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SBD International School, Bhadrak

Class9 English Half Yearly Exam. Full marks: 80

Section:A Reading Skill

Q. 1. Read the passage given below and answer the following.

1. Creamy outlook with soft speech presentation is a prime facial attraction that brings joy on the
withering faces with a mixture of sensational touch. A smile with grace is the ultimate boon to mankind,
keeping any melancholy at bay. Old age is often miscalculated as a liability with little attention paid to
the aged. Their talents and learned potential are buried alive with undue care by an oblivious approach
due to their disfigured or deformed physical structure taken over by age. It happens to us all, however
hard we may try to delay the process. We grow old. Cosmetic surgery may remove the wrinkles, skin
which has sagged may be tightened by means of a facelift and a hairdresser may dye grey hair to a more
youthful colour, but we cannot remain young forever.

2. However, what is important is the quality of life. Some people are lucky to be taken care of at home
whereas others may have to move to old age residential homes. Most of the elders in old age homes are
not very happy as they are confined and feel isolated. But there are some elders who feel comfortable in
old age homes for the freedom and friendly atmosphere with other elders who keep their company,
enjoying the time with TV, games and gossip. The worst part of ageing is that often the mind becomes
less alert. As people grow older, they experience short-term memory loss. Later, some may suffer from
dementia, often in the form of Alzheimer's disease. By no means are all elderly people in this category.

3. Many senior citizens are in possession of all their faculties and see retirement as a time of freedom.
Not only that, if they have a generous retirement pension, they are likely to be quite well off with money
to be spent on a holiday and other luxuries. Because of this, both businesses and government have a
new respect for what is known as 'Grey Power'.

4. It is unfortunate that many people regard old people as geriatrics who have one foot in the grave.
Someone should remind them that they too would be old one day! They are honoured with the senior
citizen label granted by the authorities with due regard being paid to them by other people. One should
always bear in mind the old saying 'tit for tat' which denotes its symbolic regulation of periodical
sufferings. The aforesaid misdoings of emotional disparity, done by striding steps, is a curse to mankind.

1. ______ attention is paid to the aged and old age is often seen as a ___.

(a) A little, liable. (b) A litle, liability. (c) Little, liability. (d) Little, feasibility

2. Choose the option that best captures the central idea of the passage from the given quotes.

1. "Ageing is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength." - Betty Freidan

2. "Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art." - Eleanor

3. "Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again" - CS Lewis
4. "Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened." -Terry Pratchett

(a) Option 1. (b) Option 2. (c) Option 3. (d) Option 4

3. What all can cosmetic surgery do for us?

(a) It may produce wrinkles. (b) It tightens the sagging skin.

(c) It may remove wrinkles. (d) Both (b) and (c)

4. Why are some old people lucky?

(a) Because they have delayed their ageing. (b) Because they are taken care of by their children at

(c) Because they do not think that they are old. (d) Because they win a lottery.

5. What is the worst part of ageing?

(a) The mind becomes less alert. (b) The mind stops working.

(c) The heart rate slows down. (d) People suffer from dementia.

6. Alzheimer's disease is a type of

(a) dementia. (b) alopecia. (c) skin infection. (d) respiratory infection

7. Select the option that makes the correct use of 'sensational', as used in the passage, to fill in the blank

(a) His papers were.......... in form and contents.

(b) He holds that nothing exists except presentations, which are............

(c) Like the beaches, our sunsets over the horizon are simply.............

(d) All of the above

8. Choose the option that correctly states the meanings of 'oblivious', as used in the passage.

1. Conscious. 2. Thoughtful. 3. Logical. 4. Unaware. 5. deaf. 6. unsuspected

(a) 1 and 4. (b) 2 and 3. (c) 4 and 6. (d) 3 and 5

9. Which of the following will be the most appropriate title for the passage?

(a) Wisdom and Age. (b) Grey Power. (c) Senior Citizens. (d) Unfortunate Trend-Cosmetic Surgery

10. ____ word in para 1 means the same as 'shrinking'.

Q. 2. Read the passage given below and answer the following.

1. Millions of tons of small waste from plastic bags, bottles and clothes in the world's ocean present a
serious threat to human health and marine environment. This is a warming issued by the U.N. in a report
on the most dangerous environmental problem facing the world today. Global plastic production has
increased considerably in years nearly by 38%.

2. A poor waste management means when we have finished with our takeaways contains cigarette butts
and party balloons, they are worn down into trillions of even small particles by the waves. Therefore,
there is a growing presence of these micro plastic the world's oceans.

3. It was estimated in 2010 that millions of tons of plastic was washed into the season have since shown
up in the stomachs of whales, plankton and other marine life. Richard Thompson, professor of marine
biology said that in laboratory experiments the proof that micro plastic an cause harm to organisms.

4. More than a quarter of all fish now contained plastic, according to a recent study why analysed the
guts of fish sold in California. Scientist fear that chemical sin plastician also chemicals which attach
themselves to plastic in natural environment could each poisoning and many disorders in marine lie if
consumed in huge quantities.

