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The Message Nahj Al-Fasahah

The Religious & Political A Will Which Was 

Journey Not Written

     NAME :   Mohammad (PBUH)

     IMAMAAT :   Rasul-Khuda, Rehmatul-lil-Aalameen
     TITLE :   Abul-Qasim
     FATHER :   Hazrat Abdullah
     MOTHER :   Hazrat Bibi Amina
     BIRTH DATE :   Friday 17th Rabi-ul-Awal 570 A.D.
     AGE :   63 Years
     DIED ON :   28th Safar, 11th Hijrah
     DEATH PLACE :   Medina
     HOLY SHRINE :   Medina, Besides Masjid-e-Nabavi

     * Ziyarat Of Rasool-e-Khuda (SWA) is recited specially on Saturdays

It is a 2 raka't Namaaz (SALAT)

(a) In each raka't after Sooratul Faatih'ah recite Sooratul Qadr 15 times.
(b) In every Rukoo and Sajdah recite Sooratul Qadr 15 times.
(c) After every Rukoo and Sajdah recite Sooratul Qadr 15 times.
(d) After Salaam recite the following dua'a:

(For Arabic Text please see "Mafateehul Jinaan")
     O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Mohammad.
     In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.
     There is no God except Allah Our Lord. and Lord of our ancestors and forefathers.
     There is no God except Allah, the "One and Only" Lord Master, we submit entirely to His will.
     There is no God except Allah, Do not worship Him except they who sincerely obey Him, (even)
if polytheists are reluctant and doubtful.
     There is no God except Allah,
     He is One, He is One, He is One,
fulfilled His promise, helped His servant, made honored and powerful His soldiers, and put the enemy
troops to flight.
     He is One.
     So sovereignty is His, (all) praise is for Him; and He exercises absolute authority over all things.
     O My Allah,
     Thou filled the heavens and the earth with light, and those who are there praise thee (only).
     Thou set up heavens and the earth and put  them into order, and they who are there praise Thee
     Thou art God.
     Thy promise is true, Thy words are law. Thy administration is just. Paradise is real. Hell is certain.
     O My Allah! I resign myself to Thy will, with Thee I seek refuge,
     I rely on Thee, with Thy help I prevail upon enemies, and on Thy behalf I exercise authority.
     Oh Lord! Oh Lord! Oh Lord!
     Make me do well, that which I begin, or complete, or withhold, or make known.
     Thou art God. There is no God save Thou.
     Send blessings on Mohammad and on the children of Mohammad.
     Forgive me.
     Have mercy on me.
     Accept my repentance. Verily Thou art Merciful who allows then penitent to have His mercy.
     O Allah! send blessings on Mohammad and on the children of Mohammad.

 1. Before prophet hood, 40 years
 2. After prophet hood in Mecca, 13 years
 3. Post Migration from Mecca to Medina & the foundation laying of Islamic state, approx 10 years.

The oldest and noblest tribe in the whole of Arabia was Banu Hashim. They were the descendants of
Ibrahim through his son Isma'il. The Arabs respected and loved them for their goodness, knowledge, and
'Abd al-Muttalib was the chieftain of Banu Hashim and he was also the Guardian of the Ka'bah. Among his
ten sons, 'Abdullah was the father of the Holy Prophet.
In Mecca, a baby boy named Muhammad was born on 17th Rabi' al-Awwal, 570 AD. His father 'Abdullah,
son of 'Abd al-Muttalib, died before he was born and when he was six, he lost his loving mother Aminah
bint Wahab. His Grandfather, 'Abd al-Muttalib, took the responsibility of bringing up the orphan. At the age
of ten, he was berefted of his venerable grandfather. On his deathbed, he appointed his son Abu Talib as
the guardian of Muhammad. As a gentle, soft spoken, tall and handsome boy, Muhammad, accompanied
the trading caravans of Abu Talib, across the deserts, giving him deep insight into nature and man.
The wealthy noble widowed lady Khadijah, in looking for a manager for her rich merchantile caravans,
selected Muhammad (SW) as her manager. The able and fair dealing Muhammad (SW) was a tremendous
success. Khadijah already an admirer of Muhammad (SW), made him an offer of marriage. Muhammad
(SW) was twenty five and Khadijah forty. In spite of this disparity in age, the marriage proved to be a very
happy one.
Lover of nature and quite worrried about human sufferings, Muhammad (SW) often retreated to Mount
Hira' for meditation. One night - Laylat al-Qadr (the Night of Majesty) - a voice addressing him,
     "Recite in the name of thy Lord." 
Deeply excited by the strange phenomena of the Divine Visitation, Muhammad (SW) hurried home to his
wife, Khadijah, who listened to him attentively and said that 
     "I bear witness that you are the Apostle of God." 
After an interval, the voice from heaven spoke again 
     "O thou shrouded in thy mantle, arise, and warn, and magnify thy Lord." 
This was a signal for him to start preaching the gospel of truth of One God. In the beginning Muhammad
(SW) invited only those near him, to accept the new Faith. The first to embrace Islam among women was
Khadijah and among men Ali (AS). Soon after, Zayd ibn al-Harithah became a convert to the new Faith.
For three long years, he labored quietly to wean his people from the worship of idols and drew only thirty
followers. Muhammad (SW) then decided to appeal publicly to the Quraysh to give up idol worship and
embrace Islam. The new Faith, is simple without complications, practical, and useful for everyday life. It
commands to believe and do good, to keep up prayer and to pay the poor tax (alms). Almost ten years of
hard work and preaching, in spite of all persecution, produced over a hundred followers, physical cruelties
and social boycott made life unbearable in Mecca. The Holy Prophet of Islam advised his followers, to seek
refuge in the to seek refuge in the neighboring country of Ethiopia. Eighty eight men and eighteen women
sailed to the hospitable shores of the Negus, under the leadership of Ja'far at-Tayyar (brother of 'Ali) and
the cousin of the Holy Prophet. several times the chieftains came to Abu Talib saying, 
     "We respect your age and rank, but we have no further patience with your nephew. Stop him or we
shall fight you." Abu Talib asked Muhammad for his decision. With tears in his eyes, the Apostle firmly
replied, "O my uncle! If they place the sun on my right hand and the moon on my left, to force me to
renounce my mission, I will not desist until God manifests His cause or I perish in the attempt."
In a period of troubles, trials and tribulations two major tragedies afflicted Muhammad. First the venerable
guardian uncle Abu Talib died and shortly afterwards his noble wife Khadijah died, leaving behind her
daughter Fatimah (peace be on her) - the only child she had from the Holy Prophet - the daughter who
looked after her father so much so that the prophet called her Umm Abiha (the mother of her father).
With the death of the old patriarch Abu Talib, the Meccans planned to assassinate the prophet. Under
Divine guidance, he asked 'Ali to sleep in his bed and Muhammad put his green garment on 'Ali. While the
murderes mistook 'Ali for muhammad, the Holy Prophet of Islam escaped to Medina. The Muslim era of
Hijrah (Emigration) is named after this incident and dated from 17th Rabi' al-Awwwal, 622 AD. From the
time he came to Medina, he was the grandest figure upon whom the light of history has ever shone. We
shall now see him as the King of men, the ruler of human hearts, chief law-giver and supreme judge. The
Preacher who went without bread, was mightier than the mightiest sovereigns of the earth. No emperor
with his tiaras was obeyed, as this man in a cloak of his own clothing. He laid the foundation of the Muslim
commonwealth and drew up a charter which has been acknowledged as the work of highest statesmanship,
a master-mind not only of his age, but of all ages. Unlike the Arabs, the Prophet, had never wielded a
weapon, but now he was forced to defend Islam by force of arms. Commencing from the battle of Badr, a
series of eighty battles had to be fought, which the infant community defended successfully.
Next year, Abu Sufyan, the famous long-lived enemy of Islam, again attacked the Muslims at Uhud.
Hamzah, the first flag-bearer of Islam and uncle of the Prophet, was killed in action. In spite of strict
instructions from the Prophet, a few Muslim soldiers deserted their post, when victory was in sight. This
changed the course of the battle. Khalid ibn al-Walid attacked the Prophet and the grave situation was
saved by the timely arrival of 'Ali. The enemies ran away and the issue was decided. Muhammad was
deeply grieved at the death of Hamzah.
The Muslims had been in self exile for six years and began to feel a keen yearning for their homeland,
Mecca. The Prophet desired to perform a pilgrimage to Ka'bah. When he forsook his home town he was
weak, but when he wanted to return, he was strong. He did not use his strength to force an entry into the
sacred city. Finding the Quraysh hostile, Muhammad entered into a treaty Known as the Peace of
Hudaybiyyah, appearing not very advantageous to the Muslims, but which revealed the Islamic character
of moderation and magnanimity. For the strong to exercise restraint and toleration is true courage. Having
reached up to the door of their birth place with hearts over-flowing with impatient longing to enter it, the
Muslims retraced their steps peacefully to Medina, under the terms of the treaty, which allowed them to
perform the pilgrimage next year.
In The 8th year AH, the idolaters violated the peace of Hudaybiyyah by attacking the Muslims. The
enemies were defeated and Mecca was conquered. The Prophet who fled from Mecca as a fugitive, now
returned home as a mighty conqueror. The Rahmatun lil 'Alamin (mercy unto all beings, i.e., the Prophet)
entered the city with his head bowed low in thankfulness to the Almighty (Allah) and ordered a general
amnesty, instead of the mass massacre of those who persecuted him and his followers.
A great number of Muslim soldiers were killed in battles at Badr, Uhud, Khaybar, Hunayn and other places,
leaving behind young wives and children. The serious problem of taking care of the widows and orphans,
threatened to break up the moral fabric of the Muslim Society. Muhammad decided to marry these widows
and set an example for his followers to do likewise.
Under the Divine intuition of his approaching end, Muhammad prepared to make the farewell pilgrimage to
Mecca. Before completing all the ceremonies of Hajj, he addressed a huge multitude from the top of mount
'Arafat on 8th Dhi al-hijjah, 11 AH, in words which shall ever ring and live in the atmosphere. After
finishing the hajj the Holy Prophet started for Medina. On his way, at Ghadir Khumm the Voice from
Heaven cried:
      "O Apostle! deliver what has been revealed to you from your Lord; and if you do it not, then you have
not delivered His message and Allah will protect you from the people, surely Allah will not guide the
unbelieving people". (5:67) 
Muhammad immediately ordered Bilal to recall the Muslims, who had gone ahead, who were behind and
who were proceeding to their homes at the junction, to assemble. The famous Sunni mutakallim and
commentator, Fakhr ad-Din ar-Razi in his At-Tafsir al-Kabir, vol. 12, pp. 49-50, writes that the Prophet
took 'Ali by the hand and said: 
     "Whoever whose mawla (master) I am, 'Ali is his master. O Allah! Love him who loves 'Ali, and be the
enemy of the enemy of 'Ali; help him who helps 'Ali, and forsake him who forsakes 'Ali."
On Muhammad's return to Medina, he got busy settling the organization of the provinces and the tribes
which had adopted Islam. His strength rapidly failed and the poison (administered at Khaybar by a Jewess)
took its deadly toll. So ended the life dedicated to the service of God and humanity from first to last, on
28th Safar, 11 AH. The humble Preacher had risen to be the ruler of Arabia. The Prophet of Islam not only
inspired reverence, but love owing to his humility, nobility, purity, austerity, refinement and devotion to
duty. The Master inspired all who came into contact with him. He shared his scanty food; he began his
meals in the Name of Allah and finished them uttering thanks; he loved the poor and respected them; he
would visit the sick and comfort the heart broken; he treated his bitterest enemies with clemency and
forbearance, but the offenders against society were administered justice; his intellectual mind was
remarkably progressive and he said that man could not exist without constant efforts. There is no god but
One God and Muhammad is the Apostle of God, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his

1. When the innovations & heretical practices becomes evident in my Ummah it is necessary for the
scholar to make his knowledge manifested & open (with regards to making the innovations public) so,
curse of Allah be upon the scholar who does not do it.

2. One who starts a morning in a condition that he does not make effort about the affairs of the Muslims is
not one of the Muslims. And a person who hears the voice of a man who calls the Muslim to his help but he
does not respond him, is not a Muslim.

3. I do not have the fear of neither the faithful not polytheist about my Ummah. However, the faith of the
faithful refrains him from harming the Ummah, more over the infidelity of the polytheist will become the
cause of his abjectness & repression. But I am afraid about you (being harmed) from the glib tongued
hypocrite. He utters by his tongue what you believe is good & practically he does what you consider bad

4. There is a good deed above each good deed, to the extent that a man is slain on the way of Allah. so
when he is slain on the way of Allah then there is no good deed above (better than) it.

5. The one who pleases a ruler with something which is the cause of Allah's fury has gone out of Allah's

6. One who comes to a rich man & shows humbleness to him for the sake of his wealth has lost two third
of his religion.

7. When the resurrection day will come, the ink of the pen of scholar will be weighed against the blood of
martyrs, so as a result of weighing the ink of the pen of scholars will get superiority over the bloods of the

8. The example of my household (Hazrat Zehra (SA) & the twelve imams) is like that of the Hazrat Nuh's
(AS) ship. Who so ever boards it will get rescued (salvation) & the one who opposes the boarding of it,
gets drowned. (JAMIASAGHIR VOL 2, P533 Hadith, 8162)
9. Cursed is the one who puts the load of his life responsibilities upon the shoulders of the people.

10. When the dooms day will come about, man will not move one step from his place till he is questioned
about four things.
a. The way how he spent his life?
b. As to how did he wear out his youth?
c. About the wealth, as to where he got it from & in what way he spent it?
d. And about the love of us the household of prophet.

11. Oh Ali! all the eyes will weep on the resurrection day except three eyes:
a. The eye which remained waking in the night till morning on the way of Allah (for the defense of Islamic
b. the eye which refrained from seeing the the things prohibited by Allah.
c. The eye which shed tear from the fear of Allah.

12. I am the city of knowledge & Ali is it's gate so whoso ever intends to acquire knowledge must come
through the gate.

13. Oh Abazar! do value & esteem five things before five others (to happen).
a. your youth before your old age.
b. your health before your ailment.
c. your wealth before your poverty.
d. your life before your death.

14. Allah does not look at (value) your faces & nor your wealth's but he looks at your hearts & your

15. Oh people! I have left among you some thing which if you get (hold of) it, you will not go astray: The
book of Allah (Quran) & my progeny, household.

16. Oh community of Muslims! definitely avoid committing adultery because it has six peculiarities three
(will emerge) in this world & three in the hereafter. More over, those three which appear in this world
(consist of):
a. This becomes the cause of getting dishonored.
b. Causes to bring poverty
c. Causes the shortening of age.
And those which take place in the hereafter are:
a. It causes the anger of Allah.
b. It causes the severe ness & graveness of accounting.
c. It causes the eternity & perpetuity (of man) in the hell fire.

17. Beware! one who died with the love of household of Prophet (P.B.U.H) has died as a faithful, having
complete faith.

18. Drinker is similar to the idolater. Oh Ali! Allah does not accept the service of the drinker (up to) forty
days. And if he dies with in forty days, he has died as an infidel.

19. One who postpones and delays the performing of Hajj (having got it's capacity) till the time he dies.
Allah will resurrect him as a Jew or Christian on the justice day.

20. Sighting (at stranger man or women) is a poisonous arrow out of the arrows of Satan. So one who
overlooks & omits that due to the fear of Allah, Allah bestows upon him a faith, the sweetness of which he
will find in his heart.


Maa Fatima (sa)  The Life Story & Martyrdom 

The Gracious of Maa Fatema Zehra (sa)


Zahra, Siddiqa, Tahira, Raazia, Inssiya, Batool, Marziya, Mohaddisa, Hamida, KhirunisaHadi, Umul
Hassanain,  Ume Abeeha & Umul Aiymma
Hazrat Mohammed Mustufa (SAWW) - (Prophet)
Hazrat Bibi Khatija Kubra (swa)
Friday 20th Jamadi-us-Sani 
18 Years
13th Jamadi-ul-Awal or 3rd Jamadi-us-Sani

   * Ziyarat Of Hazrat bibi Fatima Zahra (SA) is recited specially on Sundays

This Namaaz is prayed to seek fulfillment if legitimate desires. It can be prayed any time, or any day, but
Friday is strongly recommended. 
Pray this namaaz exactly like 2 Raka't Fajr Namaaz (SALAT), with the following adjustments.
(a) In the first Raka't after Sooratul Faatih'ah recite Sooratul Qadr 100 times.
(b) In the second Raka't after recitation of Sooratul Faatih'ah, recite Sooratul Ikhlaas 100 times.
(c) After Salaam recite "S'alaawaat", (O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Mohammad),
"Bismillaahir-Rah'maanir-Rah'eem", and Tasbih of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (SA), then recite the following Dua'a:

(For Arabic Text please see "Mafateehul Jinaan")
   O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on the progeny of Mohammad.
   In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.
   Glory be to the Lord of Honor, and Sublime Authority;
   Glory be to the Lord of Majesty and Exalted Greatness;
   Glory be to the Lord of eternal Pride.
   Glory be to He Who is Splendor and Beauty;
   Glory be to He Who is Light and Dignity;
   Glory be to He Who makes out the footprints of the ant on the stone;
   Glory be to He Who knows (the exact time and place) the bird dips down through the air;
   Glory be to He Who is like this and no one (other than Him) is like this.
   O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and on the progeny of Mohammad.
(d) Go into Sajdah and beseech Allah for obtaining fulfillment of your legitimate desires.
(e) And recite the following Dua'a:
   O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and on the progeny of Mohammad.
   In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.
   O He, besides Whom, there is no lord, to be invoked;
   O He, above Whom, there is no god to be feared; 
   O He, except Whom, there is no master, to be obeyed;
   O He, Who has no counselor to be approached
   O He, Who has no attendant to be bribed;
   O He, Who has no door keeper, to be fooled;
   O He, Who gives not but generously and liberally, (No matter) how many are the demands, and (deals not)
with numerous sins but mercifully and kindly;
   Send blessings on Muhammad and His progeny.
   and do (as I request) ... (mention your desires).



