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Table of Contents

Awareness Campaign................................................................................................................3

Training Module for CoVid 19.................................................................................................3

Exercise Plan............................................................................................................................5


Employee Needs and Remote Work...................................................................................5


Supply Chain and Forecasting............................................................................................6

Part of the Broader Solution...............................................................................................6



Awareness Campaign
As a human resource manager of IKEA facing a pandemic like CoVid 19, it is most
important to work on an awareness campaign first to promote the brands contribution during
such a time of crisis. To make a difference spreading awareness we can publish a smart ad.
This will be like most of the conventional layout of the traditional IKEA furniture ads,
without the Swedish elements in it, rather this will urge the consumers by conveying the
message of staying at home, because currently that is the most appropriate thing people can
do to ensure safety of the planet. Although the advertisement will be light-hearted, since our
intention is not to make people anxious but to spread positive message among our customers.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, it is not necessary to turn down all advertising or make the
awareness campaign intense. What out campaign must reflect is that people are struggling
and what we as a community can do to make the situation better. Such positive inspirations
will let our customers know that 'we care' and are doing everything to contribute to the
circumstances positively. 

Training Module for CoVid 19

Risk and Crisis We will be In order to handle These plans will be
Planning evaluating the these risks, we are effective
current training our immediately to
vulnerabilities due to employees to manage any further
closing of numerous mitigate pressure on loss of IKEA.
stores around the our supply chain and Products in transit to
world as well as promoting locked down market
work from home. will be kept in
warehouses or will
be returned if
Audience Analysis Our audience Due to global This has led to a fall
and Engagement analysis has led us to lockdown many in customer demand
conclude that most people have lost but in order to stay
of the customers are their jobs or are connected with our
young adults with a working from home customers, our
stable standard of and are mostly employees are
living. worried about safety trained to provide
measures them the same
customer service
from their homes
and answer to all
their queries 24

hours a day.
Media Relations Media plays a major Our emails to Zoom conference
role in this crisis. employees generally often help us to
With minimal consist of communicate to our
human contact most information and employees and stay
of our work will be directives regarding in touch with them.
done online via safe and security, Constant updates are
zoom calls and email schedule updates or put up regarding our
and other social policy modifications contributions in our
networking sites. etc. social network
pages. We are also
communication with
press and other
content creators via
email or Zoom calls.
Crisis  During the exercise, During the The training of crisis
Communication our workers have experiment, communication
Simulation been trained employees are helps participants to
to work in teams of presented with input exercise their skills
two and six where based on their in an environment
each team decisions. which simulates the
supporting one Furthermore, the test uncertainty, pressure
division in reaction involves an and ambiguity of a
to imagined state or interrogation process real crisis.
nation in response a to demonstrate
pandemic such as whatever went
this. The system wrong.
would require staff
to interact via
different media

Exercise Plan

To ensure seamless communication we would need an efficient BCP or Business Continuity
Plan. In order to enforce and coordinate fundamental changes with the staff, the BCP will
provide us with a framework to prevail smooth communication during such a pandemic like
the one we face today. In order to inform our staff about the symptoms of coronavirus, and
how we are planning to handle this, we need to establish detailed communication strategies.
For starters, we will send our workers an e-mail containing a cloud-based performance
monitoring system that specifically outlines the current working from home strategy and how

IKEA will assist its workforce with minimal disturbances while they are working from their
homes (Gupta, 2020).

Employee Needs and Remote Work

As a HR manager in IKEA, I will make sure that the employees are given maximum support,
so that they can concentrate on their works and stay safe in their homes particularly for those
workers who living in a red zone, this will mitigate that anxiety they will develop under such
stressful circumstances.

This requires the informing our traveling staffs with all emergency procedures, revised travel
directives and management of travel logistics. We should also recommend providing greater
flexibility by providing new methods of sustaining regular daily operations, which can be
done by organizing a video conferences via zoom and re-evaluating targets which might be
difficult to achieve in this time frame (“Coronavirus COVID-19 & HR”, 2020).

Supply Chain and Forecasting

There will be escalation of instability in the supply chain has escalated as the
pandemic expanded to Europe and America, with the main obstacle being closed borders or
limited travel. Although, IKEA have to deal mainly with inventories scattered over stores, in
a variety of locations. One point of worry, though, is for the storing of those products which
are already in transit towards those markets where we have decided to shut the IKEA stores,
on a temporary basis. Therefore, in order to combat that we will either be redirecting or
retaining items that are already on their way (Ringstrom, 2020). 

Part of the Broader Solution

Keeping in mind our contribution to a broader solution, our priority will be to ensure the
survival and sustaining the livelihoods of all our employees and help them with benefits. Due
to the closure of multiple stores we will make sure that our employees do not lose their
livelihoods and can continue with us by working from their homes. We must also function
through the recession and the financial assistance mechanisms provided by
several government to affected people and families. Our dedication will be to maintain the
safety and welfare of our employees, who are responsible for sustaining our ecommerce
business globally during this time of crisis. We will partner with our various vendors to boost
the quality of masks, sanitizers, and use and throw aprons (Mehta, 2020).  Instead of full N95
respirators, we are developing three-fold face masks. We now have 900,000 masks to be

delivered and will be generating a million in the coming three weeks in order to add to the
broader solution. We are donating other COVID-19 responsive items to
healthcare organization without charge, along with the masks (Polman, 2020).

Mehta, P. (2020). In this fight against Coronavirus, IKEA makes a significant contribution.
Architectural Digest.

Polman, P. (2020). How responsible businesses can step forward to fight coronavirus. World
Economic Forum.

Gupta, V. (2020). Ways to Handle Client Communication During a Pandemic. Your Story.

Ringstorm, A. (2020). Furniture giant IKEA making masks to help fight coronavirus.

“Coronavirus (COVID-19) & HR: How to Communicate with Employees During a

Pandemic”. (2020). HR Technologist.

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