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2568 WEATHER PREDICTION / Severe Weather Forecasting

Severe Weather Forecasting

D J Stensrud, H E Brooks and S J Weiss, National forecasts of these events can save lives and lessen the
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Norman, OK, economic disruption produced.
USA The primary mission of the Storm Prediction Center,
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved. a national center within the US National Weather
Service, is to forecast severe weather events associated
with thunderstorms. This forecasting mission has been
part of the weather service since 1952 and is supported
Severe weather is any type of violent or extreme because of the rarity of severe weather events in any
weather event that represents a hazard to public safety one locality and the recognition that these events cross
and welfare. As such, the forecasting of severe weather geopolitical boundaries. In some regions of the coun-
events is both an important endeavor and a difficult try a local weather forecaster may experience a
one. It is important because the human and economic significant severe weather event once during her or
costs of severe weather events can be very high, his career. This requires the forecaster to make all the
involving injuries, lost lives, and significant pro- right decisions, based upon limited understanding and
perty damage. It is estimated that over 15 000 deaths limited observations, the very first time this magnitude
and billions of dollars in damage occur annually of threat is encountered. In contrast, a forecaster at a
around the world as a result of severe weather. center with national responsibility experiences signif-
The increasing worldwide population and greater icant severe weather events on many days each year.
dependence on complex technology-based infra- Thus, the experience base upon which to guide
structures suggests that our risk exposure is in- decisions grows rapidly and can be shared easily
creasing; and severe weather occurs on every continent with local forecasters and the general public through
except Antarctica, so no country is completely safe. modern communication networks. Countries of
Severe weather forecasting is difficult because severe smaller physical size than the United States may
weather events often occur on very small scales benefit greatly from a multicountry severe weather
that are not well observed and the physical processes forecasting center.
that produce severe weather are not completely In this article the process of forecasting severe
understood. This combined lack of observational weather events prior to and during their development
detail and physical understanding is partially com- is discussed. This is not the same process as nowcast-
pensated for by the presence of repeatable syno- ing, in which the present weather situation is moni-
pticscale atmospheric features in many of these tored and linear extrapolation is used to predict future
events. Thus, the forecasting of severe weather is events as illustrated in Figure 1. The forecasting
based largely upon knowledge of climatology, process does not necessarily involve a longer time
pattern recognition, and meteorological parameter scale, but nonlinear methods are used in the process.
evaluation, in which the human forecaster plays the Forecasts typically extend from 0 hours out to a day
crucial role. or two. Since it is impossible for a human being
In the United States, the country that arguably has to visualize the evolving atmosphere over a period
the largest severe weather threat, the term severe this long, numerical weather prediction models
weather is applied only to those events associated with play a significant role in the forecasting process.
severe local thunderstorms, such as hail, lightning, But one should never lose sight of the fact that
damaging surface winds, and tornadoes. In other the human forecaster is what makes the process
countries it is more common to include hurricanes, successful.
flash flooding, fire weather, or winter storms in the
definition of severe weather, since these weather-
related events may most affect public welfare. Hurri-
canes, in particular, are a significant weather hazard,
Elements of Forecasting
but owing to their longer lifetimes and limited The forecasting process typically begins by defining a
geographic region of influence, they are not considered broad region of potential severe weather threat and
here. The specific events that are covered under the then refining this area of potential threat so that the
umbrella of severe weather forecasting are not as final forecast product is as specific as possible. This
important as the recognition that weather events forecasting process requires a knowledge of climatol-
influence our daily lives and can be both a blessing ogy and incorporates the techniques of pattern recog-
and a hazard. When they are a hazard, accurate nition and parameter evaluation. We assume that the
WEATHER PREDICTION / Severe Weather Forecasting 2569

at the most recent observational time, followed

100% by an analysis of numerical weather prediction
Total weather knowledge model data to help extend the forecast further into
the future.
Weather knowledge