 1. Born on the 5th year of Prophetic mission, in Mecca
 2. Married to Hazrat Imam Ali (AS), in the second year of migration & beginning of the month of zil Hijja.
 3. CHILDREN: Imam Hasan, Imam Hussain, Hazrat Zainab, Hazrat Ume Kulsoom & Mohsin.
 4.  Was Martyred between the prayer times of Maghrib & Esha 11th year of Hijrah. 

Fatimah, the only daughter of the Holy Prophet of Islam, was born in Mecca on 20th jumada 'th-thaniyah 18
B.H. The good and noble lady Khadijah and the Apostle Of Allah bestowed all their natural love, care and
devotion on their lovable and only child Fatimah.
The Princess of the House of the Prophet, was very intelligent, accomplished and cheerful. Her sermons,
poems and sayings serve, as an index to her strength of character and nobility of mind. Her virtues gained her
the title "Our Lady of Light". She was tall, slender and endowed with great beauty, which caused her to be
called "az-Zahra'" (the Lady of Light). She was called az-Zahra' also because her light used to shine among
those in heaven.
After arriving in Medina, she was married to 'Ali, in the first year after Hijrah, and she gave birth to three sons
and two daughters. Her children, Hasan, Husayn, Zaynab and Umm Kulthum are well-known for their piety,
goodness and generosity. Their strength of character and actions changed the course of history. The Holy
Prophet said, "Fatimah is a piece of my heart". He would go out to receive his daughter whenever she came
from her husband's house. Every morning on his way to the Mosque, he would pass by Fatimah's house and
say, "as-Salamu 'alaykum ya ahli bayti 'n-nubuwwah wa ma'dani 'r-risalah" (peace be on you O the Household
of Prophethood and the Source of Messengership).
The Best Woman 
Fatimah is famous and acknowledged as the "Sayyidatu nisa'i 'l-'alamin" (Leader of all the women of the world
for all times) because the Prophethood of Muhammad would not have been everlasting without her. The
Prophet is the perfect example for men, but could not be so for women. For all the verses revealed in the Holy
Qur'an for women, Fatimah is the perfect model, who translated every verse into action. In her lifetime, she
was a complete woman, being Daughter, Wife and Mother at the same time. As a daughter, she loved her so
much, that she won their love and regard to such an extent that the Holy Prophet used to rise, whenever she
came near him. As a wife, she was very devoted. she never asked 'Ali for anything in her whole life. As a
mother, she cared for and brought up wonderful children; they have left their marks on the face of the world,
which time will not be able to erase. 
The death of the Apostle, affected her very much and she was very sad and grief-stricken and wept her heart
out crying all the time. The tragedy of her father's death was too much for the good, gentle and sensitive lady
and she breathed her last on 14th jumada 'l-ula 11 A.H., exactly seventy-five days after the death of her
father, the Holy Prophet of Islam. Fatimah died in the prime of her life at the age of eighteen, and was buried
in Jannatu 'l-Baqi', Medina.

1. Allah made all the beings without previous matter & samples & shapes & pattern. And made them wear the
dress of life by His main & might & created them according to His divine will & Intention, short of it that He
might have needed their creation, or have wished any benefit for Himself from their shaping & sketching,
except this that he wanted to give a proof of His wisdom & make the people (creation) aware about His
obedience & submission, & invited them to his servitude & worship & make His invitation grand & ostentatious.

2. Allah fixed the reward for His obedience & torment for His insubordination & disobedience, so that He may
restrain His servants from His wrath & fury & lead them to His paradise.

3. I testify that there is no Deity (LORD) except the sole & matchless Allah. And the testification of the
singleness of Allah is a word that Allah has declared sincerity (as) it's reality, & made the hearts the centre of
it's contact & union. And has made the specifications & research of the oneness of Allah's station obvious &
evident in the light of meditation. The Allah who can not be seen by the eyes & tongues are unable & baffled to
describe His virtues & attributes. And the intelligence & apprehension of man is helpless & destitute from the
imagination of his howness.

4. Allah saw nations & groups had various different sects in their religion & scattered & staying on on the verge
of the fires of differences, busy with their idol worshipping. They denied God with all the signs & symbols of
HIM. So Allah illuminated the darkness through my father Mohammad (SAW) and removed the darkness from
their hearts, removed (cured) the blindness of the eyes.

5. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) said to Fatima (SA), "what is the thing which is a blessing for a women?"
She said that, "she must not see a man (stranger & not intimate) & a man must not see her".

6. Allah made the faith for you as a purity from polytheism (& infidelity).

7. And (made) service the cause of your getting distant (purification) from pride (egoism).

8. And rendered fasting for the maintenance & firmness of your sincerity.

9. And Allah set Hajj for the consolidation & reinforcement of the religion.

10. Allah executed & rendered justice for the sake of putting together & harmonization of the hearts.
11. And Allah set the subordination & obedience of us (the household of the Prophet (P.B.U.H) for the security
of society's system & our Imamate as a safety from segregation & disunity.

12. And (Allah made) Jihad (holy war), the honor & glory for Islam & abjectness & humbleness for the infidels
& hypocrites.

13. And (Allah rendered) patience as a help for getting reward.

14. And (Allah caused) commanding goodness & forbidding to do evil for the amendment & correction of
society & the common folks (public).

15. And (Allah made) the kindness to parents as a protection (shield) to His wrath & displeasure.

16. And Allah made joining & connecting with the kinship & cognation, the cause of lengthening of life.

17. And Allah made law of retaliation (revenge for homicide) as the security of blood (from being shed).

18. And Allah executed the vow performing as a medium for forgiveness.

19. And (Allah rendered) prohibition from drinking wine the cause of taking distance from contaminations

20. And Allah prohibited polytheism for the sake of (bringing about) sincerity in (His) adoration & worship.



Biography of Imam Ali ibn Abi-Talib (AS)

Ghadir-e-khum Nahj-ul-Balaghah

Hazrat Imam Ali (AS) The Voice of Human Justice

Imam Ali (AS) The Sunshine A Victim Lost 

of Civilized Islam in Saqifa


  1st Imam from the silsila-e-Imamaat

  Ameer-al-momineen, Mola-e-Kaayenaat,  Abul Hasan

  Hazrat Abu Talib
  Hazrat Fatima Binte Asad


  13th Rajab, born inside KABAH (10 yrs bfr the raising of Prophet)

  63 Years

     DIED ON
  Morning of 21st Ramadhan 40th Hijrah




  Najaf-e-Ashraf (IRAQ)

     * Ziyarat Of Hazrat Imam Ali (SA) is recited specially on Sundays

Imam Jaffar-As-Sadiq (as) said that whoso prays the 4 Raka't Namaaz (SALAT) of Ameerul Momineen Ali
(as), comes out of the evil whirlpool of sins, as a baby comes out from the womb.
The Holy Prophet (SAWW) said that whoso prays this namaaz and recites the Dua'a at the end, is absolved
from the accountability of all his sins (provided no more sins are committed).
Pray this 4 Raka't Namaaz exactly like any 4 Raka't obligatory Namaaz (Zuhr, Asr, Ishaa) on Friday or
during the night of Friday with the following adjustments:
(a) In each raka't after Sooratul Faatih'ah recite Sooratul Ikhlaas 50 times.
(b) After Salaam recite the following Tasbih of Hazrat Imam Ali (AS):

(For Arabic Text please see "Mafateehul Jinaan")
     O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Mohammad.
     In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.
     Glory be to He Whose signs never disappear!
     Glory be to He Whose reserves never grow less.
     Glory be to He Whose Glory never runs low.
     Glory be to He Who never suffers loss in what He has.
     Glory be to He in Whose range and reach there is no gap!
     Glory be to He Who shares with no one in the administration of His affairs,
     Glory be to He, except Whom, there is no God.
     O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Mohammad.
(c) Now invoke Allah to fulfill your desires and recite the following Dua'a:
     O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Mohammad.
     In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.
     O He who overlooks sins, and does not inflict punishment in return, have mercy an Thy servant,
     O Allah, be sparing with me, save me,
     I am Thy servant.
     O my Chief, I am Thy servant. I am at Thy disposal.
     O my Lord, O Allah, in the name of Thy Being,
     O Hope, O Beneficent, O Supporter, Thy servant, Thy servant, has no strategy,
     O the Ultimate Beloved,
     O He Who makes the blood run into my veins.
     O Chief, O Master, It is He whom I desire, Its is He whom I desire,
     O Lord, Thy servant, Thy servant, has no strategy, has noting of his own, has no control over loss, nor
over profit.
     I do not find any one to seek help, so all profitable avenues have been blocked, all my expectations
have turned into disappointments, helpless and forsaken I came to Thee and (now) stand before Thee.
     O my Allah, Thou art aware of that which I speak about, so how would Thou deal with me?
     If I but knew how would Thou dispense with my prayers?
     Or No?
     If No, then I am ruined! I am ruined! I am ruined!
     Woe to me! Woe to me! Woe to me! Woe to me! Oh my misery! Oh my misery! Oh my misery!
     Oh my ill-luck! Oh my ill-luck! Oh my ill-luck!
     To whom? By whom? Or from whom? Or how? Or in which place to take shelter?
     Who shall pay attention and show favor to me, when thou had forsaken me?
     O Liberal Forgiver,
     if it is yes,
     as I expect and desire, then it is an occasion for joy, I am successful, I am happy, I have been chosen
to receive (Thy) mercy. and I receive mercy,
     O Merciful! O Compassionate!
     O Pardoner! O Omnipotent!
     O Sovereign! O Just!
     If I do not have a clean record to show thee for obtaining fulfillment of my desires, (then) I beseech
Thee in the name of Thy name which Thou has kept invisible. safely under Thy control, and nothing comes
out from there except by Thy leave.
     I beseech Thee by it, for certainly it is the most high and honored of Thy names,
     I have nothing to mention except this, and no one is more beneficial for me than Thee.
     O Absolute Being!
     O Creator of creation!
     O He who made my mind and soul perceive His Being
     O He who commanded me to obey!
     O He who directed me not to disobey!
     O He who is besought!
     O He who is requested!
     O He who is desired!
     I overlook Thy instructions which Thou gave me and did not obey Thee, although in that which Thou
orders me I obey Thee; (but) in all events, for my every work I turn to Thee and Thou effectively
accomplished it. In spite of my transgression I am hopeful of Thy kindness, so do not let my hope remain
     O Most Merciful, keep me safe, under Thy protection, from (all evils) that are before me, behind me,
above me, below me, and surround me from all sides.
     O My Allah,
for the sake of master Mohammad and my chief, Ali (AS), and the righteous Holy Imaams peace be on
     Bestow Thy blessings (on us) treat us kindly, and have mercy (on us).
     and multiply our livelihood, 
     make us repay our debts, and satisfy all our wants and needs.
     O Allah,
     O Allah,
     O Allah,
     Verily Thou art able  to do all things.
     O Allah, send blessings on Mohammad and on the progeny of Mohammad.

 a. Childhood, duration nearly 10 years.
 b. Duration in the service of prophet (pbuh) nearly 23 years
 c. Duration of avoiding the Govt. approx 25 years.
 d. Duration of Apparent caliphate 4 years nine months.

     The Commander of the Faithful Ali son of Abu Talib the first of the Imams of the believers, the
truthful one and the trusted one, blessings on him and his pure family, he was the brother of the Apostle of
God and his paternal cousin, and his helper (wazir) in his affair, his son-in- law (being married) to his
daughter, Fatima the chaste, mistress of the women of the universe. He was the Lord of the
testamentary trustees of authority (wasiyyin), the best of blessing and peace be on him. 
     He was born in the Kabah in Mecca on Friday, the thirteenth day of the month of Rajab. Nobody
before or after him has ever been born in the House of God. It was a mark of him being honored by God,
the Most High, may His name be exalted, and of his position being dignified in its greatness. 
     His mother was Fatima, daughter of Asad b. Hashim b. Abd Manaf, may God be pleased with her. She
was like a mother to the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family, and he (the Apostle) was
brought up under her care. 
     Ali ibn Abi Talib, peace be on him, and his brothers were among the leading members of the second
generation of descendants of Hashim. In this way he gained two marks of nobility, through his growing up
under the care and education of the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family. He was the first of
the family of the House and of the Companions to believe in God and His Apostle. He was the first male
whom the Prophet, may God bless him and his family, summoned to Islam and who answered.
     He constantly defended the faith and fought against those who supported deviation (from the truth)
and despotism. He spread the teachings of the sunnah (the practice of the Prophet) and the Qur'an, judged
with justice and enjoined (people) to do good. 
1. He was the only man to be born in the Kabah (The house of God) 
2. He was the first to offer homage to the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) 
3. He was the first to offer prayers after the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) 
4. He was the first to offer his services for Jihad. 
5. He was the first to receive religious instructions from the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) 
6. He was the first to compile and codify the Quran 
7. He was the first to be styled as "brother" by the Prophet (P.B.U.H) and on every occasion 
8. He was the first to give burial to the Prophet (P.B.U.H) 
9. He was the first to offer to sleep in the Prophet's (P.B.U.H) bed on the night of his emigration to Medina 
10. He was the first to be appointed commander in all those battles in which the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)
did not participate personally 
11. The honor of the propagation of the Quranic Sura, "al Bara'at" fell to Imam Ali's (as) lot 
12. He was the only man to be titled as the "Second Aaron" by the Prophet (P.B.U.H) 
13. The honor of owning a house which opened into the courtyard of the Prophet's (P.B.U.H) mosque was
reserved for Imam Ali (as) alone 
14. He was the first to have the honor of being nominated by the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) as his successor,
testator and vice regent. 
Imam Ali and the Ancient Prophets 
*. God gave Adam the knowledge of His names, while Ali held the entire knowledge of the Book of
*. Adam was married with Eve in the Garden of Paradise, while God married Imam Ali (as) with
Fatima (as) in heaven 
*. God styled Noah as a "Grateful Creature" and he was called the Second Adam, while Imam Ali (as)
was styled as "Abu'l Ummah" 
*. God made Abraham the "Imam" or the "Leaders of men", while Imam Ali (as) was the Imam of all
creation, men and Jinnis 
*. Moses was brought up in the house of Pharaoh, while Imam Ali (as) was brought up in the house of
the Prophet (P.B.U.H) 
*. Moses threw his rod which became a serpent, whereas Imam Ali (as), while still in the cradle,
cleaved the snake into two 
*. Moses name has been mentioned 230 times in the Quran, while Imam Ali's (as) has been referred to
in 300 places in the Quran 
     The Imamate of the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him, was for thirty years after the Prophet,
may God bless him and his family. For twenty-four years and six months of these he was prevented from
administering the laws (of the office) (and had to) exercise precautionary dissimulation (taqiyya) and
withdrawal. For five years and six months of these, he was troubled by wars against the hypocrites, those
who broke their pledges, the unjust and those who deviated (from the religion) and he was plagued by the
seditions of those who had gone astray.
. Then he emigrated and for ten years after the emigration he remained making war on the unbelievers
and being troubled by the hypocrites until the time that God, may His name be exalted, took him unto
Himself and made him dwell in the gardens of Paradise. 
     The death of the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him occurred before dawn of Friday, the
twenty-first of the month of Ramadan, in the year 40 A.H. He was a victim of the sword. Ibn Muljam al-
Muradi, may God curse him, killed him at the mosque of Kufa, which he had come out to in order to wake
the people for the dawn prayer on the night of the nineteenth of the month of Ramadan. He had been lying
in wait for him from the beginning of the night. When he (the Commander of the faithful) passed by him
while the latter was hiding his design by feigning sleep amid a group of people who were asleep, he (Ibn
Muljam) sprang out and struck him on the top of his head with his sword which was poisoned. 
     He lingered through the day of the nineteenth and the night and day of the twentieth and the first third
of the night of the twenty-first. Then he, peace be on him, died a martyr and met his Lord, Most High, as
one who has been wronged. He, peace be on him, knew of that before its time and he told the people of it
before its time. His two sons, al-Hasan and al-Husayn, peace be on them, performed (the tasks) of
washing him and shrouding him according to his bequest. 
     Then they carried him to al-Ghari at Najaf in Kufa and they buried him there. They removed the
traces of the place of his burial according to his bequest which was made about that to hath of them by
him, because of what he, peace be on him, knew about the regime of the Umayyads (which would come)
after him, and their hostile attitude towards him. (For he knew) the evil action and abuse to which they
would be led by their wicked intentions if they had been able to know that (place). His grave, peace be on
him, remained hidden until al-Sadiq Jafar b. Muhammad, peace be on them, pointed it out during the
Abbasid regime. For he visited it when he came to visit Abu Ja'far (al-Mansur) while the latter was in al-
Hira. Then the Shi'a knew of it and they began from that time to make visitation to his (grave), peace be
on him and on his pure offspring. On the day of his death he was 63 years of age.

