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Research and Development Laboratories

of the

Portland Cement Association


Bulletin 133 ‘.

A Proposed Simple Test Method for

Determining the Permeability of Concrete

I. L. Tyler and Bernar,d Erlin

Reprinted from the

Journal of the PCA Research and Development Laboratories
Vol. 3, No. 3, 2-7 (September, 1961)
(c) Portland Cement Association, 1961


1. L. Tyler and Bernard Erlin


5420 Old Orchard Road
Skokie, Illinois
1. L. Tyler Bernard Erlin

A Proposed Simple Test Method

for Determining

the Permeability l.’ L. Tyler, Research Counselor, and

Bernard Erlin, Assoc. Research Petrographer
Research and Development Laboratories
of Concrete Portland Cement Association

INTRODUCTION partment of Highways, originally intended

for determining air content of hardened
The permeability of concrete to water under pressure
is a property of interest to nearly ell designers of con.
concrete. Fig. 1 shows the apparatus. It
crete structures, While the interest in this property hes consists essentially of a watertight pressure
been mainly associated with hydraulic structures it is vessel into which the specimen is placed,
also important to other types of construction that may a hand pump for applying the hydraulic
come in contact with water; such as basement walls pressure, pressure gages for measuring hy-
and floors, retaining walls and even pavements.
draulic head, and a graduated glass cylin-
A number of different methods for measuring per- der for measuring the amount of water
meability have been usad in the pas+, All of them
pumped into the pressure vessel. The pres-
require measurement of the rate of water flow under
pressure through the concrete aftar steady rates of
sure chamber is just large enough to ac-
flow have been attained. Since the flow of water commodate a 6 x 12-in. specimen, thus
through concrete is slow and test specimens must kseping the volume not occupied by the
usually ba of considerable thickness, the length of specimen to a minimum. The hand pump,
time to make a test is often a matter of weeks.
of a leak-proof positive displacement de-
With the thought of providing a more rapid method sign, takes its water supply by gravity from
of test for permeability, a somewhat different ap-
the glass graduate. All fittings are leak
proach to the problem is offered using the ordinary
6 x 12-in, concrete specimen normally made for com-
proof, including the top of the pressure
pressive strength tests. The mathod dapends on mess. vessel which is sealed by means of a molded
urament of the rate at which watar under pre~sure is rubber “O” ring.
forced into the concre+a cylinder and the total amount
of water that can be forced in. It is not offered as a
fully developad test ma+hod, but rather to interest
others in its possibilities.
For testing, the specimen is placed in
the water-filled vessel, the top bolted in
APPARATUS place and water pumped into the system
The method uses a slight modification
of the high pressure apparatus developed *Numbers in parentheses refer to references at
by J. D. Lindsayfl J* of the Illinois De- end of paper.

2 Journal of fhe PCA Research and

from the glass graduate. Air is removed to 5000 psi and then allowing the pressure
from the system before hydraulic pressure to drop to 4000 psi as water was forced
is applied. Volume of water in the contain- into the specimen. When pressure had
er is corrected for the expansion of the dropped to 4000 psi, additional water was
system and compression of the water. Com- pumped iinto the container to restore the
pressibility of the test specimen is neglected. 5000 psi and the process repeated during
No correction for compressibility of meas- the test period. The mean of this pressure
ured additional water pumped into the range (4500 psi) was used as the test pres-
system is made. sure. Tests were also made in 300 to 200
The early tests were made by first pump- psi and 50 to 40 psi pressure ranges. Later
ing the apparatus containing the specimen tests have all been made at constant



Validity of the test method, which de-

pends primarily on the rate at which water
is forced into the specimen and the total
amount that can be forced into the speci-
men, is subject to a number of assumptions,
and accuracy of the calculations of per-
meability coefficient depends on several
simplifying approximations. The principal
assumptions are as follows:
1. Degree of saturation at start of test
is uniform throughout the specimen.
Fog-cured or possibly sealed speci-
mens would satisfy this condition rea-
sonably well.
2. Penetration of water is at a uniform
rate from all faces (see (2) and (3)
under following approximations).
3. Complete saturation is attained in the
region into which water has been
4. Back pressure from air compressed
within the concrete cylinder is neg-
ligible. This should be valid during
early stages of test.
5. Temperature effects are negligible.
6. Compressibilities of the specimen and
of the “ultimate particle” are neg-
7. Humidity within the specimen at time
of test i’s 100~0 (no ‘tension in the
Approximations made in calculating the
permeability coefficient are as follows:
1. Surface area of the specimen is as de-
termined from the 6 x 12-in. dimen-
sions. At start of the test the error is
appreciable (as shown by very early
penetration rates) but after a few min-
Fig. I— Permeability Apparatus. utes of test this error seems negligible.

