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MCQs Common Misspelled Words.

Q1.Find that misspelt word?

a) Admire b) amicable

c) furmidable d) Indomitable

Q2. Find that misspelt word?

a) sacrament b) sacred

c) sacrelege d) sacrosanct

Q3. Choose the misspelt word?

a) Advocacy b) Aristocracy

c) Democracy d) Courtecy

Q4. Find that misspelt word?

a) Surrender b) surfeit

c) Suppressor d) supremecy

Q5. Find that misspelt word?

a) Admonition b) Hallucination

c) Exageration d) Combination

Q6. Find that misspelt word?

a) Recommend b) Alluminium

c) Cemetery d) Satellite

Q7. Find that misspelt word?

a) Beaten b) Eaten

c) Stolen d) Writen
Q8.Find that misspelt word?

a) Laudable b) Literary

c) Leakeage d) Loafer

Q9.Find that misspelt word?

a) Radiant b) salient

c) Valiant d) brillient

Q10.Find that misspelt word?

a) Malignant b) prevalent

c) relevent d) poignant

Q11.Find that misspelt word?

a) Carrying b) torrent

c) gourrmet d) earring

Q12.Find that misspelt word?

a) Narrator b) Familiear

c) Grammar d) Operator

Q13. Find that misspelt word?

a) Posthumous b) Palmistry

c) Photostate d) Polytechnic

Q14 Find that misspelt word?

a) aborigin b) aberration

c) Agrarian d) admonish

Q15. Find that misspelt word?

a) pectorial b) picturesque c) burlesque d) grotesque

Q16. Find that misspelt word?

a) Extraction b) expedition

c) Burlesque d) excution

Q17. Find that misspelt word?

a) Buoyant b) Bulettin

c) Barrage d) Beginner

Q18. Find that misspelt word?

a) Running b) mining

c) Winning d) begining

Q19. Find that misspelt word?

a) Perforate b) hesitate

c) Irritate d) pennetrate

Q20. Find that misspelt word?

a) Amnesia b) xenophobia

c) diarrheoa d) pneumonia

Q21. Find that misspelt word?

a) Heterogeneous b) Fabulous

c) Gorgeous d) Inocuous

Q22. Find that misspelt word?

a) Reverent b) flagrent

c) Serpent d) repent

Q23. Find that misspelt word?

a) Kned b) Knee c) Knack d) Kneel

Q24. Find that misspelt word?

a) Temperature b) Tomorrow

c) Occurence d) Preferable

Q25. Find that misspelt word?

a) Momentum b) commemorates

c) Commemorate d) Comemorate

Q26. Find that misspelt word?

a) Renaissance b) Rennaisance

c) Renaissances d) Resistance

Q27. Find that misspelt word?

a) Economics b) Economy

c) Ecumenikal d) Ecumenical

Q28. Find that misspelt word?

a) inconvineinced b) inconvenienced

c) Convince d) Introduction

Q29. Find that misspelt word?

a) Received b) Sent

c) resieve d) Receive

Q30. Find that misspelt word?

a) Aberrance b) maditation

c) Deliberate d) nauseating

1 C 11 C 21 D
2 C 12 B 22 B
3 D 13 C 23 A
4 C 14 A 24 C
5 C 15 A 25 D
6 B 16 D 26 B
7 D 17 B 27 C
8 C 18 D 28 A
9 D 19 D 29 C
10 C 20 C 30 B

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