1. When few blessings come in your way do not drive them away through thanklessness. 
2. The wise aims at perfection, the foolish aim at wealth. 
3. People, often hate those thing which they do not know or cannot understand. 
4. Ask your heart about Friendship, for surely it is a witness that cannot be bribed. 
5. One who does not realize his own value is condemned to utter failure. 
6. Value of a man depends upon his courage; his veracity depends upon his self-respect and his chastity
depends upon his sense of honor. 
7. Success is the result of foresight and resolution, foresight depends upon deep thinking and planning and
the most important factor of planning is to keep your secrets to yourself. 
8. Be afraid of a gentleman when he is hungry, and of a mean person when his stomach is full. 
9. Hearts of people are like wild beasts. They attach themselves to those who love and train them. 
10. So long as fortune is favoring you, your defects will remain covered. 
11. Only he who has the power to punish can pardon.
12. There is no greater wealth than wisdom, no greater poverty than ignorance; no greater heritage than
culture and no greater support than consultation. 
13. Patience is of two kinds: patience over what pains you, and patience against what you covet. 
14. Wealth converts a strange land into homeland and poverty turns a native place into a strange land. 
15. Contentment is the capital which will never diminish. 
16. Wealth is the fountain head of passions. 
17. Whoever warns you against sins and vices is like the one who gives you good tidings.

Imam Hassan (AS)

Sulh al-Hasan Imam Hasan and Caliphate


     NAME :   Hasan

     IMAMAAT :   2nd Imam from the silsila-e-Imamaat
     TITLE :   Mujtaba, Syedul Wasiyeen Abu Mohammed
     FATHER :   Imam Ali (AS) - 1st Imam
     MOTHER :   Hazrat Bibi Fatima (SA) d/o Prophet (saww)
     BIRTH DATE :   15th Ramadhan, 3rd year of Hijrah 
     AGE :   46 Years
     DIED ON :   28th Safar 50th Hijrah
     DEATH PLACE :   Medina
     HOLY SHRINE :   Graveyard of Baqi (Janaat-ul-Baqi) in Medina

     * Ziyarat Of Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS) is recited specially on Mondays

It is a 4 Raka't Namaaz (SALAT) 

(a) In each raka't after Sooratul Faatih'ah recite Sooratul Ikhlaas 25 times.
(b) After Salaam recite the following Dua'a:

(For Arabic Text please see "Mafateehul Jinaan")
     O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Mohammad.
     In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.
     Oh My Allah!
     I come near to Thee, towards Thy liberal beneficence and generous kindness.
     I come near to Thee, in the name of Mohammad, Thy Servant, Thy Messenger.
     I come near to Thee, in the name of Thy close Angels, and Prophets, and Messengers, that blessings
are sent on Mohammad, Thy Servant and Thy Messenger, and on the children of Mohammad and that
comfort and happiness are made available for me, my sins are kept hidden, and forgiven;
     my wants and needs favorably taken care of, and I am not punished for shortcomings.
     Do what is good for me for surely Thou very kindly and lovingly takes care of me.
     Certainly Thou art able to do all things.
     O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Mohammad.

 a. With Prophet (pbuh) nearly 8 years
 b. At the service of his father Imam Ali (as) 37 years approx
 c. the period of Imamate 10 years. 

The Son of the Prophet 

Imam Hasan Mujtaba upon whom be peace was the second Imam. He and his brother Imam Husayn were
the two sons of Amir al-mu'minin Ali and Hazrat Fatimah, the daughter of the Prophet. Many times the
Prophet had said, 
     "Hasan and Husayn are my children". Because of these same words Ali would say to his other children,
"You are my children and Hasan and Husayn are the children of the Prophet." 
     Imam Hasan was born in the year 3 A.H. in Medina and shared in the life of the Prophet for somewhat
over seven years, growing up during that time under his loving care. After the death of the Prophet which
was no more than three, or according to some, six months earlier than the death of Hazrat Fatimah, Hasan
was placed directly under the care of his noble father.
Imam Hasan and Mu'awiyah 
After the death of his father, through Divine Command and according to the will of his father, Imam Hasan
became Imam; he also occupied the outward function of caliph for about six months, during which time he
administered the affairs of the Muslims. During that time Mu'awiyah, who was a bitter enemy of Ali and his
family and had fought for years with the ambition of capturing the caliphate, first on the pretext of
avenging the death of the third caliph and finally with an open claim to the caliphate, marched his army
into Iraq, the seat of Imam Hasan's caliphate. War ensued during which Mu'awiyah gradually subverted the
generals and commanders of Imam Hasan's army with large sums of money and deceiving promises until
the army rebelled against Imam Hasan. Finally, the Imam was forced to make peace and to yield the
caliphate to Mu'awiyah, provided it would again return to Imam Hasan after Mu'awiyah's death and the
Imam's household and partisans would be protected in every way. In this way Mu'awiyah captured the
Islamic caliphate and entered Iraq. In a public he officially made null and void all the peace conditions and
in every way possible placed the severest pressure upon the members of the Household of the Prophet and
the Shi'ah. During all the ten years of his imamate, Imam Hasan lived in conditions of extreme hardship
and under persecution, with no security even in his own house. In the year 50 A.H. he was poisoned and
martyred by one of his own household who, as has been accounted by historians, had been motivated by
Imam Hasan's Character 
In human perfection Imam Hasan was reminiscent of his father and a perfect example of his noble
grandfather. In fact, as long as the prophet was alive, he and his brother were always in the company of
the Prophet who even sometimes would carry them on his shoulders. Both Sunni and Shi'ite sources have
transmitted this saying of the Holy Prophet concerning Hasan and Husayn: "These two children of mine are
Imams whether they stand up or sit down" (allusion to whether they occupy the external function of
caliphate or not).

1. He describing the virtues of a pious companion said, "He was greater than the other people in my eyes.
The loftiest virtue which had made him great in my eyes (opinion, view) is that the world was small
(valueless) in his eyes. 
He had attained freedom from the domination of ignorance. And never begged from anyone, except the
trustworthy person, for a benefit.
He did not complain & did not get enraged & furious & was not put out of patience. (by weariness or
annoyance). Most of the times he remained silent but when he opened up his lips to talk he would be at
the zenith of all the speakers. He was weak & feeble but when it came to struggle & strife he was a fierce
lion. He was more inclined to lend ear in the gathering of scholars than talk.
If someone overcame him in speech, no one could overcome him in silence. He never said what he did not
practice (but) practiced what he did not say. When he was confronted with two matters that he did not
know which one of these was nearer to Allah, then he would see which of those was nearer to his desire so
he would oppose it.

2. A person asked him, "what is Fear?" He said, "to have courage upon friend & recoiling from the enemy".

3. Oh my son! do not become the companion of anyone (& don't befriend) but when you come to know
about the places he comes & goes to (visits). And after you have minutely observed (his character) & got
pleased with his association & social conduct then acquire his company; on the basis of forgiving the faults
& (extending) consolation during the hardships.

4. The most sighting eye is the one which penetrates (views) into the blessings & beneficences. And the
most auditory ear is the one which takes in (comprehends & retains) admonition, & gets benefited by it.
The healthiest of hearts is the heart which is pure from doubts.

5. Do not make haste in punishing the sinner for his sin & let a way (passage) between the two (fault &
punishment) excuse & apology.

6. All the beneficences of both the worlds come to the hand & are achieved by the mind (wits).

7. There is not poverty like the ignorance.

8. Teach others your knowledge & learn the knowledge of others so you will bring your knowledge to
perfection & learn something which you do not know.

9. A person asked him, "What is generosity & magnanimity" He replied, To secure & protect the religion, &
respecting one's soul, (self respect) and softness of conduct (gentleness in behavior) & permanency of
favor & kindness & the discharging of rights.

10. Nice conduct & behavior with people is the height of intelligence & wits.

11. A man asked him, "what is munificence & bounty?" He replied, "to begin with granting before being
asked for".

12. There is a distance of four fingers between the right & falsehood (eyes & ears). What you saw with
your eyes that is right. And you have heard plenty number of false & untrue things through your ears.

13. Who ever loves the world (material) the fear of hereafter gets out (finishes) from his heart.

14. Ignorant is the one who is foolish about his wealth. (regarding spending it). who is slack & negligent
about his honor, when he is abused & reviled, he does not respond.

15. Good deed is the one before which there is no evading & delaying & there is no boasting of favor, after

16. The annihilation of people lies in three things Arrogance, greed & jealousy. Arrogance is the cause of
destruction & annihilation of religion & satan was cursed due to it. And greed is the enemy of soul & Adam
was expelled by it from the paradise & jealousy is the guide to wickedness for the same reason Qabil
(Kane) killed Habil (Abel).

17. It is for you to ponder because it is the (source of the) life of visionist's heart.

18. Leisure swiftly passes on & the return to it is very slow.

19. Associate with & treat the people in a way as you like to get associated & treated by them.

20. When the desirable & commendable services damage & harm the obligatory services, abandon them.

Imam Hussain (AS)

The Life of Imam Husain Nafasul Mahmoom

Karbala and Ashura Ashura

Husain (AS) The Savior of Islam

     NAME :   Hussain

     IMAMAAT :   3rd Imam from the silsila-e-Imamaat
     TITLE :   Syed -us- Shohada (The chief of martyrs), Aba Abdullah
     FATHER :   Imam Ali (AS) - 1st Imam
     MOTHER :   Hazrat Bibi Fatima (SA) d/o Prophet (saww)
     BIRTH DATE :   3rd Shaban 4th Hijrah in Medina 
     AGE :   57 Years
     DIED ON :   10th Moharaam (Ashura) 61 Hijrah
     DEATH PLACE :   Karbala - IRAQ
     HOLY SHRINE :   Karbala

     * Ziyarat Of Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS) is recited specially on Mondays

It is a 4 Raka't Namaaz (SALAT)

(a) In each raka't recite Sooratul Faatih'ah 50 times and Sooratul Ikhlaas 50 times.
(b) In every Rukoo and Sajdah recite Sooratul Faatih'ah and Sooratul Ikhlaas 10 times each.
(c) After Salaam recite the following Dua'a:

(For Arabic Text please see "Mafateehul Jinaan")
     O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Mohammad.
     In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.
     Oh My Allah!
     Thou art He Who heard the paryers of Adam & Hawwaa when they said:
     "O our Lord we did not listen to the voice of our conscience.
     Now if Thou does not take a lenient view, and have mercy on us, we shall always be among the losers."
     And Nooh cried unto Thee, they Thou heard His prayer, and kept Him & His companion safe from the
terrible catastrophe. Thou put out the fire set burning by Namrood, for Ibrahim, Thy friend, who came out
from it hail & hearty.
     Thou art He Who heard the prayer of Ayycob, when he cried unto His Lord;
     "Truly, I am hard-pressed and cornered by losses and damages, and Thou art Most Merciful of all who
show mercy."
     Then Thou dispersed hardships that were bothering him gave him back his family, and the like thereof
along with them, a mercy from Thy store, and a remembrance for men of understanding.
     Thou art He Who heard the prayer of Noon (Younus), as soon as he cried unto Thee in the darkness:
     "There is no God save Thee. Be Thou glorified. Surely I have been a wrong doer."
     Then Thou saved him from the anguish.
     Thou art He Who heard the prayer of Moosaa and Haroon, when they called (unto Thee).
     "Thou said, "Your prayers is heard. You two keep to the straight path."
     Firawn (Phoroah) and his people were drowned.
     Thou had forgiven mistakes committed by Dawood, and relented towards him through Thy mercy and
     Thou ransomed Ismaa-eel with a "Zibhin-Azeem" (great sacrifice), when they had both surrendered (to
Allah), and he had flung him down upon his face. Then he received the news glory and relief. 
     Thou art He unto whom Zakariyya cried, a cry in secret. Saying: "My Lord! Surely my bones are weak
and unsteady, my head is full of gray hair, and I have never been deprived of blessings whenever I prayed
to Thee, O my Lord." Thou said: "They cried unto me in longing and in fear, and were submissive unto
     Thou art He Who hears the prayer of those who believe and do good deeds, give them more and more
of Thy bounties.
     So count me not among the unimportant (people) who call on and turn to Thee (in vain). Give answer
to my prayer just as Thou heard the prayers of those whom Thou found worthy of Thy attention So purify
me with Thy purity, listen to my prayers & supplications, and kindly accept them. Make what is left in my
life pure & pleasant, and make easy for me my death, let me make amends and compensate for misdeeds.
     Protect me.
     O my Lord!
     I call upon Thee
     Make my children pure and chaste. Surround them with Thy reliable protection, to save them from all
that which degrade & humiliate; children, everyone of them to be among Thy close confidants and obedient
servants, through Thy mercy.
     O the Most Merciful,
     O He who watches over all things, and give answers to all those who cry unto Him;
     and is near to all those who make a request.
     I beseech Thee,
     O "There is no God save Thou,
     The ever living, The Everlasting,
     One, Independent, Who begets not nor was begotten and there is none comparable unto Him."
     In the name of all (Thy) Names, Thou employed to raise the sky, to spread out the earth, to set up the
mountains, to make water run its course, to keep in control the clouds, the sun, the moon, the stars, the
night, and the days, (so that they work as Thou wills); and thus Thou brought into existence all creations.
     I beseech Thee, in the name of Thy Sublime Glory which lighted up the heaven and the earth.
     Darkness spread far & wide over them, unless "Durood" was recited for Mohammad and the children of
     Free me from the worries of life in this world & spare me in the other world.
     Make better all my affairs.
     Do let me rely upon my "Nafs" (source of vain desires and passion) for a flash of an eye.
     Set my affairs right, and affairs of my dependents. 
     Keep away from me sorrows & poverty, make me independent.
     Give them from Thy unknown treasures.
     Multiply Thy favors that do not ever run out.
     Let my mind know for certain and stand firm so that it fills me with wisdom that makes me fit for the
company of Thy servants.
     Put me among the God fearing when Thou will send the last Imam, just as Thou elected Ibrahim, the
beloved one as the Imam, for certainly, with Thy consent and guidance, the chosen successful attain their
end, turn repentant to Thee the penitent; worship Thee the devotees, with the help of Thy "True Path".
remain upright the honest, praiseworthy & secluded worshipers, and take refuge with Thee, On account of
the direction in the right way, (Thou shows) the relieved save themselves from the fire, & those who
remain on guard against evil get mercy & forgiveness.
     When forsaken by Thee the tiers suffer losses, the (transgressing) oppressors are cast into Hell, the
careless are neglected.
     O my Allah! Give me peace of mind (a restful soul), for Thou controls the soul, & refines him who keeps
it pure.
     O my Allah! Render it clear & let it feel relieved, overfill it with wisdom & piety, bless it with inner
satisfaction, through Thy mercy, when Thou stimulates it, and let it take quarters in the pleasant
surroundings of the exalted sanctuary, make it noble, let it grow in substance, and develop, be kind when
its turn comes to depart, & when it reaches the permanent abode, to live there forever, allow it to dwell in
paradise, because Thou art its Friend, & its Master.
          O Allah! send blessings on Mohammad and on the children of Mohammad.

 a. With the Prophet (P.B.U.H) nearly 6 years.
 b. At the service of his father Imam Ali approx 30 years.
 c. Along with his brother Imam Hasan, 10 years
 d. Period of Imamate 10 years.

