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MCT Observation Feedback Form

Grade Level: KG2 Subject: English

Trainee’s name: Mariam Abdulla School: VIPS
MST (mentor’s) name: Diane Tzovanis Date: 17 October 2019

The MST (Mentor School Teacher) will use this form to formally observe the trainee’s performance and to give feedback based on the
selected teaching competencies.

Commitment to the Profession

- Ms Jadine asserted that Mariam has demonstrated exemplary professionalism, especially in the past week.

Planning for Learning

- Excellent learning activities: students are fully engaged in their work!
- Mariam has planned plenty of extension activities for students who finish early. A large number of students
benefited from these 😊
- The entire lesson was very well planned.
- Excellent plenary: very well planned and VERY, VERY well delivered!!!!
- Please try to submit a more detailed lesson plan next time. For example: you state that students will “complete
the activities” but you did NOT describe the activities in enough detail. Please correct this next time.

Managing Learning
- Mariam begins the lesson very enthusiastically with a loud voice and a smile.
- Her enthusiasm and positive mood persisted throughout the lesson 😊
- Mariam can also be quite firm with the students, when necessary.
- Mariam adequately disciplines a student who unjustifiably took a pair of scissors – well done! She also makes
one student apologize to another. Well handled.
(Mariam’s eyes are everywhere – as they should be!!)
- Mariam has an excellent demeanour with students (some are quite challenging to deal with!): she is very firm
when she needs to be, but remains positive and encouraging most of the time.
- Mariam is constantly managing the time (she often checks the clock!)😊
- Mariam triggers clean up time: she simply makes excellent use of her voice and body language to do this.

Implementing Learning
- Very clear instructions are given to students, for each activity in each group: this is done swiftly and effectively.
- Students are working very happily during the student centered activity.
- Students are highly – HIGHLY – engaged in the tasks!!! They are very focussed on their work.
- Mariam is in control of the entire class.
- Her thorough planning has served her well, as she quickly identifies student needs (e.g. students who have
finished) and is able to immediately cater to these needs
- Mariam has promised marshmallows! And she uses this ‘promise’ to settle students during the plenary 😊
- Mariam calls out different student names and solicits individual responses – super 😊
- Students respond soooo enthusiastically to Mariam’s plenary
- Mariam has developed a very good rapport with her students 😊😊😊

Assessment See back

- Please add your lesson plan: “I will assess students by questioning them and by observing them during the
learning activities”

Reflection on Practice

- Mariam was able to reflect on today’s lesson and to set a new goal for the near future:
She wants to plan more creative activities next time…. I think this is a great goal, and I am looking forward to
seeing these activities very soon!

Well done Mariam! Please keep up your efforts 😊

Action Plan:

Please correct a few erroneous sentences (spoken English) used during the lesson:

1- This is the words that not start with ‘H’ (say instead “These are the words that DO NOT start with H”)

2- Is it start with the letter H or not? (say instead “Does it start with the letter H or not?”)

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