eteorology One of the first elements used in the forecasting of

e of m

o w e ls severe weather is knowledge of the climatologies of the

Kn l e mod various types of severe weather events. These cli-
ca els

os od matologies increase the awareness of where severe

es m
M le
ca Climatology weather has occurred in the past, so that the forecaster
e -s
r g is prepared and is looking for indications of a severe
La weather threat during these seasonal and/or diurnal
time periods. Comparison of the patterns of yearly
0 1 234 56 9 12 15 18 21 24 cycles of mean monthly tornado and 25.4 mm h 1
Time (h) rainfall (which is used as a proxy for flash floods)
over the United States indicates that the regions of
Figure 1 Schematic of the utility of various techniques used in
weather forecasting as a function of time. (From Doswell CA III highest probabilities for these events are different
(1986) Short-range forecasting. In: Ray P (ed.) Mesoscale Mete- (Figures 2 and 3). In addition, the frequencies are
orology and Forecasting, pp. 689–719. American Meteorological different, with 25.4 mm h 1 rainfalls much more
Society.) common than a tornado within 40 km of a given
location. Knowledge of these patterns and their
forecaster has access to a standard suite of meteoro- differences helps forecasters better anticipate when
logical observations, including at a minimum data severe weather may be most likely. In addition, there
from surface stations and upper-air soundings. Real- are days when the potential for severe weather is
time data from radars, satellite, radar wind pro- high but the expected type of severe weather event
filers, lightning detection systems, and aircraft are (e.g., tornadic supercell or damaging windstorm) is un-
also very useful. Observational data are typically clear. Climatological information can help determine
analyzed first, to develop a picture of the atmosphere which event is most likely. However, the usefulness of

40 40
35 35
30 30
Days per century

Days per century

25 25
20 20
15 15

10 10

5 5

2 2
(A) (B)

40 40
35 35
Days per century
Days per century

25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
2 2
(C) (D)

Figure 2 Tornado days per century over the United States for the months of (A) January, (B) April, (C) July, and (D) October, illustrating
the seasonal cycle of tornadic activity. Fifteen years of data were used to create these analyses.
2570 WEATHER PREDICTION / Severe Weather Forecasting

(A) (B)


(C) (D)

Figure 3 Isolines of 25.4 mm h 1 rainfall events per year over the United States for the months of (A) January, (B) April, (C) July, and (D)
October, illustrating the seasonal cycle of heavy rainfall. Isolines of 0.1, 0.2, 0.25, 0.33, 0.5, 0.66, and 0.75 events per year are shown.
Forty years of data were used to create these analyses. (From Brooks HE and Stensrud DJ (2000) Climatology of heavy rain events in the
United States from hourly precipitation data. Monthly Weather Review 128: 1198–1199.)

climatology is dependent on the robustness of the cycles highlight both the year-to-year reliability and
climatological record, which depends to some extent the year-to-year variability of the severe weather
upon a public recognition of the severe weather threat. threat (Figure 4). This information helps forecasters
Climatological analyses have become more sophis- to anticipate when severe weather is more likely, and
ticated over the years and are beginning to address the also helps them – to provide information to the public
variability in the timing and location of severe weather about why an apparently unlikely event – such as a
events. Annual cycles of various severe weather events tornado during the winter in the state of Mississippi –
are now being generated for specific locations. These is not really all that unlikely.

2.0 2.0
1980 _ 1984 1980 _ 1984
1985 _ 1989 1985 _ 1989
1990 _ 1994 1990 _ 1994
1995 _ 1999 1995 _ 1999
1980 _ 1999 1980 _ 1999
Probability (%)
Probability (%)

1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5

0 0
1/1 2/1 3/1 4/1 5/1 6/1 7/1 8/1 9/1 10/1 11/1 12/112/31 1/1 2/1 3/1 4/1 5/1 6/1 7/1 8/1 9/1 10/1 11/1 12/1 12/31
(A) Date (B) Date