     IN THE house of the Holy Prophet, which presented the best image of both the worlds - the heaven
and the earth - a child who benefited humanity as if he was Divine Impression reflecting the earth, was
bron on one of the nights of the month of Shaban. His father was Imam Ali, the best model of kindness
towards his friends and the bravest against the enemies of Islam, and his mother was Hazrat
Fatimah,the only daughter and child of the Holy prophet who had as universally acknowledged,
inherited the qualities of her father. 
     Imam Husayn, is the third Apostolic Imam. When the good news of his birth reached the Holy Prophet,
he came to his daughter's house, took the newly-born child in his arms, recited adham and iqamah in his
right and left ears respectively, and on the 7th day of his birth, after performing the rites of aqiqah, named
him al-Husayn, in compliance with Allah's command. Hasan and husayn, the two sons of the Holy Imam Ali
ibn Abi Talib and Hadrat Fatimah, our Lady of Light, were respected and revered as the "Leaders of the
Youths of Paradise" as stated by the Holy Prophet. 
     The Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be on him and his progeny, had openly prophesied that the
faith of Islam would be rescued by his second grandson Husayn, when Yazid, son of
Muawiayh, would Endeavour to destroy it. Yazid was known for his devilish character and brutish
conduct. He was known as the most licentious of men. The people having known and understood the
character of Yazid, fromed a covenant by which Muawiyah could not appoint Yazid as his successor. This
undertaking was given by Muawiyah to Imam Hasan from whom Muawiyah had snatched power. Muawiyah
violated this undertaking and nominated Yazid who succeeded his father. Immediately as he came to
power, Yazid began acting in full accordance with his known character. He started interfering in the
fundamentals of the faith and practiced every vice and wickedness freely with the highest degree of
impunity and yet held himself out as the successor of the Holy Prophet, demanding allegiance to himself as
the leading guide of the faith. Paying allegiance to Yazid was nothing short of acknowledging the devil as
God. If a divine personality like the Holy Imam Husayn had agreed to his authority, it would be
actually recommending the devil to humanity in place of God. 
     Yazid demanded allegiance from the Holy Imam Husayn, who could have never agreed to it at any cost.
The people fearing death and destruction at the hands of the tyrant had yielded to him out of fear. Imam
Husayn said that come whatever may, he would never yield to the devil in place of God and undo what his
grandfather, the Holy Prophet had established. The refusal of the Holy Imam to pay allegiance to this fiend,
marked the start of the persecution of the Holy Imam. as a result he had retired to Medina where he led a
secluded life. Even here he was not allowed to live in peace, and was forced to seek refuge in Mecca where
also he was badly harassed, and Yazid plotted to murder him in the very precincts of the great sanctuary of
Kabah. The people of kufah getting tired of the tyrannic and satanic rule of Yazid, had written innumerable
letters and sent emissaries to Imam Husayn to come over and give them guidance in faith. Although Imam
Husayn knew the ultimate end of the invitations, he as the divinely chosen Imam could not refuse to give
the guidance sought for. 
     When the Holy Imam with his entourage had reached Karbala, his horse mysteriously stopped and
would not move any further. Upon this the Holy Imam declared: "This is the land , the land of
sufferings and tortures." He alighted from his horse, and ordered his followers to encamp there saying:
"Here shall we be martyred and our children be killed. Here shall our tents be burned and our family
arrested. This is the land about which my grandfather the Holy Prophet had foretold, and his prophecy will
certainly be fulfilled." On the 7th Muharram water supply to the Imam's camp was cut and he torture of
thirst and hunger started. The Holy Imam's camp consisted of ladies, innocent children including babies
and some male members of the Holy Prophet's family; along with a small band of some faithful friends of
Imam Husayn who had chosen to die with the Holy Imam, fighting against the devil for the cause of Allah.
The Day of Ashura ( 10th of Muharram ): 
     At dawn the Imam glanced over the army of Yazid and saw Umar ibn sad ordering his forces to march
towards him. He gathered his followers and addressed them thus:" Allah has, this day, permitted us for our
martyrdom. So Prepare yourselves to fight against the enemies of Islam with patience and resistance. O
sons of the noble and self - respecting persons, be patient! Death is nothing but a bridge which you must
cross ater facing trials and tribulations so as to reach Heaven and its joys. Which of you do not like to go
from this prison (world) to the lofty palaces (Paradise)?" Having heard the Imam's address, All his
companions were overwhelmed and cried out ,
     " O our Master! We are all ready to defend you and your Ahlu l-bayt, and to sacrifice our lives
for the cause of Islam." 
Imam Husayn sent out from his camp one after another to fight and sacrifice their lives in the way of the
Lord. Lastly, when all his men and children had laid down their lives, Imam Husayn brought his six- month
old baby son Ali al- Asghar, and offering him on his own hands, demanded some water for the baby, dying
of thirst. The thirst of the baby was quenched by a deadly poisoned arrow from the brute's forces, which
pinned the baby's neck to the arm of the helpless father. At last when the six-month old baby also was
killed, Imam Husayn Addressed Allah: 
     "O Lord! Thy Husayn has offered in Thy way whatever Thou hath blessed him with. Bless Thy
Husayn, O Lord! with the acceptance of this sacrifice. Every thing Husayn could do till now was
through Thy help and by Thy Grace." 
Lastly Imam Husayn came into the field and was killed, the details of which merciless slaughter are heart
rending. the forces of Yazid having killed Imam Husayn, cut and severed his head from his body and raised
it on a lance. The severed head of the Holy Imam began glorifying Allah from the point of the lance
saying,` Allahu Akbar'. 
     "All glory be to Allah Who is the Greatest!" 
After the wholesale, merciless and most brutal slaughter of the Holy Imam with his faithful band, the
helpless ladies and children along with the ailing son of Imam Husayn, Imam Ali Zaynu l - Abidin, were
taken captives.

     Some Sayings of the Holy Prophet During his Lifetime with Reference to Imam Husayn:
1. Hasan and Husayn are the leaders of the Youths of Paradise.
2. Husayn is from me and I am from Husayn , Allah befriends those who befriend Husayn and He is the
enemy of those who bear enmity to him.
3. Whoever wishes to see such a person who lives on earth but whose dignity is honoured by the Heaven
dwellers, should see my grandson Husayn.
4. O my son! thy flesh is my flesh and thy blood is my blood, thou art a leader , the son of a leader and
the brother of a leader; thou art a spiritual guide, the son of a spiritual guide and the brother of a spiritual
guide; thou art an Apostolical Imam , the son of an Apostolical Imam and the brother of an Apostolical
Imam; thou art the father of nine Immas, the ninth of whom would be the Oaim (the last infallible spiritual
5. The punishment inflicted on the murderer of Husayn in Hell would be equal to half of the total
punishment to be imposed on the entire sinners of the world.
6. When the Holy Prophet informed Hazrat Fatima of the Martyrdom in store for his grandson, she burst
into tears and asked, "O my father! when would my son be martyred?"
"In such a critical moment," replied the Holy Prophet," When neither I nor you, nor Ali would be alive. "This
accentuated her grief and she inquired again," Who then, O my father, would commemorate Husayn's
martyrdom? The Holy Prophet said, "The men and the women of a particular sect of my followers, who will
befriend my Ahlu l-bayt, will mourn for Husayn and commemorate his martyrdom each year in every

Ibn Sad narrates from ash-shabi: 

Imam Ali while on his way to Siffin, passed through the desert of Karbala, there he stopped and wept very
bitterly. When interrogated regarding the cause of his weeping, he commented that one day he visited the
Holy Prophet and found him weeping. when he asked the Apostle of Allah as to what was the reason which
made him weep, he replied, "O Ali Gabriel has just been with me and informed me that my son Husayn
would be martyred in Karbala, a place near the bank of the River Euphartes. This moved me so much that
I could not help weeping."
Anas ibn Harith narrates: 
One day the Holy Prophet ascended the pulpit to deliver a sermon to his associates while Imam Husayn
and Imam Hasan were sitting before him. When address was over, he put his left hand on Imam Husayn
and raising his head towards Heaven, said:"O my lord! I am Muhammad Thy slave and Thy prophet, and
these two are the distinguished and pious members of my family who would fortify my cause after me. O
my Lord! Gabriel has informed me that son Husayn would be killed. O my Lord! bless my cause in
recompense for Husayn's martrydom, make him the leader of the martyrs, be Thou his helper and
guardian and do not bless his murderers".
Sir Muhammad Iqbla says: 
Imam Husayn uprooted despotism forever till the Day of Resurrection. He watered the dry garden of
freedom with the surging wave of his blood, and indeed he awakened the sleeping Muslim nation. If Imam
Husayn had aimed at acquiring a worldly empire, he would not have travelled the way he did ( from
Medina to Karbala). Husayn weltered in blood and dust for the sake of truth. Verily he, therefore, became
the bed-rock (foundation) of the Muslim creed; la ilaha illa Allah ( There is no god but Allah).
Khwaja Mu inu d-Din Chishti says: 
He gave his head but did not put his hand into the hands of Yazid. Verily, Husayn is the foundation of la
ilaha illa Allah. Husayn is lord and the lord of lords. Husayn himself is Islam and the shield of Islam.
Though he gave his head (for Islam) but never pledged Yazid. Truly Husayn is the founder of "There is no
Deity except Allah."
Brown in his A Literary of Persia Writes: 
As a reminder, the blood-stained field of Karbala where the grandson of the Apostle of God fell at length,
tortured by thirst and surrounded by the bodies of his murdered kinsmen, has been at any time since then
sufficient to evoke, even in the most lukewarm and heedless, the deepest emotion, the most frantic grief
and the exaltation of spirit before which pain, danger, and death shrink to unconsidered trifles. Yearly, on
the tenth day of Muharram, the tragedy is rehearsed in persia, in India, in Turkey, in egypt, wherever a
Shiite community or colony exists.
     Mola Hussain was martyred in Karbala (Iraq) at the age of 57, on friday, 10th Muharram 61 AH
and buried there.

1. The one who lacked & missed you what did he find? And what is it that he lacks, the one who finds you?
certainly, the one who got pleased & inclined towards other than you, came to nothingness (failed).

2. None is in peace on the resurrection day except the one who fears Allah in the world.

3. A group worships Allah for the avidity (reward of paradise) this is the service of traders & a group
worships Allah due to fear (from hell & the torment of Allah) this is the service of slaves (who obey their
masters being afraid of them). And a group worships Allah as thank giving, so this is the service of free
man & is the superior most service (prayer).

4. One who seeks the pleasure of people by displeasing Allah. Allah makes him over to the people.

5. Take care not to maltreat (commit excess upon) anyone who does not have any helper except Allah.

6. The one who loves you forbids you (from committing evil) & the one who has enmity with you entices &
allures you; (to commit evil).

7. The intellect does not achieve completion except by observance & following of the right.

8. Weeping for the fear of Allah is (causes) salvation from the fire (hell).

9. Take care, not to do anything for which you have to apologies. Because the faithful does not commit
wrong (sin) & does not apologies & the hypocrite commits sin all the days & (then) extends apologies.

10. Hurrying & making haste is witlessness & insanity.

11. One of the signs of the scholar is his criticism upon his (own) speech & his awareness & knowledge
pertaining to the facts about the forms & views.

12. Emulate & complete each other in achieving the human values & rush & hasten to get the spiritual

13. Whoso ever has generosity becomes the chief & that one who commits parsimony & stinginess
becomes degraded & objected.

14. Most generous of the people is the one who grants to the person who does not have any expectation
from him.

15. One who removes an anguish & sorrow of a faithful, Allah grants him the deliverance from the sorrow
& dejections of world & the here after.

16. Whenever you hear that a person reaches for honor of the people & endeavor to dishonor the people,
try hard that he does not come to know you.
17. A person asked him, "what is needlessness wealth)?" He replied, "the fewer & lesser number of your
desire & your satisfaction over what can be sufficient for your life.

18. Do practice like the person who knows that he would be seized & held for committing crime &
rewarded for good deed.

19. There are seventy benefactions & rewards for saluting sixty nine are for the one who initiates it & one
for the replier.

20. Do not say a word about your brother in his absence which you would not like him to say during your


 Imam Ali ibn al-Hussain (AS)

The Life of Imam Zayn al-'Abidin (AS)

     NAME :   Ali

     IMAMAAT :   4th Imam from the silsila-e-Imamaat
     TITLE :   Zain-ul-Abideen ; Syed-us-Sajjideen
     FATHER :   Imam Hussain (AS) - 3rd Imam
     MOTHER :   Hazrat Bibi Sheherbano
     BIRTH DATE :   Saturday 15th Jamadi-ul-Awal 
     AGE :   58 Years
     DIED ON :   25th Moharaam
     DEATH PLACE :   Medina
     HOLY SHRINE :   Graveyard of Baqi (Janaat-ul-Baqi)

     * Ziyarat Of Hazrat Imam Zain-ul-Abideen (AS) is recited specially on Tuesdays

It is a 4 Raka't Namaaz (SALAT)

(a) In each raka't recite Sooratul Faatih'ah, recite Sooratul Ikhlaas 100 times.
(b) After Salaam recite the following Dua'a:

(For Arabic Text please see "Mafateehul Jinaan")
     O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Mohammad.
     In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.
     O He Who makes known what is good & beautiful, and covers up ugliness & defects.
     O He Who does not demand submission under duress, with tying ropes and shackling chains, & does
not withdraw protection.
     O Generous Pardoner!
     O Subtle Indulgent!
     O Free-handed lavish Forgiver!
     O Openhanded Merciful!
     O He Who brings every fugitive to a place of safety!
     O He the ultimate relief of every sufferer!
     O He Who overlooks, & grants amnesty!
     O He Who fulfills hopes & expectations!
     O He Who takes initiative to bestow benefits before they become due!
     O our Lord!
     O our Chief!
     O our Master!
     O Sole purpose of our love!
     O my Allah, send blessings on Mohammed & on the children of Mohammed.

 a. 22 years with his father Imam Hussain (AS)
 b. 35 years period of his own Imamate. The Tyrant rulers of his age: Nine Persons from Yazeed up to
Hasham bin Abdul Malik the 10th Caliph of Bani Ommaides.

The Remained Son

     Imam Sajjad ( Ali ibn Husayn entitled Zayn al-abidin and Sajjad ) was the son of the third Imam , and
his wife , the queen among women , the daughter of Yazdigird the king of Iran . He was the only son of
Imam Husayn to survive, for his other three brothers Ali Akbar , aged twenty-five , five year old Ja'far and
Ali Asghar ( or Abdullah ) who was a suckling baby , were martyred during the event of Karbala . The
Imam had also accompanied his father on the journey that terminated fatally in Karbala, but because of
severe illness and the inability to carry arms or participate in fighting he was prevented from taking part in
the holy war and being martyred . So he was sent with the womenfolk to Damascus . After spending a
period in imprisonment he was sent with honor to Medina because Yazid wanted to conciliate public opinion
. But for a second time , by the order of the Umayyad caliph , Abd al-Malik , he was chained and sent from
Medina to Damascus and then again returned to Medina.
The Lonely Imam
The fourth Imam , upon returning to Medina , retired from public life completely, closed the door of his
house to strangers and spent his time in worship . He was in contact only with the elite among the Shi'ites
such as Abu Hamzah Thumali , Abu Khalid Kabuli and the like . The elite disseminated among the Shi'ah
the religious sciences they learned from the Imam . In this way Shi'ism spread considerably and showed its
effects during the imamate of the fifth Imam . Among the works of the fourth Imam is a book called
Sahifah sajjadiyah. It consists of fifty-seven prayers concerning the most sublime Divine sciences and is
known as 'The Psalm of the Household of the Prophet'. The fourth Imam died ( according to some Shi'ite
traditions poisoned by Walid ibn Abd al-Malik through the instigation of the Umayyad caliph Hisham ) in
95/712 after thirty-five years of imamate.

1. (Oh people) contemplate, meditate & practice for the (place, thing) that you have been created for,
Allah did not at all create you in vain & useless.

2. There are three (qualities) which is present in a faithful, he is supported & backed by Allah, & Allah
provides him the shade of His celestial throne & secures him from the great horror of the dooms day: the
one who gives those rights to the others which he wishes & looks forwards to from the others.
And the man who does not extend his hand & does not take a step ahead till he knows (for sure) that his
step is in the (direction of) obedience of Allah or in his sin.
And the person who does not find fault with his brother till he abandons that fault himself.

3. The assemblies of the pious men are the invitation to righteousness & piety.

4. Take care, not to acquire the company of foolish & witless since he wants to benefit you but harms you.
(due to his stupidity).

5. Take care, not to acquire the companionship of the parsimonious & miser because he will deprive you of
his wealth which you will extremely need it.
6. Take Care, not to acquire the company of the liar for he is like a mirage (deceiving). He shows you the
near one as distant & the distant thing as nearby.

7. If someone abuses you (standing) on the right side & then apologizes coming over to your left side, do
accept his apologies.

8. The seeing of a faithful at the face of his brother, for the sake of (his) love & affection, is a service.

9. If people knew what (brilliant result) lies in seeking knowledge they would have definitely sought it even
by shedding the blood of their hearts & plunging into the depth of oceans.

10. Guard against lies, both small of it & big, in all conditions, both in seriousness & joke.

11. And the sins which are the cause of rejection of prayers are:
a. Bad intention 
b. wickedness of interior 
c. hypocrisy with the (religious) brother
d. disbelieving in the prayers being granted 
e. Delaying the obligatory services till their time is passed 
f. abandoning the achievement of proximity of Allah through favor (to people) & alm giving 
g. using obscene language & abusing during conversation.

12. Be careful, about committing sin along with joy (avoid it) since the felicity of committing sin is itself a
bigger sin (than the actual sin).

13. Do not step aside from abandoning the evil although you may have been recognized with it.

14. The person whose should is worthy & respectable in his eyes, the world is humble & despised in his

15. The best key to the matters is truth & the best termination & finalization of the matters is faithfulness,
loyalty & fidelity.

16. He (P.B.U.H) was asked, " Who is most in danger?" so he said, "The one who does not regard the
world dangerous for himself."

17. To lessen the demands regarding needs from others is the cash needlessness & wealth.

18. Indeed, the inner knowledge & gnosis & the zenith of religion of a Muslim is abandoning such talk
which is meaningless & futile & the scarcity of his patience & fortitude & his politeness & good conduct.

