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Research 2

Please, search and name the most important Geopolitics schools of thought (at least two)
and explain their main principles.

First school of thought

Name: French school of geopolitics.

Main principles:

The French school of Vidal de la Blache, investigates not only the influence of
geographical phenomena in the life of the state but others, especially based on human
activity, on the capacity of man to modify geography and even the environment. In
general, it expresses the importance of relations, exchanges and communications in
national life, an importance which is growing in proportion to technical and scientific

Second school of thought

Name: North American School of Geopolitics

Main principles:

The American school represented mainly by Admiral Mahan, Dorpalan, Weiger and
Spikman, focused on distorting German geopolitics and maintaining the validity of
political geography, confusing it with geopolitics, but nevertheless, creating didactic and
analytical methods. In the early 1940s Strausz predicted that the predominant role the
United States would assume in the world economy would be of such force that it would
not require any territorial expansion. It was Strausz who exposed the projections of his
country's geopolitics in the sense that;although the United States has no interest in
obtaining portions of the spaces it achieves as a result of its military effort, it does have an
immediate interest in implementing and maintaining a universal order that will be the
compensation for its sacrifices. The security of this universal order would ultimately
depend on armed force, just as the security of any political system, even if the armed
force required is very small.


Cadena Montenegro, J. L. (2006). GEOPOLITICS AND IMPERIAL DELIRIES From

territorial expansion to the conquest of markets (10). Recovered from The Geopolitics -
Insubordinate www. insumisos. com ' Geopolitics and imperial delusions

Student’s full name: Evelyn Andrea Jácome

Course: International Business 6th B

Date: Saturtay, May 9, 2020

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