Development Laboratories September 1961 3

2, Parallel flow is assumed from the cyl- tion it is convenient to plot qz versus t and
indrical surface and from the ends. use the slope of the resulting nearly straight
The fact that flow from the cylindri- line directly in the equation. Departure of
cal surface is actually converging is plotted points from this straight line near
probably not important during the start of the test probably indicates that
early stages of the test. A correction actual area of the test cylinder is larger
could be applied but seems unwar- than the surface calculated from dimensions
ranted in view of other approxima- of the cylinder because of surface irregu-
tions that are made. larities.
3. Corner effects are neglected. These INITIAL TESTS
should be minor at early stages of the
test. Two 6 x 12-in. concrete cylinders of near-
ly identical composition were chosen for
Two slightly different approaches have the initial tests, Specimens No. 1 and No.
been used in calculating the permeability 2 listed in Table 1. Fig. 2 shows plots of
coefficient K. (K is in cubic feet per second time versus quantity of water forced into
across a 1 sq ft area under 1 ft of head the specimens, the data needed for com-
through 1 ft of thickness.) The two ap- putation of permeability coefficients using
proaches covered by equations (1) and (2) equation (1). Fig. 3 shows plots of time
below and following explanations, are iden- versus qz used in calculating the coeffi-
tical except for the approximations used cients using equation (2). Table 2 gives
in the calculations. pertinent information on permeability of
Specimens No. 1 and No. 2. The value of
K=~ &......, (1)
Q (in cu ft) was found to be O.OI3 for
Specimen No. 1 and 0.012 for Specimen
Also No. 2. Values of Aq/At were taken from the
plots on Fig. 2 and q’/t (slope) from Fig. 3,
Results in this case show fortuitously close
agreement in K values,
q’ 0.05
t AhQ One difficulty of the test is the length of
time required to measure the amount of
in which water required to completely saturate the
q=qu?ntity of water forced into specimens, in the determination of Q. The
cyhnder at time of making the rest of the test involving use of equation
determination. (2) takes only an hour or two but the de-
l=lengthof flow path, feet. termination of Q takes about 7 days for
t= time after start of test, seconds. high-quality concrete and at least two days
A=surface area of 6x12-in. cylin- for low-quality concrete using a pressure
der, 1.96 sq ft. of 5000 psi in the apparatus. Several ap-
a=average areaat right angles to proaches to a rapid determination of Q
flow path, sq ft. have been considered but so far have not
h=head, ft (from gage pressure). been satisfactory, An empirical approxima-
Q= total amount of water that can tion that seems reasonably close has been
be forced into cylinder, cu ft. used for air-entrained concrete with the
two aggregates used in these tests for test
In using equation (1) the length of flow ages of 7 to 28 days:
path, 1, is determined for the volume of the
shell of concrete found to be completely Q= 0.002X% air+ 0.002
saturated at the time of the rate of flow It is not usable for non-air-entrained con-
determination. This volume is equal to crete.
q/Q times the volume of the 6 x 12-in.
cylinder. The area, a, is the average of the TEST RESULTS

areas of the 6 x 12-in. cylinder and the area Table 1 shows some of the results that
of the concentric inner cylinder not yet have been obtained to date on cylinders
saturated. Aq/At is scaled from the plot of made with a laboratory blend of cements
water inflow versus time, and two aggregate combinations, both with
Equation (2) is applicable only during l-in. top-size aggregate. All specimens, ex-
early stages of the test, In using this equa- cept Specimen No. 20, were cured in the

