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Q1: Types of crop they used to cultivate?

Ans: They usually used to multiple crops such as wheat, coriander, Jafri, Radish etc and sometimes
mix crops such as radish and coriander with Jafri (Marigold), jowar and Bajra. As radish, marigold,
coriander and Jowar, Bajra can grow simultaneously. Radish and coriander can be reaped in between
as their crop cycle is lower than Jafri, by leaving Jafri to continue.

Q2: Source of information about the different seeds and fertilizers available for a crop?

Ans: As they are marginal farmers, neither seed suppliers, retailer nor government agencies come
there for training or any information regarding the benefits of any newly developed seed or
fertilizer. They only decide according to their own knowledge not even there is sharing of
information among different farmer of the village. Everyone decides according to their best
knowledge and experience.

Q3: Point of purchase?

Ans: There is a seed and fertilizer retailer at Barota, a small village market, from where they get all
the seeds and fertilizers.

Q4: What is the quantity of seed or fertilizer in a single buy?

Ans: The amount is very small it ranges from 1 to 2 kg of seed or in monetary form it ranges from
one thousand to maximum up to five thousand.

Q5: Type of purchase such as direct cash or in credit basis?

Ans: All the purchases are usually in 100% cash basis and there is no credit facility available.

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