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Lesson Plan Form

Candidate: Omar Villarreal Subject: ELA Grade level(s): 1 Date: 4/5/2020

Standard: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.1.7 Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest
feelings or appeal to the senses.


What are students learning?

Students are learning how to identify words and phrases from a story that suggests feelings and appeal to
the senses.


Students will analyze a character’s feelings and senses by identifying words and phrases in a story.

DOK/Cognitive Rigor Level: DOK 3 Strategic Thinking

Purpose: Why are students learning this? Why is it important?

Students are learning this to reinforce their ability to examine words and phrases to determine a character’s
feelings and characteristics. Learning this will help students understand keywords that determine a
character’s mood.

Language Demands:
What vocabulary will be learned throughout this lesson?
Vocabulary that will be learned throughout the lesson are: feelings, senses


What lesson would come before this lesson? What lesson would come after this lesson?
 Before this lesson, the book “Small Pig” by Arnold Lobel should have been read to students. After
this lesson, students should fully understand what words and phrases are used to determine a
character’s mood and should be able to fill out a worksheet that evaluates their comprehension.

How will you introduce the content and get students interested?
 I will get students interested by calling their table group one-by-one and having them sit down in
the classroom carpet. Once all students are sitting down, I will introduce the content by teaching
them what feelings and senses are.

B. INSTRUCTIONAL SEQUENCE: (adjust your number of steps as needed)

Step #1: Call all students to the classroom carpet.

a. What will the teacher do?
 I will say: “One, two, three, eyes on me” to grab all of my student’s attention. I will then call
student’s table groups one by one and have them sit in the classroom carpet. This will allow all
students to have their full attention to me and fully engaged in the lesson.
b. What will the students do?
 Students will say “One, two, eyes on you” after my attention grabber. Students will walk towards
the classroom carpet and have a seat in the carpet. All students should have their full attention to
me and ready to hear what I am about to teach.

Step #2: Teach Children what feelings and senses are.

a. What will the teacher do?
 I will teach children what feelings and senses are. I will start off by giving them a simple definition
for each word and then give them several examples for each word. I will also ask students if they
can give me other examples for each word.

b. What will the students do?

 The students will have their full attention on me while I give my lesson. Students will raise their
hand and start giving some examples for each word when asked.

Step #3: Read “Small Pig” book.

a. What will the teacher do?
 I will make sure all my students have their full attention before I start reading the book to them. I
will read the book page by page and show them the illustrations to reinforce what is being read to
them. I will be asking students questions throughout the book to check their understanding and
have them engaged in the book.

b. What will the students do?

 The students will have their full attention on me while I read the book. Some students will give
their input on the book’s illustrations. Students will raise their hand to answer some of my
questions or they will randomly be selected to participate. All students should be prepared to
answer my questions.

Step #4: Pass out Handout.

a. What will the teacher do?
 Once I have read the complete book to my students and feel they have understood it well, I will
begin to pass out a printed copy to every 2 students and a worksheet to every student. I will make
sure every student is participating and doing their own worksheet by walking around the classroom.
I will help students out if necessary, to make sure they are understanding what needs to be done to
fully complete the worksheet. I will encourage my students to ask their “shoulder partner” for help
before asking me. I will then collect the student’s assignment once they have completed it.

b. What will the students do?

 Students will be working on their own worksheet while looking at the book printout for support.
Students will be asking their “shoulder partner” for help if needed. Students will share some of
their ideas to me when I am walking around the classroom. Students will then turn in the
assignment once they have completed it.

Step #5: Read “Small Pig” again.

a. What will the teacher do?
 I will read “Small Pig” once again to strengthen what they have provided on their worksheet. I will
make sure to stop reading after every page once I come across a word or phrase that determines a
character’s feelings or senses. If students cannot identify the word or phrases, I will make sure I
explain it to them.

b. What will the students do?

 Students will make sure they are providing their full attention when I am reading. Students will
also make sure they give their feedback when I ask them about the specific words or phrases.

How will students apply what they learned?
 Students will apply what they learned by completing the worksheet. The worksheet will require
them to input several words and phrases that suggest feelings and appeal to the senses, and also
require them to input a page number of where they found it.


What do you need for the lesson?
- Book: Small Pig by Arnold Lobel
- Book copies of all pages for every 2 students
- Assignment worksheets for all students
- Devices for “Kahoot!”


How will you check for understanding throughout the lesson and monitor progress?
 I will be asking student questions while reading the book to them to check their understanding. I
will also walk around the classroom when they are on working on the handout and ask students
questions about the reading, to monitor their progress.

How will you know if they mastered the standard?
 I will know if my students have mastered the standard by grading their worksheet and seeing if they
have applied their knowledge correctly. To reinforce their understanding, I will read the book
“Small Pig” once again after correcting their worksheet and have the students select the words or
phrases that suggest feelings and appeal to the senses. If students cannot identify the word or
phrases, I will make sure I explain it to them. This will help every student master the standard by
reinforcing something they had already completed.


Instruction, Practice):

How can we provide equal access for emerging bilingual students or students with special needs?
 For emergent bilingual students: Students who are emergent bilingual learners
will be required to sit next to a student who speaks both languages and is able
to translate to them. I will explain to the student(s) in their primary language.
Provide students with multilingual worksheets if necessary. Provide a
translated version of the book to bilingual students.
 For students with special needs: I will make sure I proved an equal access for
learning. For example, for students with hearing difficulty or auditory
processing disorder, I will have them sit down next to me so they can hear me
better. Also, repeat what I am reading or saying. For students with vision
problems, I will sit them closer to me so they can see the images on the book

How will differentiate for struggling students and high achievers? (Modification)
 For struggling students: I will make sure I work with them one-on-one to assist
with their learning and reinforce what is being taught. I will also make sure all
of their questions are answered to better help them understand what is being
 For high achievers: I will make sure I have extra worksheets for them once
they have completed the required worksheet. If all worksheets are completed,
I will have them help out struggling students.

How will you conclude the lesson?
 I will conclude the lesson by playing “Kahoot!”. I will pass out one device per
student and have them go to Once all of my students are on the
website, I will have them answer questions regarding what was learned. This
will be a fun/great way to reward my students for their hard work.

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