina
Roll no : 035
Section : “A”
Submitted to : Mam Zainab
Department : BS Psychology
Dated : 15 april 2020
Which scientist’s theory is capable in daily life routine according to my point of

According to my point of view Hermann Ebinghaus theory and experiments are capablein daily
life routine.

Contribution of Hermann Ebinghaus

He is the first psychologist to investigate learning and memory experimentally.Who had

proposed frequency of associations as a condition of recalls. Ebinghaus approached the problem
of measuring memory by counting the number of trials or repetitions required to learn the

Research with Non sense syllables

Non sense syllables are meaningless words of series to study memory processes.Ebinghaus
designed various studies using a meaningless series of syllables to determine .He investigates the
differenc between the speed of memorizing lists of syllables verses the speed of memorizing
material that had more apparent meaning .He also studied the variables that are expected to had
influence on learning and memory.

Effect of overlearning

Association within lists reviewing material

Time elapsed between learning and recall

scientist’s theory is capable in daily life routine according to my point of view?

Hermann Ebinghaus used non sens syllables in his experiment of learning and memory . He
experimentally state that human learn and memorized that things and events quickly and clearly
which have an apparent meaning and sense then those of that words and things or any thing
which have no meaning and sense .It is really capable in our daily life.

For example
When we see a picture or painting if this painting or picture have any sense or meaningful story
behind that we memorized that thing clearly. We remember that lon time or in clear way we
explain and describe that any time.But if we see a page or chart filled with different colours draw
line without any sense we see that and we didn’t got any sense behind that and after few secnds
or minutes we don’t remember that thing or event because that have no meaning and sense .

Hermann studied expected variables that are also influenced on our daily life

First of all we memorized those things clear and for long time which we recall and review in
daily life we kept things in our memory for long time which we disscuss again an again.things
are more clear in our memory when we recall things for long time that events are stay in our
memory clearly that’s why according to me Hermann Ebinghaus theory is much capable in our

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