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HeroesX Honor Code

On Civil Dialogue and Community Development

On Civil Dialogue and Community Development

In this project the ‘C’ in MOOC stands for “three Cs”: content, conversation, and
community. It is our goal to foster community development and to provide opportunities
for meaning conversations as we share an evolving collection of learning resources
about the ancient world.

In short, our project depends upon maintaining civil dialogue. Therefore, in order to
remain a participant, HeroesX users must agree to the following, in addition to the
provisions stated in the general edX Honor Code and Terms of Service.

By enrolling in HeroesX, I agree that:

 I will engage in respectful dialogue with community members and the HeroesX
team about readings, analysis, and content in the project. Feel free to disagree with
the readings put forth by community members and by staff. Posts that attack, insult,
and/or mock other community members (including team members) will be subject to
moderation or removal.
 I will not disrupt community development efforts and the primary teaching
and learning goals of the HeroesX team. Disruptive actions include but are not
limited to: posts that insult others or discourage participation by other community
members, posting or engaging in such a way as to take up a disproportionate
amount of the discussion or team efforts, posting comments that disrupt the
learning or positive participation of others.
 I will not “troll,”“bait,”or “flame” the community or community members,
including HeroesX team members. Such actions would include “sow[ing]
discord…by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,
extraneous, or off-topic messages… with the deliberate intent of provoking readers
into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion,
often for their own amusement.”[1]
 I will not misuse the HeroesX discussion board. Such misuse includes but is not
limited to posting private correspondence between myself and other community
members or staff; disclosing personal information about others; using the
discussion board to debate moderation decisions, editorial decisions, or disciplinary
actions taken against disruptive posters.

1 “Internet Troll,” Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., (02-
10-2016). Web. Accessed (02-10-2016).

v7/v8/v9/v10/v11 2017-01-06 1

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