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Cognitive Restructuring Steps – Situation A

For response A (2 situations): "I was not aware that I was subjective and over-reacted in
an automatic, non-deliberate manner".

Situation Situation

1.Situation *
(Who? What? When? Where?)

* be precise and factual without your analysis

2.Body sensations at the time of event

(List the nature and location of sensations in the

3.Moods / Emotions
(What did you feel? Rate each mood/emotion
between 0–100%.)

4.Automatic Thoughts
(What was going through your mind as you
encountered the situation? Put a star or mark the hot
thought. Rate your degree of belief in the hot thought
( 0-100%.)

5.My automatic over reaction and the

consequences to self and others

6.My main cognitive distortion/s

7.Evidence that supports my Hot Thought

8.Evidence that does not support my Hot

9.Alternative/ Balanced Thoughts
(Write alternative or balanced thoughts Rate how
much you believe each thought between 0-100%)

10.Rate moods now and degree of belief in

the hot thought

(Re-rate moods and any new moods between

0 – 100%.

Re-rate your degree of belief in the hot thoughts

between 0 – 100%)

11.What could have been the different ways

of responding objectively ?

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