Figure 4 Probability (%) of a tornado within 40 km for (A) Lubbock, Texas, USA, and (B) Hattiesburg, Mississippi, USA, plotted versus
day of the year (month/day). The probabilities were calculated using three different 5-year data sets, illustrating the robustness or the
variation of the threat. The black line is the mean probability for the complete 20-year period.
WEATHER PREDICTION / Severe Weather Forecasting 2571

Pattern Recognition phere in a three-dimensional perspective and can

highlight the vertical relationships between synoptic
Many repeatable atmospheric features have been features and selected parameter fields considered
associated with severe weather events. These large- important for the type of event being forecast. Com-
scale atmospheric patterns are observed by our present posite charts plotted for typical tornadic thunder-
data networks and are used routinely by forecasters as storm, derecho (damaging windstorm), and flash flood
a first step to help assess the severe weather threat. days illustrate that the synoptic and mesoscale features
Composite charts, in which specific features found at associated with these events are different, although
different pressure levels within the troposphere are there also are some similarities (Figure 5). Individual
plotted on a single chart, are often used. These events do not always contain all of the features seen in
presentations allow forecasters to view the atmos- these composite analyses, but a number of these


Td =21°C

Td =21°C
DD =16°C Td =14°C


Td =21°C DD =16°C
LLJ Td =10°C
(A) Td =10°C (B)

DD ≤6°C

SW DD ≤6°C

Td =10°C

Td =14°C

Td = 21°C

Td =21°C

Figure 5 Composite charts for (A) tornadic thunderstorm, (B) derecho, and (C) flash flood days. Dark wind vectors indicate the position
of the low-level jet (LLJ); white wind vectors indicate the position of the upper-level jet (ULJ); and smaller dark wind vectors indicate the
500 hPa flow patterns. SW denotes 500 hPa short-wave location, and wavy line denotes 500 hPa dewpoint temperature depression isoline
in (C). L denotes the surface low-pressure center. Dash-dot line indicates the 850 hPa dewpoint temperature (Td ) isoline; dash-dot-dot line
indicates the surface dewpoint temperature isoline; dash-dash-dot line indicates the 700 hPa dew-point temperature depression (DD)
isoline; and dash-circle line indicates position of dryline. Cold and warm frontal boundaries are denoted using standard convention.
Shaded polygon-shaped area indicates where threat of the event is focused. (Part (A) after Barnes SL and Newton CW (1986)
Thunderstorms in the synoptic setting. In Kessler E (ed.) Thunderstorm Morphology and Dynamics, 2nd edn, pp. 75–112. Norman:
University of Oklahoma Press. Part (B) after Johns RH, Howard KW, and Maddox RA (1990) Conditions associated with long-lived
derechos: An examination of the large scale environment. Preprints, 16th Conference on Severe Local Storms, Kananaskis Park, Alberta,
pp. 408–412. Boston: American Meteorological Society. Part (C) after Maddox RA, Chappell CF, and Hoxit LR (1979) Synoptic and meso-
a scale aspects of flash flood events. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 60: 115–123.)
2572 WEATHER PREDICTION / Severe Weather Forecasting

features are likely to be observed. Composite analyses provide many clues as to the types of severe weather
assist in defining the broad region of potential threat, that can be expected. For example, thunderstorms
but more information is needed to develop a more require large values of convective available potential
specific forecast product. energy to produce updrafts strong enough to form
large hail. However, we also know that updraft
strength is not the only factor influencing hailstones
Parameter Evaluation
and that the depth over which the hailstone is falling
Parameter evaluation techniques are based upon through temperatures above freezing is also impor-
our understanding of the physical processes that tant. Tornadic thunderstorms often are associated
produce severe weather, and have changed significant- with environments having very moist boundary layers
ly over time as our understanding has advanced. topped by an inversion and steep midlevel lapse rates
Through numerical simulations of severe weather (Figure 6). Tornadic thunderstorms also often have a
events and special observational facilities and field low-level veering wind profile in which the storm-
experiments, knowledge of the types of local environ- relative environmental helicity is large. Parameters
ments in which severe weather occurs is growing. This that quantify aspects of the vertical thermodynamic
knowledge leads to the development of various and wind profiles help further refine the regions in
parameters that are used to assess the severe weather which severe weather is possible.
threat. Once the broad region of potential severe weather
Whereas pattern recognition focuses primarily threat has been defined, the forecaster then looks for
upon the synoptic-scale features, parameter evalua- additional limiting factors that reduce the likelihood
tion often looks at point observations. In particular, of severe weather in the threat region. These factors
the vertical thermodynamic and wind profiles can are often empirical and discovered from experience. In