4 Journal of ffte PCA Research and Development Laboratories September 1961


Specc Awre- % Sacks Curing Test Pressure

gat.” ak /.. yd oal/sack No. days psi Kxl 012

I A 5,2 5.9 4.6 45 —mOlst 5000.4000 0.13

2 A 5,4 5.9 4.6 6&moist 5000.4000 0.13
11 A 0,4 4,0 8.2 47—ln018t 300.200 1.4
16 A 0.3 4,0 8.2 33—mOlst 50-40 6.1
17 8 1,1 4.0 7.6 7—mOist 30 29,7
18 8 1.1 4,0 7.6 I 4—mW 50 5.3
19 8 1.1 4,0 7.6 28—moM 400 2.2
20 B 1,1 4.0 7.6 1—moist 20 12,700,0
3—50% r.h.
21 A 5,3 6,0 4,5 8—mdst 50 1.8
22 A 5.3 6.0 4,5 1s—moist 600 0.79
23 A 5.3 6.0 4.5 20—rnolst 500 0.3.5
24 A 5.3 6.0 4.5 28—mdst 500 0,084
26 A 4.5 &o 4.5 7—mOlst 50 1.9
27 A 4,5 6.0 4.5 7—mOlst 250 3.3
28 A 4,5 6.0 4,5 7—mOlst t —
29 A 4.5 6.o 4.5 14—moist 200 1,9
30 A 4.5 6.o 4.5 14—mOISt 600 0.69
31 A 5. I 6.0 4.6 1o—moist 250 2,3
32 A 5. I 6,0 4,6 1o-moist 250 0.8
33 A 5.1 6,0 4.6 1O—mold 250 2.4
36 A 6.3 4.0 6,3 13—moist 450 5.7
A 6,3 4.0 6.3 13—mOi,t 25o 5.4
K A 6.3 4.0 6.3 13—mOlst 250 5.6
39 A 6,3 4.0 6.3 13—nwist 250 10.0
40 A &3 4.0 6.3 13—mOl*t 250 10.3
41 8 6. I 4.0 6.2 7—m019t 250 26.0
42 8 6,1 4,0 6,2 9—mOlst 250 I 7,0
43 8 6. I 4.0 6.2 14—nl.alst 250 5.6
44 8 6.1 4.0 6.2 21 —moist 2s0 2.5
45 8 6,1 4,0 6,2 28—m.lst 250 1,2

●Aggregate A—Elgin Sand, Ea. Clake Gravel. B—Elgln Sand, Elg!n Gravel.
fMeasured rate of abs.rptio. submerged.

r , , , > I ,

&=40 Xlo-’

,005 ~
At =


9 1,
9-10 -11-12-1-2-3-4-5 9-10 -11-12-I-2-3-4-5 9-10 -11-12-1:2-3-4-5

Fig. 2 — High Pressure Permeability Tests on Two Concrete Cylinders.



I1 XIO-6

K(spec#2)= 6,6x0 .05x 10-’0=0.13x10-’2

1.96x I0400x0.012 ,/

K (spec#l ) = 7x0,05 x10-’0=0,13x10-’2

1.96x I0400x0,013

Slope = 7x10-’0
Q = 0013

I 1

0 5 10 15 20
Time, Thousands of Seconds

Fig, 3—Specimens No. I and No. 2 Tested a+ 45oO psi.

fog room until time of test. This specimen cured in the moist room for 7 days and
w~s removed after 1 day in the mo~st room placed under test; one in the pressure ap-
and placed in 50 per cent relative humidity paratus under 50 psi; another in the pres-
storage for 3 days before testing. The ex- sure apparatus under 250 psi (approximate-
tremely high permeability coefficient, over ly 2 hours later); and the third immersed
12000x 10-lZ as measured by this method in water and weighed (after being wiped
of test, shows the very bad effects on per- dry) at intervals. The specimens were of
meability by early drying. It showed fur- rich, low w/c concrete thought to be the
ther that a partially dried specimen cannot most likely to be deficient in internal mois-
be tested by the method proposed in this ture even under fog curing (Specimens No.
paper and brought up some question about 26, 27 and 28 in Table I).
the validity of assumption 7 regarding the
An inspection of Table 1 shows that the
relative humidity within the specimen at
permeability coefficient for Specimen No.
time of test. The shape of the q’/t curve
26 at 50 psi was ,1.9 x 10-” and for Speci-
for this specimen indicated excessive sur-
men No. 27 at 250 psi was 3.3 x 10-lZ. In
face drying and non-uniformity of moisture
addition, Specimen No. 28 tested for ab- 1
content as required by assumption 1. I
sorption during the water immersion for
REPRODUCIBILITY 312 hours showed a gain in weight of only
As a result of findings on Specimen No. TABLE 2—PERMEABILITY DATA USING
20, it was decicled to make tests on dupli- EQUATIONS (1) AND (2)—SPECIMENS 1 AND 2

cale specimens at equal moist-cured ages at

different hydraulic
soned tha L if internal
pressures. It was rea-
negative pressures
+&en lime.f
Test I AVAf
la I Kx\Or2

