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A, Is there any oxygen on Mars?

B, Is there any cheese on the Moon?

C, Are there any mammals with beaks and webbed feet?

D, Is there any weather on other planets?

E, Is ther fish that can walk on land?

F, Are there any birds that can’t fly?

G, Is there any water on the Moon?

H, Are there any apes that can be taught to speak?

I, Is there any oli or coal on the Moon?

J, Are there living any dinosaurs left on Earth?

a) There aren’t any cars that use water as fuel.

b) There aren’t any mammals that lay eggs.
c) There aren’t any polar bears that live in the Antartic.
d) There isn’t any alien that exist in our galaxy.
e) There aren’t any volcanoes in Britain.
f) There aren’t rains in the Sahara.

a) An
b) A some
c) Any
d) Some any
e) Some
f) A
g) Some
h) Some
i) A
j) Some

a) A
b) Any
c) Some
d) Any

e) An
f) Any
g) Any
h) Some
i) Any
j) Some

a) Crowd
b) Can
c) Packet
d) Tube
e) Cloud
f) Bar
g) Slice
h) Sheet
i) Piece
j) Carton

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