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One person went for the better in her class, was very difficult, and she couldn't say anything, and she was
turning red, and her friend told her: okay I will go. (1-M-APOS.DOC)

Dumb Child Jesus of the Cathedral of Seville. (6-M-SINC.DOC)

Tajamar 1986. In the get-together with the Father, one boy, in third year at Uni, gave the Father one check
with one bag. The check: Bank of God. For pay: my hole life. Quantity: all that I have. He didn't whistle
because he had a good collection of coins. He sold all and whistled. In the bag there was a gold coin. (6-R1-

In a chat: vocation? What would I be without the work? (6-R1-VOC.DOC)

The man who ate stones. He travelled by bicycle made with stone. At the end he ate his bicycle. Then he
stopped. We cannot eat our vocation. We cannot play with it. (6-R1-VOC.DOC)

Lucia did her first communion before her 7 age. She went to prepare for the first communion to the parish.
She was the smallest. When the others didn't know the answers, the parish priest asked her. But when he
decided who could do the first communion, he didn't chose her, because she was too small. Then she went
to cry in front of an altar of Our Lady. Arrived the preacher of the recollection and he saw her crying. He
asked her what was going on, and he did her a test. Also talked with her a little bit. He allowed her to do
her first communion, and told her: be faithful to God, because you are a soul protect by him. (6-R1-

In Rome, in the `Galer¡a del Torre¢n' there is one painting of prudence and she has in one hand a serpent
and in the other hand a mirror. The prudence is boldness, she has a serpent in her hand, but also she has a
mirror, and she knows the past and the future; then she knows if the serpent will bite her. (6-M-APOS.DOC)

The doctor who looked after our Father, in the process of Beatification, was asked if our Father prayed a lot.
He answered: in my opinion he prayed too much. The Father said: we can never pray too much. (2-R3-

A priest 90 years old: I am very worried about the collective absolutions; I pray 25 Rosaries every day for
this intention. (2-R3-PRA.DOC)

Enriqueta la tonta: innocent soul, mental retarded, ignorant, uncultured, but very delicate inside. Our Father
asked her for one intention: to close one newspaper which was working against the Church. It disappeared
as did the other publications that tried to continue with work of Satan. (2-R3-PRA.DOC)

Once in one country our brothers had very bad difficulties, and one brother of ours wrote to our Father
saying: don't worry, because we pray a lot. And this comment gave a great joy to him. (2-R3-PRA.DOC)

In one trip with the Pope, Quico Navarro Valls was doing his reading at the end of the day, in the oratory.
After some time the Pope went in and Quico tried to go out to leave him alone. The Pope told him that he
could remain there. At the exit the Pope told him: now I understand how you say the right word at the right
time. (2-R3-PRA.DOC)

"Everyone slept, overcome with exhaustion. But the Father could not sleep. Had he been right to throw
himself into this escapade, leaving those he loved behind him? To go on was to abandon them. But, on the
other hand, how else could he continue to work in what God wanted...? Again and again he begged Our
Lord ceaselessly to show him where His Will lay: should he go on, or should he go back? In the end he
invoked the Blessed Virgin once again, asking her to show him which way to go by means of a precise sign
that he himself suggested to Our Lady. In the small hours of he morning he got up and left the place where
they had passed the night. Some time later, when he returned, he held a rose of gilded wood in his hand
and his face was radiant with joy." (At God's pace, p. 150) (2-M-OBED.DOC)

During a talk in the lounge room in Uffici our Father walked through the room and told the people: "please
don't get up". But some of them did. And our Father in a low voice said: "you don't know how to obey". (2-

In one centre in Rome, they decided to enrich the oratory like our Father wanted. He had given some
indications for this oratory. Because our Father had said Mass in this oratory, they were in doubt about how
to enrich it. They asked the Father and he said: do it, because obedience is the best souvenir. (2-M-

Our Father in Guatemala: "Who have confessed at -How high were we?"
- The Father: "At 10.000 metres high."
- "At 10.000 metres high, on my trip to Venezuela I said to Alvaro: Could you hear my confession?"
- The Father: "Afterwards I confessed also." (Cat. en A. III-75, p. 237) (12-M-CON.DOC)