19. The meeting of the righteous invites you to goodness.

20. Beware of the companionship of the sinful, and helping of the unjust.



Imam Muhammad ibn Ali (AS)

The Life of Imam Muhammad ibn 'Ali al-Baqir (AS)

     NAME :   Mohammed

     IMAMAAT :   5th Imam from the silsila-e-Imamaat
     TITLE :   Baqir, Abu Jaffer
     FATHER :   Imam Zain-ul-Abideen (AS)-4th Imam
  Hazrat Fatima bint-e-Hassan. He is the descendent of BANI
     MOTHER :
HASHIM both from the paternal & Maternal sides. 
     BIRTH DATE :   1st Rajab 57th Hijrah
     AGE :   57 Years
     DIED ON :   Monday 7th Zilhijah 114 Hijrah
     DEATH PLACE :   Medina
     HOLY SHRINE :   Janat-ul-Baqi, graveyard of Medina

     * Ziyarat Of Hazrat Imam Mohammed Baqir (AS) is recited specially on Tuesdays

It is a 2 Raka't Namaaz (SALAT)

(a) In each raka't recite Sooratul Faatih'ah, recite 100 times:
    "Sub'haan Allaahi Wal H'amdulilLaahi Wa Laa Ilaaha Illallaahu Wallaahu Akbar"
(b) After Salaam recite the following Dua'a:

(For Arabic Text please see "Mafateehul Jinaan")
     O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Mohammad.
     In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.
     O my Allah! I beseech Thee,
     O Gentle and Considerate, Who is tolerant, and gives respite; Forgiving, Loving, overlooks my
     Good that I have is from Thee, & that which Thou bestows on me from Thy free gifts makes me act.
     Thou encourages me & guides me while I make efforts in obedience to Thy commands  Thy
Messenger's instructions; and what Thou gives me freely from Thy bounties is Thy kindest favor.
     O my Allah! Give me that which befits Thee. 
     Do not do that which I deserve.
     Only that _which Thine (yours).
     Do not make me run after anything desirable except it comes from Thee.
     O The Best of all those who see and recognize.
     O The Best of all those who hear & pay attention!
     O The Best of All those who exercise authority & judge!
     O Companion of the fugitives!
     O He Who gives answer to those who cry in anguish!
     Send blessings on Mohammed & on the children of Mohammed.

 a. 3 years, 6 months & 10 days along with his grand father Imam Hussain (AS)
 b. 34 years & 15 days at the service of his father Imam Zainul A'abideen (AS)
 c. Period of his own Imamate was 19 years 10 months & 12 days.

     THE HOLY Imam Muhammad al-Baqir is the Fifth Apostolic Imam. His epithet was Abu Ja`far and he
was popularly titled "al-Baqir''. His mother was the daughter of Imam Hasan. Thus, he was the only Imam
who was connected with Hadrat Fatimatu 'z-Zahra', both from his paternal and maternal sides. Imam
Muhammad al-Baqir was brought up in the holy lop of his grandfather Imam Husayn, for three years. For
thity-four years he was under the gracious patronage of his father, `Ali Zaynu 'l-`Abidin. 
     The Holy Imam was present in Karbala' at the time of the gruesome tragedy of the wholesale
massacre of his grandfather Imam Husayn and his companions. He also suffered with his father and the
ladies of the House of the Prophet (Ahlu 'l-bayt) the heartless captivity and imprisonment at the hands of
the devilish forces at the command of Yazid ibn Mu`awiyah 
     After the tragedy of Karbala', the Imam passed his time peacefully in Medina praying to Allah and
guiding the people to the right path. The downfall of the Umayyads had begun since Yazid, the son of
Mu`awiyah, had slaughtered Imam Husayn. Yazid himself had completely realized the evil consequences of
his deeds even during the short period of his rule. His son Mu`awiyah, the second, refused to accept the
caliphate saying: I cannot favor such a throne which has been erected on the basis of oppression and
tyranny. Ibn Hajar al-Haytami, a famous scholar belonging to the Sunnite School says: 
     "Imam Muhammad al-Baqir has disclosed the secrets of knowledge and wisdom and unfolded the
principles of spiritual and religious guidance. Nobody can deny his exalted character, his God-given
knowledge, his divinely-gifted wisdom and his obligation and gratitude towards spreading of knowledge". 
     He was a sacred and highly talented spiritual leader and and for this reason he was popularly titled `al-
Baqi' which means `the exponder of knowledge'. Kind of heart, spotless in character, sacred by soul and
noble by nature, the Imam devoted all his time in submission to Allah (and in advocating the teachings of
the Holy Prophet and his descendants). It is beyond the power of a man to count the deep impression of
knowledge and guidance left by the Imam on the hearts of the faithful. 
     His sayings in devotion and abstinence, in knowledge and wisdom, and in religious exercise and
submission to Allah are so great in number that the volume of this book is quite insufficient to cover them
all.'' (as-Sawai`qu 'l-muhriqah, p. 120) The Holy Imam managed to collect the teachings and reforms of
the Holy Prophet and his Ahlu 'l-bayt in the from of books. His pupils compiled books on different branches
of science and arts under his instructions and guidance. In the excellence of his personal purity and godly
traits, the Holy Imam Muhammad al-Baqir was a model of the Holy Prophet and his great grandfather, Ali
ibn Abi Talib. His admonitions created a spiritual sensation among the Muslims in general. He was not only
hospitable even to his worst enemies but also used to continually exhort them to the right path. He urged
people to earn their livelihood by their own hard work. 
     The Holy Imam gave much importance to convening majalis (meetings) in commemoration of
the martyrdom of Imam Husayn. Kumayt ibn Zayd al-Asadi, one of the most famous and highly
talented poets of that time, used to recite the elegy of Imam Husayn in those majalis. Such type of majalis
were also greatly encouraged by Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq and Imam `Ali ar-Rida, the Sixth and the Eighth
Imams.Imam Muhammad al-Baqir continued his preaching peacefully till 114 AH. On the 7th Dhi
'l-hijjah when he was fifty-seven years old, Hisham ibn `Abdi 'l-Malik ibn Marwan, the then
ruler, got him martyred through poison. The funeral prayers for this Holy Imam were conducted by his
son Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq, the Six Imam, and his body was laid to rest in jannaru 'l-Baqir` in Medina. 

Al-`Allamah at-Tabataba'i writes

Imam Muhammad ibn `Ali al-Baqir (the word `baqir meaning he who cuts and dissects, a title given to him
by the Prophet) was the son of the Fourth Imam and was born in 57/675. He was present at the event of
Karbala' when he was four years old. After his father, through Divine Command and the decree of those
who went bafore him, he became Imam. In the year 114/732 he died, according to some Shi`ite
traditions, he was poisioned by Ibrahim ibn al-Walid ibn `Abdillah, the nephew of Hisham, the Umayyad
caliph. During the Imamate of the Fifth Imam, as a result of the injustice of the Umayyads, revolts and
wars broke out in some corner of the Islamic world every day. Moreover, there were disputes within the
Umayyad family itself which kept the caliphate busy and to a certain extent left the members of the
Household of the Prophet alon. From the other side, the tragedy of Karbala' and the oppression suffered by
the Household of the Prophet, of which the Fourth Imam was the most noteworthy embodiment, had
attracted many Muslims to the Imam. These factors combined to make it possible for people and especially
the Shi`ites to go in great numbers to Medina and to come into the presence of the Fifth Imam.
Possibilities for disseminating the truth about Islam and the sciences of the Household of the Prophet,
which had never existed for the Imams before him, were presented by the Fifth Imam. The proof of this
fact is the innumerable traditions recounted from the Fifth Imam and the large number of illustrious men of
science and Shi`ite scholars who were trained by him in different Islamic sciences. These names are listed
in books of biographies of famous men in Islam. (Shi`ite Islam)

1. The one who goes to an oppressor & tyrant ruler & instructs him to acquire piety & scares him &
admonishes preaches, & exhorts him he would have a reward similar & equivalent to both weighty beings
the mankind & the Jinn & the similar (quantity) of their good deeds.
2. The person who loves for the sake of Allah & detests & despises for the sake of Allah & give for the sake
of Allah is among those whose faith has achieved completion.

3. Indeed, faithful is the one who, when pleased & glad his pleasure does not make him enter into sin &
falsehood (he does not commit any sin while happy). And when unhappy & angry his anger does not oust
him from the word of righteousness.
(He does not abandon the right course) And when he gains powers his power does not make him commit
excess & oppression & make him go for a thing upon which he does not have any right.

4. There is no servant except that there exists a white spot upo n his heart. so when he commits a sin a
black spot arises into that white spot.
So when he repents this black spot moves away. And if he continues on committing sins the blackness of
this spot increases till such time it overwhelms & over rides the whiteness. When the whiteness is covered
over (by the blackness) the owner of it (heart) does never at all return to wards beneficence & goodness.
And this is what Allah means when he says:
"Nay! rather, what they used to do has become like a rust upon their hearts.

6. Indeed, when a man earns the wealth from Haram (prohibited) sources, no Hajj & no umrah & no
strengthening of his blood kinship is never at all accepted & approved (by Almighty God).

7. The completion, entire completion of a man lies in understanding & appreciating the religion (the
necessary laws of & principles of jurisprudence), the patience & forbearance upon the occurrence of
incidents & the appraisement & assessment of (his) economy.

8. There are three things out of the completions & worth & values of the world & there after:
 a. Forgiving the one who has committed excess & aggression against you.
 b. Joining the own who cuts off relations & ties with you.
 c. Forbearance & tolerance for the one who committed a folly & showed insane behavior & conduct
towards you.

9. The scholar whose knowledge is made use of & benefited from, is worthier & more virtuous than seventy
thousand worshippers & adorers.

10. Beware! caution! Do not acquire enmity because it rotten & turns the heart evil & causes to develop

11. Indeed, the most terrifically sorry of all the people on the resurrection day will be the servant who
defines & shows the way of justice to the people & himself opposes it.

12. Whosever's tongue utters the truth, his practice becomes purified & the one whose intention is decent
& good, his sustenance boosts up & increases. And who ever adopts a decent & nice attitude & behavior
with his family his life be lengthens.

13. Nobody remains safe from sin unless he guards his tongue.

14. Consider the world as an abode where in you have dropped down for an hour & then you have got to
leave it & go ahead or (suppose it) like the wealth which you lay hands upon in the dream & get overjoyed
& glad. Then you wake up to find yourself empty handed.

15. Three things are back breaking:

 a. A person who considers his practice as exorbitant.
 b. A person who forgets his sins.
 c. person who is pleased with his opinion & view (considering it superior).

16. The one whose appearance & apparent looks are better than his interior condition his scale of practice
is light (weightless).

17. Heaven is surrounded by unpleasantness & patience. So, the one who remains patient over it's,
unpleasantness in the world, enters the paradise. And the hell is surrounded by pleasure & lusts. So the
one who allows (gives) himself it's pleasure & lustful desire enters the hell fire.
18. If people come to know what (evil) lies in begging, No one will beg from the other & if the one who is
begged from knows the evil of rejecting the one who begs, nobody will turn down anyone's request.

19. He who repents of his sins is as the one who has not any (burden of) sin.

20. Try to learn knowledge because learning it is a good action and study is itself a worship.

Imam Jafar ibn Muhammad (AS)


     NAME :   Jaffer

     IMAMAAT :   6th Imam from the Silsila-e-Imamaat
     TITLE :   Sadiq, Abu Abdullah
     FATHER :   Imam Mohammed Baqir (AS) - 5th Imam
     MOTHER :   Hazrat Omme Farwah
     BIRTH DATE :   17th Rabi-ul-Awal, 83 Hijrah Medina
     AGE :   65 Years
     DIED ON :   25th Shawwal 148 Hijrah
     DEATH PLACE :   Medina
     HOLY SHRINE :   Graveyard of Baqi (Janaat-ul-Baqi) Medina

     * Ziyarat Of Hazrat Imam Jaffer-as-Sadiq (AS) is recited specially on Tuesdays

It is a 2 Raka't Namaaz (SALAT)

(a) In each raka't recite Sooratul Faatih'ah, recite Aayaatush Shahaadat: 
(See Selected Soorahs & Du'as Volume Two 100 times.)
(b) After Salaam recite the following Dua'a:

(For Arabic Text please see "Mafateehul Jinaan")
     O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Mohammad.
     In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.
     O Artist Creator of all things that has been created!
     O He Who joins together separate bones!
     O He Who is everywhere!
     O He Who is aware of all secrets!
     O He Who knows the obscure & the unseen!
     O He Who is present everywhere without being absent from any other place!
     O He Who prevails, and is never out of reach!
     O Companion of every unattended desolate!
     O Ever living, who brings the dead to life, and makes the living dead, Everlasting vigilant 
over all souls for that which they have earned!
     O He Who was (ever) alive when nothing existed!
     There is no God except Thou,
     Send blessings on Mohammed & on the children of Mohammed.

 a. 41 years before the imamate era i.e. 83 Hijrah to 114 Hijrah.
 b. Imamate Period 34 years up to the martyrdom from 114 Hijrah to 148 Hijrah.

Birth and Imamate

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad, the son of the fifth Imam, was born in 83/702. He died in 148/765 according
to Shi'ite tradition, poisoned and martyred through the intrigue of the Abbasid caliph Mansur. After the
death of his father he beacame Imam by Divine command and decree of those who came before him.
The Imam's sciences
During the imamate of the sixth Imam greater possibilities and a more favorable climate existed for him to
propagate religious teachings. This came about as a result of revolts in Islamic Lands, especially the
uprising of the Muswaddah to overthrow the Umayyad caliphate, and the bloody wars which finally led to
the fall and extinction of the Umayyads. The greater opportunities for Shi'ite teachings were also a result of
the favorable ground the fifth Imam had prepared during the twenty years of his imamate through the
propagation of the true teachings of Islam and the sciences of the Household of the Prophet. The Imam
took advantage of the occasion to propagate the religious sciences until the very end of his imamate, which
was contemporary with the end of the Umayyad and beginning of the Abbasid caliphates.  It is said that his
classes and sessions of instruction produced four thousand scholars of hadith and other sciences. The
number of traditions preserved from the fifth and sixth Imams is more than all the hadith, that have been
recorded from the Prophet and the other ten Imams combined.
Toward the end of his life the Imam was subjected to severe restrictions placed upon him by the Abbasid
caliph Mansur, who ordered such torture and merciless killing of many of the descendants of the Prophet
who were Shi'ite that his actions even surpassed the cruelty and heedlessness of the Umayyads. At his
order they were arrested in groups, some thrown into deep and dark prisons and tortured until they died,
while others were beheaded or buried alive or placed at the base of or between walls of buildings, and
walls were constructed over them. Hisham, the Umayyad caliph, had ordered the sixth Imam to be
arrested and brought to Damascus. Later, the Imam was arrested by Saffah, the Abbasid caliph, and
brought to Iraq. Finally, Mansur had him arrested again and brought to Samarrah where he had the Imam
kept under supervision, was in every way harsh and discourteous to him, and several times thought of
killing him. Eventually the Imam was allowed to return to Medina where he spent the rest of his life in
hiding, until he was poisoned and martyred through the intrigue of Mansur. Upon hearing the news of the
Imam's martyrdom, Mansur wrote to the governor of Medina instructing him to go to the house of the
Imam on the pretext of expressing his condolences to the family, to ask for the Imam's will and testament
and read it. Whoever was chosen by the Imam as his inheritor and successor should be beheaded on the
spot. Of course the aim of Mansur was to put an end to the whole question of the imamate and to Shi'ite
aspirations. When the governor of Medina, following orders, read the last will and testament, he saw that
the Imam had chosen four people rather than one to administer his last will and testament: the caliph
himself, the governor of Medina, 'Abdullah Aftah, the Imam's older son, and Musa, his younger son. In this
way the plot of Mansur failed.

     He instructed many scholars in different fields of the intellectual and transmitted sciences, such as
Zorarah, Muhammad ibn Muslim, Mu'min Taq, Hisham ibn Hakam, Aban ibn Taghlib, Hisham ibn Salim,
Hurayz, Hisham Kalbi Nassabah, and Jabir ibn Hayyan, the alchemist. Even some important Sunni scholars
such as Sufyan Thawri, Abu Hanifah, the founder of the Hanafi school of law, Qadhi Sukuni, Qadhi Abu'l-
Bakhtari, and others, had the honor of being his students.

1. He who marries a woman for the hope of her wealth, Allah leaves him with only that wealth.

2. Indeed the cognition & knowing of Allah provides comfort in all terrors & frights. And it is the companion
in all solitudes & loneliness & the light in all darkness & energy in all weaknesses & feeblenesses & the cure
of all diseases & aliments.

3. The person who sees his brother (religious) involved (in a problem) which is the cause of his trouble &
dislike ness & he does not remove it from him although he can do that, has committed a dishonesty with
4. Be careful of your knowledge and see from whom you get it.

5. Nothing follows a person after his death except three virtues & qualities. 
 a. The study & charity that he may have executed by the grace of Allah in his life & which continues on
after his death.
 b. And a decent & good tradition (left over by him) which is put into practice (after his death).
 c. A pious son who prays for him.

6. In no way is Allah worshipped better than by fulfilling the right of a believer.

7. Momin is the brother of a Momin just like one single body, (so that) if one part of it has a complaint the
entire body feels & receives the pain & trouble. And their souls are from a single soul. And indeed the tie &
connection of the faithful's should to the soul of Allah is more powerful & strengthener than the connection
of the rays of sun with it.

8. Surely, a little action (of worshipping) with piety is better than many deeds with no virtue.

9. The smallest thing which turns a man out of faith is that he keeps counting the faults, lapses missteps &
flaws of his brother in faith so that one day he may reprimand him. (by those weaknesses)

10. It is from the disposition & manners of the ignorant that he answers before listening & quarrel before
understanding & gives judgment upon what he is unaware of.

