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10A Key

Page 94 exercise 1b

Page 94 exercise 1c
1 Coins are not aerodynamic and they are relatively small and light, so although a person on the ground
would feel the impact, the coin wouldn’t kill him. It wouldn’t even hurt very much.
2 Neurologists haven’t been able to find any area of our brains which isn’t being used for something.
3 The sun illuminates every part of the moon at some point during the 24-hour cycle. It is true that there
is a side of the moon that we never see, but the other side isn’t always dark.
4 If you are caught in a thunderstorm, it is much safer to be inside a car than outside. But the tyres have
nothing to do with it. When lightning strikes a car, it is the car’s metal body that protects the passengers.
It acts as a conductor and passes the electrical current down to the ground.
5 Records show that young Albert got very high marks in maths and science.
Antibiotics can help your body kill bacteria, not viruses. You can’t actually ‘kill’ a virus since a virus is
not really alive to begin with.
6 In spite of a lot of scientific research, nobody has found any link at all between the full moon and
insanity or crime.
7 Bats can see just as well as humans. Like dogs, bats rely heavily on other senses like hearing and smell.
They have a very advanced sound-based system called echolocation, which allows them to know where
they are when they are flying at night.

Page 95 exercise 2c
person adjective

scientist scientific science

chemist chemical chemistry
biologist biological biology
physicist physical physics
geneticist genetic genetics

Page 95 exercise 2f
1 laboratory
2 discovery
3 theory
4 drugs
5 research; side effects
6 guinea pigs

Page 96 exercise 4a
Three (Alexander Bogdanov, Thomas Midgley, and Louis Slotin) died as a result of their
experiments or inventions.
Page 96 exercise 4b
2 B, D
5 A, C
Page 97 exercise 4c
anaesthetic /anəsˈθetɪk/
nitrogen /ˈnaɪtrədʒən/
blood transfusion /blʌd transˈfjuːʒn/
donors /ˈdəʊnəz/
malaria /məˈleərɪə/
tuberculosis /tjuːbɜːkjuˈləʊsɪs/
lead /led/
additive /ˈadətɪv/
polio /ˈpəʊliəʊ/
nuclear /ˈnjuːklɪə/
lethal dose /ˈliːθl dəʊs/

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