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Name: Apurva Jogi

Roll No: 06

The Made to Stick

Effective Communication is possible between two people only when both pays
attention towards to each other and understands what the other person tries to
say. If we think about any “Stand-up” comedy shows, a comedian have to add
some punches line or add jokes as much as possible to make people laugh and
entertain. Saying so, how this is possible to seek people’s attention every time?
And how to keep it?

We usually find mysterious stories interesting. Why? As the story has power to
keep the audience engaged, attentive and have the surprises in it. And so, no
doubt people read or watch it till the end to know and understand the actual
story. Surprises in the story helps to keep people to find the answers. As,
humans thinks in a consistent pattern and surprises in a conversation helps to
think in different direction.

By giving an example of minivan advertisement, it family is inside the van and

suddenly the accident happens with the car. This advertisement is about the car
seat belt. But, here the attention of the people to the advertisement or getting
people engaged to the advertisement is possible by adding twist to the
advertisement. Mysterious story or unpredicted ideas are more likely to stick
because surprises makes us to pay attention to the ideas and think.

Similarly, “interest” gets developed when we more curious to know the gaps
between the things. When we are more curious to know what we are not aware
about or we don’t know, it helps to build an interest in knowing it. Example, if
someone knows the state capitals of 17 of 50 states, ones feel proud of having
the knowledge. But, at the other hand, if someone knows 47 out of 50 states, is
more curious to other 3 states and builds an interest in knowing it. We remain
curious as long as when there is gap in our knowledge. By asking the questions
and ask people to think on it, it helps to main curiosity. Loewenstein, the author
of gap theory, says that, knowledge are very painful. When we want the
people’s attention or keep the people’s attention, we should take inspiration
from the author’s like, kennedy. As unexpected ideas always have the surprises!

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