_ _
SREH = 352 m 2 s 2
_ _
BRNSHR = 68 m 2 s 2
_ 30 _ 10 10 30
12 16 20 24 28
Pressure (hPa)




3 5 8 12 20
_ 30 _ 20 _ 10 0 10 20 30 40
Temperature (°C)

Figure 6 Skew-T log p diagram of mean temperature (heavy line), dew-point temperature (light line), and winds from tornado proximity
soundings. Full wind barb is 5 m s 1. Hodograph plotted in upper right for winds at surface, 850 hPa, 700 hPa, 500 hPa, 300 hPa, and
200 hPa levels showing significant curvature of the wind profile with increasing height. Values of storm-relative environmental helicity
(SREH) and bulk Richardson number shear (BRNSHR) calculated from this wind profile are shown. SREH calculated using a
climatological storm motion based upon the mean wind in the 850–200 hPa layer. (Thermodynamic sounding after Fawbush EJ and Miller
RC (1953) A method for forecasting hailstone size at the earth’s surface. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 34: 235–244;
wind profile after Maddox RA (1976) An evaluation of tornado proximity wind and stability data. Monthly Weather Review 104: 133–142.)
WEATHER PREDICTION / Severe Weather Forecasting 2573

the past, limiting factors were related to output from forecasts of convective initiation continue to elude
numerical weather prediction models. More recently, even the best forecasters.
limiting factors have often been related to the mete- The difficulty of forecasting the exact details of
orological parameter evaluations. If one or more convective initation was one factor that led to the
parameters are unfavorable for severe weather, then development of the ‘severe local storm watches’ for
the region of severe weather threat may be reduced or both tornadic thunderstorms and severe (nontornadic)
these factors may be discussed in the forecast text. thunderstorms in the United States. A severe local
However, a variety of environmental factors influence storm watch means that severe local storms are likely if
the development of severe weather. It is not always storms develop. These watches are usually issued for
clear in advance whether one marginal ingredient periods of 4–6 h over a region of 52 000 km2 and have
(such as instability) can be offset by sufficient a quadrilateral shape. They are intended to focus
vertical wind shear to develop an isolated severe storm attention on a smaller region in which the forecaster
or will perhaps result in more widespread severe believes there is a significant threat of severe weather
weather. and in which convective initiation is most likely to
occur first within a broader region of threat. Watches
are an effective way to alert the public to stay abreast
of current developments so that they can take appro-
Convective initiation is one of the most difficult priate action if necessary.
aspects of severe thunderstorm forecasting. It is not
Evolutionary Concerns
uncommon for all the above factors to indicate that the
storm environment is favorable for severe weather, Once convection develops, or a severe weather event is
assuming thunderstorms develop. It is this last caveat, under way, it is necessary to determine how long the
that thunderstorms actually develop, that often proves severe weather threat will last, what additional areas
very challenging to forecast accurately. Three elements will be affected by the event, and how the structure of
are necessary for the development of thunderstorms: the developing system will evolve. In many cases, it is
low-level moisture, steep midlevel lapse rates, and lift. not unusual for the type of severe weather threat to
Many of the above analysis techniques evaluate the
low-level moisture content and steep midlevel lapse
rates, but whether or not a parcel of boundary layer air
can reach its level of free convection, above which it is H
warmer than the environment and rises freely to near A Perturbation flow,
H B upper level
the tropopause, is not easy to assess. Even when we
believe it is likely that deep convection will develop,
specifying the time and location of initiation can prove Observed flow,
H low level
very elusive.
Convective initiation is a small-scale process and is C H D
influenced by small-scale features such as boundary
layer thermals, terrain, and vegetation contrasts; by
mesoscale features such as cold surface outflows from
previous convective activity, drylines, and sea breeze
fronts; and by synoptic-sale features such as cold and
warm fronts. All these features can interact to produce 250 hPa A B
the lift needed to initiate deep convection at a given
location. In one case, strong surface outflows were Observed flow,
observed to collide and a new area of convection was upper level
forecast to occur in the region of collision. No new H H
Surface C D
convection developed. Postanalysis with special data
indicated that a collision of upper-level anvil outflow Figure 7 Schematic of hypothesized mesoscale features and
also occurred over a large region above the surface, circulations showing observed colliding low-level storm outflows
producing sinking motion that inhibited further con- and the perturbation upper-level converging anvil outflows. Lower
vective initiation, as drawn schematically in Figure 7. schematic depicts hypothesized vertical motions driven by the
convergence of both upper-level and low-level outflows through a
This multiscale process is beyond our present ability to
vertical cross-section connecting points A, B, C, and D in the upper
observe using routine observational facilities, while schematic. (After Stensrud DJ and Maddox RA (1988) Opposing
many of these features also are not understood mesoscale circulations: A case study. Weather and Forecasting 3:
completely. It should be no surprise that accurate 189–204.)
2574 WEATHER PREDICTION / Severe Weather Forecasting