5. Even human could be adversely affected by the plastic. People could even be brething in plastic
micro-particles suspended in the air with the risk of harmful effect on the lungs similar to air fumes.

6. Volunteers around the world collect trash and tally up what they find on the fall in Ocean's
Conservancy's Annual International Coastal Cleanup. The result item-by-item, location-by-location
Ocean Trash Index provides the only snapshot of marine debris littering coasts and waterways around
the world,

7. Boyance Slat, a Dutch student has developed a technology that could sift dangerous plastic particle
out of the ocean and sell them for profit or re-cycling. Richard Thompson recommended that people
avoid using products with micro beads and to make sure they dispose of all plastic products in a
appropriate way by, if possible.

(i) Select the option that is true for the two statements given below.

(1) More than a quarter of all fish now have plastics present in them.

(2) Millions of tons of plastic waste is present in the world's oceans.

a. (1) is the result of (2). b. (1) is the reason for (2). c. Both (1) and (2) are true. d. (1) contradicts

(ii) According to the passage, Richard Thompson is a ____.

(iii) _____ provides the only snapshot of marine debris littering coasts and waterways.

(iv) Through what does the cigarette butts and party balloons worn down into smaller particles?

(v) We can find out that more than a quarter of all fish contained plastics in them by:

a. the stark warming issued by the UN in a report on the most dangerous environmental problems facing
the world today.

b. collecting trash and tallying up what they find each day.

c. laboratory experiments performed by Richard Thompson a profession marine biology.

d. analysing the fish sold in California.

(vi) Choose the correct set of statement which is NOT TRUE

(1) Plastic could have similar effects like car fumes.

(II) Chemicals which attach themselves to plastic in natural environment could cause poisoning in marine

(III) Humans will never be adversely affected by the plastic.

(IV) In 2001, Millions of tons of plastic was washed into the sea.

(V) There is a growing presence of micro plastics in the world's oceans.

a. (I), (V). b. (I), (V). c. (I), (II). d. (III), (IV)

(vii) What amount of paper bags in the index are diffused into the oceans?

(viii) Fill in the blank with with the correct option.

There are _____ beverage cans found in the index.

a. 337,865. b. 339,875. c. 339,445. d. 333,347

(ix) Richard Thompson has recommended to use product that has no micro-beads of plastic into them.

(x) How can the technology developed by Beyonce Slat help to curb the plastic issue?

Section B: Writing & Grammar

Q3. Your maid's son secured a high percentage in the recent board exams. He thanked you for helping
him with studies and sharing your notes. Write a diary entry about how you felt when you realised that
someone had benefited because of the help you offered. (5x1)

Q. 4 Write a story in 100-120 words based on the clues given below. (5x1)

A boy was waiting for the bus on the bus stop. He saw an old man who was crossing the road. Suddenly
he saw car was coming towards him from the opposite side. Then he rushed to...


Write a descriptive paragraph in 100-120 words using the clues given below.

Evelyn Glennie was a hard working and well- determined girl..... at 11 years old she lost her hearing
power..... inspite of being deaf she never gave up.... she felt vibration through her body....... became the
most renowned multi- percussionist...... she is a shining example of determination.....
Q. 5 Answer any ten of the following. ( 1x10 )

1. Report the dialogue between a mother and her son, by completing the sentence:

Mother: Why are you late from school, Amit?

Amit: While coming from school to the bus stop, I slipped by stepping on a banana peel. In response to
the question about being late from school, Amit says that _____

2. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the following.

Yasini is trying to ______ on junk food as she has started to put on weight.

a) cut in. b) cut down. c) cut up. d) cut across

3. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option, to complete the words of an Olympic champion.

You _____ be tough enough to achieve your goal.

a) will. b) may. c) can. d) must

4. I ______ to the bank during my lunch-break today, but an old colleague _____ to visit us, so,
naturally, I wanted to hear all the news.

a) have gone / was coming. b) had gone / has come

c) was going/came. d) went/is coming

5. Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following line, from a
news report:

Two children died after a massive fire breaks out in a newly constructed hospital building in Andhra

Option no. Error. Correction

A. children. child

B. a. the

C. breaks. broke

D. in. at

6. Report the dialogue between a grandson and his grandfather, by completing the sentence:

Grandson: Grandpa, why do you eat an apple every day?

Grandpa: Because an apple a day keeps the doctors away, my son.

In response to the question about why he eats an apple every day, the grandfather

explains that _____.

7. Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket, for the

given portion of a letter:

I _____ (entreat) you address this at your earliest convenience and issue the recommendation letters.

8. Mona failed to join an important meeting. The team leader asked Mona the

following question. Report the TL's question.

Were you informed about the meeting yesterday?

9. Identify the error and supply the correction, for the following:


You're last chance to make a fashion statement

LAST DAY TODAY. (error correction)

10. The policeman told the students, "Do not park your vehicles here."

Reported speech: __________

a) The policeman asked them not to park their vehicles here.

b) The policeman asked them not to park their vehicles there.

c) The policeman asked them not to parked your vehicles here.

d) The policeman asked them not to park his vehicle here.

11. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option, to complete the words of Picasso.

Inspiration does exist, but it ______ find you working.

a) must. b) will. c) may. d) can

12. Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following line, from a
news report:

An initial investigation of the matter has revealed that the fire might have been caused by a short circuit.

Option no. Error. Correction

A. an. the

B. of. into

C. has. have

d. might. may

Section: C Literature
Q.6. Read the extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow.

(A) And she was dragged down to where father was pacing to and fro, hands behind his back. 'Well'? He
said sharply. Mother explained. He stopped and stared at the child. "Did you do that?" 'N-No,' she

(i) Why was 'she' dragged?

(a) Because she had stolen some money. (b) Because she had torn the important papers.

(c) Because she had made the pin cushion without permission. (d) Because of her mischiefs.

(ii) The statement that is true about the incidence discussed in the above extract.

(a) Kezia didn't tear the papers. (b) Grandmother encouraged her to tear the papers.

(c) Father wanted to enquire if Kezia had torn the papers. (d) Kezia was never afraid of her father.

(iii) Which word does 'whispered' not correspond to?

(a) Mumble. (b) Shout. (c) Murmur. (d) Mutter

(iv) What was the mother trying to explain to the father?

(v) What was the father doing when Kezia was brought to him?


(B) Einstein was deeply shaken by the extent of the destruction. This time he wrote a public missive to
the United Nations. In it he proposed the formation of a world government. Unlike the letter to
Roosevelt, this one made no impact. But over the next decade, Einstein got ever more involved in
politics agitating for an end to the arms build-up and using his popularity to campaign for peace and
democracy. (5x2)

(i) Here, the extent of destruction refers to which place?

(a) United States of America. (b) Japan. (c) Germany. (d) Switzerland

(ii) _____ from the extract means a long and official letter.

(iii) What did Einstein write to the United Nations?

(a) He wrote regarding the formation of a world government.

(b) He wrote regarding the action against who were involved in the destruction.

(c) He wrote regarding the effects of this destruction on the world.

(d) He wrote regarding the formation of relief camps for the destruction caused area.

(iv) Why did he write a letter to Roosevelt?

(v) Select the option that correctly captures the usage of the word 'impact' as used in the extract.

(a) My new pencil box is very impact. (b) Did you impact what he said to me?

(c) I don't know how to impact Rajvir. (d) The teacher's warning letter had a positive impact on the
defaulting students.

Q.7 Read the extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow. ( 5x1)

(A) They, too, aware of sun, air and water,

Are fed by peaceful harvests, by war's long

winter starv'd

Their hands are ours, and in their lines we .read

A labour not different from our own.

(i) State whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE.

All of us get the same gifts of nature in the same amount.

(ii) 'Peaceful harvests' in the extract means

(a) the crops grown during times of peace. (b) the crops grown in winter.

(c) the crops grown during times of war. (d) the crops grown in summer.

(iii) What is the significance of the word 'too'?

(a) It emphasises that 'they' are our enemies. (b) It emphasises that 'they' are greedy.ob wor

(c) It emphasises that 'they' are just like us in their need of sun, air and water. (d) It emphasises that
'they' are wealthy.

(iv) What does "By war's long winter starv'd" indicate?

(v) Select the appropriate option to complete the sentence.

The poem from which the extract has been taken is written in ____ verse.

(a) full. (b) half. (c) free. (d) great


(B) There, look what you did-you threw them all down.

You tore the pages of the books.

You brought rain again.

You're very clever at poking fun at weaklings.

(i) Name the poem from which this extract has been taken.

(a) Rain on the Roof. (b) On Killing a Tree. (c) A Legend of the Northland. (d) Wind

(ii) The given lines indicate that the poet is

(a) trying to give readers a moral lesson. ( b ) angry at the wind.

(c) trying to stop the damage. (d) trying people to be strong

(iii) The literary device used in the underlined lines is

(a) Repetition. (b) Anaphora. (c) Oxymoron. (d) Metaphor

(iv) Whom does the poet address as 'you'?

(v) How does it deal with the 'weaklings'?

Q. 8. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words. (any four ) ( 4x3 )

a. What was the difference in the attitudes of the science teacher and his wife towards APJ Abdul
b. How did the snake change the doctor's opinion about himself?
c. The school in the story was not lovable to kids. What should be done in order to make it
d. Which were the most beautiful towns for Bismillah Khan? Why?
e. 'The Road Not Taken' is a metaphor of life. Justify this statement.

Q. 9. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words. ( any two ) (2x3)

a. How did swallow prove to be the Happy Prince's true friend?

b. In the Kingdom of Fools, life was different. How was it different from common life ? Explain.
c. Why did the child refuse to own the things which he wanted before lost?

Q.10. Answer the following questions in about 100-120 words. ( any two ) (2x6)

a. When Einstein died , he was celebrated as a visionary and world citizen as much as a scientific
genius. Explain.

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