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4/15/2019 Yang Motility Vessel Acupuncture Points

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Yang Motility Vessel Meridian Acupuncture


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4/15/2019 Yang Motility Vessel Acupuncture Points

Yang Motility Vessel Meridian Points

GB 20: feng chi / Wind Pool

Function: Eliminates wind (interior and exterior), subdues Liver yang, brightens the
eyes, bene ts the ears, clears heat, clears the brain.
Indications: Headache, vertigo, insomnia, pain and sti ness of neck, blurred vision,
glaucoma, red and painful eyes, tinnitus, convulsion, epilepsy, infantile convulsion,
febrile diseases, common cold, nasal obstruction, rhinorrhea.

BL 1: jing ming / Bright Eyes

Function: Expels wind, clears heat, brightens the eyes, stops pain, stops itching,
stops lacrimation.
Indications: Redness, swelling and pain of the eye, itching of the canthus,
lacrimation, night blindness, color blindness, blurring of vision.

ST 1: cheng qi / Tear Container

Function: Expels wind, brightens the eyes, stops lacrimation.
Indications: Redness, swelling and pain of the eye, lacrimation, night blindness,
twitching of eyelids, facial paralysis.

ST 3: ju liao / Great Bone-Hole

Function: Expels wind, removes obstructions from the channel, relieves swellings.
Indications: Facial paralysis, twitching of eyelids, epistaxis, toothache, swelling of
lips and cheek.

ST 4: di cang / Earth Granary

Function: Expels wind, removes obstructions from the channel, bene ts tendons
and muscles.
Indications: Deviation of the mouth, salivation, twitching of the eyelids.

LI 16: ju gu / Great Bone

Function: Moves blood locally, removes obstructions from the channel, opens the
chest, subdues ascending rebellious Qi, stimulates the descending of Lung Qi,
bene ts the joints.
Indications: Pain and motor impairment of the upper extremities, pain in the 3/5
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Yang Motility Vessel Acupuncture Points
shoulder and back.

LI 15: jian yu / Shoulder Bone

Function: Bene ts sinews, promotes circulation of Qi in the channels, stops pain,
expels wind.
Indications: Pain in the shoulder and arm. Motor impairment of the upper
extremities, rubella, scrofula.

SI 10: nao shu / Upper Arm Point

Function: Quickens the blood and frees the connecting vessels, soothes the sinews
and dissipates binds.
Indications: Swelling of the shoulder, aching and weakness of the shoulder and

GB 29: ju lido / Squatting Bone-Hole

Function: Removes obstructions from the channel.
Indications: Pain and numbness in the thigh and lumbar region, paralysis,
muscular atrophy of the lower limbs.

BL 59: fu yang / Instep Yang

Function: Removes obstructions from the channel, invigorates the Yang Motility
Vessel, strengthens the back.
Indications: Heavy sensation of the head, headache, lower back pain, redness and
swelling of the external malleolus, paralysis of the lower extremities.

BL 62: shen mai / Extending Vessel

Function: Removes obstructions from the channel, bene ts the eyes, relaxes the
sinews, opens the Yang Motility Vessel, clears the mind, eliminates interior wind.
Indications: Epilepsy, mania, headache, dizziness, insomnia, backache, aching of
the leg.

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