11. The person who acts & practices short of vision is similar to the traveler of a wrong avenue. So the
speed of his journey would not but only increase his distance.

12. The most beloved of the brothers to me is the one who presents & indicates to me my faults & short

13. Be the inviters & callers of people towards beneficence without (using) your tongue, so that they may
observer your endeavor & efforts, & truth & piety.

14. Seventy sins of ignorant are forgiven before one sin of a scholar is forgiven.

15. Indeed when the sin is committed by a servant secretly, it does not harm but the one who commits it.
Where as, if it is committed openly & conspicuously & a restraints is not put upon it then it harms the
general public.

16. The love of this fleeting world is the origin of all vices.

17. A man does not become proud hearted & arrogant but for the self abjection which he finds in his soul.

18. He who has even a little arrogance in his heart will not be allowed to enter Heaven.

19. Toiling & laboring hard for one's family is like becoming the warrior of a holy war on the course of

20. He who restrains his anger, Allah will cover his blemishes.

Imam Musa ibn Jafar (AS)

The Life of Imam Musa Bin Ja'far al-Kazim  (AS)

     NAME :   Musa

     IMAMAAT :   7th Imam from the silsila-e-Imamaat
     TITLE   Abd-e-Saleh, Kazim, Babul Hawaij, Abul Hassan, Abu
     FATHER :   Imam Jaffer-as-Sadiq (AS)-6th Imam
     MOTHER :   Hazrat Hameeda Khatoon
  7th Safar 128 Hijrah at "ABWA" a place between Mecca &
     AGE :   55 Years
     DIED ON :   25th Rajab 183 Hijrah
     DEATH PLACE :   IRAQ-In the Prison of Haroon Rashid in Baghdad
     HOLY SHRINE :   Kazmain, Near Baghdad

     * Ziyarat Of Hazrat Imam Musa-e-Kazim (AS) is recited specially on Wednesdays

It is a 2 Raka't Namaaz (SALAT)

(a) In each raka't recite Sooratul Faatih'ah, recite Sooratul Ikhlaas 12 times.
(b) After Salaam recite the following Dua'a:

(For Arabic Text please see "Mafateehul Jinaan")
     O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Mohammad.
     In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.
     My Allah! Submissive all voices are low & hushed before Thee. Lost & bewildered are minds and
thoughts in Thy "supreme being".
     Everything stands in awe of Thee.
     Everything takes refuge with Thee.
     In trouble & distress are all things if cut off from Thee.
     Filled with Thy "Light" are all things.
     Thou art Sublime in Thy majesty.
     Thou art elegantly Resplendent in Thy graceful purity.
     Thou art Absolute in Thy authority.
     Thou art He Whom nothing can do any harm.
     O Bestowed of bounties!
     O Disperser of sorrows!
     O Fulfiller of desires!
     Give me what I desire, in the name of "There is no God except Thou".
     I seek refuge with Thee, sincere in my faith for Thee, & live in the hope of Thy promise & surety, which
have the credentials to give hope of Thy bounties, and forgiveness of sins, that cannot be done by anyone
     O He Who is near & close at hand though highest, and in His nearness is the Highest High, in His
splendor the Resplendent, and in His authority the most Powerful.
     Send blessings on Mohammed & on the children of Mohammed.

 a. the 1st era before Imamate spread out from 128to 148 Hijrah (20 years).
 b. the 2nd period following his imamate from 148 to 183 Hijrah coincident with the ruler ship periods of
Mansoor Dawanaqi, Mehdi Abbasi Hadi Abbasi & Haroon-ur-Rashid. The most of his Imamate period was
coincident with the era of Haroon, which stretched as long as 23 years, 2 months & 17 days. And
Haroon was the 5th caliph of the Abbasied Dynasity during whose period of rule the Imam mostly
remained imprisoned.

     Hazrat Imam Musa al-Kazim is the Seveth Apostolic Imam. His epithet was Abu 'l-Hasan and his
famous title was al-Kazim. His matchless devotion and worship of God has also earned him the title
of "Abdu 's-Salih'' (virtuous slave of God). Generosity was synonymous with his name and no beggar
ever returned from his door empty handed. Even after his death, he continued to be obliging and was
generous to his devotees who came to his holy tomb with prayers and behest which were invariably
granted by God. Thus, one of his additional titles is also ``Babu 'l-Hawaij'' (the door to fulfilling
needs). He was the son of Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq, the Sixth Imam. The name of his mother was Hamidah,
the daughter of a noble man hailing from the States of Barbary.
     Imam Musa al-Kazim passed twenty years of his sacred life under the gracious patronage of his holy
father. His inherent genius and gifted virtues combined with the enlightened guidance and education from
the Holy Imam ja`far as-Sadiq, showed in the manifestation of his future personality. He was fully versed
with the Divine Knowledge even in his childhood. al-`Allamah al-Majlisi relates that once Abu Hanifah
happened to call upon the holy abode of Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq to ask him about some religious matters
( masa'il ). The Imam was asleep and so he kept waiting outside till the Imam's awakening. Meanwhile,
Imam Musa al-Kazim, who was then five years old, came out of his house. Abu Hanifah, after offering him
his best compliment, enquired: 
     ``O the son of the Holy Prophet ! what is your opinion about the deeds of a man ? Does he do them by
himself or does God make him do them ?'' ``O Abu Hanifah'', the five years old Imam replied at once, in
the typical tone of his ancestors, 
     ``the doings of a man are confined to three possibilities. First, that God alone does them while the man
is quite helpless. Second, that both God and the man do equally share the commitment. Third, that man
does them alone. Now, if the first assumption is true, it obviously proves the unjustness of God who
punishes His creatures for sins which they have not committed. And if the second condition be acceptable,
even then God becomes unjust if He punishes the man for the crimes in which He is equally a partner. But
the undesirability of both these conditions is evident in the case of God. Thus, we are naturally left with the
third alternative to the problem that men are absolutely responsible for their own doing.''
     The Holy Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq breathed his last on 25th Shawwal 148 AH, and with effect from the
same date Imam Musa al-Kazim succeeded the holy office of Immamate as the Seventh Imam. The priod
of his Imamate continued for thirty-five years. In the first decade of his Imamate, Imam Musa al-Kazim
could afford a peaceful execution of the responsibilities of his sacred office and carried on the propagation
of the taachings of the Holy Prophet. But soon after, he fell a victim to the ruling kings and a greater part
of his life passed in prison.
Political Condition 
     Imam Musa al-Kazim lived under the most crucial times in the regimes of the despotic `Abbasid kings
who were marked for their tyrannical and cruel administration. He witnessed the reings of ar-Mansur ad-
Dawaniqi, al-Mahdi and Harun ar-Rashid. al-Mansur and Harun ar-Rashid were the despotic kings who put
a multitude of innocent descendants of the Holy Prophet to the sword. Thousands of these martyrs were
buried alive inside walls or put into horrible dark prisons during their lifetime. These depraved caliphs knew
no pity or justice and they killed and tortured for the pleasure they derived from human sufferings. The
Holy Imam was saved from the tyranny of al-Mansur because the king, being occupied with his project of
constructing the new city of Baghdad, could not get time to turn towards victimizing the Imam. By 157 AH
the city of Baghded was built. This was soon followed by the death of its founder a year later. After al-
Mansur, his son al-Mahdi ascended the throne. For a few years he remained indifferent towards the Imam.
When in 164 AH he came to Medina and heard about the great reputation of the Imam, he could not resist
his jealousy and the spark of his ancestral malice against the Ahlu 'l-bayt was rekindled. He somehow
managed to take the Imam along with him to Baghdad and got him imprisoned there. But after a year he
realized his mistake and released the Imam from jail. al-Mahdi was succeeded by al-Hadi who lived only for
a year. Now, in 170 AH, the most cruel and tyrannical king Harun ar-Rashid appeared at the head of the
`Abbasid Empire. It was during his reign that the Holy Imam passed the greater part of his life in a
miserable prison till ha was poisoned.
Moral and Ethical Excellence 
     As regards his morality and ethical excellence, Ibn Hajar al-Haytami remarks : 
     ``The patience and forbearance of Imam Musa al-Kazim was such that he was given the title of `al-
Kazim' (one who swallows down his anger). He was the embodiment of virtue and generosity. He
devoted his nights to the prayers of God and his days to fasting. He always forgave those who did wrong to
him,'' His king and generous attitude towards the people was such that he used to patronize and help the
poor and destitute of Medina and provide for them cash, food, clothes and other necessitates of sustenance
secretly. It continued to be a riddle for the receivers of gifts throughout the Imam's lifetime as to who their
benefactor was, but the secret was not revealed until after his death.
Literary Attainments 
     Time and circumstances did not permit the Holy Imam Musa al-Kazim to establish institutions to impart
religious knowledge to his followers as his father, Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq and his grandfather, Imam
Muhammad al-Baqir had done. He was never allowed to address a congregation. He carried on his mission
of preaching and guiding people quietly.
     In 179 AH, Harun ar-Rashid visited Medina. The fire of malice and jealousy against the Ahul 'l-bayt was
kindled in his heart when he saw the great influence and popularity which the Holy Imam enjoyed amongst
the people there. He got the Imam arrested while he was busy in prayer at the tomb of the Holy Prophet
and kept him in prison in Baghded for a period of about four years. On the 25th Rajab 183 AH, he got the
Imam martyred by poison. Even his corpse was not spared humiliation and was taken out of the prison and
left on the Bridge of Baghdad. His devotees, however, managed to lay the holy body of the Imam to rest in
al-Kazimiyyah ( Iraq ).

1. I found the knowledge of people in four things: firstly, that you know your LORD (recognition of Allah),
Secondly, that you know it as to what factors He made use of in creating you, thirdly, that you know as to
what does he want & intend from you, & fourthly that you learn what is it that will expel you from your

2. Cursed is the one who backbites against one's brother (fellow Muslim).

3. Comprehend & understand the religion of Allah, for jurisprudence is the key to vision & the completion
of worship & the cause of reaching the lofty grades & magnanimous station is the world & hereafter.
And the superiority & magnanimity of jurisprudent over the adorer & worshiper is like that of the
superiority of sun to the stars. And Allah does not get pleased with (accept) any practice of that person
who does not achieve the comprehension & understanding of his religion. 

4. Put in endeavor & exercise effort that your time is scheduled into four parts.
A part for the supplication to Allah & an other part for the affairs of economy & livelihood & still another
part for social contact with the brothers & the persons of confidence who may let you learn your short
comings & faults & they have a sincere interior (heart) for you. 
And a part to enjoy the un forbidden & lawful entertainments. And with this part of time you get the
strength of vigor for the (rest of) three other parts of time.

5. Oh Hisham! a man is not faithful till such time that he gets fearful (&) hopeful. And he will not become
fearful & hopeful unless & until he becomes the conjuror & doer of that which he fears & hopes i.e. (He
practices according to the requirement & needs of the fear & hope.

6. Indeed, the greatest & biggest of all the people in worth & value is the person who does not consider
the world a station & abode for himself more over, there is no price & worth of your bodies except the
paradise, so do not sell them without (achieving) it.

7. Bad is the person who has two faces & two tongues (double cross & hypocrite). He praises & commends
his brother (in faith) in his presence & when he is absent he back bites & slanders him. If he achieves
(something) he gets jealous of him & if he is afflicted he leaves & abandons him (Does not help him).
8. A person who does not observe any progress & development in himself, his two days are equal is a

9. Oh Hisham! if there be a walnut in your hand & the people say it is a pearl, this will not provide you any
benefit where as you know that, its a walnut.
And if there is a pearl in your hand & people says, its a walnut, there would be no harm to you while you
know that, that is a pearl.

10. Oh Hisham! there is a proof & logic for everything & the proof of that intelligent person is his
meditation & the proof of meditation is quietness.

 Imam Ali ibn Musa (AS)

The Life of Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Rida(AS)


     NAME :   Ali

     IMAMAAT :   8th Imam from the silsila-e-Imamaat
     TITLE :   Reza, Al-Raza, Badshah-e-Khorashan
     FATHER :   Imam Musa-e-Kazim (AS) - 7th Imam
     MOTHER :   Hazrat Bibi Najma
     BIRTH DATE :   11th Ziqaadah year 148 Hijrah Medina 
     AGE :   55 Years
     DIED ON :   17th Safar, 203 Hijrah
     DEATH PLACE :   Iran
     HOLY SHRINE :   Mashad - IRAN

     * Ziyarat Of Hazrat Imam Ali Reza (AS) is recited specially on Wednesdays

It is a 6 Raka't Namaaz (SALAT)

(a) In each raka't recite Sooratul Faatih'ah, recite Sooratul Dahr (Hal Ataa) 10 times.
(b) After Salaam recite the following Dua'a:

(For Arabic Text please see "Mafateehul Jinaan")
     O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Mohammad.
     In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.
     O my Friend in my distress!
     O my Beloved Favorite in my comforts! 
     O my Allah, and Allah of Ibrahim, & Ismaeel, & Ishaaq, & Yaaqob.
     O Lord of "Kaaaf-Haa-Yaa-A'yyn-S'aad" & "Yaa Seeen" and the "Quranil Hakeem"
     I beseech Thee,
     O He Who grants favors to him who makes a request! 
     O He Who does good to Him who calls! 
     O He Who fills to over flowing whom He gives! 
     O Generous Merciful Who is implored & entreated!
     I beseech Thee, 
     to Send blessings on Mohammed & on the children of Mohammed.

 a. Before Imamate (35 Years), From 148 to 183 Hijah.
 b. After Imamate 17 years in Medina
 c. And three years in Khorasan, the most sensitive part of his political life as in this period. He had
only a single son Imam JAWAD Who was seven years of age at the time of his martyrdom.

     Imam Reza (Ali ibn Musa) was the son of the seventh Imam and according to well-known accounts
was born in 148/765 and died in 203/817. The eight Imam reached the imamate, after the death of his
father, through Divine Command and the decree of his forefathers. The period of his imamate coincided
with the caliphate of Harun and then his sons Amin and Ma'mun. After the death of his father, Ma'mun fell
into conflict with his brother Amin which led to bloody wars and finally the assassination of Amin, after
which Ma'mun became caliph. Until that day the policy of the Abbasid caliphate toward the Shi'ites
had been increasingly harsh and cruel. Every once in a while one of the supporters of Ali (alawis)
would revolt, causing blood wars and rebellions which were of great difficulty and consequence for the
     The Shi'ites Imams would not cooperate with those who carried out the these rebellions and would not
interfere with their after. The Shi'ites of that day, who comprised a considerable population, continued to
consider the Imams as their religious leaders to whom obedience was obligatory and believed in them as
the real caliphs of the Holy Prophet. They considered the caliphate to be far from the sacred authority of
their Imams, for the caliphate had come to seem more like the courts of the Persian kings and
Roman emperors and was being run by a group of people more interested in worldly rule than in
the strict application of religious principles. The continuation of such a situation was dangerous for the
structure of the caliphate and was a serious threat to it.
     Ma'mun thought of finding a new solution for these difficulties which the seventy-year old policy of his
Abbasid predecessors had not been able to solve. To accomplish this end he chose the eighth Imam as his
successor, hoping in this way to overcome two difficulties: first of all to prevent the descendants
of the Prophet from rebelling against the government since they would be involved in the
government themselves, and secondly, to cause the people to lose their spiritual belief and
inner attachment to the Imams. This would be accomplished by having the Imams become engrossed
in worldly matters and the politics of the caliphate itself, which had always been considered by the Shi'ites
to be evil and impure. In this way their religious organization would crumble and they would no longer
present any dangers to the caliphate. Obviously, after accomplishing these ends, the removal of the Imam
would present no difficulties to the Abbasid.
     In order have this decision put into effect, Ma'mun asked the Imam to come to Marw from Medina.
Once he had arrived there, Ma'mun offered him first the caliphate and then the succession to the
caliphate. The Imam made his apologies and turned down the proposal, but he was finally induced to
accept the successorship, with the condition that he would not interfere in governmental affairs or in the
appointment or dismissal of government agents. This event occurred in 200/814. But soon Ma'mun realized
that he had committed an error, for there was a rapid spread of Shi'ism a growth in the attachment of the
populace to the Imam and an astounding reception given to the Imam by the people and even by the army
and government agents. Ma'mun sought to find a remedy for this difficulty and had the Imam
poisoned and martyred. After his death the Imam was buried in the city of Tus in Iran, which is now
called Mashhad. Ma'mun displayed great interest in having works on the intellectual sciences translated
into Arabic. He organized gatherings in which scholars of different religions and sects assembled and
carried out scientific and scholarly debates. The eighth Imam also participated in these assemblies and
joined in the discussions with scholars of other religions. Many of these debates are recorder in the
collections of Shi'ites hadiths.

Doing 6 things without doing the other 6 things is self-mockery. 

* Asking forgiveness from Allah verbally without repenting with the heart. 
* Asking for Allah's help without undertaking any effort. 
* Making a firm resolution to do something without taking due precautions. 
* Beseeching deliverance from hell fire without refraining from lusts. 
* Asking Allah for paradise without enduring related hardships. 
* Remembering Allah without anticipating to encounter him. 
Imam Raza (AS) also said, "Nothing will weigh more heavier in the mizan than good morals" 
* "Listening to Music is one of the major sins" 
* "Meet one another so that affection may increase"

Imam Muhammad ibn Ali (a.s.)