change. The initial threat may be tornadic thunder- Forecasters often begin examining numerical model
storms, but over time these thunderstorms may merge output through an analysis of model performance over
and form a line of convection or a mesoscale convec- the previous day or two. Since several numerical
tive system. At this later time, the severe threat may be models are available at any given time, forecasters also
flash flooding or damaging surface winds. This change compare the output from the various models to learn
in the severe weather threat often requires a different where they agree and where they disagree. The amount
type of response from local officials such as emergency of agreement between models often provides the
managers, and is another important piece of severe forecaster with a measure of confidence that the model
weather forecasting. solutions are more right than wrong.
Once the likely evolution of the synoptic-scale
weather pattern has been determined from the numer-
ical model output, the forecaster then applies the same
techniques of pattern recognition and parameter
Role of Numerical Models evaluation to the model data. From this analysis a
Output from numerical weather prediction models likely evolution of the severe weather situation is
provides the forecaster with valuable information on a developed. Close monitoring over time of the accuracy
possible future state of the atmosphere. The ability to of the model forecasts occurs by comparing the model
predict how the atmosphere will evolve is very fields with all available observational data. This is
important, because patterns and parameters that usually accomplished using computer workstations
affect severe weather potential are rarely static. They that display simultaneously a multitude of real-time
continuously undergo change, and small changes in data (such as surface and upper-air observations, and
some parameters can lead to either severe weather radar and satellite imagery) and model output valid at
occurring or no storms at all. Since model-generated the current time. This nearly continuous process of
forecasts are available at regular time intervals and model forecast evaluation often provides information
over a three-dimensional grid that covers the forecast on where the model forecast is in error and leads to
area of interest, the same techniques used for assessing adjustments in the severe weather forecasts. The
the severe weather threat with observational data can process begins again as a new model forecast is
be used to assess the severe weather threat at future produced and made available to the forecaster.
times. These techniques include pattern recognition
and parameter evaluation. The added difficulty is that
numerical weather prediction models are not perfect Forecasting Severe Weather Events
and often have biases, and one must account for these It is difficult to illustrate the process of severe weather
model errors in the preparation of the forecasts. An forecasting without examining events that show the
additional challenge arises because known biases complexities one encounters when using observations
and systematic errors often change as models are and numerical model output. Therefore, two severe
routinely updated. This model improvement process weather events that show the diversity of the issues are
requires forecasters to continuously monitor model illustrated. Since these are brief analyses of events that
performance. have already happened – so that the ‘answer’ to the
Measures of numerical model skill indicate that the forecast problem is known – the importance of partic-
operational models in use today are much better at ular synoptic features and meteorological para-meters
forecasting the synoptic-scale features of the atmos- is typically clearer now than it was prior to the event.
phere than were the numerical models in use 20 years
ago. Unfortunately, the skill of numerical models to
forecast the small-scale and mesoscale features so
Flash Flood Event: 8–9 October 1992
important in the forecasting of severe weather has not
seen a similar increase. Thus, even though numerical The growth of outdoor recreational activities in
models predict details such as convective initiation mountainous areas has increased the risks due to
and evolution, these fields cannot be treated with the heavy precipitation events, since people are now more
same certainty as the synoptic-scale patterns. Convec- frequent visitors to remote areas where the terrain is
tion is one of the most difficult forecast fields to predict steep and flash floods can occur quickly with moderate
accurately, since it is influenced strongly by all the amounts of rainfall. Delivering weather information
other physical processes in the numerical model and is to these locations with long enough lead times to allow
sensitive to mesoscale variability in initial conditions the public to take safety precautions likely requires a
that are not resolved by standard observational data watch product similar to that used for tornado and
networks. severe thunderstorm forecasts in the United States.
WEATHER PREDICTION / Severe Weather Forecasting 2575

