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Hello Parents,

Thank you for your patience regarding remote learning at Ray. I wanted to give you an update on Quarter
4 grading. The district has sent out specific guidance for grading during this time. Please access Ray’s
website or the CPS website to find further information regarding grading policies. For my class, students
will be receiving ​2 grades in reading, 2 grades in math and 1 grade in writing​ ​each week ​(5 grades
total per week), if your student sees me for those subject areas. Students will be graded on the common
rubric below. There are a few situations, in which grading may look different in gradebook and at the end
of the quarter depending on student engagement and quality of work:

1. If students are completing work consistently, they will get a letter grade that is at or above their
third quarter grade for that subject
2. If work is inconsistent both in quality and submission, students will receive a “pass”
a. Scores will be entered in weekly as is and at the end of the quarter it will be overridden
with a “pass”
3. If there is no engagement/work, students will receive an incomplete and there will be an override
for the final grade

Below is the common rubric used to grade student work:

● ★ Student has shown convincing evidence of understanding. Answer is accurate and written in full
detail. The student has met expectations of the task presented. Calculation: 10/10

● ✔+ Student has shown some convincing evidence of understanding. The work may contain a minor
error. Answer is accurate to answer the task and/or thinking shown. Calculation: 9/10

● ✔ Student has shown some evidence of understanding. The answer demonstrates some
understanding of the presented task. May contain minor errors or a major error. Calculation: 8/10

● ✔- Student has attempted to solve the task. Answer is incorrect. Calculation: 7/10

● ⊘ No attempt made to solve the task. There is just an answer. Calculation: 6/10

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns!

Stay healthy and safe,

Ms. Fullett

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