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Task 1: Week commencing Monday 11th May


The purpose of this is to explain how you are planning on responding to your chosen theme or stimulus at
this time. This may well change over the coming months (as it should do) however a statement of intent
makes it clear what it is you are planning to explore, why and how you intend to go about it.

In a short paragraph, explain…

1. How you have been influenced by your journal research?
What elements of the theme or subject interest you most
(technique or subject...?)
e just write 2. What is your chosen subject matter and how do you
NB: At this stag
a te m e nt o f intent as a intend to develop it? There might be an additional theme
y our st or focus you might like to link your work to later…what
rd d o c u m e nt. You will be
wo might that be?
sk ed to p rese n t this once 3. Who are the initial artists you want to explore further? For
ver your
we have read o each artist/photographer/contextual reference- you will
the visual
ideas and seen
need to identify areas of specific interest to you and how
ave done. this might effect the way your work develops (this will
research you h
300-400 words
probably relate to style, technique/materials or concept)
4. What it is you think you might like to make? Exhibition,
maximum installation, graphic artwork, an object of some kind??
What would be the purpose of your imagery?

Remember that this statement of Intent is a simple plan on how you intend to go forward based on
basic research from your journal and Pinterest images at this stage. A little focus if you will. Talk only
about the things that most interest and influence you and what you might potentially do at this
stage. This can and will be reviewed at a stage further on in your PI.

Please email if you have any further questions/read over your statements as they progress
Task 2: Week commencing Monday 11th May


This unit of work will be a Personal Investigation. It is your opportunity to explore areas of the
photography world that interest and excite you. It will take the form of a practical project based on an
idea, theme, concept or issue of your own choice. This will be supported by written material which links
to and supports your chosen focus. It must be based, at least in part, on primary sources.

TASK 2: Consider the areas that you may base your

project on. Select your starting point…
Consider the following:
What techniques do
you enjoy using? 1. Create a Pinterest board for your
ü What is your favourite
art/photography starting point. Research and pin
pictures about the theme you have
ü What made you
inspired during the
introductory period?
You must also select artists/photographers to research either from
the suggestions your teacher makes or your own research from
your recent journal or new findings. All must relate in some way to
your chosen starting point. Think carefully about your skills, what
are your strengths and what are your weaknesses? This is the time
to show off what you are best at as well as try new things and be
a little experimental!

Please look on our existing Pinterest boards at art@roundhay for ideas on starting points…

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