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• Did/do you have a job? What was/is it? • What clubs were/are you in?
• What were/are your duties on a day to day basis? • What positions of responsibility did/do you have? E.g.
• What were/are your responsibilities? E.g. Opening or Team captain, role within a club, prefect.
closing the premises, cash handling or team leader roles • What examples do you have of presenting in front of
• Have you volunteered for any additional responsibilities? other people? E.g. Assemblies, in front of the class.
• Have you introduced a new initiative or improved a • Were/are you involved in creating or arranging
process at work? something? E.g. In technology, drama, music or art.
• Are/Were you responsible for managing anyone? • Did you get any award, or what did/do you get
• Do/did you work with people in different time-zones? rewarded for? E.g. House pointes, certifications,
• Do/did you work with people from different cultural prizes.
backgrounds? • Have you ever multi-tasked activities. (e.g. attending
• Do/Did you present your ideas back? school/college and having a part-time job)
• Do/Did you help organise any work events e.g. found the • Have you ever had to do a group project?
venue, organised tickets, marketed the event, managed
the budget etc.




• What were/are your hobbies? HOME LIFE & SOCIETY
• How long have you been doing your hobbies and how • Have you organised any trips?
often do you do them? • Are you the ‘organiser’ amongst your friends or family or
• What clubs and societies were/are you part of? E.g. are you a ‘peace keeper’ or ‘team player’?
Music, sport, other? • What responsibilities do you have around the house? E.g.
• What roles did/do you take on in the clubs and/or Paying bills, doing chores, looking after the family etc.
societies? • Were/Are you part of any community societies? (e.g. local
• Did/Do you do any volunteering? clean up, neighbourhood watch)
• Did/do you create anything (e.g. writing songs or poetry, • Do/Did you voice your opinions for the community? (e.g.
baked a cake, painted a picture) chair any events, attend any local meetings)
• Have you ever gone to a class to specifically learn a • What is something you are proud of?
new skill (e.g. sewing class, coding class) • Have you taken a career break? (e.g. to focus on your
• Have you raised money for a charity? family or to travel, did you learn anything?)

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