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Unit 15 1.

1) What are the advantages of advertising in different sectors?

When you advertise your products across different sectors you gain more traction from your
niche demographic or target demographic. When advertising across different sectors you are
also expanding your audience, which is beneficial for you as this would provide more money
and advertising across different sectors can allow you to try to make products that appeal to
different niches and demographics.
2) What are the disadvantages of advertising in the following sectors?
TV ads are too expensive to produce and expensive to run (cost). With TV ads there is no
guarantee that your ad will be viewed and advertising through print makes limited customer
reach, minimal interaction and the sales of things like print magazines have dropped from
what they used to be.

For web based advertisement the disadvantages are that customers can ignore ads by
skipping them or closing what they were on, technical viewing problems and too many
3) What are some of the challenges that face advertisers when distributing on different
For like TV a challenge would be to make sure that your target audience is watching TV at
the time your ad is running which is a challenge because regular TV is used less because of
streaming services like Netflix and Disney plus.
Another challenge that an advertiser could face would be finding how to get your ads across
to your targeted niche.
4) What does the increase in digital consumption mean for traditional media forms such as
print media? Find some examples of statistics/data/studies that support your reasoning.
Traditional forms of media will be used less and advertisers will have to find better ways to
get their ads across to the general public.
Some key stats on the topic are how only in japan do customers spend longer on traditional
media rather than digital forms of media.16-24 year olds are reported as being online for
almost three hours longer per day than people between the ages of 55-64.
This is the stats on media consuption by age.

Over time I could see services like sky dying out as the amount of people watching sky isn’t
as high as it was back in the 2000’s or early 2010’s because companies are trying move to
newer platforms so they can adjust with the times so that they don’t become obsolete.

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