The Life of Imam Muhammad Al-Jawad (AS)

     NAME :   Mohammed

     IMAMAAT :   9th Imam from the Silsila-e-Imamaat
     TITLE :   Jawaad, Taqi, Abu Jaffer
     FATHER :   Imam Ali Reza (AS)-8th Imam
     MOTHER :   Hazrat Bibi Khaizran
     BIRTH DATE :   10th Rajab 193 Hijrah Medina 
     AGE :   25 Years
     DIED ON :   29th Zilhajh year 220 lunar Hijrah
     DEATH PLACE :   Baghdad (IRAQ)
     HOLY SHRINE :   Kazmain near Baghdad

     * Ziyarat Of Hazrat Imam Mohammed Taqi (AS) is recited specially on Wednesdays

It is a 6 Raka't Namaaz (SALAT)

(a) In each raka't recite Sooratul Faatih'ah, recite Sooratul Ikhlaas 70 times.
(b) After Salaam recite the following Dua'a:

(For Arabic Text please see "Mafateehul Jinaan")
     O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Mohammad.
     In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.
     O my Allah!
     Lord of the fleeting frail souls, & perishable bodies!
     I beseech Thee, in the name of willing return of souls to their bodies and the obedient joining of the
bodies in their original form, in the name of Thy word summoning all of them before Thy court of justice, to
hear & learn from them what actually they did; & the whole created beings standing before Thee waiting
for Thy decisive judgment, hoping for Thy mercy, afraid of Thy punishment, to send blessings on
Mohammed & on the children of Mohammed, & make me see things clearly & discern, have  sure belief in
truth, remember Thee, day & night, & live a virtuous life, free of sins.
     Oh Allah! Send blessings on Mohammed & on the children of Mohammed.

 a. 7 years before Imamate
 b. 17 years after commencements of Imamate coincident with the government of two Taghoots (devils)
Mamoon & Motasim the seventh & eight Abbassade caliphs. His active Imamate started at the age of seven
& he was martyred at 25.

     IMAM MUHAMMAD al-Jawad (or at-Taqi) is the Ninth Apostolic Imam. His epithet was Abu Ja`far
and his famous titles were al-Jawad and at-Taqi. Since Imam Muhammad al-Baqir, the Fifth Imam was
called Abu Ja`far, historians have mentioned this Imam as Abu Ja`far the Second. 
     Imam Muhammad al-Jawad was brought up by his Holy father Imam `Ali ar-Rida for four years. Under
the force of circumstances Imam `Ali ar-Rida had to migrate from Medina to Khurasan (Iran), leaving his
young son behind him. The Imam was fully aware of the treacherous character of the ruling king and was
sure that he would return to Medina no more. So before his departure from Medina he declared his son
Muhammad al-Jawad as his successor, and imparted to him all his stores of Divine knowledge and spiritual
     Imam `Ali ar-Rida was poisoned on 17th Safar 203 AH and with effect from the same date Imam
Muhammad al-Jawad was commissioned by Allah to hold the responsibility of Imamate. At the tender age
of eight there was no chance or means of the young Imam reaching great heights of knowledge and
practical achievements. But after a few days he is known not only to have debated with his contemporary
scholars on subjects pertaining to fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), hadith (tradition), tafsir (Qur'anic
exegesis),etc. and outwitted them, but also to exhort their admiration and acknowledgment of his
learning and superiority. Right from then the world realized that he possessed Divine knowledge and that
the knowledge commanded by the Holy Imam was not acquired, but granted by Allah.
Literary Attainments and Excellence
     The span of the life of Imam Muhammad al-Jawad was shorter than that of his predecessors as well as
his successors. He became Imam at the age of eight years and was poisoned at the age of twenty-five ;
yet his literary attainments were many and he commanded great respect and esteem. The Holy Imam al-
Jawad was the symbol of Prophet Muhammad's affability and Imam `Ali's attainments. His hereditary
qualities comprised of gallantry, boldness, charity, learning, forgiveness and tolerance. The brightest and
most outstanding phases of his nature and character were to show hospitality and courtesy to all without
discrimination, to help the needy ; to observe equality under all circumstances, to live a simple life ; to
help the orphans, the poor and the homeless ; to impart learning to those interested in the acquisition of
knowledge and guide the people to the right path.
Migration to Iraq
     For the consolidation of his empire, it was realized by al-Ma'mun, the `Abbasid king, that it was
necessary to win the sympathy and support of the Iranians who had always been friendly to the
Ahlu 'l-bayt. Consequently, al-Ma'mun was forced, from a political point of view, to establish contacts with
the tribe of Banu Fatimah at the expense of the ties with Banu `Abbas and thereby win the favor of the
Shi`ah. Accordingly, he declared Imam `Ali ar-Rida as his heir even against the Imam's will and got his
sister Umm Habibah married to him. al-Ma'mun expected that Imam `Ali ar-Rida would lend him his
support in political affairs of the State. But when he discovered that the Imam was little interested in
political matters and that the masses were more and more submitting themselves to him due to
his spiritual greatness, he got him poisoned. Yet the exigency which directed him to nominate Imam
`Ali ar-Rida as his heir a and successor still continued. Hence he desired to marry his daughter Ummu 'l-
Fadl to Muhammad al-Jawad, the son of Imam `Ali ar-Rida and with this object in view, he summoned the
Imam from Medina to Iraq. The Banu `Abbas were extremely disconcerted when they came to know that
al-Ma'mun was planning to marry his daughter to Imam Muhammad al-Jawad. A delegation of some
leading persons waited on him in order to dissuade him from his intention. But al-Ma'mun continued to
admire the learning and excellence of the Imam. He would say that though Imam Muhammad al-
Jawad was still young, yet he was a true successor to his father in all his virtues and that the
profoundest scholars of the Islamic world could not compete with him. When the `Abbasids
noticed that al-Ma'mun attributed the Imam's superiority to his learning they chose Yahya iba Aktham, the
greatest scholar and jurist of Baghdad, to contend with him. al-Ma'mun issued a proclamation and
organized a grand meeting for the contest which resulted in a huge gathering of people from all parts of
the kingdom. Apart from noble and high officials, there were as many as nine hundred chairs reserved for
scholars and learned men only. The world wondered how a young child could contest with the
veteran judge in religious laws (qadi 'l-qudat) and the greatest scholar of Iraq. Imam Muhammad
al-Jawad was seated beside al-Ma'mun on his throne face to face with Yahya ibn Aktham, who adderssed
the Imam thus: 
     ``Do you permit me to ask you a question ?'' ``Ask me whatever you wish, ''said the Imam in the
typical tone of his ancestors. Yahya then asked the Imam, 
     ``What is your verdict about a man who indulges in hunting while he is in the state of ihram.'' (In the
code of religious law hunting is supposed to be forbidden for a pilgrim). 
     The Imam at once replied, ``Your question is vague and misleading. You should have definitely
mentioned whether he hunted within the jurisdiction of the Ka`bah or outside ; whether he was literate or
illiterate ; whether he was a slave or free citizen ; whether he was a minor or a major ; whether it was for
the first time or he had done it previously ; also whether, that victim was a bird or some other creature ;
whether the prey was small or big ; whether he hunted in the day or at night ; whether the hunter
repented for his action or persisted in it ; whether he hunted secretly or openly ; whether the ihram was
for `umrah or for hajj. Unless all these points are explained no specific answer can be given to this
     al-Qadi Yahya was staggered in listening to these words of the Imam and the entire gathering was
dumbfounded. There was no limit to al-Ma'mun's pleasure. He expressed his sentiments of joy and
admiration thus, 
     ``Bravo ! well done ! O Abu Ja'far ! (Ahsanta, ahsanta ya Aba Ja'far), your learning and attainments
are beyond all praises.'' 
As al-Ma'mun wanted that the Imam's opponent be fully exposed, he said to the Imam, 
     ``You may also put some question to Yahya ibn Aktham.'' 
Then Yahya also reluctantly said to the Imam, ``Yes, you may ask me some question. If I know the
answer, I will tell it ; otherwise, I shall request you to give its answer.'' There upon, the Imam asked a
question to which Yahya could not reply. Eventually, the Imam answered his question. Then al-Ma'mun
addressed the audience thus : 
     ``Did I not say that the Imam comes of a family which has been chosen by Allah as the
repository of knowledge and learning ? Is there any one in the world who can match even the
children of this family ?'' 
All of them shouted, 
     ``Undoubtedly there is no one parallel to Muhammad ibn `Ali al-Jawad.''
In the same assembly al-Ma'mun wedded his daughter Ummu 'l-Fadl to the Imam and liberally distributed
charity and gifts among his subjects as a mark of rejoicing. One year after his marriage the Imam returned
to Medina from Baghdad with his wife and there he set about preaching the Commandments of Allah.
When after the death of al-Ma'mun, al-Mu'tasim ascended the throne, he got an opportunity to persecute
the Imam and to ventilate spite and malice against him. He summoned the Imam to Baghdad. The Imam
arrived at Baghded on 9th Muharram 220 AH and al-Mu'tasim got him poisoned in the same
year.He died on 29th Dhi 'l-qi'dah 220 AH and was buried beside his grandfather, Imam Musa al-Kazim the
Seventh Imam, in al-Kazimiyyah, in the suburb of Baghdad (Iraq).

* The trust in Allah is the price of everything that is precious and the ladder to every goal which is high &
* One who follows his desire, concedes to the wishes of his enemy. 
* Do not be an apparent friend of Allah in open and a secret enemy of his in private.



Imam Ali ibn Muhammad (AS)

The Life of Imam ALI bin Muhammad AL-HADI (AS)

     NAME :   Ali

     IMAMAAT :   10th Imam from the Silsila-e-Imamaat
     TITLE :   Hadi, Naqi
     FATHER :   Imam Mohammed Taqi (AS)-9th Imam
     MOTHER :   Hazrat Bibi Samana
     BIRTH DATE :   2nd Rajab, 212 Hijrah-In Suryah (in the environs of Medina)
     AGE :   42 Years
     DIED ON :   26th Jumada 'th-thaniyah 254 Hijrah
     DEATH PLACE :   Iraq
     HOLY SHRINE :   Samarra IRAQ

     * Ziyarat Of Hazrat Imam Ali-un-Naqi (AS) is recited specially on Wednesdays

It is a 2 Raka't Namaaz (SALAT)

(a) In first raka't after recitation of Sooratul Faatih'ah, recite Sooratul YaaSeen.
(b) In second raka't recite Sooratul Faatih'ah & Sooratul Rah'maan.
(c) After Salaam recite the following Dua'a:

(For Arabic Text please see "Mafateehul Jinaan" or go to
     O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Mohammad.
     In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.
     O The Foremost Beneficent!
     O Object of Love!
     O He Who sees every unseen!
     O He Who is near without being away (from any other thing)
     O He Who (always) prevails (but) is never over powered!
     O He Whom no one knows how He is, except He!
     O He Whose authority no one can challenge!
     I beseech Thee,
     O my Allah, in Thy name, well guarded, treasured, concealed, from whom Thou wills Pure, Purified,
Holy, Pure Light, Ever living, Everlasting, Greatest, Light of the Heavens, & Light of the earth, knower of
the unseen, All-Aware, Highest, Sublime, Glorious!
     Send blessings on Mohammed & on the children of Mohammed.

     THE TENTH Holy Imam, like his father, was also elevated to the rank of Imam in his childhood. He
was six years old when his father Imam Muhammad al-Jawad died. After the death of al-Ma'mun, al-
mu`tasim succeeded him, and was later followed by the caliph al-Wathiq. In the first five years of the
reign of al- Wathiq, Imam Ali al-Hadi (an-Naqi) lived peacefully. After al-Wathiq, al-Mutawakkil
came to power. Being too occupied in State affairs, al-Mutawakkil did not get any time to harass the
Imam and his followers for four years. But as soon as he freed himself from State affairs, he started to
molest the Imam. The Holy Imam devoted himself to the sacred mission of preaching in Medina and did
thus earn the faith of the people as well as their allegiance and recognition of his great knowledge and
attributes. This reputation of the Imam evoked the jealousy and malice of al-Mutawakkil against him. The
governor of Medina wrote to al-Mutawakkil that Imam 
     `Ali al-Hadi had been maneuvering a coup against the government and a multitude of Shi'ites were
pledged to his support."
Although enraged by this news al-Mutawakkil still preferred the diplomacy of not arresting the Holy Imam.
Under the garb of pretended respect and love towards the Imam, he planned to put him under life
imprisonment after inviting him to his palace. Prior to his imprisonment, in a series of correspondence
with the Imam, he expressed the view that he was convinced of all the claims of the Imam and was ready
to settle them amicably. 
He wrote to the Imam that having been acquainted with his great personality, his matchless
knowledge and his peerless attributes, he was impatiently looking forward to the honor of
seeing him, and he most cordially invited him to Samarra'. Although the Imam was well aware of al-
Mutawakkil's treacherous intentions, he anticipating the fatal consequences of refusing the offer,
reluctantly decided to leave Medina. But when the Imam arrived at Samarra' and al-Mutawakkil was
informed about it, he took no notice of the Imam's arrival. when asked about where the Imam should stay,
he ordered that the Imam should be put up in the inn meant for beggars, destitute and homeless who was a deadly enemy of the Ahlu 'l-bayt, removed the Imam from this
inn and entrusted him to the custody of a stone-hearted brute named Zurafah. But, by the grace
of Allah, his enmity was, in a short time, transformed into love and devotion for the Imam. When
al-Mutawakkil learnt about it, he shifted the Imam into the custody of another cruel man called Sa'id. The
Imam remained under his strict vigilance for a number of years, during which he was subjected to
boundless tortures. But even in this miserable imprisonment, the Imam kept devoting himself at all times
to the worship of Allah. The watchman of the prison used to comment that Imam 
     `Ali al-Hadi seemed to be an angel in human garb". 
When Fath ibn Khaqan became the vizier of al-Mutawakkil, he being a Shi`ah could not stand the idea of
the Imam's captivity. He endeavored to have him released from imprisonment and arranged for his
comfortable residence in a personally purchased house at Samaraa'. Still al-Mutawakkil could hardly refrain
from his antagonism to the Imam and he appointed spies to watch the Imam and his connections. But
through all these attempts, his hope of creating some fabrication to prove the Imam's activity against
himself could not be realized. In the time of al-Mutawakkil there was a woman named Zaynab who claimed
to be a decendant of Imam Husayn. al-Mutawakkil sought the confirmation of Zaynab's claim from the
Imam and said : 
     "That as the beasts are prohibited to eat the flesh of the descendants of Imam Husayn he would throw
Zaynab to the beasts and test her claim.'' 
On hearing this, Zaynab began to tremble and confessed that she was a fake. al-Mutawakkil
then ordered the Imam to be thrown to the beasts to test the claim. To his great surprise, he
witnessed the beasts prostrating their heads before the Imam. 
     Once al-Mutawakkil happened to suffer from a serious malady which was eventually declared incurable
by his physicians. When the Imam was approached for some remedy, he prescribed an application
which resulted in a spontaneous cure. Once al-Mutawakkil was informed that the Imam was preparing
a revolt against him. Thereupon, he ordered a detachment of the army to launch a raid on the Imam's
residence. When the soldiers entered his house, they found him sitting on a mat, reciting the Holy Qur'an.
Not only al-Mutawakkil, but his successors' opposition to the Imam was fierce. After the death of al-
Mutawakkil, al-Mustansir, al-Musta`in and al-Mu`tazz carried on the same mission of harassment against
the family of the Imam. al-Mu`tazz, understanding the uncontrollable and intense devotion of the people
towards the Imam, eventually contrived the Imam's assassination. He got him poisoned through an
ambassador which resulted in the Imam's death within a few hours. The martyrdom occurred on
26th Jumada 'th-thaniyah 254 AH, and his funeral prayer was conducted by his son, Imam Hasan al-
`Askari. The Imam was only forty-two years old at the time of death. The period of his Imamate
was thirty-five years. He was buried in Sammarra' Iraq.

     Al-Imam al-Hadi, peace be on him, said to al-Mutawakkil, the Abbasid caliph; 
"Do not expect honesty and purity of intention from someone who has suffered from your malice; 
do not do expect loyalty form one to whom you have been disloyal; 
do not expect goodwill from someone whom you regard with ill-will; 
his heart towards you is the same as your heart towards him".