I.eq, (1) !s1 day (4 P,d 84X1

o-9 0.034 1.75 0.1s
were appreciable within the specimen the 2nd day (4 p.m.] 40XI 0+ 0.064 I .60 0.15
3rd day (4 p.m.] 23x1 0+ 0,091 I ,44 0.;;
lower pressure lest should indicate the -eq, (2)
higher coefficient of permeability. In ad-
2...+ (1)Id day 4 p.m.) 57XIo-p 0,033
dition, a’ third specimen cast from the same 2“d d.:4 ,.m.) 40:0+ oi3 ~ij $i~
batch of concrete was fabricated for ab- 3rd day (4 p.m.) 25xI 0-9 0.088
— —
-eq, (2) – 0.13
sorption tests. The three specimens were

Journal of the PCA Research and

23 grams. From this it would appear that
under conditions of fog curing the per-
meability measurement would not be great-
ly affected by a deficiency of water within
the test specimen. O—AM Entr., ned
x — No” A,, En,,.,.ed
However, the difference between 1.9
x 1O-’Z and 3.3 x 10-~z in the permeability
coefficient raised another question con-
cerning the effect of pressure on the per-
meability determination and another pair
) of specimens from the same batch, Speci-
mens No. 29 and 30, were tested at 14
I days. With this pair the apparent effects of
pressure were reversed and it was concluded
tentatively that variations among specimens
should be investigated before effects of dif-
ferences in test pressure were considered
further. Accordingly arrangements were
made to compare results on a few suppos-
o 7 14 21 28
edly identical specimens all tested at the Fog Curing DOW
same pressure.
Fig. 4 — Permeability vs Curing Time.
Results from three such specimens, Spec-
imens No. 31, 32 and 33, are shown in can be made. There could be advantages
Table 1 suggesting that results having at for either method, depending on the pur-
least 50 per cent deviation from a mean pose of the test.
of several tests might reasonably be ex- Results from the investigation to date
pected at the K = 2 X 10-12 level of perme- suggest that the test method described may
ability. Results from Specimens No. 36 and be useful for comparisons of relative per-
40 inclusive suggest a slightly better agree- meabilities of different concrete mixtures.
ment at the K = 8 x 10-12 level. A number It is the hope of the authors that others
of possibilities that might account for such may find the proposed method of sufficient
deviations can be advanced. The most merit to warrant further study of its use-
likely seems to be the nonuniformity among fulness to the concrete industry.
test specimens. In view of lack of reproduci-
bility of results found in other methods of
permeability testing, the degree of conform- The authors wish to acknowledge the
ity suggested here seems well within reason most helpful advice of Dr. T. C, Powers
considering the present state of develop- on theoretical considerations involved in
ment of the proposed method. the method, the assistance of the Research
and Development Shops in fabricating the
The other specimens listed in Table 1 excellent equipment used in the test, and
show K values that seem to be reasonably the assistance of the Applied Research Sec-
comparable among themselves. However, tion in making the test cylinders.
these values are generally well below those
that have been obtained by othersf z) (~) REFERENCES

using clifferen t procedures for measuring 1. Lindsay, J. D., “Illinois Develops High Pressure
j permeability. Fig. 4 shows the effect of Air Meter for Determining Air Content of
duration of moist curing on permeability Hardened Concrete,” Proceedings, Highway Re-
search Board, 35, 424-435 (1956).
as measured by the proposed procedure,
and something of the effects of cement con- 2. Ruettgers, Arthur, Vidal, E. N., and Wing, S. P.,
“An Investigation of the Permeability of Mass
tent. Effects of air entrainment do not
Concrete with Particular Reference to Boulder
seem to be large with cement contents held Dam,” Proceedings, American Concrete Institute,
constant. 31, 382-416 (1935),
It seems likely that the pvofmsed method 3. U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Waterways Ex-
periment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi, “Per-
should not show values of K that are di- meability and Triaxial Tests of Lean Mass
rectly comparable with those of other pro- Concrete,” Technical Memorandum No. 6-380
cedures that require establishing a constant (March, 1954), 62 pages with Appendix of 25
rate of outflow before the determination pages,

