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Being Present with Others and Holding Space

6 Key Components to Holding Space:

1. Safety. Your complete attention gives them permission to be open, honest, genuine and
2. Attention. Listen attentively without the need to respond, comment, or problem solve—unless
they specifically ask you a question.
3. Reflect: Reflect what they share with you, meaning recap what they told you to confirm you
understood them.
4. Suspend Self-importance. Always remember it’s not about you.
5. Non-judgment. Suspend judgment of the person’s thoughts or emotions, even if they appear
irrational to you. Also, do not assume you understand. Even if you have been through what this
person is going through, you cannot fully understand their feelings.
6. Compassion. Simply being the loving presence that supports them during their hard time is
enough to help ease the pain of that person. If the person asks to be alone, honor their wishes.

In what ways you can be more present with the people in your life?

Who do you interact with every day?

For each person, commit to 1 way you will be more present with them in the next 24 hours. What will
you do differently?

Who in your life to you know you have not been giving enough of your full attention to?

What can you do to be fully present with this person or people?

Is there anyone in your life going through challenging times?

When and how might you be able to hold space for this person?

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