Imam Hassan ibn Ali (AS)

The Life of Imam al-Hasan al-Askari (AS)

  11th Imam from the Silsila-e-Imamaat
  Imam Ali-un-Naqi (AS)-10th Imam
  Hazrat Bibi Saleel
  8th Rabi-us-Sani or 24th Rabi-ul-Awal, 232 Hijrah 
  28 Years
     DIED ON
  8th Rabi-ul-Awal 260 Hijrah
  Samarra IRAQ

     * Ziyarat Of Hazrat Imam Hasan Askari (AS) is recited specially on Thursdays

It is a 4 Raka't Namaaz (SALAT)

(a) In first raka't, recitation of Sooratul Faatih'ah, recite Sooratul Zilzaal 15 times.
(b) In second raka't, after Sooratul Faatih'ah, recite Sooratul Ikhlaas 15 times.
(c) After Salaam recite the following Dua'a:
(For Arabic Text please see "Mafateehul Jinaan")
     O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Mohammad.
     In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.
     O my Allah! 
     I beseech Thee, because (all) praise is for Thee,
     There is no God except Thou, the ever Foremost First, before all things, and Thou art Ever living
     There is no God except Thou, nothing can sneak away from Thee, Thou, at all times exercises universal
     There is no God except Thou, Creator of that which is seen, & that which is not seen, fully aware of all
things, not needing any source of information.
     I beseech Thee, in the name of the benefits Thou distributes freely, & the bounties Thou bestow
generously, (referring to the fact that) certainly Thou art Allah, the One & the Only Lord,
     There is no God except Thou, the Beneficent, the Merciful. 
     And I Beseech Thee, (with sure belief that) Thou art Allah, There is no God except Thou, the Single Unique,
the One & Ever-Independent, Who gives birth to no one, nor anyone gave birth to Him & there is none
comparable (or like) unto Him
     And I beseech Thee, (with sure belief that), There is no God except Thou, The Subtle, The All Aware,
Vigilant and Enduring over every soul, so that it earns the daily bread & gather knowledge, the Preserver, the
     And I beseech Thee, (with sure belief that) Thou art Allah, the Ever-Foremost, before existence of all
things, The Ever-Lasting, after all things disappear, Who penetrates the heart of everything, the Punisher, the
Rewarder, the Wise, the All-Knowing.
     And I beseech Thee, (with sure belief that), Thou art Allah, there is no God except Thou, the Ever-living,
the Ever-Lasting, the Cause, the Inheritance, the Compassionate, the Benefactor, Creator of the heavens & the
earth, the Majestic Lord, the Loving Lord,
     The Generous Lord,
     The Honorable Lord,
     The Sovereign Lord,
     There is no God except Thou, Thy wisdom surrounds everything, & keeps count of all things,
     Send blessings on Mohammed & on the children of Mohammed.



 a. Before Imamate 22 years from 232 to 245 Hijrah.
 b. After Imamate 6 years 254 to 260 Hijrah. He was constantly & permanently under observation in the prison
of the devils of his age & was finally brutally martyred by poison.

     Imam Hasan al-`Askari spent twenty-two years of his life under the patronage of his father , Imam `Ali
al-Hadi (an-Naqi) after whose martyrdom he became his divinely commissioned Imam. Imam Hasan ibn `Ali
al-`Askari , the son of the Tenth Imam , was born in 232/845 and according to some Shi`ite sources was
poisoned and killed in 260/872 through the instigation of the `Abbasid caliph al-Mu`tamid. The Eleventh Imam
gained the Imamate , after the death of his noble father , through Divine Command and through the decree of
the previous Imams. 
     During the seven years of his Imamate , due to untold restrictions placed upon him by the
caliphate , he lived in hiding and dissimulation (taqiyyah). He did not have any social contact with
even the common people among the Shi'ites population. Only the elite of the Shia were able to see him.
Even so , he spent most of his time in prison. There was extreme repression at that time because the
Shi'ites population had reached a considerable level in both numbers and power. Everyone know that the Shia
believed in the Imamate , and the identity of the Shi'ites Imams was also known. Therefore , the caliphate
kept the Imams under its close supervision more than ever before. It tried through every possible means and
through secret plans to remove and destroy them. Also , the caliphate had come to know that the elite among
the Shia believed that the Eleventh Imam , according to traditions cited by him as well as his , forefathers ,
would have a son who was the promised Mahdi. The coming of the Mahdi had been foretold in
authenticated hadith of the Prophet in both Sunni and Shi'ites sources. For this reason the Eleventh
Imam , more than other Imams , was kept under close watch by the caliphate. The caliph of the
time had decided definitely to put an end to the Imamate in Shi`ism through every possible means
and to close the door to the Imamate once and for all. Therefore , as soon as the news of the illness of
the Eleventh Imam reached al-Mu`tamid , he sent a physician and a few of his trusted agents and judges to
the house of the Imam to be with him and observe his condition and the situation within his house at all times.
After the death of the Imam , they had the house investigated and all his female slaves examined by the
     For two years the secret agents of the caliph searched for the successor of the Imam until they lost all
hope. The Eleventh Imam was buried in his house in Samarra' next to his noble father.

* Generosity has a limit, which when crossed becomes extravagance. 

* Caution has a limit which when crossed becomes cowardice. 
* Thriftiness has a limit, which when crossed becomes miserliness. 
* Courage has a limit, which when crossed becomes fool-hardiness.



Imam Mahdi (A.J)

Life of Imam Al-Mahdi (A.J.) The Awaited Saviour

Al-Imam al-Mahdi The Just Leader of Humanity

  Mohammed - The Name Sake of Prophet (saww)

  12th (LAST) Imam from the Silsila-e-Imamaat

  Sahib-uz-Zamman,  Mehdi,  Mauood,  Qaim,  Imam-e-Asr, Baqiyat ullah

  Imam Hassan Askari (AS) - 11th Imam

  Hazrat Bibi Narjis Khatoon (swa)


  15th Shaban, 256 Hijrah Iraq

  Alive, Alhamdulliah

  Ghaibat-e-Sughra 8th Rabi-ul-Awal 260 A.H.


  Ghaibat-e-Kubra 10th Shawwal 329 A.H.

     * Ziyarat Of Hazrat Imam Mehdi Sahib-uz-Zaman (SA) is recited specially on Fridays

This Namaaz is highly effective to disperse calamities, and to remove hardships & difficulties.
It is a 2 Raka't Namaaz (SALAT), prayed exactly like Fajr Namaaz, on Friday, with the following
(a) In 1st & 2nd raka't, while reciting Sooratul Faatih'ah, when you come to 
"Iyyaaka Naa'-Budu Wa Iyyaaka Nasta-e'en" recite it 100 times, & continue to recite the Soorah in
full, & then recite Sooratul Ikhlaas.
(b) After Salaam recite the following Dua'a:


(For Arabic Text please see "Mafateehul Jinaan")
     O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Mohammad.
     In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.
     My Allah! irretrievable is our plight,
     Our helplessness causes pain & trouble, (now our) urgency has been laid bare (before Thee),
     (all) hopes have been cut off, the (plentiful earth has shrunk (with very little to spare) for us,
     the heavenly blessings have been withheld, we call upon Thee for help,
     we refer our grief & sorrow to Thee,
     we have full faith in Thee, in the time of distress as well as in good fortune.
     O Allah, send blessings on Mohammed & on the children of Mohammed, the "Ulil Amr" (authority).
     Obedience to whom has been made obligatory, through which their high status has been made known.
     Therefore let there be joy after sorrow for us for their sake, right away, in the twinkle of an eye, more
     O Muhammed,
     O Ali,
     O Ali,
     O Mohammed,
     Give me enough, because both of you provide sufficiently.
     & help me because both of you help & protect.
     O Our Master,
     O the Authority of our times (Saahibaz Zamaan)
     Help! Help!
     Come to my help,
     Come to my help,
     Come to my help,
     in this hour,
     in this hour,
     Be quick,
     Be quick,
     Be quick,
     O the Most Merciful, for the sake of Mohammed & his pure progeny.
     O Allah, send blessings on Mohammed & on the children of Mohammed.

 a. CHILDHOOD: Secretly nursed by his father upto a period of 5 years so that he may remain safe &
secure from the harm of the enemies. And when his father was martyred in 260 Hijrah, the post of
Imamate was shifted over to him.
 b. THE SHORT & SMALL OCCULTANCE: Started from the year 260 Hijrah & ended in 329 Hijrah, coming
to nearly 70 years.
 c. THE LONG OR MAJOR OCCULTANCE: Began in the year329 Hijrah & till Allah pleases that he
appears, it will continue on.

Birth and Imamate

     The promised Mahdi, who is usually mentioned by his title of Imam-i 'Asr (the Imam of the "Period")
and Sahib al-Zaman (the Lord of the Age), is the son of the eleventh Imam. His name is the same as that
of the Holy Prophet. He was born in Samarrah in 256/868 and until 260/872 when his father was martyred,
lived under his father's care and tutelage. He was hidden from public view and only a few of the elite
among the Shi'ah were able to meet him. After the martyrdom of his father he became Imam and by
Divine Command went into occultation (ghaybat). Thereafter he appeared only to his deputies (na'ib) and
even then only in exceptional circumstances.
The Imam's Deputies
     The Imam chose as a special deputy for a time Uthman ibn Sa'id Umari, one of the companions of his
father and grandfather who was his confidant and trusted friend. Through his deputy the Imam would
answer the demands and questions of the Shi'ah. After Uthman ibn Sa'id, his son Muhammad ibn Uthman
Umari was appointed the deputy of the Imam. After the death of Muhammad ibn Uthman, Abu'l Qasim
Husayn ibn Ruh Nawbakhti was the special deputy, and after his death Ali ibn Muhammad Simmari was
chosen for this task. A few days before the death of Ali ibn Muhammad Simmari in 329/939 an order was
issued by the Imam stating that in six days Ali ibn Muhammad Simmari would die. Henceforth the special
deputation of the Imam would come to an end and the major occultation (ghaybat-i kubra) would begin
and would continue until the day God grants permission to the Imam to manifest himself.
The Two Occultations
     The occultation of the twelfth Imam is, therefore, divided into two parts: the first, the minor occultation
(ghaybat-i sughra) which began in 260/872 and ended in 329/939, lasting about seventy years; the
second, the major occultation which commenced in 329/939 and will continue as long as God wills it. In a
hadith upon whose authenticity everyone agrees, the Holy Prophet has said, "If there were to remain in the
life of the world but one day, God would prolong that day until He sends in it a man from my community
and my household. His name will be the same as my name. He will fill the earth with equity and justice as
it was filled with oppression and tyranny."
* Rest assured that no one has a special relationship with Allah. Whoever denies me is not my follower.
The appearance of the relief (Al-Faraj) depends solely upon Allah, therefore those who propose a certain
time for it, are liars. As to the benefit of my existence in occultation, it is like the benefit of the sun behind
clouds where the eyes do not see. Indeed my existence is an amnesty for the people of the earth. Pray
much to Allah to hasten the relief, therefore in it also lies the release from your sufferings. 
* Our master of the time has said, "And because of me Allah removes the calamities from my Progeny &
my Shias." 
Imam e Zamana (ATFS) also said, "And they should know that the truth is with us & in us." 
* (You) be an adornment for us and do not be a source of disgrace for us." 
* "I am the Mahdi. I am the Qaem of the time"
(Bihar V.52 p.2) 

* I am the one who will fill it (the earth with justice as it would be full of tyranny".
(Bihar, V.52, P.2)
* I am the reminder of Allah in His earth". I am the avenger from His enemies".
(Bihar, v.52, p.24)

* I am the seal of successors". And through me shall Allah, the Mighty and Glorious, drive away the
calamities from my progeny and my Shia's".
(Bihar, V,52, P.30)

* Surely, I am indeed the (cause of) security for the inhabitant of the earth".
(Bihar, V 53 p181)
* When Allah permits us to speak, truth will prevail and falsehood will vanish".
(Bihar, V.53, p 196)
* And as for those who fix the time (of re-appearance) they are Iiars".
(Bihar, V,53 p.181)
* Invoke more for the hastening of the re-appearance, for surely this is your safety".
* "There were none of my fore fathers except that the allegiance of the oppressive rulers of their times
was in their necks". (i.e. the previous Imams were forced to pay allegiance).
"As for deriving benefit from me in my occultation is like deriving benefit from the sun when it hides behind
the clouds".
(Bihar, V.53, p 181)
* And surely on my re-appearance, whenever I reappear, there will be no allegiance in my neck of any of
the oppressive tyrants".
(Bihar. V,53, p 181)

* If any incident occurs (now) then refer for it to the narrators of our traditions. For surely, they are my
proof on you and I am the proof of Allah upon them".
(Bihar, V. 53, p 181)
* For surely our knowledge encompasses information about you and none of your news is concealed from
(Bihar, V. 53, p 175)

* Surely, we do not neglect your conditions nor are we forgetful of your remembrance".
(Bihar, V. 53, p 175)
* Then each one of you should do those deeds which bring you closer to our love".
(Bihar, V. 53, p 176)
* And you must refrain from (all such acts) which make you nearer to our displeasure and our anger".
(Bihar 53/176)
* Then nothing keeps us away from them except that they attach to us what we dislike".
(Bihar. 53/177)
* As for your wealth, we shall not accept it except that it should be purified (halaal). Then whoever wants,
he can associate (with us) and whoever wants, he can sever".
(Bihar, V 53 p 180)
* Whoever eats from our wealth (i.e. Khums) even an iota then he is taking fire in his abdomen and soon
shall he be castled in it".
(Bihar V.53, p 183)
* Allah's, the Mighty and the Glorious, Destinies are not overpowered, and His intentions are not rejected,
and His Grace is not left behind".
(Bihar 53/191)
* Seeking knowledge through any other means than us Ahle'Bait, tantamount to denial (in our
(Kitab Deen-o-Fitrat: Vol - 1)
* Surely Allah the Almighty, did not create the creatures in vain and did not provide them freedom without
(Bihar V 53/194)
* (Allah) sent Mohammad (s.a.w.s) as a mercy unto the worlds and completed his bounties. Through him".
(Bihar ,53/194)
* And He sealed through him (Mohammad S.A) His prophets and sent him to the whole of mankind".
(Bihar 53/194)
* Surely, the earth can never be void of a divine proof, whether, he is seen or hidden".
(Bihar 53/91)
* Allah, Mighty and Glorious be He, has denied the truth any thing except perfection and falsehood except
(Bihar, 53/193)
* Certainly there is no (physical) relationship between Allah, Mighty and Glorious be He and any body
(Bihar 53/180)

* Nothing is better than namaz to make shaitan bite the dust, then perform namaz and make Shaitan bite
the dust".
(Bihar 53/182)
* The thanks giving prostration is amongst the most necessary and obligatory Sunnah".
(Bihar 53 - 161)
* I seek refuge in Allah from blindness after vision".
(Bihar 53/191)
* And from staying off after guidance. And from the destructive acts and demolishing instigations".
(Bihar 53/191)
* "If you seek guidance you will be guided and if you search, you will find (the path)".
(Kamaluddin Vol 2. P 502)
* "Then do not ask questions which do not hold any meaning for you".
(Bihar,V53 p181)
* "And do not put yourself into (unnecessary) trouble in gaining knowledge in which you have sufficed
(Bihar 53/181)
* "Surely the truth is with us and in us and non can say like this except us. And if any one says then he is
a liar a deceiver. None claims thus other than us except a strayed and lost one. "Our hearts are the vessels
of Allah's intentions". Then whenever He is pleased, We are pleased".
(Bihar V. 52/ p 51)
There are twenty-eight generations between Hazrat ALI & Hazrat Ibrahim!

Abraham, the prophet 2008 B.C.

Hishmael, the eldest son of Abraham.

He is mentioned in old Testament (songs of Solomon & prayers of David) 
And also in Assyrian records. He was a powerful Ruler.







From the time of Hamal to the time of Adnan, the ismailee tribes led the life of conquered people, 
many of them were forced to migrate from Mecca; the Kingdom of Hijazwas in the hands of 
Bani Jerham. Bani Jerham were later defeated by Bani Khaza's & were forced in their turn to 
leave Mecca While going they had filled up the well of zam zam & taken away 
the Hajr-e-Aswad. Adnan was the founder of dynasty & a state in Yamun.

Contemporary of Naehed Naezer of Babylon, 605 B.C., He defended Hijaz against Babylonian invasion, 
was defeated & taken prisoner, was released later & started reorganizing Arab clans.


Founder of Empire in Hijiaz & Najd.

Prophet, he is mentioned in old Testament.



He first thought of gathering various tribes descending from Ismail into one big clan, 
he tried to achieve this end but could not succeed.


Known in history as Quraish & thence onward his descendants were named as Quraish. He succeeded 
in carrying out his grand - father's ambitious plan of consolidating Ismailee clans & 
Gathering them around him, He was, therefore, called Quraish, the gatherer.



He fought against Bani Khuza's & Bani Baker, defeated them &secured the Guardianship & Trusteeship 
of Ka'ba; He re- organized a building for meetings of this council & named it as Nudua.


He was recognized as Chief, Najd & Yamun by Roman & Persian Empires, organized trade & industry in
Hijaz, had his trade & political Representatives in Abysinian, Egyptian, Roman & Persian Courts. 
Ummaiya tried to wrest the power from his hands but failed.

His name was Shaeba, but was called Abdul Muttalib. He had ten sons, whose names were :-

1.  Haris

2.  Zubair

3.  Abu Talib

4.  Abdullah

5.  Hamza

6.  Abu Lahab

7.  Qeedar

8.  Almaquoom

9.  Zaraar

10. Abbas
Abu Talib & Abdullah were born of the same mother. Abdul Muttalib had reopened the well of 
Zam zam. During his time Mecca was invaded by the Yemenite King, Abraha.

Abdullah's Abu Talib's


Hazrat MUHAMMAD (SAWW) Hazrat ALI (AS)

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