One flash flood event that illustrates the difficulties with coastal mountains extending to above 2000 m
in forecasting these events occurred over the coast of and oriented almost perpendicular to the low-level
eastern Spain on 8–9 October 1992. Over 200 mm of flow on this day, is a factor that is not considered in the
rain fell in the mountains to the west of Valencia within flash flood composites. It is well known that orog-
a 24-h period, with amounts exceeding 100 mm over a raphy can play a significant role in the production of
much larger area. The fall season is the climatological heavy rainfall when the flow is upslope and strong, and
maximum for flash floods and heavy rainfall in this the moisture content of the low-level air is high, by
region of Spain, so forecasters are always alert for lifting the air to its lifting condensation level and
signals that this type of event could occur. producing clouds and persistent heavy rainfall up-
A composite analysis of conditions during the event stream of the highest terrain. This orographic lifting of
(Figure 8) shows many similarities to flash flood warm, moist, low-level air appears to have been the
composite analyses. These features include a moist major contributor to the heavy rainfall and flash floods
low-level environment, strong low-level flow across on this day.
the warm front producing strong moisture and warm
temperature advection, and a short-wave trough at
Tornadic Thunderstorm Outbreak Event:
500 hPa just upstream of the surface low center. 3 May 1999
However, as with most forecast situations, there are
also a number of differences between this event and the Since strong and violent tornadoes are almost always
more classic flash flood patterns shown in Figure 5. associated with supercell thunderstorms, a subset of
The surface moist layer for this case is shallower, all thunderstorms that have strong, persistent mid-
extending to below 850 hPa, and the atmosphere is level rotation coincident with the storm updraft, the
drier above this moist layer than is typical. This forecasting of significant tornadoes is very similar to
shallow moist layer, topped by a dry mid-troposphere, the forecasting of supercell thunderstorms. Envi-
might cause a forecaster to doubt the heavy rainfall ronmental factors that are favorable for supercell
potential. However, the orography of eastern Spain,

