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subject + to be + used to + gerund

• Mum is used to making cookies, so they always come out perfect!

• Mary is very busy, but she doesn't mind. She is used to working very hard.

→ They are accustomed to do this, they do it all the time. It feels normal to them.


• I am not used to listening to music while I study. I find it distracting.

subject + used to + infinitive

• Dad used to make cookies for us when we were little, but he hasn't made them in
years. I wish he would make some now!

• Tommy used to go to the playground, but now he's too old for that.

→ They used to do something, but not anymore


• I didn´t use to like vegetables when I was a child, but now I love them.

Let´s practice. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of USED TO:

1. He ____________________ play football for the local team, but he’s too old now.

2. School starts at 9am, so the boy _________________ getting up early.

3. I ____________________ like broccoli when I was younger, but I love it now.

4. We ____________________ go to the seaside every summer when I was a kid.

5. I work in a hospital, so I ___________________ working long hours.

6. She ________________ work in a bank, but now she works in a bar.

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