The devotion from our Father to Our Lady of Torreciudad:
- 1970: the image of Our Lady is in the Spanish Commission to be restored. Our Father went into
the room where She was. This was the first time that our Father met with her since 1904 when the
grandmother brought him in thanksgiving for his healing. Our Father began to talk with her, and the three
brothers of ours who were there began to cry. When our Father realised that they were crying, he went out
telling her: my Mother, I am a rascal; 66 years without seeing you and I begin to talk with you asking for
things. In one day our Father went into the room to see her at least 14 times.
- 1975: the image of Our Lady is restored. It was in a safe box. One brother of ours was working
there. Often our Father went into the room and sat down near the safe box, without saying anything,
resting his head on the safe box. Some times he hit it softly saying: "Mother, my mother." (8-M-LADY.DOC)


The Father told us that when he was planning with the general council his trip to USA and Canada (1988),
the youngest of the auxiliary council said to him: Houston is very close to Guadalupe. The Father told us: "I
was thinking about it in my prayer, and at the beginning I was resisting, but at the end Our Lady will help
us reach." (8-M-LADY.DOC)


Armando Serrano, brother of ours, was terminally ill with cancer. He was praying the Rosary with difficulty,
and the person who was praying with him asked him if he wanted to stop it. Armando looking at the
painting of Our Lady said: of Mary numquam satis (never it is enough). (8-M-LADY.DOC)

In one get-together with a person from the General Council: "You want the Father to go to your region; this
is very good. But, in each centre, you've got Jesus in the Tabernacle, and this is enough. (5-CORPUS.DOC)

Summer 1952, Castellgandolfo. Our Father went into the oratory for a visit, and the linen over the altar was
quite short. He asked for a pair of scissors and cut up one of the parts of it, saying: "I did this for you to
learn that for Our Lord all has to be worthy. Even though we don't have anything to eat, we will buy today
enough cloth to make another." (Cn. 79, p. 388) (5-CORPUS.DOC)

Our Father in one Southamerican country told our brothers: "I will tell you some words from Isaias:
quoniam bene! You have done very well! I have seen how you treat the Lord in the Holy Eucharist. You've
made me very happy." (Cn XII-78, p. 104) (5-CORPUS.DOC)

What joy that our Father had when he explained how the tabernacle of the oratory of the General Council,
had the best thing on the inside, and to see it you had to put your head into it. It is only for Jesus. (Cn 78,
p. 170) (5-CORPUS.DOC)

Once our Father was with the Father in the north of Italy, in summer. They were in a house with Our Lord
in a room up stairs for greater safety. They were working on the ground floor, and the Father tells us how
our Father who had a pain in the articulations, stopped his work, went to up stairs to drop in to the oratory
many times during the day. (5-CORPUS.DOC)

Summer 1967, Tor D'aveia. Our Father had to go out in a hurry and told someone: "Go and tell Him that all
of us we love Him a lot." (5-CORPUS.DOC)

When our Father landed in Venezuela, one woman gave him a flower. He held on to it, and when he arrived
at the centre, left the flower near the tabernacle. (Cn. I-86, p. 35) The Father did this when he came to
Australia in early 1987. (5-CORPUS.DOC)

One brother of ours was in the lounge room doing his reading. Our Father came through and told him: "Our
Lord is alone in the tabernacle." (5-CORPUS.DOC)

Fr. Fco. Vives was walking with our Father in the Villa, and went into the oratory of the General Council. Our
Father genuflected once and then a second time saying: "excuse me Lord, I wasn't putting my heart." (5-

29- SIN
Once upon a time a General was winning all the battles he fought without being hurt. Then, in a
tremendous battle he was hit by a bullet. When it was all over, he called his captains and told them: "Today
I've won the best battle, because now everybody knows that I am vulnerable." (Cat. en A. III-75, p. 277)
30- SIN
In Cavabianca, in the Father's room, over a little table, there is a soup tureen. The room is very nice and the
soup tureen is very poor. If you don't know the history of this thing, it looks quite out of place. It was given
by our Portuguese brothers to our Father. It had been broken before and was now mended. Our Father
liked very much this present, because he saw himself as an old broken thing which had been lovingly
mended. (12-R2-SI.DOC)

31- SIN
Once our Father passed by the kitchen in Rome, and saw the frying-pans shining. He said: "Very good, my
daughters; like that you have to have the soul." (Cn. 79, p. 197) (12-R2-SI.DOC)

32- SIN
Our Father used to hide under his bed when he had to greet his parents' friends. The grandmother told
him: "Be ashamed only for sin." (Dos meses I, p 335) (12-R2-SI.DOC)

33- SIN
A sentence that our Father put in his room in front of his bed. "Jesus separate from me all the things that
separate me from you." (12-R2-SI.DOC)