L Td =15°C
Td =19°C

Td =10°C Td =10°C

Figure 8 Composite chart for 1200 UTC 8 October 1992 for a Figure 9 Composite chart for 0000 UTC 4 May 1999 for a
flash flood case in eastern Spain. Dark wind vector indicates the tornado outbreak case in the south–central United States. Dark
position of the 850 hPa low-level jet (LLJ); gray wind vectors wind vector indicates the position of the 850 hPa low-level jet (LLJ);
indicate the position of the near-surface jet; thin dark wind vectors white wind vector indicates the position of the upper-level jet (ULJ);
indicate the 500 hPa flow pattern. SW denotes 500 hPa short-wave and thin dark wind vectors indicate the 500 hPa flow pattern. SW
location. L denotes the surface low-pressure center. Dash-dot-dot denotes 500 hPa short-wave location. Dash-dot line indicates the
line indicates the surface dew-point temperature (Td) isoline. Cold 850 hPa dew-point temperature (Td ) isoline; dash-dot-dot line
and warm frontal boundaries are denoted using standard conven- indicates the surface dew-point temperature isoline. Cold frontal
tion. Steep terrain regions in eastern Spain are indicated by black boundary is denoted using standard convention. Dash-circle
triangles. Shaded polygon-shaped area indicates where threat of indicates position of dryline. Shaded polygon-shaped area indi-
the event is focused. cates where threat of the event is focused.
2576 WEATHER PREDICTION / Severe Weather Forecasting

thunderstorm development are moderate to large of fields from a 24-h forecast valid at the time of the
values of convective available potential energy and tornadoes shows many features seen in tornado
vertical wind shear, often evaluated by calculating the composite analyses (Figure 9). The low levels are
storm-relative environmental helicity. Many studies moist and a strengthening low-level jet advects addi-
have demonstrated that these two factors lead to the tional moisture into the region of threat. At upper
development of midlevel rotation in thunderstorms, levels a jet stream is crossing the region, although the
the key characteristic of supercells. It has recently been short-wave trough is relatively weak, slow moving,
suggested that the development of low-level rotation and located too far west. A surface dryline is also in
in thunderstorms is influenced by the distribution of place ahead of the cold front, which could act to
rainfall near the updraft. This effect has been evalu- initiate convection, although convergence along the
ated using various measures of midlevel storm-relative dryline is predicted to be modest at best. Thus, pattern
winds. Thus, once a prediction of supercell thunder- recognition techniques using 24-h model forecast data
storms is made, forecasters examine the strength of the suggest a potential for severe thunderstorms, assuming
midlevel storm-relative winds to determine the likeli- storms can develop.
hood of tornado development. Parameter evaluation techniques further suggest a
On 3 May 1999 a tornado outbreak occurred over threat for supercell thunderstorms. Model forecast
the south–central United States that produced more soundings show moist low levels, capped by an
than 60 tornadoes and resulted in 45 deaths and over inversion, with steep midlevel lapse rates, allowing
US$1 billion in damage. This event is unusual in that for large values of convective available potential
some of the synoptic features common to tornado energy as seen in Figure 10. The vertical wind shear
outbreaks were absent, notably the lack of a strong, is moderate and calculations of storm-relative envi-
fast-moving short-wave trough and a deepening sur- ronmental helicity are well above the threshold values
face low-pressure center. In addition, there are no clear typically associated with supercell thunderstorms.
signals in the data as to why convection developed in Now that the threat of supercell thunderstorms has
one region as opposed to another, and the numerical been diagnosed, further analysis of the midlevel storm-
model output provided little useful information on relative winds indicates that these are favorable for
convective initiation. However, a composite analysis the development of low-level rotation, or tornadoes.

_ _
CAPE = 3000 m 2 s 2
_ _ _ 30
SREH = 250 m 2 s 2
_2 _2
BRNSHR = 50 m s

_ 20
8 12 16 20 24 28 32
_ 10
Pressure (hPa)

300 0

400 10

1 2 3 5 8 12 20
700 40
_ 30 _ 20 _ 10 0 10 20 30 40
Temperature (°C)

Figure 10 Skew-T log p diagram of 24-h model forecast temperature (heavy line), dew-point temperature (light line), and winds from
central Oklahoma at time of the tornadoes. Full wind barb is 5 m s 1. Values of convective available potential energy (CAPE), storm-
relative environmental helicity (SREH) and bulk Richardson number shear (BRNSHR) calculated from this wind profile are shown. SREH
is calculated using a climatological storm motion based upon the mean wind in the 850–200 hPa layer.