Development Laboratories September 1961 7

Bulletins Published by the
Research Department
Research and Development Laboratories
of the
Portland Cement Association

100. “List of Published Bulletins and Papers of the Research Department,”

May, 1.959 (Also lists earlier research papers of the Portland Cement
101. “Determination of the Apparent Density of Hydraulic Cement in Water
Using a Vacuum Pycnometer,” by C. L. FORD.
Reprinted from ASTM BWletin, No. 231, 81-84 (July, 1958).

102. “Long-Time Study of Cement Performance in Concrete-Chapter 11.

Report on Condition of Three Test Pavements After 15 Years of Serv-
ice,” by FRANK H. JACKSON.
Reprinted from Journal of the American Co?acTete Institute (June, 1958); Pro-
ceedings, 54, 1017-1082 (1957-1958).

103. “Effect of Mixing and Curing Temperature on Concrete Strength,” by

Reprinted from Jotmnal oj the American Concrete Institute (June, 1958); Pro-
ceedings, 54, 1063-1081(1957-1958).
104. “The Successive Determination of Manganese, Sodium and Potassium
Oxide in Cement by Flame Photometry,” by C. L. FORD.
Reprinted from ASTM Bulletin, No. 233, 57-83 (October, 1958).

105. “The Surface Energy of Tobermorite,” by STEPHEN 13RUNAUER, D. L.

Reprinted from Canadian Journal of Chemistw, 37, 714-724 (April, 1959).
106. “The Flow of Water in Hardened Portland Cement Paste,” by T. C.
Reprinted from Higitwav Research Boawt Special Report 40, 308-323 ( 195S).

107. “The Ball-Mill Hydration of Tricalcium Silicate at Room Temperature,”

Reprinted from Journal of CoUotd Science, 14, 383-376 (1959).

108. “Quantitative Determination of the Four Major Phases of Portland

Cement by Combined X. Ray and Chemical Analysis,” by L. E. CoPE-
Reprinted from Analuttcal Che?nist?w, 31, 1521-1530 (September, 1959).

109. “Function of New PCA Fire Research Laboratory,” by C. C. CARLSON.

Re rinted from the Journal of the PCA Research and Development Labora-
tor? es, 1, No. 2, 2-13 (May, 1959).

110. “Capillary Continuity or Discontinuity in Cement Pastes,” by T. C.

Re rinted from the Jou?’naL of the PCA Research and Development Labora-
tor res, 1, No. 2, 38-48 (May, 1959).

111. “Petrography of Cement and Concrete,” by L. S. BROWN,

Reprinted from the Journal of the PCA Research and Development Labora-
tories, 1, No. 3, 23.34 (September, 1959),
112, “The Gravimetric Determination of Strontium Oxide in Portland
Cement,” by C. L, FORD.
Reprinted from ASTM BuUetW No. 24S, ‘71-75 (April, 1960).
113. “Quantitative Determination of the Four Major Phases in Portland
Cement by X-Ray Analysis,” by STEPHEN BRUNAUm, L. E. COPIZLAND,
Reprinted from Proceedings of the American Society for Testing MatertaLs, 59,
1091-1100 (1959).

114. “Long-’llme Study of Cement Performance in Concrete-Chapter 12.

Concrete Exposed to Sea Water and Fresh Water,” by I. L. TYLRR.
Reprinted from Jotmaal of the American Concrete Institute (March, 1960);
Proceedings, 56, 625-836 (1960).