Once a brother of ours needed transfusion blood, and our Father was the first to give his blood to him. But
because he had been a diabetic they didn't take his blood. Our Father was very happy seeing our brothers
fighting to give him their blood. We have to give our blood to our brothers, our time, our life; to put our
heart on the floor like a carpet for them to walked more softly. (9-R3-HCU.DOC)

A brother of ours had twisted his foot. Our Father spoke to him about his foot: "Be careful, because you
have to walk a lot in the world." (Cn. III-91, p. 84) (9-R3-HCU.DOC)

It was in Rome when one brother of ours fixing a curtain in a window, was making noises. Our Father asked
him: "Are you, my son?" "Yes, Father." And our Father went out. On the following morning our Father asked
him for pardon, because he didn't say anything else to him. (Cn. 79, p. 1146) (9-R3-HCU.DOC)

The administration had made a chasuble for our Father. He rang them and told them: "I am going to
celebrate Mass, and I will keep you in mind and the other persons who have helped you to make it." (Cn.
79, p. 393) (9-R3-HCU.DOC)

When our Father suffered in Rome hard contradictions, he put in a slab of marble his thoughts: "I have left
a memento inscribed on a slab of marble in Cortile Vecchio that your brothers will be able to read through
the centuries... But Opus Dei `being firm, compact and steady, was growing stronger and was spreading.'
Be firm! Be compact! Be steady!" (Cn. II-76, p. 11) (9-R3-HCU.DOC)

There was a painting that our Father bought in Madrid. It was at first in Valencia, but then he asked for it to
be put in Rome. Now it is in the sacristy in Rome. It is Christ bent over and exhausted, as crook-hump-
backed. "Like many times I have seen myself." Don't leave the Father alone. (12-M-PEN.DOC)


A brother of ours in a get-together was talking about our Father and told us that the biographies about him
cannot express the best of our Father: his eyes, his voice, his expression, his smile, his heart. (9-R1-


Boro, our brother who a is painter, told me that he never could paint our Father, because every day his face
changed. (9-R1-OUR.DOC)


When our brothers asked our Father what they had to write in his tomb: "I said: My sons, don't put my
name on the stone when you have to bury this poor mortal body. Then what will we put? they asked. Put,
`Et genuit filios et filias', he bore sons and daughters, like the Patriarches." (Cn. I-71, p. 9) (9-R1-OUR.DOC)


In the Elective General Council, someone proposed that we only use the name Father for our Father, and
call the following fathers General President. The Father said no way: "If we don't have a father, we wouldn't
be a family." (I think this brothers of ours proposed that because at the beginning it was a little bit difficult
for our older brothers to talk about the Father and our Father. (9-R1-OUR.DOC)


Once a very high person in the Holy See said: "In Opus Dei first is the Father and then the Eternal Father."
Our Father said: "Say to this person that God is very happy for us to go to Him through the Father." (Cn
VII-75, p. 158) (9-R1-OUR.DOC)


When our Father was in Venezuela, he received from Rome the letters from his sons, and he commented:
"I've read again the letters that you have brought to me. I feel like the mothers that read many times the
letters from their sons." (Cat. en A. II-74, p. 603) (9-R1-OUR.DOC)


When we watch the movies of our Father we realise how our father loved us. When people said to him that
they were in the Work, the face of our Father changed. (9-R1-OUR, DOC)


The our Father that we know is more grandfather than father. You should listen to a tape of our Father with
the counsellors, commenting his letter `Videns eos'; the shouts that our Father throw to the counsellors! (9-


There was in Rome a brother of ours philosopher, whose family asked him to go to Mexico to managed his
father's business. Our Father told him: "All that you will earn you place here, in my hand, and I will have
enough room." When our Father went to Mexico in a get-together he told him this. This brother of ours
stood up and kissed the hand of our Father. Our Father told him: "thanks, my son, you have paid me
enough." (Dos meses II, p. 616) (9-R1-OUR.DOC)


In Guatemala our Father met with a Jewish cooperator: "I would like to embrace you, but I have a cold, and
I don't want to give it you." "Doesn't matter, Father. If cold is from you it is a good cold." "How I love you
my dear son!" "Father, in Arabic there is proverb that says that the heart of an Arab is like a mirror where
the affection of one reflects perfectly the other's affection. In this case the mirror is a magnifying glass."
(Cat. en A. III-75, pp. 296-297) (9-R1-OUR.DOC)


The Father announced to our brothers the erection of the Work as a Personal Prelature in the oratory, like
our Father used to do. They prayed the Preces and the Father repeated three times the prayer for the Pope,
like our Father did with the prayer for the bishop, when the Bishop of Madrid gave the first approval to the
Work. (9-R1-OUR.DOC)

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