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Gwynedd Mercy University

School of Education

Lesson Plan

PA Core or Academic Standard(s): Standard: - CC.1.1.2.E

Big Idea(s): Effective reading instruction incorporates five components including phonemic
awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. The students should read
fluently, as it is important to read quickly, accurately, and with prosody and a voracious voice.

Essential Questions: How do I read using appropriate intonation? How do I read with
expression? How do I change the intonation of my voice when reading a story, poem, or song?

Objective/Performance Expectation:
- Students will be able to read and re-read a short story focusing on expression and using
fluency strategies.


1. Briefly describe the students in your class, including those with special needs.
Explain how you will meet the needs of ALL learners (Differentiated Instruction).
This is a Second-Grade class with twenty students. There are eleven boys and nine girls in the
class. Of the twenty students, two have an IEP, one needs visual learning and the other must sit
in front of the class because the student gets distracted easily. For the first student, they will
patiently wait for me or the aid to come to them for a one-on-one review of the instructions. The
second student will get an occasional brain break once I see the loss of focus. I will be using a
variety of strategies and activities that meet each learner in the class. The students with an IEP
can meet me in the back of the room and I will read the short passage to them so they can fully
understand the story without struggling with their learning disability.

2. List the specific standard and expectations as outlined in the PA Core/Academic

Standards (SAS).
Standard - CC.1.1.2.E- Read with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension: • Read on-
level text with purpose and understanding. • Read on-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate
rate, and expression on successive readings. • Use context to confirm or self-correct word
recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary.

3. Explain the psychological principles/theories you used in constructing this lesson.

I do take into account that not all students learn the same way. This lesson revolves around
Vygotsky. Children learn best in the zone of proximal development and by working with
knowledgeable others. This lesson focuses on the student's potential development and the role of
interaction with others. The students will be working in pairs to read short familiar poems using
fluency strategies.

List Materials Needed

• Short Partner Poems
• Voice and Action Cards

4. Motivation Activities/Strategies:
How will you generate interest or focus your lesson for the students?
Instead of the students re-reading a text in a normal basic voice, we can make it
fun using Voice and Action Cards. These cards allow students to speak in soft,
loud, and animal voices. Action Cards allows students to stand on one leg when
reading or sitting on the floor and doing something different to keep it engaging
and not get boring while re-reading.

5. Prior Knowledge Activities/Strategies:

How will you activate prior knowledge, build background, or review previous
I’ll be activating prior knowledge by using an anchor chart to go over what you
do as a fluent reader. I’ll be going over Accuracy, Expression. Punctuation, Pace
and Comprehension. REAL will also be explained as well.

6. Sequence of Lesson: What learning activities/strategies will you use to engage the
students in the learning? What will students do to use and apply new concepts or
skills (independent practice if relevant)? How will you monitor and guide their
performance? Include relevant vocabulary.
- As a class we’ll begin with a review of Fluency using a Anchor Chart
- Students will then be placed in pairs and given a short poem and Action/Voice
- Each student will have to re-read the story until they go through all the
Action/Voice cards (for each student in the pair)
- I will be walking around to each pair to be sure the students are reading with
fluency and using correct strategies while reading the poems
- Once the students are done reading, they will talk about the poem using
comprehension skills, talking about what the poem is saying and the message
behind it.
- We will come back together as a class, and I will have a few volunteers to
read their poems to the class using the correct expression

7. Level of Learning/Assessment Evidence

How will you know if students grasped the material? What techniques/strategies
will you use to assess learning (Bloom’s Taxonomy)?
Identify what informal and/or formal assessments you will use to monitor student
learning. Also identify if this will be formative or summative.
-Throughout the pair work I will ask the students to give me a thumbs up or down
if they are understanding and doing well with the readings. I will also be giving a
exit sheet to grade themselves how they did while reading and if they have any
concerns there will be a place for them to write about what they struggled with.
This is practice early in the week as by the end of the week I will have to
complete their DIBELS for the district.

8. What will you do to bring closure to the lesson? How will you summarize this lesson
and preview the lesson that will follow?
I will summarize that in today’s reading we used REAL. Rate, Expression,
Accuracy and Learning to read our poem but we really wanted to focus on
expression using the Action/Voice Cards. Tomorrow we will begin class with a
short story and reviewing some comprehension skills for our reading test.


Describe what went well with the lesson, what didn’t go so well and what you would do to
improve your teaching effectiveness in the next lesson.

I believe my lesson went pretty-well reviewing and using expression during our lesson. The
students got a short review of Expression because the purpose of this lesson was for them to use
and demonstrate expression more or less of me teaching the students about expression. I could
have made the instruction clearer but it was a little difficult because normally the students would
have been in pairs and the activity was made for pairs but there wasn’t enough time for that. I
though the students understood the activity and created a great demonstration of each poem and
used great expression. The students responded well to the poems and the use of expression but
also tying in the other strategies to emphasize the used of expression including pace and
punctuation. The students also demonstrated the use of comprehension with their groups and got
an overall use of Fluency but emphasizing the use of Expression.

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