115, “A Gravimetric Method for the Determination of Barium Oxide in Port-

land Cement,” by C. L, FORD.
Reprinted from ASTM Bulletin, No. 247, 77-60 (July, 1960).
116. “The Thermodynamic Functions for the Solution of Calcium Hydroxide
in Water, ” by S. A. GREENBERG and L. E. COP~LAND,
Reprinted from Journal of Pit@cat Chem.istrv, 64, 1057-1059 (August, 190J3).
117. “Investigation Hydrated Silicates. I. Volubility Products,”
of Colloidal
Reprinted from Journal of Ph@ca2 Chemtstw, 64, 1161-1156 (September, 1960).
118. “Some Aspects of Durability and Volume Change of Concrete for Pre-
stressing,” by PAUL KLIEGER.
Reprinted from the Journal of the PCA Research and Development Labora-
torlee, 2, No. 3, 2-13 (September, 1960).
119. “Concrete Mix Water—How Impure Can It Be?” by HAROLD H. STEINOUR.
Reprinted from the Journal of the PCA Research and Development Labora-
tories, 2, No. 3, 32-50 (September, 1660).
120. “Corrosion of Pre8tressed Wire in Concrete,” by G, E. MONFORE and
Reprinted from Journal of the American Conc~ete Institute (November, 1960):
Proceedings, 57, 491-515 (September, 1960).
121. “Freezing and Thawing Tests of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete,” by
Reprinted from Journal of the American Concrete In$titute (January, 1961);
Proceedings, 57, 779-796 (1981).
122. “A Cement-Aggregate Reaction That Occurs With Certain Sand-Gravel
Aggregates,” by WILLIAM LERCH.
Reprinted from the Journal of the PCA Research and Development Labo7ato.
ries, 1, No. 3, 42-50 (September, 1959).
123. “Volume Changes of Concrete Affected by Aggregate Type,” by
Re rinted from tbe Journal of the PCA Research and Development Labora-
tor$’es, 2, No. 3, 13-19 (September, 1960).
124. “A Short Method for the Flame Photometric Determination Qf Magne-
sium, Manganic, Sodium, and Potassium Oxides in Portland Cement,”
by C. L. FORD.
Reprinted from ASTM BuUettn, No. 250, 25-29, (December, 1960).
125. “Some Physical Aspects of the Hydration of Portland Cement,” by
Reprinted from the Journal of the pCA Resea~ch and Development Labora-
tories, 3, No. 1, 47-56 (January, 1961).
126. “Influence of Physical Characteristics of Aggregates on Frost Re-
sistance of Concrete, ” by GEORGE VIIRBIIC~ and ROBERT LANDGREN.
Reprinted from Proceedings of the American Societg jov Testing Materials’, 60,
127. “Determination of the Free Calcium Hydroxide Contents of Hydrated
Portland Cements and Calcium Silicates,” by E, E. PRESSLER, STEPHEN
Reprinted from Analuticat Chemistw, 33, No. 7, 677-262 (June, 1961).

128. “An X-ray Diffraction Investigation of Hydrated Portland Cement

Reprinted from Proceedings of the American SoctetM for Testing il’fdt?TWS, 60,
1020-1036 (1960),

129. “Dimensional Changes of Hardened Portland Cement Pastes Caused

by Changes of Temp&ature,” by R. A. H’ELMUTH.
To be reprinted from Hi@wa~ Research Board Proceedings 40 (1061).
130. “Progress in the Chemistry of Cement, 1887.1960,” by HAROLD H,
Reprinted from the JOUT?UZ1 of the PCA Research and Development Labora-
tories, 3, No. 2, 2-11 (MaY, 1961).

131, “Research on Fire Resistance of Prestressed Concrete,” by HUBERT

WOODS,including discussion by V, PASCHKXS, and author’s closure.
Reprinted from Journal of the Stracttwat Division, Proceedings of the A?ne?+
can ~ociet~ of Civil Engineers, P?’oc. Pape~ 2640, 86, ST 11, 53-04 (November,
1960); Discussion, 87, ST 2, 59-60 (February, 1961); Closure, 87, ST 5, 61 (June,

132. “Centralized Control of Test Furnaces in the PCA Fire Research Labo-
ratory,” by PHIL J. TATMAN,
Reprinted from the Journal o the PCA Research and Development Labora-
tories, 3, No. 2, 22-26 (May, 1L 1),
133. “A Proposed Simple Test Method for Determining the Permeability of
Concrete,” by I. L. TYLER and BERNARD ERLIN,
Reprinted from the Journal of the PCA Research and Development Labora-
tories, 3, No, 3, 2-7 (September, 1901).

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