Thus, the threat for tornadic supercell thunderstorms See also

is recognized, but the question of initiation remains. If
Convective Storms: Convective Initiation; Overview.
storms initiate, there is a high likelihood of some Flooding. Lightning: Overview. Mesoscale Meteorol-
tornadic thunderstorms, but it is doubtful that anyone ogy: Overview. Microbursts. Operational Meteo-
could have anticipated the number and violent nature rology. Radiosondes. Severe Storms. Synoptic
of the storms on this day. Forecasters at the Storm Meteorology: Forecasting; Weather Maps. Tornados.
Prediction Center closely monitored the observational
data and issued a tornado watch as soon as convective
initiation appeared likely. They were alert to the Further Reading
potential danger from this weather scenario and acted Bluestein HB (1993) Synoptic-Dynamic Meteorology in
quickly once the threat was realized. Midlatitudes, vol. 2, Observations and Theory of Weath-
er Systems. New York: Oxford University Press.
Browning KA (ed.) (1982) Nowcasting. New York: Aca-
demic Press.
Future Directions Cotton WR and Anthes RA (1989) Storm and Cloud
Dynamics. New York: Academic Press.
As computer power continues to increase, it is likely
Doswell CA III (ed.) (2001) Severe Convective Storms.
that numerical weather prediction models will be able Boston: American Meteorological Society.
produce forecasts over large regions of the globe that Houze RA Jr (1993) Cloud Dynamics. New York: Academic
can explicitly resolve individual thunderstorms in Press.
great detail. Some have taken this capability to mean Johns RH and Doswell CA III (1992) Severe local storms
that the need for human forecasters will be reduced, forecasting. Weather and Forecasting 7: 588–612.
since numerical model guidance will have so much Kessler E (ed.) (1983) The Thunderstorm in Human Affairs.
detail. Unfortunately, the atmosphere is a complex Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
system and this complexity may be the greatest for Kessler E (ed.) (1986) Thunderstorm Morphology and
severe weather events, suggesting that processes like Dynamics. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
Pielke RA (1984) Mesoscale Meteorological Modeling. New
convective initiation will continue to be difficult to
York: Academic Press.
forecast accurately. Advances in our scientific under-
Ray PS (ed.) (1986) Mesoscale Meteorology and Forecast-
standing of the processes that lead to the development ing. Boston: American Meteorological Society.
of severe weather may alter many of the parameter Saucier WJ (1983) Principles of Meteorological Analysis.
evaluation methods mentioned. Therefore, the need New York: Dover.
for human forecasters and their ability to assimilate
vast amounts of information quickly and incorporate URLs
recent scientific advances into their work will remain
for the foreseeable future.


F Molteni, Abdus Salam International Centre for features of the atmospheric circulation (especially in
Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy the extratropics during the cold season), many stati-
Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved. stical analyses of the multidecadal record of observed
data suggest the existence of preferred circulation
patterns that seem to be particularly recurrent and/or
Introduction persistent.
The atmosphere can be regarded as a dynamical Examples of these recurrent flow types are presented
system with an infinite number of degrees of freedom. in Figure 1: the monthly mean geopotential height at
If one considers the whole spectrum of atmospheric 500 hPa in January of four different years is shown,
phenomena, covering different spatial and temporal superimposed on the corresponding anomalies (i.e.,
scales, the number of states that can be assumed by the deviations from climatology) over the northern extra-
atmospheric variables is indeed infinitely large. How- tropical regions. It is evident that the two circulation
ever, when interest is restricted to the large-scale anomalies shown in each row of Figure 1 are quite

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